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File: 1.22 MB, 1125x1022, 17249C1B-37B6-4AC9-9E75-2FA101B58253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19629876 No.19629876 [Reply] [Original]

The craft beer scene in America is so much better than Europe it's not even funny

>> No.19629879

Jesus that's the shit Europeans are making now? They'll be extinct in a decade. Just a continent long Portland

>> No.19629881

Thats the American filth

>> No.19629882

I'm Muslim, and never had beer. What's a good starter one?

>> No.19629886
File: 163 KB, 1068x1066, 1000012325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its a little funny

>> No.19629890

Honestly bro beer isn't worth weakening your religious foundation. There are some pretty good whiskeys though

>> No.19629893

The euros have gone too far

>> No.19629899

>made in Chicago

>> No.19629901

>hey I am from [clan that never drinks]
>what should I drink
nothing. if you don't have hundreds of years of genetic mutations to handle it, it'll kill ya.

>> No.19629904

Steel Reserve

>> No.19629905
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This is the real deal

>> No.19629910
File: 487 KB, 800x800, DeadGuy-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tastes like how a Steel Reserve does when you're like 3 of them deep
>has RPG stats in a 5 pointed star for "malt/toffee/nuttty/bitter/roast" and recommended food pairings on the back
The fuck are they smoking and can I have some

>> No.19629913
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>session IPA
Just fucking kys

>> No.19629914

You gotta be on that portland weed. that oregon kush.

>> No.19629921

There are good quality non-alcoholic beers you could try.

>> No.19629938
File: 110 KB, 680x880, 711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city
it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fieckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!

>> No.19629944

looks like firework package covers. what makes an industry adopt this kind of aesthetic?

>> No.19629951

>aaaaaah session IPA help me BJCP i'm going insaaaaaane
guys all look like the soyboy pic you posted

there's genuine cringe on that label

>> No.19629958
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This one locally has a genuinely smart and simple logo that I could see lasting 100 years or more. That's what craft breweries should strive towards.

>> No.19629961

That's the problem with sociology, they forget that the entire world isn't America. That's why they will never contribute to society. Fuck sociologists

>> No.19629963

I've always wondered what the origin of this picture is. Why is he so hyped for that book?

>> No.19629969


>> No.19630184

cause he estrogenic, bro.

>> No.19630216

Gay beers for a gay country

>> No.19630266

What are some good mainstream IPAs I can find anywhere? There aren't any breweries around me. I've tried stone and sierra nevada and enjoyed both

>> No.19630296

Missed out on IPGAY name

>> No.19630297

I'm European who is now in North America, and... I agree. The US and CAN beer scene is miles ahead anything Europe has. Europe is mostly just same-old, same-old macrobrews these days, except the nice Trappists and a few good, clean lagers. On the plus side, beer is very cheap.

I can walk into a liquor store right now and find tons of different tastes and styles, it's magnificent.

>> No.19630298
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>> No.19630305

Dead guy whiskey was so fuckin good man.

>> No.19630390
File: 306 KB, 1596x898, f16f070f-6ac0-4f54-a95c-e7978ae75e3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing buddy, these are Swedish microbrews, notice how they aren't all flamboyantly gay

>> No.19630533

They're gay enough just by being produced in Sweden

>> No.19630585

>>session IPA
>Just fucking kys
>doesn't drink 20 beers at a time

>> No.19631058

There are two countries with truly good craft beer industry: USA and Russia. Europe has the best traditional beer styles, but their craft scene has little to nothing interesting to offer.

>> No.19631063

What's wrong with session IPAs? Genuinely curious.

>> No.19631070

beer can w/ regular label: :-|

beer w/ bright colors and funny pictures: :-o

IPA: :-O

>> No.19631110

>just a continent long Portland
What does this mean? What do those dumb yuro beers have to do with what's happened to Portland?

>> No.19631126

In my country none of this shit can be legally called beer. And that's good.

>> No.19631149

>notice how they aren't all flamboyantly gay
Unironically "no".

>> No.19631157
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I don't need a low abv beer. Sure some taste good, but I don't want beer just because I like the taste. I also don't want to have to drink 6+ beers in one sitting for barely a buzz when I can have three or four 9% or higher beers instead

>> No.19631162

Most people here don't like the idea because they just view "session" and "IPA" as two buzzwords they don't understand, so putting them together makes them twice as mad. From a beer perspective, the real reason session IPAs are dumb is that it tries to combine two styles that are diametrically opposed. You can have a low abv IPA that is balanced, so usually they just end up being light ales with a one-note hop forwardness. The hops is off-putting to people who just want to slam flavorless piss-water, and the lack of any depth or complexity is off-putting to anyone who wants to drink a beer with flavor.

>> No.19631183

What does raspberry peach ice cream have to do with Loch Ness?

