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19651699 No.19651699 [Reply] [Original]

What was the most "exotic" dish you've ever tasted?

>> No.19651714

I've tried gator just not like that, it was a normal stew, also tried turtle.

Also, there's a hot sauce they make around the amazon with these big fire ants, its delicous. And empanadas with shark are very good (cazón)

>> No.19651721

made the mistake of having a girlfriend from laos and i went to a family gathering. it was straight-up worms and shit. the most foul possible shit and i sampled it all. it was bizarre and unidentifiable stuff

>> No.19651724

An omelet with ant eggs of some type

>> No.19651737

Cat/dog. Tried both in the same hour walking through a literal 3rd world shithole in China. Stringy tough meat with bitter aftertaste. Would not recommend.
Tried alligator and kangaroo when I won a gift card to an online exotic meat shop. Both had their own unique gamey flavor but we're overall enjoyable. Gator stank up the kitchen and roo looked like purple organ meat when cooking but would recommend if those don't put you off.
Had a whole snake in Thailand. The little bits of meat were tasty like dark leg meat of a bird, but eating the bones for calcium is retarded. Would have eaten the heart but the guy paying for the meal wanted it.
I'd probably recommend snake the most and I'm curious to see how they do it in Texas and other southern states.

>> No.19651787

French fries.

>> No.19651823
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Snake on a stick

>> No.19652095
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Iguana soup

>> No.19652127
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Probably Ayu tempura.
Small fish with sweet guts that is battered alive and then swims to it's death in fry oil. I normally have a reservation about eating bones and viscera but this was pretty good.

>> No.19652133

this, worked with some Hmong for awhile. we'd kill deer and instead of cleaning the intestines they would wring out the shit into a bowl and use it as a base for a soup. They dumped so much MSG and peppers in it that it was still good. They also killed a fox and threw it in a crockpot, some fall off the bone fox.

>> No.19652590
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>shark empanadas
god damn that sounds good, I've had grilled shark and loved it

>> No.19652728
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chapulines at a Mexican restaurant
once you get over the "bug" part it's alright
that's the big hurdle I guess
later on I told a friend about it and he almost hurled just from me telling him about it. kek

>> No.19652744

yeh nah, the bugs aint for me chief

>> No.19652750

how much MSG does it take to make a shit soup base taste good

>> No.19652754

>used to be deep into world of exotic reptiles
>friend is Vietnamese also super into reptiles
>big into reticulated pythons
>he has a retic that got really sick I think was some kinda tumor or something
>snake gets euthanized
>he calls me and a few buddies over to his place
>he had butchered the 10+ foot snake
>he grills us reticulated python steaks
>he smokes some cuts and makes jerky and sausage links he we sample a few days later
none of it was very good it was pretty chewy if I had to describe it I would say almost kinda fishy like chewy swordfish might be a good comparison.

>> No.19652760

I will not eat ze bugs Klaus

>> No.19652761

My sister.
Besides that I've had Emu.

>> No.19652791

Cazón is truly delicious. Had ones near a beach that were still sizzling hot just out of the frier. Best empanadas i ever had in my fucking life, one of the most delicious things i think i've ever eaten even though the day was hot as fuck and i was sweating like crazy, it was a whole sensorial overload.

>> No.19652793

Someone should get that poofter Guga to do a wagyu dry aged in deer shit.

>> No.19653238

Pig intestine but in the Thailand style, not the style of the brothas. It was OK.

>> No.19653271
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Probably sea cucumber

>> No.19653291

What does it taste like?

>> No.19653294

Almost no taste of its own, it's flavored by whatever sauce you put on it. It's more about the texture, kind of crunchy/cartilaginous

>> No.19653305

This sounds good

>> No.19653372

Kangaroo burger, shark dim sum, cuttlefish nigiri

>> No.19653382

ate snake in rural china

>> No.19653491

i've had these too, i found them to be pretty mediocre though. the seasoning and smokiness was nice, but the grassiness was still overpowering.

