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File: 538 KB, 1210x680, snail-shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19636024 No.19636024 [Reply] [Original]

Is it realistic to start a snail farm at home for escargot or am I missing something? Seems like it would be relatively simple and cheap??

>> No.19636029

yeah youre missing the part where escargo fucking sucks

>> No.19636032

good idea you could even sell your excess snails to others

>> No.19637784

Look up heliciculture.You'll probably need a permit of some kind.

>> No.19638030
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>you got a permit for those snails
Do thirdies REALLY?

>> No.19638064

I’m guessing there’s a fairly stringent testing practice you’d need to implement if you don’t want to poison yourself.

>> No.19638091

gordon ramsey cooked garden snails

>> No.19638217

+1 on this anon, there's a video of him where gives his kids like a pound for every 5 snails they catch or something. Apparently garden snails are perfectly fine for cooking. (but they need to have a shell like OP pic I think)

>> No.19638243

People have been farming snails since the Romans (and earlier). You just have to make sure you cook them thoroughly so you don't get rat lungworm and that you quarantine them for a week or two eating nothing but corn meal and water so the contents of their wild diet gets flushed out.

>> No.19638286

Watch the movie Delicatessen

>> No.19638309
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>> No.19638318 [DELETED] 

it's a garlic delivery system

>> No.19638324 [DELETED] 

let's be honest, those snails were probably farmed and then let loose 10 minutes earlier just for that episode

>> No.19638325

a pound of what?

>> No.19638550

>rat lungworm
You can also get flatworms (flukes) from undercooked wild snails.

>> No.19638580

>Is it realistic to start a snail farm at home
Do you live in a suitable climate and do you have enough space for them? If so yes, if not, no.

>> No.19638585

How much space do you need, assuming OP just wants to feed he & his?

>> No.19638608
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Snails LOVE beer, leave some out in a tiny bowl overnight and you'll see their slime trails around it

>> No.19638619
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What about tomatoes?

>> No.19638620

Is correct.
Know fuck all. Snails are very difficult to keep because they eat everything (germs, bugs, lethally poisonous mushrooms, laminate,...) and they can digest it perfectly fine. Nobody in their right mind picks snails from their garden.

You need a market for them (upper class continental European restaurants and the people they cater to)
They're a seasonal product: they hibernate and that's when they're good, rest of the year you depend on jarred produce.

>> No.19638634

don't care. didn't ask. plus your trans

>> No.19638774

you have to build multiple containers for them and keep track of how long theyve been isolated so you dont posion yourself eatting a snail thats mowed down on rat poison or some other dangerous materials. you also need an outdoor processing area because boiling snails in your own kitchen is fucking nasty.

>> No.19638864

that anon's point is you have to give them an explicit 'contained diet' before you consume them. Which is to say, you can't just pick up a snail and eat it. Your farmed snail must be isolated and given an exclusive quarenteen diet for 2+ weeks in A SEALED and sanitized enclosure to ensure it's gotten any mystery material out of itself before you eat it so you dont infect yourself with parasites or consume toxic substances.

Some people feed them vegetable scraps or carrot peels or whatever, but cornstarch slurry is probably the most reliable/cost effective way to do it. if you want to feed expensive tomatoes to snails for 2 weeks, go right ahead.

>> No.19638918

I know he does a lot of fakery and it's been a minute since I've seen the video, but as I recall it looked authentic enough. If you see his really early stuff on British tv before he came to Hollywood his persona was much more real. A lot of the fakery is probably mandatory stuff from Ameritard TV producers.

>> No.19638928

Yes, I know fuck all, and you are a know it all keyboard warrior faggot.
If I had a garden which I do not and planned to make snails, I would do some more research. But since I buy them in the store along with my Baguette and raw butter and horse steak I do not have the need to.

>> No.19638936


>> No.19638938

You only need a permit if they're known agricultural pests. I don't know what kind of snails they are.

>> No.19638941

I only give my snails the best. Imagine giving your snails goyslop

>> No.19638955

Graham Ramsay cooked snails once. He went through some process to purify them. But fuckin yeah nah be careful cunt, fuckin some highschool bloke who played ruggers was on the piss with the lads one night and for shits and gigs cunt ate a fuckin slug and now he can't walk anymore.

>> No.19638967

I did mention according to Gordon Ramsay they are safe but you need the fucking ones with the shell maybe your bruv ate a homeless one.

>> No.19638971

Is this an American or UK discussion? because if this is Muritards, you people cannot even have unpasteurized butter or raw milk lol. your food standards and FDA is laughing stock of the world.

>> No.19638976

Yeah nah yeah fuckin oath mate

>> No.19638984

How many tomatoes would you need to feed a snail for 1 day? What are their dietary/caloric requirements?

>> No.19638986
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Oi! You got a loicense for those snails!?

>> No.19638992

Give a snail a tomato you feed him for a day. Teach a snail to grow tomatoes you feed him for a lifetime.

>> No.19638997

If you just want to eat a few now and then a few square feet indoors would do. A sensible way of doing it would be to build a frame outside of them and feed them garden and kitchen waste.

>> No.19639002
File: 247 KB, 1024x682, well_street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bong making fun of burgers for too many regulations

>> No.19639037

Ty for the handsome compliment kind stranger. I am actually a mainland Europe ESL hihi. I feel so flatterred you would mistake my broken English as coming from an actual British person. On a serious note though, I can't imagine having to worry about police when I'm drunk skating with a cigarette in my mouth and beer in my hand. If your picrel was American it would be /b/ tier and have some black person with his fat female cousin and mother crying in the streets oh no Tayshawn what have they done to my little boy oh nooooo.