>> No.19631196

He co-wrote it.

>> No.19631218

Some people just like the taste and don't need to get a buzz all the time

>> No.19631224

Then why are they so popular? I don't drink a lot of beer but a lot of session ipas taste great to me, I also like the fact that they're low abv

>> No.19631243

Session IPAs aren't "so popular". They're pretty niche.

>> No.19631260

My taste is opposite to yours: I love the process of drinking beer and it's taste more than I need a buzz so I'd rather have three 4% beers than two 6% beers for example.

>> No.19631273

>I love the process of drinking beer and it's taste
If that were true you wouldn't be drinking 4% beers.

>> No.19631285
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Yes I understand why session ales exist, I was clarifying why I personally don't enjoy them
If I want a beer that I enjoy the taste of without high abv I get something like picrel

>> No.19631314

I don't understand your point.

Interesting. What makes it different from other wheat beer styles?
We have a beer here which is a hopped kristallweizen, very unusual taste. Like a light IPA with a bit of sweetness

>> No.19631334


>> No.19631342

>I don't understand your point
What's hard to understand? People don't drink low abv beers because they like the taste and want to savor it. They drink those beers because they want as little flavor as possible. That's what you're saying when you say you'd rather pound three 4% beers than savor two 6% beers.

>> No.19631358
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>The world first economy cannot beat some filthy wallon peasants at their favorite beverage.
Laughable really

>> No.19631360

Why are American products so reddit?

>> No.19631370

Lighter beers can be very tasteful too. And the 6% thing I said just for example, this is not a high abv. Occasionally I like strong ales around 7% or bocks around 8%, but I don't really like the stuff that goes higher than 10%

>> No.19631434

When you get down to something like 4% there's so little in the beer that it's not going to have much flavor. Most people who drink beers at that strength don't actually like the taste of beer.

>> No.19631451

Well yeah, I just used that number as an example because three times 4 and two times 6 are the same. I usually drink beers at 5-6, and they are very flavorful

>> No.19631452
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>What makes it different from other wheat beer styles?
For it to be a qheat ale it actually isn't super wheaty tasting, crisp and clean and very slightly hazy, nice light citrus peel taste. Similar to Allagash white if you've had it

>> No.19631476

Session beers are typically under 5%.

>> No.19631580

Tbh I actually almost never drink sessions but I also don't have anything against them

Interesting, where I'm from the wheat beer is mainly represented by German weizen, Belgian witbier and Czech style wheat beer.

>> No.19633020

the real problem is that the marketing of these beers has essentially killed pale ale as a style
it's gotten to where if a brewery makes a good pale ale it won't sale but if they make the same beer and call it a session ipa it will move

>> No.19633066

The craft brew scene in America is: IPA plebians are completely spoiled for choice, while anyone who likes things with actual flavor instead of a tongue-zapping hops overdoes can either get a crappy pilsner or Blue Moon.

>> No.19633095
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95% of craft beers taste the same. I only buy them when they're high ABV to change it up from the standard high gravity/malt.
What I really don't get are the ones that taste exactly the same as the others but have fucking 2.5% ABV for some reason. Fuck "craft" beer, it's for faggots.

>> No.19633213
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I love 90 minute so much
UK has a lot of good craft beer but for some reason nobody can nail that oldschool IPA style

We moved on to NEIPAs so quickly that everybody forgot how to brew a good west coast

>> No.19633222

Modelo Negra or Stella Artois. You can find them anywhere and it’s pretty cheap.

>> No.19633303

absolutely delusional. pretty much any german, czech, or belgian beer blows any american microbrewery out of the water. and i'm american

>> No.19633329

I like how much variety there is but I also get annoyed at how much of it seems to be just marketing the can art.
American breweries mostly can't compete with the really old style beers but they've turned IPAs into a real artform. I suspect that this fact is part of the reason why IPAs have such passionate opposition. Can't let the Americans take the title for brewing good beer. They're also meant to be drank fresh, whereas European beers can take aging and often improve with it, so Americans can enjoy the best European offerings and Europeans usually can't get the best American offerings in their peak form.

>> No.19633372

My son brought me a six-pack of these from Florida earlier this year.
He brought the brown ones last year.
The brown ones are one and done.

>> No.19633481 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 222x227, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever wrote this pasta is really mad that they don't live that hip city life lmao.

>> No.19633551

>Europe macros: Pilsners, Helles, Wheat beers, Amber Ales, Stouts
>US macros: tranny-loving pisswater

>Euro craft: Stouts, porters, Pale Ales, all sorts of Belgian styles
>US craft: tranny-loving pisswater that's been poured through a pine tree

Really makes you think

>> No.19633883

What's wrong with loving trannies

>> No.19633896
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>> No.19633902

Don't forget craft beer with reddit branding, extra hoppy and with a citrus twist

>> No.19633958

I love this pasta. I read it every time it gets posted.

