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File: 3.50 MB, 4080x3060, 20230817_214114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19639836 No.19639836 [Reply] [Original]

Pizza thread last one was great and inspired me to try pizza. I told op I'd use his recipe for the dough however I did not opting for one I Googled. Not sure exactly how I fucked up, it was delicious but the crust didn't rise. On one I fucked it up, and so rolled it into a calzone it did work for that perfectly. Anyway, pic related.

And pizza thread let's inspire more anons to bake their first pizza. For me, it was my first experience baking bread of any kind. So if yall got me at least, we can get others as well.

Anyway, pic related was pizza

>> No.19639841

The peppers are Tabasco peppers I found at my grocery outlet. I love Tabasco on pizza so figured I'd try it. Can't recommend for or against it.

>> No.19639843

I'd eat it

>> No.19639848

What recipe did you use?

>> No.19639872

I'll see if I can find it in a minute but really I think my issue was that I refrigerated the dough, then shaped it the next day and then again and a third. I think out of the fridge the yeast was done. I did leave it rest to room temp though so idk. Trying to get a new pc running so in an hour or so I'll try to find the recipe

>> No.19639910
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Posting some pizzas I made a while ago. Thanks for the pizza thread, OP.

>> No.19639912
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>> No.19639917
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>> No.19639922
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>> No.19639927
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>> No.19639933
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This is another angle of >>19639927.

>> No.19639935
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Last one for now.

>> No.19639937

>Pizza thread last one was great
you talking about the cheeze stuffed crust anon?
i think his recipe had a a egg in it

>> No.19639986

Do you use a home oven?

>> No.19640030

Yes. All of the pizzas I've posted were baked using a home oven preheated to 550°F and a cast iron skillet.
>preheat oven to max
>get dough ball out of fridge, I use 220g – 250g for 9 inch pizza
>preheat cast iron skillet on stovetop until smoking hot
>shape dough and place directly onto pan with hands. I like to lightly oil my hands and cutting board to help with dough handling and avoid mess from excessive flour.
>sauce, cheese, toppings
>total time dough should be on stovetop should be around 3 – 4 minutes
>place into oven
>after 1 minute turn broiler on high
>remove from oven and transfer onto wire rack when coloured to your liking
>slice and enjoy
I don't have a peel and pizza steel yet so this is the best method I've developed so far.

>> No.19640036

Pizza is all about the dough and the temperature, so improving those will great enhance the experience.
Do a 60% hydration dough, let it double in size, shape into a ball, double again - shape into a disc and proceed with the rest.
If you don't have a scale, you can try to eyeball the hydration - when mixing the flour/water/yeast make sure the dough is a little bit too sticky, then when you let it bulk rise and knead again it will be easy to handle.
You've already did good on the toppings in the sense that you didn't put too much stuff on your pizza, but it looks to me that you baked either in a cold oven or on a too low temperature. For pizza you want to preheat the oven to the highest setting your oven has. Also, use baking paper for easy cleaning.
Those look amazing, anon.

>> No.19640044

you can also invert an oven pan and let it preheat in the oven - it doesn't retain heat as much as a pizza steel, but it allows you to prepare the pizza in peace and slide it on top of it

>> No.19640045

Just keep practicing. It took me a bit until I finally figured out how to work yeast properly. Put your oven on max heat and get a pizza stone. Use your broiler in your oven if you have one to give more color to the crust.

>> No.19640071

Thanks, Anon. Much appreciated.
I've tried that and I prefer the cast iron skillet. Easier to handle and retains more heat.

>> No.19640118
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This is the most recent pizza I made, the dough overproofed because of a power outage.
That isn't too bad at all.

>> No.19640127
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Here are some better ones.

>> No.19640136

those pizzas make me wanna touch myself, anon...

>> No.19640139

Very nice. These were baked in a pizza oven, yes?

>> No.19640151
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Yes they were.

>> No.19640245

What do you guys use for dough? Guessing it's not Gold Medal and a pack of yeast.

>> No.19640250

I tried finding it but I can't confirm which I used it was for pizza and some random one on google. I'm sorry I'm a bit of an alcoholic most things I do I can't remember I generally use my phone for storage I'm just ram if that makes sense. There was a lot more ingredients to the one I used though I can tell you that for sure so op from last thread probably the better one anyway

Quick question my uncle used to make pizza and I remember when I was young like 8 he brought home some dough and while we tried to shape the crust he told us to stop. Said the crust gets the way it does because it rises, and the sauce and toppings in the pizza is was keeps the middle from doing the same. Was he misinformed or perhaps I misunderstood or is this accurate?

>> No.19640256

I can find out it's still open in my pjone

>> No.19640260
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He did indeed

>> No.19640265

>Do a 60% hydration dough
You lost me skipping the rest of your blog

>> No.19640311
File: 239 KB, 1152x2496, Screenshot_20230623-020715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the dough recipe I use for these pizzas:
I mix the ingredients for 4 min at setting two on my KitchenAid, rest 10, mix another 4.
That dudes pizza dough recipe looked like shit.
Generally you have to press the air out of the center towards the outside.
Then areas you press down the least will be the areas with the most rise.

>> No.19640318
File: 2.79 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230125_222417477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the flour.

