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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.06 MB, 978x735, 2022-12-15_13:36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19637710 No.19637710 [Reply] [Original]

Post something cooking-related you learned recently, preferably by finding it out yourself in practice. It can be trivial or obvious in hindsight, it doesn't matter.

Mine: Don't put tomatos in with the rest of your roast veggies, it'll just squirt its water all over the place and make it into steamed veggies instead.

>> No.19637713
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is that an abscess

>> No.19637738

yup, intramuscular abscess are caused by dumb fuck farmers who can't be bothered to use sterile syringes when injecting their livestock with antibiotics or growth hormones.

>> No.19637743
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If you buy that from a butcher and the 'scess is only revealed at home, can you bring it back and get a refund? I feel like if it was a goodguy butcher I would quietly ask for them to take it back and I'll still pay 50% for the replacement on account of Act of God that they couldn't prevent

>> No.19637773

American moment

>> No.19637782

most places will be obligated to it's literally defective product that could have made you seriously ill if you accidentally ate meat tainted by infection

>> No.19637786

Yep, more common than most people think as well. I worked at a butchers and we'd come across them fairly regularly. Cut it out, try to salvage the cut, and if not you mince the remains and make burgers.
I would say yes. If you found a huge abscess the butcher would probably refund you and also want to know which shipment it came from, in case they have some more potentially abscessed cuts in storage.

>> No.19637814

>more common than most people think as well. I worked at a butchers
Not trying to get all /pol/ but are you American?
Eurozone countries don't inject meat like they do in America.

>> No.19637846

you're right and when they do, it's done by licensed veterinarians. In America, some ranches stretch for miles and miles so the ranchers are used to do everything by themselves.

>> No.19637859

Butcher here, we would never put that into our case and would be appalled when we discovered it. A reaming over the phone to our supplier would follow. We had this happen with a piece of swordfish recently and my manager flipped his lid at the supplier and we got a full refund. It was just as horrifying to see in person as this photo is

>> No.19637866
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The secret to cooking Pork Chops is to brine them. It is a night and day difference. Seriously. Adds like an extra hour to your prep time but is worth it.

real ones know.

>> No.19637872

Building off this, please learn how to make sauces with sherry, masala, and Chardonnay. more zoom zooms need to start using these great wines.

>> No.19637877

make sure your brine has some brown sugar and bay leaf.

>> No.19637879

of course you can retard. Any butcher would/should be mortified to realize they sold you this shit.
That being said I doubt you would ever have this happen with a butcher. this looks like bulk un cut meat.

>> No.19637901

>the ranchers are used to do everything by themselves.
I can get that anon, when needs must and all that.
Maybe you can assist with a question I have this applies to you >>19637743

Years ago, when I was young (I'm 58) bacon in Britain (you know we use back bacon right?) used to have small flattened, rounded, hard things in it. We just used to spit them out but what were they??

>> No.19637913

Dammit, I meant >>19637859

>> No.19637917

christ how does a swordfish get an abscess like that? I assume it's just from injury or parasite? how do fishmongers even screen this shit out when they're selling in bulk

>> No.19637946

It could be trichinella cysts. used to be much more common than it is today.

>> No.19637967

Like I said, we just used to spit them out but we called them 'cysts'.
Wow. If only I knew at the time.

>> No.19637983

horrifying. thats why old folks are used to overcooking the shit out of pork. you could actually contract trichinosis if you ate undercooked pork. thank god we have better farming practices today and its pretty much a thing of the past

>> No.19637993

I'll never forget the stench of cutting into a pork shoulder and hitting a softball-sized abscess that was pure rotting liquid putridness, it smelled like death.

I threw the whole cutting board away.

>> No.19638013

>thats why old folks are used to overcooking the shit out of pork
These cyst things were certainly around in the 1970's but faded out during the late 1980's . .. . if only I knew then what I know now but I bet that's a common mantra.!

>> No.19638015

Fuck off importnigger, learn to use local wines

>> No.19638016
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maybe labmæt is actually the way to go

>> No.19638019

No, I worked in the EU in Ireland. Sometimes they have tumors or "masses of tissue" instead.

>> No.19638022

Balsamic reduction is highly effective but braindead easy way to impress normalfags

>> No.19638032

The yeast seems to win out easily when fermenting sweet fruits in brine (cherries and blueberries at least.) So if you don't want to accidentally make wine, you want to strain some whey from a cultured dairy product and add a couple tablespoons to each quart jar so that lacillobactus gets a head start and the sour flavors develop in time.

>> No.19638048

>I worked in the EU in Ireland.
No disrespect mate but Ireland is bordering on third world, I know this will upset the Irish and Americans who think they are Irish but you know exactly what I mean!

>> No.19638122
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Just stop eating meat, retards. Its disgusting. There are different options which are more tastier and healthier.

>> No.19638157

>There are different options which are more tastier and healthier.

Enjoy your 'meat flavored food products' and vitamin supplements.

>> No.19638163

you can 'cook' fish by leaving it in acidic fruit juice

would still rather just fry/boil it obv but wondered can you do the same with mammalian meat
and its NOT the same as smoking/curing which involve a whole lot human intervention that otherwise wouldn't naturally occur

>> No.19638192

Just give it a try, and see what you find.

>> No.19638206

Ranchers not farmers.