>> No.19633989
File: 721 KB, 902x1174, s865380765694816643_p9094_i2_w902[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAs get attention but America makes some damn good stouts too. Every December I buy two Goose Island stouts. One to drink on Christmas, another to age for the following year.

>> No.19634131

Shalom, get a stout or porter, any kind of dark beer. Guinness is easy to find.

>> No.19634186

everything is better in america

>> No.19634355


>> No.19634367

ow the edge

>> No.19634515

Lol keep coping fat amerilard. I'm currently traveling through the USA and I drank exclusively local beers. They are expensive as fuck compared to Germany, they mostly taste as good as mid tier German beer. I know most of you guys only know Krombacher, Warsteiner or Paulaner, so I won't judge but I look forward to sip on a cold Wasseralfinger when I'm back at home.

Also craft beer never took off because no one gives a fuck about it here in Europe. I know a couple of "IPAs" as you call them but the breweries just slap a different name on them and sell them as usual. My local store carries over 200 different beers from all over Germany, most from the southern part where I live. A craft beer store a few cities away closed a couple of years ago because no one buys this shit other than gays or hipsters.

>> No.19634531

Now brewing from opisafag breweries

Our session IPA "pozzed mouthful of cum I look and speak like this"

>> No.19634537

>it's gotten to where if a brewery makes a good pale ale it won't sale but if they make the same beer and call it a session ipa it will move
I've never had a session IPA where I thought it would make more sense to call it a pale ale. You're just making things up.

>> No.19634545

>suspect that this fact is part of the reason why IPAs have such passionate opposition
I suspect that for a lot of people it's also people not understanding that they're meant to be drunk fresh. You can always tell when someone on /ck/ says shit like "they all taste the same" or "they just taste like bitter" that they've only tried old bottles (and they'll always insist that they went directly to the taproom blah blah blah).

>> No.19634570

>the abyss
And that's just the tip of the iceberg. This idea that all American craft beer is just IPA is ridiculous.

>> No.19634615

>Also craft beer never took off because no one gives a fuck about it here in Europe. I know a couple of "IPAs" as you call them but the breweries just slap a different name on them and sell them as usual. My local store carries over 200 different beers from all over Germany, most from the southern part where I live. A craft beer store a few cities away closed a couple of years ago because no one buys this shit other than gays or hipsters.
Because Americans and other Angloids live in puritanical societies and need a justification to buy beer and appreciating "complex" craft beers gives it to them.
I live in Spain which also never had a craft beer explosion because people are happy to have a glass of lager, radler or a 6-7% marzenbier if they want something refreshing, or something to get buzzed. There are some craft beer places in larger towns but most people refuse to pay 2-3x the cost of a normal draught beer just because it has extra hops or marginally more complex flavours.

>> No.19634689

itt seething eurocucks

>> No.19635193
File: 15 KB, 400x600, ci-goose-island-tropical-beer-hug-42a11354d2358f30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucks you up?

>> No.19635216

Trips speak the truth

>> No.19635327
File: 37 KB, 500x500, duvel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks like disgusting hipster shit. european ones are normal at least...

>> No.19635359

"That'll be 28€ for a four pack please!"

>> No.19635391
File: 634 KB, 720x720, 09082023_1691592792882_1691592973618_8711406093528_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's €7.32 for a 4 pack, but yeah pretty expensive, picrel is also great. €7.22 for a 4 pack.

>> No.19635392

Another factor is that the best European beers are the oldest, largest-producing breweries that export everywhere, whereas those tend to be the worst in America. You're not going to get great American beer in Europe, all the good ones are local beers that only distribute to parts of the US. It's not like trappist breweries that produce a ton of high quality beer to sell internationally.

>> No.19635655

I don't drink beer. What the hell is "session ipa"?

>> No.19635675

the water has mastered brewing and it's coming for us next

>> No.19635729


>> No.19635745

I hope cider doesn't completely die as a fad, I appreciate you can still get it on tap at a lot of places.

>> No.19635753

>looks like firework package covers.

>> No.19635768

Gotta get eyeballs on your cans when people are browsing the beer aisle.

>> No.19635773

For me it's the last sentence, can picture a little soiboi getting caught up in his own excitement building to a crescendo of popping open another one

>> No.19635777

the "craft" "beer" "scene" in the US sucks. it's comprised of shitty high abv IPAs and shitty high abv double bourbon barrel russian imperial stouts.

>> No.19635821

I wouldn’t drink, especially if it’s against your religious values. It’s really not worth it.

>> No.19636161

Beer is the gayest shit and people attacking fag beers are even worse

>> No.19636528

Very insightful post

>> No.19637064

Very ignorant post.