>> No.19653526
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Mexicans have many other dishes with different insects and of them all chapulines might be the most palatable, it only gets worse from there, most bug dishes neither feel or taste good but there is nothing gross enough that mexicans will not put it in a tortilla and eat it

>> No.19653573


>> No.19653579

You’re full of shit, my gf is lao and I enjoy everything they make.

Other than kailuk

>> No.19653588

I want an asian gf so bad bros

>> No.19653591
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Party Food

>> No.19653595

Don’t get one long term if you’re just fetishizing them and you don’t actually like her as a person

>> No.19653622

Conch, muscovy duck, sweet breads, and some shit that a third worlder gave me from a stewing pot when I went to Africa.

>> No.19653638

Looks pretty good.
What's the bone situation?

>> No.19653644

Chicken and dumplings made from one of our farm roosters. Slow cooked over several hours.
The depth of flavor was unparalleled among chicken dishes.

>> No.19653670

kek. chapulines were at the very edge of my comfort zone
I would have to be piss drunk to even be able to look at this much less eat it

>> No.19654003

Horse tenderloin. It was delicious.

>> No.19654019

Roast & fried guinea pig, breaded and fried tripe, caribou jerky, seal fat.

This thread reminds me of those pics of a Brazilian guy soyfacing over a monkey soup with the head floating in it

>> No.19654168

Not exactly exotic where I live, but I guess it could be considered exotic for most people here. Whale, moose, reindeer, cloudberries. I recommend all of them.

>> No.19654612

Probably duck foot, don’t see the appeal though it mostly tastes like skin and bone

>> No.19654620

One night I just went crazy with weird meats that I've never tried. I had frog's leg, beef heart, and ox tail at an Indian place. I liked the ox tail, frog legs were okay, and I fucking hated the heart.

>> No.19655252


>> No.19655292

That's just baked beans

>> No.19655314

The appeal is cheapness

>> No.19655327

Gator, shark, and rattlesnake were pretty common novelty dishes where I grew up. I've had horse, iguana, macaw, and tarantula. All of those were pretty decent. Worst I've ever had is armadillo. Absolutely awful, and I wasn't told it was armadillo after the fact. Just thankful I never got leprosy or some shit. Jungle people in Central America eat some vile shit.

>> No.19655342
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This was like 20 years ago

>be Chinese
>visit Qingdao on a family vacation when I'm 10
>walking around one of the night market streets with my dad, mom and sister are back at the hotel resting
>dad and I are feasting on various strert food, I'm an ABC so I can speak Chinese but I can only read like 25% of characters
>come upon a stall that even I can read says "dog" on a glowing sign
>there's no dog heads or anything that clearly screams "dog" visible, the guy running the stall is gelling various types of meat on a big grill, there's clearly beef and chicken drums and some other mystery meats as well
>decide fuck it, might as well try it, ask my dad if he's down for some dog meat
>he orders some grilled dog meat and veggies wrapped in a Chinese scallion and egg pancake
>my dad and I both eat half, I remember it tasting pretty good; not too gamey, it was pretty tender
>he tells me to not tell my mom and sister that we ate dog because they're both heckin doggo loving bleeding hearts that would be furious if they found out

That's about it. I've never had it since then. Looking back, I probably should have had it prepared different if I really wanted to know what dog meat tastes like; since it was grilled together with other meats and it was seasoned heavily with western Chinese spices/cumin, it just tasted like Chinese BBQ skewers, which probably covered up the majority of the dog taste. Also back in those days, my dad liked to pull pranks/jokes on me, so I wouldn't be surprised if he actually ordered lamb or beef just to fuck with me, and my dumb 10 year old brain couldn't tell the difference. Also, I'm certain that if I saw some decapitated dogs/dog being slaughtered in front of me, I wouldn't have ordered it, but since I just saw it as some random meat being grilled, it was way more palatable.

