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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 111 KB, 686x1000, B31DD23C-D218-4FCE-80D5-A251B13D686A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19649882 No.19649882 [Reply] [Original]

How is this legal?

>> No.19649888

You vill eat za boiled microplastics

>> No.19649903

how is it not?

>> No.19649909
File: 71 KB, 850x425, beanee_weenees-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not legal until you've added beanie weenies, only then will you reach the next horizon.

>> No.19649916

Yeah I saw this in the other thread too bro there's no need to make a thread about it

>> No.19649921

It's BPA FREE* sweaty, calm your tits

>> No.19650102

a fool and his money are easily parted
this shit is made specifically to make money off of lazy retards who would rather pay $10 than spend 30sec doing the dishes

>> No.19650117

stupid people who think that regulation is always bad and that corporations can do no wrong

>> No.19650123

morons who don't know you just do a 1 time acrylic clear coat

>> No.19650153

Yeah yeah you want regulations, so does big business, so do religious nutjobs. And you know what? You’ll get them. Blessed are they who desire regulations.

>> No.19650178

>too dumb to not boil his food in a plastic bag
>needs government intervention to stop him
Do you need state mandated water jets to scour your ass after taking a shit because you're too stupid to keep from staining your undies brown, too?

kill yourself

>> No.19650323

I'd wrap my meat in that and cook it iykwim

>> No.19650358

I would rape your mother and/or sister, strangle them to death and process their carcasses into whoreburgers and eat them every night while masturbating at the table trying my best to time my ejaculatory spasms with each throat movement as I swallow their flesh if you know what I mean

>> No.19650368

Surprise retard, there are millions of leaded gas blasted PFAS brains who buy plastic liners and paper plates

>> No.19650672

You'd be eating traces of my semen lmao.

>> No.19650681

I love Japanese culture!

>> No.19651154

Are you trying to intimidate me? What do you mean?

>> No.19651167

Wait until you find out what they line cans with

>> No.19651343

Aluminum is perfectly safe for all my children's food.

>> No.19651394

They line the cans with PTFE.

>> No.19651428

>uh loo muh num

>> No.19651504

I've never seen any letters on the inside of cans before. Why does that matter?

>> No.19651626

Time is money, asshole

>> No.19651646

Because the majority of people don't have schizophrenia

>> No.19652025

Umm actually it's called sous vide and michelin star chefs do it you chud.

>> No.19652234

> *
Uhm sweaty I…

>> No.19652614
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It's confusing to me how this shit exists, too. It's absolutely revolting in taste, it literally just tastes like the plastic its in when finished and has the worst texture compared to normal rice.

>> No.19652661
File: 94 KB, 350x183, ezgif-3-926c534eb9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these decent at least? I'm a trucker so I can't do dishes often or easilly, and I want to start doing meal prep to avoid the crap food I'm surrounded by.

>> No.19652667

no-one on 4chan makes enough money that 30 seconds of their time is in any way valuable

>> No.19653825
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>> No.19653888


>> No.19653889

>paper plates
What's wrong with paper plates?

>> No.19653897

Don't you have access to running water, dish soap and a rag/scrubber?

>> No.19653899
File: 18 KB, 200x267, 200px-SoyWojak_gape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh heckin plasticerinos is the reason I can't get laid!

>> No.19653907

Stay in school kiddo.