>> No.19637073

There is nothing remotely "hipster" about the beer in the OP pic. Duvel, or more obscure Belgians, would be far more hipster.

>> No.19637077

>comprised of shitty high abv IPAs and shitty high abv double bourbon barrel russian imperial stouts
*and literally every other style under the sun, and dozens of new ones

>> No.19637091

Americans like intoxicants. It's the same reason why our weed in California and even just random states is usually better than Amsterdam even though it's been legal there for way longer

>> No.19637571

"session" means a beer with a low enough ABV that you can drink it for (e.g.) the duration of a social gathering without getting blind fucking wasted
IPA stands for "india pale ale", a strongly hoppy style of beer

>> No.19637575

We like our intoxicants because trying to live in this country sober is a fucking waking nightmare.

>> No.19637577

It's not actually legal to grow weed in Amsterdam, or the Netherlands for that matter, it's only legal to sell.

>> No.19637587

they don't even enjoy the thing they've built their personality around, just joylessly pouring into their esophagus

>> No.19637664

yeah im sorry i didnt include the overly sugary, suck-you-ears-in sours.

>> No.19637718

you have no way of qualifying this, you've basically told us you just don't like them or the things they like

>> No.19637775

Fucking kek, you yanks are a laugh. Beer is literally cheaper than Coca Cola in most of Europe. A glass of wine is cheaper than a cup of coffee in most bars and a 6pack of beer is between 3 and 5 euro.

>> No.19637887
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>craft beer scene

>> No.19637960

Nobody in europe drinks craft beer.

>> No.19638014

I think we might have a better craft beer situation than most of europe since the govenrment alcohol store has basically every beer you can get your hands on, and if they're not in store you can order them to anywhere. I was actually in central Gothenburg and two americans were browsing the shelves. They exclaimed, with complete lack of irony, "holy mackerel", it was very wholesome.

>> No.19638036
File: 100 KB, 864x717, 1615934802836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see americans talking about beer online

>see the exact same americans irl getting excited about getting to try new beers
>"very wholesome"

>> No.19638092

why are you treating two different anons like one person, is it so hard for you to grasp the idea that one of them is a jackass and the other isn't

>> No.19639547
File: 794 KB, 1158x1667, _DSC8346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Craft beer shop owner here, you're wrong and also desperately retarded

>> No.19639553

liar, nobody on /ck/ has a job

>> No.19639624
File: 110 KB, 1024x683, 1640107319972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was actually in central Gothenburg and two americans were browsing the shelves. They exclaimed, with complete lack of irony, "holy mackerel", it was very wholesome.

>> No.19639625

Man get out of touristy places and you'll get something better

>> No.19639626

>that label
you're criminally retarded

>> No.19639651

I see a man's ass on one of those cans

>> No.19639659

fucking cringe

>> No.19639672

It was a actually a black woman and her bwc husband

>> No.19639677

You deserve to be raped

>> No.19639702
File: 705 KB, 543x547, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good UK craft beers?

>> No.19639704

fuck craft beer price, if you're broke and in spain, and want something cheap but good you can get moritz 7, good shit
Yes, I bought 15 ads btw

>> No.19640413
File: 33 KB, 476x476, FG_kKJrXIAkvE1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things only white people care about are racist
fucking tired of it

>> No.19640429

Jesus, he asked for a starter. Try a light beer of like coors light ideally with a frozen mug on a hot day after some activity. The beer is shit but it's great in that setting. Then maybe try a plain lager. Don't try ipa.

>> No.19640455

If you like craft beers because you genuinely enjoy the taste, or just want to experience new things, more power to you.

If you like craft beers because you have an absolutely intolerable or bland personality and have decided to replace it with pretending that drinking super bitter IPA's makes you interesting, I genuinely want you to kys.

>> No.19640721
File: 415 KB, 1426x713, img46064.1426x713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Kernel makes some of the best craft beers in the world, IMO, but it's quite expensive if you don't buy directly from the brewery. They do very high quality traditional ales, porters, stouts and lagers and don't do any meme "chocolate mango citra IPA" or "sweet strawberry watermelon sour" shit.

>> No.19640722

Anything by Thornbridge is always solid imo. Used to really like Wild Beer Co as well but sadly they're defunct. Personally though I think the UK excels far more at traditional ales than anything

>> No.19640759

brew york are decent if you have the palate of an american and prefer your beer to taste like high abv candy

>> No.19640788

This, just start off with a max of 3 Coors Light bottles. 4.2%i and see what your sea legs are like in actual practice.

>> No.19640818
File: 483 KB, 2048x1638, 4-star-Aunt-Bessie-Product-Shots-56-2048x1638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Northern Monk (yes, I'm bias because they are my local brewery)

>> No.19641038

>for your first beer try something that tastes terrible
Why are you trying to get him to think that all beer is bad?