>> No.19640326

I'm >>19640030
I use all purpose flour with 11.7% protein. Usually I'll add some stone ground whole wheat flour 13% protein, and sometimes I'll add in a little wheat gluten. I use red star active dry yeast. I got 2lb pack of it from Costco back in 2019 and keep it in a jar in the fridge. It's still good.
I don't have a particular recipe I use everytime, but generally:
>80% – 90% all purpose flour
>10% – 20% whole wheat flour
>1% – 3% additional wheat gluten
>2% – 3% salt
>60% – 70% hydration
>2% – 5% olive oil
>1% – 3% sugar, sometimes I leave this out
I bulk ferment once at room temperature, shape into balls, and cold ferment up to 8 days. Sometimes I skip the bulk ferment if I'm short on time. Amount of yeast depends entirely on how quickly I'd like dough to rise and whether or not I used a preferment like a poolish.

There's an app called PizzApp that calculates the gram amounts from percentages you input if you don't want to do the calculations yourself. I recommend it.

>> No.19640344

Thanks, I plan on making my first pizza in a couple weeks.

>> No.19640345 [DELETED] 

>Said the crust gets the way it does because it rises, and the sauce and toppings in the pizza is was keeps the middle from doing the same.
That's correct for most styles of thin and crispy pizza (New York, Roman, Tavern, etc.), but Neapolitan pizza has the crust formed by pushing the air to the outside edge.

>> No.19640351

>Said the crust gets the way it does because it rises, and the sauce and toppings in the pizza is was keeps the middle from doing the same.
That's correct for most styles of thin and crispy pizza (New York, Roman, Tavern, etc.), but Neapolitan pizza has the crust formed by pushing the air to the outside edge.

>> No.19640392

You shouldn't use my recipe then:
The workflow would probably be fine but the exact ingredients and proportions likely wouldn't work at all unless you have a pizza oven.

>> No.19640424

Good luck, Anon! Let us know how it turns out.

>> No.19641120
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Whats a cheat emergency option to make pizza dough that isn't greek yoghurt or yeast? would heavy cream work?

>> No.19641637

im going to need you to restructure the sentence and add a whole lot of context.
Do you not have yeast? you could use baking powder but that will give you a thin and crispy style crust

>> No.19641750
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>last one was great
that was like 2 weeks ago im sure there's been several pizza threads since and they all probably sucked.
anywho I'll try to contribute with OC but my pizzas aren't much to look at since its just repeat of the pics I've already uploaded

>> No.19641851

>Usually I'll add some stone ground whole wheat flour 13% protein,
if you're doing that solely for the higher protein you self sabotaging because the coarser whole wheat flour cuts apart the gluten strands leaving you with a denser crumb

>> No.19641893

looks really close to a proper neopolitan pizza but i think you aren't stretching them thin enough and pushing the air out to the crust

>> No.19642154
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this is what im working with
i don't normally measure so i kinda worked backwards to figure out what my percentages were, higher hydration then i expected considering its fairly easy to work with

>> No.19642174
File: 2.14 MB, 4080x3072, PXL_20230625_051802786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stretching is definitely all I need to work on now.

>> No.19642200


>> No.19642256

60% is a bit low but not crazy especially if your using AP flour or if you just want an easier dough to work with.

>> No.19642274

oh its thinner then it looks in the other pics

>> No.19642689
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Still pretty new and using home oven without a stone but they been going pretty well now that I got the hang of tossing and shaping. Even started getting in on crust seasoning.

>> No.19643006

I'll keep that in mind, thanks. If I enjoy making them and they come out good I might get one of those patio pizza ovens.

>> No.19643419

I use whatever flour I have at hand. Which majority of the time is all purpose. Don't fall for the 00 meme.

>> No.19643422

nice crust color. If your oven has a broiler you should use it, it'll give a nice finish to the toppings and it'll brown the cheese a bit.

>> No.19643568

I add the whole wheat for taste and texture, not for protien content. I know it's not great for optimal gluten development and structure. If I want the protien boost I'll add wheat gluten. I specified the "stone ground" and the protein content because all whole wheat flours are different. Some only contain most of the wheat berry instead of all of the wheat berry. Stone ground, at least where I live, indicates that you're getting the whole berry. And of course even if the whole wheat flour is 100% whole grain, gluten content can vary depending on veriety, growing conditions, and time of harvest.

>> No.19643572

>00 meme
Works in my pizza oven fine

>> No.19643576

Try toasted sesame seeds sprinkled on the crust some time, guys. It's definitely an experience. I like it sometimes when I'm feeling for something different, but not too different.

>> No.19643581

Yes, but you don't NEED it to make good pizza.

>> No.19643582

If it was served to me I'd eat every single pizza posted in this thread without complaint

>> No.19643694

And if you had to serve yourself?

>> No.19643726
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Oh I'll always judge my own, I think file related was one of my first fully from scratch (I've only done so maybe a half dozen times) It was delicious but OPs look much more tasty.
If an anon pulled one of those out and went
>hey I made some pizza you want a slice?
I wouldn't have a single complaint.

>> No.19643816

that looks good
i actually like that style where the pepperonis start to crisp on the edges and the cheese stats to brown