>> No.19656204

Not even, you can see green pepper. It's probably just chili

>> No.19656208

I ate ass once

>> No.19656214

they said it was orangutan but I have my doubts

>> No.19656236 [DELETED] 

that's not that exotic, what was his ethnicity?

>> No.19656315
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Nothing too out there but i did go to a Cuban family bbq once that did the whole 'cook the pig in a box buried in coal then peel the skin' deal. Was pretty rad, had good finger food and tons of booze and was like the only other white person there besides my gf

>> No.19657517


>> No.19657552

>my pet died :(
>oh well let me hack it and grill it

Bugs have bo soul

>> No.19657579

I had gator at a fair but the white chili with coyote meat my grandpa made is still the best damn chili I've ever had

>> No.19657610


Based, I had dog "dry hot pot" (gan huoguo) in Guilin; dog is a lot more popular in Guangxi. It was served in a wok stir fried with peppers and some vegetables, buddy and I drank some cheap Chinese brandy (truly awful stuff) to help get it down. Definitely not overly gamey, I did find it greasy but it might have just been prepared with a lot of oil. Reminded me of goose a little bit. I truly don't give a fuck about dogs and would happily eat it again if I knew it would be prepared well.

>> No.19657643

Fois gras and liver pate

It was in this massive charcuterie board and the chef even came out. i didn’t like the taste but something about the texture was amazing to me.

I really enjoyed it and I could tell it made the guys day to see my appreciation.

>> No.19658351

People put peppers in baked beans sometimes

>> No.19658353

I went to a Puerto Rican BBQ once and they did the same thing, delicious though.

>> No.19658356

>swims to death
pretty sure its the hot oil that kills it

>> No.19659714


>> No.19659781

A black guys taint, ass sweat, and shit. Hold on, let me explain.
>be me
>dumb teen pothead
>about 20 years ago so weed is illegal everywhere
>have to buy from street dealers
>call up one of them for a dub sack
>meet up
>$20 bill in hand
>dap him up
>money slides into his hand bag of weed slides into mine
>keep it moving
>walking to buddies house to smoke
>fondling the bag of weed in my pocket
>keep walking but start smelling shit
>ask my buddy I’m with if he smells shit
>check our shoes for dog shit
>keep smelling shit
>wtf dude I smell it too
>were both puzzled
>get to friends house
>pull out weed baggie and tear open the knot with my teeth
>instantly taste ass and shit
>run in friends bathroom and mouthwash furiously
>wash hands
>chew some toothpaste and rinse out
>go back to friends room
>he’s on the floor lmaoing
>I’m furious
>still smoked the ass weed
Obviously the dealer had tucked the weed baggie in his ass. Never told him I tasted his asshole and never ever have opened anything with my mouth again.

>> No.19659791

>A black guys taint, ass sweat, and shit. Hold on, let me explain.
no explanation needed, anon.

>> No.19659796

tortilla chips, i'm a euro

>> No.19660117
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>> No.19660147

Ate barbecued pig's head. The eye was the tastiest part. So chewy

>> No.19660194 [DELETED] 

Monkfish liver

>> No.19660197
File: 127 KB, 1024x731, Duck-feet-closeup-wm-1024x731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I used to wait tables at a chinese place I'd usually eat dinner with the owners family after work and their favorite thing to chew on while waiting for gramps to prepare dinner in the back was cold duck feet with black vinegar.
It was rubbery and unpleasant but I'd smile and chew along to humor them, they were nice people.

>> No.19660203

Fried Rattlesnake at a restaurant in Arizona when I was 8

>> No.19660433

>bo soul
stinky souls represent strength

>> No.19660712


>> No.19660739

I will NOT eat the bugs and I WILL be happy

>> No.19660933

raw sea slug at a place in K town where they have an aquarium that keeps everything "fresh" and it's killed in store and still moving most the time.