>> No.19641039

Pretty sure that second category of people only exists in your head.

>> No.19642567

sounds like we found one
not even in your wildest imagination does a world exist where people don't recognize the faggot craft beer fad crowd exists as a real thing

>> No.19642584

>not even in your wildest imagination does a world exist where people don't recognize
So you're not saying they actually exist. You're saying that people think that they exist. That's exactly what I said.

>> No.19642717

Yes, Europeans know what a "Hoosier" is.

>> No.19642989

America is 50 years ahead of the world in beer. Let that sink in.

>> No.19643040

if that were the case the rest of the world would only just now be getting their Anchors and Sierra Nevadas, whereas whatever the latest dumb fucking meme style is spreads around the world in 6 months

>> No.19643060

Europe doesn't have a craft beer scene, we just have actual beer and breweries.

>> No.19643590

You sound like a typical craft beer faggot. God you retards are intolerable.

>> No.19644055

>how dare you use my paper thin logic against me, the audacity

>> No.19644064

dumb yankee, you've barely just caught up

>> No.19644130

Yes anon, we were already aware that guzzling tranny made """beer""" was considered being "ahead" in your pozzed country.

>> No.19644227
File: 1.23 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_6141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best beer is the beer you brew yourself.
This is my dark ale.
No gay labels, wacky flavours or retarded styles.
Water, malt, hops, yeast, done.

>> No.19644342

try a guiness or a trappist ale

>> No.19644795

>water, malt, hops, yeast, done
Ah, just like a good old IPA. This is the real reason brewers love IPAs so much: they represent the most advanced style possible using just the 4 main ingredients of beer, showing how good of a brewer you are with how much balance and depth of flavor you can get out of them.

>> No.19644918

Session IPAs taste too weak for IPAs. At that ABV, I'd rather just have a pilsner.

>> No.19644964

Damn, I didn't know lagunitas did hard stuff
>coffee stout
I like barrel aged stouts but I can't do coffee stouts. Coffee + alcohol just doesn't work for me, tastes disgusting together. Some stouts have a natural coffee flavor that I can appreciate but to add a shot of coffee to the beer is just gross.

>> No.19644980

Fag thinks he's better than professionals lol

>> No.19645013

This. If you think your homebrewed stuff is better than the professionals' you either have terrible taste or should be well aware that your skills are far beyond the average homebrewer, and could likely start your own brewery if you wanted.

>> No.19645043

>Why is he so hyped for that book?
Because he loves it when other people explain to him why he's a bad person.

>> No.19645074

Yeh I love trying yet another overhopped or fruity IPA for five times the cost of normal beer.

>> No.19645079

>five times the cost of normal beer
Craft beer IS normal beer.

>> No.19645171

It obviously isn't. You maybe mean it's traditional beer and even then that's not true since it's still made with modern industrial processes and in a tiny band of pretend-traditional styles usually not even true to the region they're made in.

>> No.19645179

>Session IPAs taste too weak for IPAs
Session IPAs are truer to the style of traditional IPAs than whatever grapefruit and pine resin smoothies you're used to.

>> No.19645191

>You maybe mean it's traditional beer
No, I means it's normal beer. It's not some obscure thing that only a few weirdos drink. It's what normal people drink, what's in every bar, and what takes up 80% of the beer aisle at every grocery and liquor store.

>> No.19645197

Freshness counts, plus the fact that you can brew entirely to your own tastes instead of trying to please millions of people.

>> No.19645200

Craft beer has jumped the shark. It's all about who can make the most bitter IPA and they all taste like pine cones.

>> No.19645202

Your regurgitated talking points have been stale for a decade at this point.

>> No.19645208

> It's all about who can make the most bitter IPA
I wish. Most doubles/triples/imperials are too sweet if anything. And flavor tends to be more fruity with the pine being more of a background note that you taste more on the burp.

>> No.19645269

They get sweeter as they go from single to double to triple, etc. For me, doubles and triples tend to strike the best balance - though there aren't that many good triples. With quads you're basically in barley wine territory, and might as well be drinking a glass of port.

>> No.19645289

the majority of US craft beers are fucking garbage though. It's like wading through liquid dogshit to find gemmies.

yeah anything using any other ingredients might be a good novelty but it's not a good beer. My issue with the craft brew world is 90% of these labels are all style no substance.

>> No.19645426
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Hell yeah, brother. Just knocked out a czech amber lager. Smells great.

Yeah, well, the pros arent making anything worth drinking, so they can take their hazies and fuck themselves.

>> No.19645432

Does Europe even have a craft beer scene? All the posts on here by europoors make me think they only have macrobrews there.

