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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19650365 No.19650365 [Reply] [Original]

Why does if feel like best by and expiration dates for objectively shelf stable foods keeps getting shorter and shorter? I have a hoard of instant ramen I bought less than a year ago that's already "expiring" next month.

>> No.19650376

I bought pickled cucumbers and according to google they last 6 months in the fridge when opened, but is this true? I mean it’s a brine. Pickled onion also lasts 4-7 days according to google

>> No.19650387
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It's a farce. I ate some Sriracha hot sauce that was supposedly four years expired; I suffered no ill effects. Maybe the food companies are trying to increase waste and therefore boost sales?

>> No.19650389

Pic rel is about the container, plastic degrades even if salt doesn't expire.

>> No.19650394

its a bunch of bullshit trying to get you to sell more shit. As long as you keep things cool, dry and limit air exposure most foods will last for long after the best by/sell by dates.

Also a lot of the "DON'T KEEP X IN THE FRIDGE" shit is designed to make your shit spoil faster. There are a few things that can pick up or give off odors and a few things that will have changes of texture but a lot of that stuff can be refrigerated and it will make it last longer.

>> No.19650396

Expiration dates are guaranteed quality periods. It won't kill you but it might taste bad.

>> No.19650401

>I brought a cheap unreliable product
>Why isn't it performing like I expected it too?
>Nobody would dare lie about these things on their disclaimer right guys?

>> No.19650455

How does salt expire? It's already 250 million years old. What's another year going to do it?

>> No.19650458

Not after it's (((processed))) did you really think they would let you get away with it

>> No.19650513
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>The Jews kosher'd my salt
It's over.

>> No.19650875

I've got a tomato sauce bottle (ketchup) in the fridge that is over ten years old, the colour has gone a dark deep red (like a red wine) and the flavour has intensified significantly.

>> No.19650886

The expiration date is the expiration of the container, not the food, at least for things like salt and preserved food. After that date it's no longer guaranteed that the container will be airtight and not leak chemicals into the food.

Veg is the real sin though. I swear I used to be able to buy fresh veg and use them up to a week later. Nowadays I have to use them the next day or they start to rot.

>> No.19650973

Holding time in warehouses is increasing due to lowered consumer demand.

>> No.19651325
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I went to open some pork butt I bought 3 days ago with a sell by date of about a week from now. The meat had gone green on the side and was clearly bad. Im pretty salty I should have noticed this when I bought it. No way a butt roast went bad in the fridge after 3 days.

>> No.19651344

it's cause so much shit gets kept in storage so it's available year round
wouldn't surprise me if the store either had a fridge failure and they decided not to chuck the shit because it was within a 4 hour window or some bullshit. possible that a retarded staff member found it on a shelf and just put it back in the fridge even though god knows how long it wasn't refrigerated

>> No.19651347

Maybe im just annoyed since it throws off my planned meals for the week since I was gonna use it for sandwitches as well later. And im upset with myself since had I looked closer I probably would had noticed it. And im done 10 bucks as salt in the wounds.

>> No.19651348

>Literally the one thing thats used to preserve food since prehistory
>expiration date

either the kikes are getting too bold or the goys are getting too dumb. Maybe its both

Glass is too luxurious for the plebs

>its a bunch of bullshit trying to get you to sell more shit.
i think most particular consoomers know this but the grift is directed at stores who can't keep "expired" stuff on shelves and have to re-stock. In a lot of places products past its expiration date cannot even be donated , it can't be sold at a discount and not even a hobo is allowed to get it for free. Greedy fucks really don't leave any gaps

>> No.19651357

you could always try to get it refunded if you could be fucked. if it's still within it used by date

>> No.19651359

Its not worth the effort as I said 10 bucks. More the principle of the thing.

>> No.19651364

its for liability reasons. if they said it lasts four years then you ate it and gotten sick, they are liable to pay for your medical fees and lost income. its a no brainer to say it expires way before the reap expiration date.

>> No.19651936

>ten year old ketchup
this is your brain on greed

>> No.19651963

It's to make you throw away your food so you'll buy more, and it's to make sure you can't sue them for getting sick if you actually do eat something expired and it happens to have gone bad.

>> No.19652006

same, twice recently I've bought beef and it's gone bad days before the sell by date. shit's completely made up now, might as well not buy meat any more if you aren't going to use it the day of

>> No.19652126

Dude what?

>> No.19652162

Ok sam I am

>> No.19652169

Well what is koshering anyway, knowing jews its something disgusting like the rabbi spits on the shipment or something

>> No.19652178

kosher is what they eat. They wouldn't spit in it, they'd spit in the stuff only goys eat. Jews are actually amazing towards other jews.

>> No.19652186

>circumcision is just for goys, jews are actually amazing towards other jews
Mmk pal. The jews cut their babies penis heads off and then a rabbi sucks on them til the wound closes, that is pretty gross. Also wasn't there that case of the rabbi raping a little jewish boy in front of his parents in the secret synagogue sex dungeon? I have seen jews complaining about the corrupt Israeli government as well.

>> No.19652199

>The jews cut their babies penis heads off and then a rabbi sucks on them til the wound closes
all amerifats do too, its their golem baptism. American protestants even claim is christian canon lmfao

>> No.19652205

I made a custard with off tasting cream
Container said to keep three days once opened, it was more than a week old
The off taste went away once I mixed it with the rest of the ingredients
It was perfectly fine

>> No.19652211

Well regardless there is also bobby fischer a jew who hated jews and that jew that was murdered for talking about the jewish conspiracy being true, generally speaking mafias and cartels and criminal organizations do some of the worst stuff to their own, if I were a jew I would probably be against the jews in my own self interest just saying.

>> No.19652377

killing fifth columnists is a based thing. Imagine if white people cared for each other enough to kill the race traitors and anti-white mayos before they subvert society against them.

What jews do is what every ethnicity does just in a more compact and organized fashion, only ones who work against themselves are wypipo

>> No.19652481

>racism outside of /b/

>> No.19652503

>Well what is koshering anyway,
Using salt to remove the blood from meat

>> No.19652512

Most foods don't have "expiration dates"; they have "best by" dates. The confusion stems entirely from dumb people putting no thought into terminology.

>> No.19652794
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calm down and lurk
also foods that never expire are one's which are naturally dry and able to be kept dry
dried beans last decades too

>> No.19652799
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Go back to /pol/ schizo