>> No.19661742


>> No.19662141

You got it! I was out there with my family to house-sit at my great aunt's while she was on a long mission trip. I still miss Arizona, my friend had a LDR with a guy from there but he was shitty and they're exes now

>> No.19662169

waste not, want not
if soul gets in the way of pragmatism and utility, then it's bad

>> No.19662449

While soulless the worst part is eating an animal that died from a fucking tumor cancer.

>> No.19663519


I don’t eat mammalian predators, or animals that hold my respect as a human partners like equines, though I would in an emergency situation and have heard that roasted cheval (horse meat) is tasty as fuck.
If it flies or swims it’s fair game if it doesn’t fit the above criteria like porpoises and other toothed whales and sea dogs like seals and manatees.

Lots of them suck, because they tend to taste like what they eat or where they live. But many swamp critters like gator, lizards and such can really be delicious if cooked and seasoned well or rubbery and taste like swamp farts if cooked wrong.

Same thing with birds, a well fed squab that is fattened before it has flow tastes divine while a garbage eating city pigeon will taste like the rat with wings that it is.
If you can shoot it and eat it as a bird I’ve probably had it as North American birds go, all all are fairly good or at least one good chunk of meat on them, again if from good areas and cooked well.

Shellfish taste better in good areas and muddy or chemically in bad.
The really good odd ones are urchins and sea cucumbers. Try them at a proper Japanese place to try and you’ll find meat similar to scallops but tastier with more texture on the cucumber

As to commercially available exotic, bison is the best, but ostrich, and even kangaroo are both great when ground into burger with a bit of bacon in the grind

>> No.19663528

Your mom's pussy

>> No.19664269

what? no Namibian Warthog Anus?

>> No.19664816

thank you for this anon

to add to the thread:
cat curry, roast pigeon, goat dick, duck tongue and dick, cow dick, veal dick, blackened egg, malort the chicago specialty booze, guinea pig, roast lizard, live fish hotpot, rotten whale, gecko, various bugs, roast guts, fish eyeball, fried cow testicles, presumable human trafficking victim (meat from Postville processing plant shut down for massive violations and connected to organized crime)

>> No.19664825

oh i forgot, i've had anus too. it was in japan when i went there on an exchange, my host family took me to this super fancy traditional ramen restaurant which was obviously incredibly good but they ordered "special" ramen and gave me a piece of meat to eat that looked like an asshole. it was very good but quite chewy. turns out it was an asshole

oh i also had hedgehog, various weird shellfish, horseshoe crab, rat ("field rabbit"). living in Asia you'll get weird stuff. most of it was pretty good. there was a kitten curry place next to an english center i taught at on weekend evenings so i'd drink there when i got off and predictably ended up eating a lot of kitten.

lol i just remembered this fucked up mutant cannibal dog that would eat the scraps at the dog meat restaurant near my other school. definitely looked like he was missing a few chromosomes but he sure loved eating his friends!

ah, I miss Vietnam.

>> No.19664828

oh and where i currently live in the midwest has a dish that i think is maybe weirder than any of the strange animal meats: a stuffing sandwich

stuffing is just wet herbed bread

a sandwich is ingredients between slices of bread

it's a BREAD SANDWICH. the fuck. (but it's actually pretty good though. it's usually used for post-thanksgiving get togethers when churches or kitchens have a lot of leftover turkey and stuffing)

>> No.19664845

No como los insectos

>> No.19665080
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Mexichad here. Once i found a cricket among my chapulines. I almost puke.

>> No.19665106
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>My sister.

>> No.19665201
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tried balut once. didn't care for it.
people tell me I didn't have the right sauce to go with it though

>> No.19665752

Not sure. Exotic meat wise, scorpion

>> No.19666013

superquinn party food was better

>> No.19666041

Where are you that chicken and dumplings is considered "exotic"?

>> No.19666048

Go to the Phillipines. You'll be crawling in them

>> No.19667208


>> No.19667470

I could totally handle these. Actually looks kind of good.
I could not eat that.

>> No.19668610

Los bugos