>> No.19645464

The thing about Euro brewing is that any sort of artisanal beer production there is typically part of a really, really old brewing tradition. So in stead of an American craft beer renaissance, you've got really ancient breweries in England or Germany and old farmhouse breweries in Belgium just doing what they've always done. It's not a scene, it's just part of the culture.

>> No.19645496
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You also have a more modern-influenced craft scene on top of that in just about every Euro country now, especially in the UK. There's never been a broader range of beers available.

>> No.19645515

4chan is one of the worst places to discuss beer for some reason.

>> No.19645535


>> No.19645544

Trying to be "artsy." When I see people on this website complain about how anime art style all looks the same and how they prefer something more "unique," this is usually the crap they're talking about.

>> No.19645564
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All these dumb meme flavors and this drink still comes out on top.

>> No.19645586

The vast majority of craft beers aren't "flavored". It just seems that way recently because the two latest fads were sours and hazies, both of which tend to be "fruity", even when they don't use any specific adjuncts.

>> No.19645590

i am muslim, the first time i got drunk was after a liter of beer, or less two shots of strawberry vodka, a glass of regular vodka and one of j&d whisky. i puked 5 times tho, and clogged my friend's toilet

>> No.19645635

>Add hops
>Now add more hops
>Can we get some additional hops?
>Now we finish with some final hops
American-style IPA is not a balanced beer. You don’t get a better product by over-emphasising one of the flavour notes.

Fag thinks that professionals know his own taste professionals better than he does. Also, enjoy your artificially carbonated single-fermented beer while I’m over here enjoying my all-natural, no-preservatives, naturally carbonated secondary-fermented house ale.

>could likely start your own brewery
Don’t need to, if I want a specific beer in small commercial quantities, many of the local microbreweries will happily brew to my recipe. So will a lot of micros in the USA, for that matter.

>> No.19645639

I see a lot of craft beer brands in Canada but they're nowhere as faggy as this. Is this a New England thing?

>> No.19645644

>You don’t get a better product by over-emphasising one of the flavour notes.
Nice opinion
Some would disagree
That's the great thing about opinions over facts!

>> No.19645648

There's nothing "natural" about fermenting heavily processed barley and hop compounds in a controlled biochemical process. Who's the pretentious fag here?

>> No.19645660

Waiter, bring me a bottle of random beer with a woman on the label. Don’t care about style, name, brand, ABV or any of that shit, just the label is enough.

>> No.19645672

The details are written on the back, retard
It's actually a really nice beer but you don't deserve to know about it.

>> No.19645687
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There was a time when Sierra Nevada was considered crazily-flavoured out-there beer. Consider the march of progress.

>> No.19645726

I was prepared to see some horrible beer concepts in here but that’s gayer than a man’s ass full of cum and monkeypox.

>> No.19645730

>just add more hops bro
Craft beer is shit everywhere

>> No.19645763

Natural process.
Natural process.
>Hop compounds
Just hops in the boil, no processing.
>’Controlled biochemical process’
>Who’s the pretentious fag
Oh man the irony is palpable. You really need to get laid, Anon.

>> No.19645766
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>> No.19645790
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>i don't need to start my own brewery
>my recipes are so good (lol) that microbreweries will happily brew them for me!
>by the way, let me demonstrate how little i understand about brewing with this silly little diatribe on how ipas are made

>> No.19645808

It's mostly a Midwest thing, but even then OP has to cherry pick in order to make it seem like this kind of labeling is normal. The brewery in the OP is a literal who that likely doesn't distribute outside of however far their willing to drive their own van.

>> No.19645810

>my recipes are so good (lol) that microbreweries will happily brew them for me
No, they do it for money, and they’ll do it for anyone who’s happy to front the cash.
Many micros have equipment sitting idle between regular runs and are happy to ‘brew to order’.
Many ‘craft’ beers are brewed to spec for people who don’t actually have equipment themselves. Look on the labels for something like ‘brewed for X by Y brewery’.

>> No.19645823

This is unironically my biggest problem with the idea that it's the "labeling" or "marketing" that's bad or ruining craft beer. Most people really don't care what's on a label, and only someone going into a shop completely blind is going to grab a bottle based on the picture on the label. Most people are going to pull their phone out and look up information before spending $15 on a 4-pack. At a bar where you'll have 2 or 3 different things you might just pick something based on the information on the board and roll the dice, but part of that also comes down to trusting the staff to only order things they personally liked.

>> No.19645840

Sierra Nevada was never considered "crazily-flavored" or "out-there" in the US. It was seen as just a "normal" beer, but it actually had flavor. It was the biggest gateway for macro drinkers precisely because nothing about it was crazy or out-there.

>> No.19645883

Fellow canadians, flying monkey is a great brewery but their cans and bullshit are so gay it pisses me off. anything similar that doesn't look like it was made for sodomites?