>> No.19639038

That's my motto. Traditionalist shit-eating over safety and licenses for anything invented after 1820 because there's nothing saying the government CAN'T requite you to ask for permit to own a band saw. The government is owed everything that is not explicitly carved out as "designated traditional forms of freedom."

>> No.19639044

>Mass drunk arrests vs Mass Shootings

>> No.19639087

and mass drunk arrests only affect the actual drunks in seedy part of town.

>> No.19639091

Op heard about the snail job

>> No.19639100

The thing is we do have regulations on things like horse meat and raw milk used for cheese etc. getting actually sick from these products is just as likely as drinking from a bad batch of commercially made beer and having a stomach ache for a day or something. So very unlikely.

>> No.19639121


>> No.19639129 [DELETED] 

I mean it's just pure showbiz, as in: you need to have something to cook for the camera. Like there are times when Ramsay (and other TV hosts) are supposed to go hunting or fishing, but they just couldn't catch the item that day. What do they do? They buy it. Otherwise, there's literally no show to be made. It's not so much dishonesty, it's just practical.

Also, fuck knows what your average garden snail has been chowing on.

>> No.19639132

It's like a renaissance painting

>> No.19639134 [DELETED] 

>now he can't walk anymore
Fucking hell

>> No.19639137

He died in 2018, 8 years after eating the slug if that's who you're referring to

>> No.19639139
File: 264 KB, 1280x853, https___static.nieuwsblad.be_Assets_Images_Upload_2021_11_23_bbd3f3ab-e21f-4596-9cc1-fa3343e61377[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need a market for them (upper class continental European restaurants and the people they cater to)
In Europe people just eat them at carnival stalls.
like a fancier more cultured alternative to getting fries with mayonnaise or a hot dog. they are always cooked in some garlicky butter sauce or something.

There is a fancier restaurant version of them as well. I wouldn't say it's upper class food though more like cultured middle class.

>> No.19639140 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19639145 [DELETED] 

>more cultured
piss on that, it's a disgusting fucking slug, holy shit
to eat that is absolutely chinaman tier

>> No.19639146

Get them from some snail breeder or enjoy your brain bugs (might get them anyway if your snails get infected later)

>> No.19639147

lmao, for a second when I saw the picture I actually thought the guy was posing for a picture before I realized he's probably cuffed to his belt or something.

>> No.19639153 [DELETED] 

Fuck knows mate

>> No.19639157
File: 277 KB, 1776x1776, 120345002_333579691309281_754313416535275550_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to eat that is absolutely chinaman tier
opinion disregarded. yes slugs are gross, but the ones you get from a stall or from the store (usually pre boiled I think) are just as nasty as shrimp or any seafood that looks like a "bug" according to uncultured puritans.

>> No.19639230

>Everything that lives and moves about will be food for you. Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything.

>> No.19639278

>Also, fuck knows what your average garden snail has been chowing on.
The article I just linked says you need to feed them carrots for like 4 days to clean them of toxins or something. Would I put in this effort and risk over just getting them cheaply from the store? probably not.
>showbizz fakery
Yeah, I know the cooking part. I was referring to his exaggerated persona on the American version of Kitchen Nightmares vs the earlier British one.

>> No.19639285

He's not wearing a belt

>> No.19639443

What kind of snail isn't a pest?

>> No.19639460

It's not '00s anymore, anon - the good ol' US of A is a thirdworld country

>> No.19639466

>am I missing something?

>> No.19639487

well written post explaining OP question and you took time to post that?
there are better websites for you anons - they even have emojis, like buttons, and short form content

>> No.19639627

It's one of the greatest photos I've ever seen. Manchester, New Year's Eve 2015

>> No.19640480

This. It's probably easier just to by canned or frozen ones.
Beurre d'escargot is also pretty easy to make and the only reason to eat snails.

>> No.19640514

The desirable species doesn't exist where I live and it would be illegal to import them alive. I've tried it with the native ones but it was a bit disappointing. The best I can do is order them canned or travel. I think the one you want is helix pomatia but I only get helix aspersa.

>> No.19640883
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>feeding snails fucking tomatoes at $6/lb

>> No.19640886

We wouldn't have an illegal immigrant population if these mattered

>> No.19641000

That meal must have left him feeling rather sluggish after.

>> No.19641040
File: 83 KB, 726x431, Screen_Shot_2014-09-05_at_3.56.44_PM.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with europeans and being so confidently wrong?

>> No.19641136
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uhh.. bros?

>> No.19641153


Here's a good article about one guy trying exactly this. USDA calls most snails invasive species, so lots of hoops to jump through, and the US market is limited. Seems like room for growth though

>> No.19641288

>A lot of the fakery is probably mandatory stuff from Ameritard TV producers.
Oh poor gordon, enslaved by those tv producers and forced to dance to the crack of their whip.

>> No.19641293

So it just shits in its shell until it spews out the sides or what

>> No.19641346

wtf? I live in expensive european country and here tomatoes are 2€/kg including VAT

>> No.19641570

>fuckin some highschool bloke who played ruggers was on the piss with the lads one night and for shits and gigs cunt ate a fuckin slug and now he can't walk anymore
Which is why you don't eat raw slugs or snails like that dumb cunt did.

>> No.19641836

>having both a penis and a vagina
Are snails the ultimate life form? You'd literally never have to leave home, and you wear your home on your back.

>> No.19643406

tfw no dart sac