>> No.19645893

My biggest issue is the ‘walk before you run’ syndrome.
I was on a homebrew forum and there was a guy excited to brew his first beer (all grain too) and wanted people’s opinion, should he do a choc mint imperial stout or a blood orange IPA.
I suggested he try a simple pale ale first.

I feel like a lot of the ‘more hops choc fudge peanut butter ice cream sundae pumpkin spice chai latte IPA’ crowd couldn’t brew a simple Pilsner to save their lives.

>> No.19645899
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Saw this in the store today. Never heard of it but I like MJ so bought one. Gonna try tonight with lamb

>> No.19645943

I’ve tried this brewery’s stuff here in Australia and it doesn’t seem to travel well, sadly.

>> No.19645981
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>the ‘walk before you run’ syndrome
Well that's a problem with just about everything /ck/ related. People look up some stuff online, watch some videos, and get the idea into their head that all this stuff is easy, and they can just jump right in and figure it all out once they buy all the equipment and ingredients. Think of all the home cooks who go from using an Ikea knife for a few years to spending $1000 on a custom Japanese knife an half a dozen water stones, when they don't really even know how to hold the knife let alone have any experience sharpening. Hell, just look at how half of /ck/ talks about restaurant cooks as though it's an easy job that anyone can do because you're "just following recipes".

My first homebrew was a pale ale kit the brew shop put together specifically for beginners. When they asked me what I was interested in brewing I said I wanted to start with a style I'm really familiar with so that I could compare what I did to similar commercial beers. It was all extract and pellets. I did everything "correctly" and it turned out alright, but then I had a baseline and could ask questions about how to improve different aspects to get it closer to a beer I'd actually want to drink every day.

But that's more of a homebrewing issue. Actual breweries that try to do crazy things right out of the gate usually fail. Where I am it was 2015-16 when there was a huge surge of breweries opening and something like 40% of them closed within a year or so. This was also when the market was oversaturated with bad IPAs that were just going for high IBUs without anything behind it. People like to act that that's what the entire craft beer scene is, but it was literally like a year and a half. Of course there are breweries that do mostly non-traditional stuff (The Bruery, Dogfish Head, Lost Abbey, etc.), but those guys know what they're doing and rarely put out a bad beer, so people have confidence trying really weird shit from them.

>> No.19646014

>Many ‘craft’ beers are brewed to spec for people who don’t actually have equipment themselves
Nobody is contract brewing to fill your fucking 5 gallon corny kegs.

>> No.19646062

holy cope

>> No.19646493

>try budweiser for the first time
>it's super sweet
wtf, no wonder normies get fat drinking this all the time

>> No.19646536
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root beer and ginger ale

>> No.19646647

Of course there’s minimum volume requirements, but a lot of smaller micros love being able to get a guaranteed predictable return for a contract brew-and-bottle, because it’s the person paying them that assumes the financial risk if the beer doesn’t sell.
Lern2smolbznss faggot.

>> No.19646916

All the samuel smith ales are good. Even styles I normally wouldn't like, like their chocolate stout, is very good. Try the oatmeal stout if you can find it.

>> No.19647447

Their beer is nice but the owner is a cantankerous Tory cunt, unfortunately.

>> No.19647458

american beers will be some truly fucked up and evil shit. like milkshake ipas. thats despicable. a perversion of reinhesgebot. but its america so people love sugar and bad food. like the standards are so low here to allows for innovation.

>> No.19647497

Because it's full of children pretending they know shit.

>> No.19647516

Beer sucks dude, it's a total meme, its just poison that makes you feel funky, it's how the weak get weaker

>> No.19647541

>it's how the weak get weaker
Beer is literally the fuel that historically drove western civilization.

>> No.19647544

Craft beer is not beer.

>> No.19647557
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People still talk about craft beer? C'mon it's been like 3 decades now
It's just beer now

>> No.19647568
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I like ones here.

>> No.19648066

>anime girls on beer cans

>> No.19648263
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There's no way any effort was put into the taste of those beers, they were developed specifically to appeal to obese weaboids at first sight

>> No.19648281
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>the water
the rain, specifically

>> No.19648301

>collecting beer cans
yikes. Just peel the label off and laminate it, if you love it so much.

>> No.19648305

stop being such a whiny bitch and find god

>> No.19648307

coors banquet or PBR. bud light if you are feeling homosexual

>> No.19648314
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Refreshing light and flavorful

>> No.19648321

>take solace in a lie told to keep you complacent and compliant
Fuck no.

>> No.19648451

La Trappe Tripel and La Trappe Blond is fucking delicious. I always buy a shitton of them whenever they are back in stock.

>> No.19648501


There are many, many people in this world that live happy lives with so much less. America has beautiful nature, cheap & plentiful living, and friendly people. I'm not even trying to argue "oh america is best country over europe etc etc etc", no I am saying you have to be legitimately retarded to thing that living here is a nightmare. It comes of as terribly ungrateful and nearsighted. You live a life of comfort and excess. Yes there is something to be said about striving for more, but

In the words of a great president, this kind of weepiness makes me sick, you cretin.

>> No.19648532

Allagash is delicious

>> No.19648627

Go drink some more kool-aid, Jonestown.

>> No.19649193

Nope, try again.

>> No.19649206

Gee, I better fucking listen to some random dudes opinion on the internet about how I live my life...

>> No.19649214

Alcohol literally makes you gay, it's amazing to think that Islam could essentially be wiped out with the introduction of alcohol

>> No.19649245
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i generally like stouts, high abv. and wiskey barrel aged beers but this one looks/sounds gross. bet if I blind tasted this up against a can of super tennants, i'd prefer the soop.

>> No.19649987

I've fucked enough good muslim boys to know they don't need alcohol for that. Religious repression is explosive when it snaps.

>> No.19650105

I don't like beer much, but it's fun occasionally to pick a bunch of these based on the designs and get tipsy. One of them is always quite good.

>> No.19650145

and lemme guess, u pick the ones with naked men on them

>> No.19650173
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The good old days when beer was for men and not children

>> No.19650192

Alcholohol is for children

>> No.19650485

Let us know when your balls finally drop kiddo. Until then, keep sipping on your purple drank or whatever slop you dumb kids drink these days.

>> No.19650490

I literally ate pussy yesterday you incoherent boomer have sex

>> No.19650496

looks fun

>> No.19650521

Sorry, your sister doesn't count numbnuts. Stay in school and lay off the drugs. I can smell the cheap adderrall from here little zoom zoom.

>> No.19650524

Based nonsensical intoxicated boomer posting

>> No.19650551
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best stout coming thru

>> No.19650776
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Two ones I am drinking right now.

>> No.19650885


Depends on where you're at.

Europe? Zwyiec Baltic Porter, Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout, or a Schenkerla smoked doppelbock.

America? You can get all of the above here, but I'd recommend Southern Tier or DuClaw imperial stouts (too many flavors to list) or Bell's stouts. Those are available nationwide. Then look at regionally-distributed stuff.

>> No.19650956

Based Northern Monk enjoyer.
Their biscuit porter is godly

>> No.19650994

7% is about the limit I can go with IPAs/craft beers. anything beyond that and they become increasingly undrinkable or going into stout territory which I find generally unpalatable

>> No.19651104

it's more or less a whole study centered around mistaking correlation with causation. Unironically every single person I've met who studied sociology will always jump to some -ism as an explanation for things.

>> No.19651194

It's a mix of
>Breweries want packaging that grabs attention on store shelves and while you're scrolling through social media
>Marketing people are fuckwits who sort of just put things THEY like to the forefront even if it's a dumb idea

I know for a fact the first one is more common than you think. Won a homebrew contest and got my beer made larger. Since they liked it so much they canned it too and we picked a really goofy looking and brightly colored can art since it was just for on-site sales. We ended up almost selling more in cans than draft at one point.

Also can say from shit I hear in the industry that most breweries that virtue signal THAT hard publicly are almost guaranteed to be run by corporate-style yuppies who love treating their employees like shit. Pretty much every single cartoonishly liberal brewery I know of gets caught skimming tips and underpaying the production brewers at some point.

>> No.19651235

>Most doubles/triples/imperials are too sweet if anything.
It's not even an IPA problem. All craft beer in the US is too damn sweet now. Even 6 years ago I could find a nice bitter stout but now stouts are popular and everybody wants to make them taste like chocolate milk and candy. It makes me so mad.

>> No.19651291

why is it that every coffee stout tastes more like chocolate milk than coffee??? best i can find is a local brewery that doesnt bottle :/
anybody know of a good bottled dark roast stout/porter where the coffee is the primary flavor?

>> No.19651333

>why is it that every coffee stout tastes more like chocolate milk than coffee???

Short answer: women and zoomers. All the overly-sweet, fruited sour and desert-style beers coming out are more or less aimed at dumb millennial women getting dragged to breweries by their significant others or roaming there as groups during a girls night out in a hip neighborhood. Essentially I've heard from pro-brewers at corporate or corporate-style ones that they have to basically make a kids-menu style list of stuff for basic bitches and "people who don't like beer anyways". Smarter places just offer wine and cider too instead of just making sugar water.

>> No.19651367


>> No.19651587
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best beer in poland, everything else is either piss or overpriced "experiments"

>> No.19651633
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Looks racist. Picrel is some actually good Polish beer.

>> No.19651897

sure buddy, drink candy flavoured beer