>> No.19638391

>Just give it a try, and see what you find.
Nah, Thanks but no thanks.
None are tastier and rarely healthier, I think you know this.

>> No.19639150
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cleaning pans is easy when you boil water in it afterwards

>> No.19639160

Cuban cuisine uses overnight citrus marinades to partially cook chicken or pork but will finish it traditionally. Great texture if done right. Marinating it more for a more fully citrus "cooked" experience isn't the play, though. I've marinated it for 48 hours before and the texture gets real mushy.

>> No.19639176

abscesses will form naturally on their own, has nothing to do with syringes

>> No.19639188

Never mind food supply chain shit for a second. Do you seriously not understand how abscesses form in the human body? Do you think the abscess faerie waved her magic wand and put them where some dumb-ass constantly forgets to wash despite being constantly irritated?

>> No.19639465

When making a lighter stew/curry like Tom kha or nip curry, cook the chicken separate with nice seasonings similar to the stew. Get a nice browning and almost finish it then finish the stew. Add broth of that chicken or meat to the stew. Add the meat in at the last minute to finish cooking. These broths don't impart much flavor to the meat and the browning from frying it is fat better than whatever little will penetrate into it from the soup.
This obviously doesn't apply to slow cook braises.
Also if you like very spicy food, but get the shits consider just eating raw chili. Body digests it way better and it's hotter and more flavorful anyway. Hot sauce is gay.

>> No.19639556
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>> No.19639588

When dry roasting spices for grinding, let them cool off first before grinding or else you end up with moist spice powder.

When making almond or cashew paste, or any paste in fact, dry grind the hard ingredients (nuts, cinnamon sticks/bark) first, and only after it's a powder do you add water in.

>> No.19639596

they dont. i worked in a fish house as a teenager butchering and packing all kinds of fish and found all kinds of weird shit. most commonly were isopods in the mouth or gills, anchor worms, and then weird cysts and ulcers were common in larger open ocean fish like tuna, swords, mahi and cobia. i was instructed to just remove or cut around the marred flesh as best i could. the isopods werent an issue because we generally filleted our fish and made sure fish to be sold whole were in mint condition. anchor worms were another story, you could try to pick them out, but line cooks generally knew to pull them out with tweezers while the fish was cooking and the worms were squeezed up out of the contracting flesh. not making that up ask any sautee cook who cooked fish out of the gulf of mexico.

>> No.19639602


>> No.19639613
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I don't like this thread

>> No.19639617

>safe and effective

>> No.19639632

christ there was more yellow than red

>> No.19639635

so are you saying they are caused by syringes or not? there are lots of reasons an abscess can form, blaming it on syringes is stupid when you have no way of knowing that

>> No.19639636

Bruh. I spent a decade as one and the most I ever dealt with was buck shot and bb's. 'Merican, for the record.

>> No.19639638

Yeah we can tell.

>> No.19639640

>hurr durr I poke sharp object into live things repeatedly without sterilizing it
>oh no why are things developing protective mass around the bacterial injection site I just purpose-orchestrated. must be the joos

>> No.19639648

Cool thread idea. I'll be back for the next one.

>> No.19639652

>Europeans don't do that
>this European country does it
>no that European country doesn't count because... well... it just doesn't ok?

>> No.19639653

gross but oddly fascinating

>> No.19639655

>i'm gonna make up a fantasy about something I have no way of knowing because I want to be mad at farmers

>> No.19639660

Life gets boring in the sticks.

>> No.19639665

Ok, I'll slow it down for you, trumpy. Bacteria = bad. Bacteria detected = uh-oh. If more good = less bad. Math it out from there, oh wait you can't. Science = wrong because I = dum. QEF.

>> No.19639734

I used to work in a grocery store in Canada. We'd get pre filleted fish from our supplier including wild caught cod. Once in a while I'd find worms in the fillets. They're called "seal worms" since they commonly infest seals, which shit out the eggs, which are then eaten by the cod. The worms burrow into the fish's flesh once they hatch. If you see a little spiral shaped indentation in a piece of cod there was probably a worm there. Once they hit a refrigerator the worms are dead and pose no threat to humans, at least according to an official statement from whatever Canadian government agency regulates that shit. When the worms die they tend to coil up and start to poke out of the flesh. I'd pluck them out, and put the fish on the shelf to sell. This wasn't one of those super fancy grocery stores, but it wasn't bottom of the barrel discount store either. We'd sell nicer fish and cuts of meat, and had imported European products.

>> No.19639742
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the truth is a lot to take in, i'd say go vegan but some of the things they do in agriculture are just as bad

>> No.19640333

>some of the things they do in agriculture are just as bad
please do go on

>> No.19640375
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>> No.19640445

When you use a food thermometer to measure the temperature of something hot, the thermometer will be hot. In fact, you know exactly how hot the thermometer is.

>> No.19640471
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>> No.19640495

Okay...so which EU countries are first world
Not Ireland as you've said, one of the wealthiest per capita countries in the EU or the world, full of pastureland or unused fens.
So which are the EU countries with good livestock in your opinion, I'm curious.

>> No.19640524

importniggers need to hang, fuck sherry and marsala, it's ridiculous to not be allowed to write the style of wine on the bottle.

the eu should be nuked for the good of everyone else.

>> No.19640530

welcome to 4chan, young man

>> No.19640540

Absolute savages, boiling the rat when it's alive. When we prepare the cuy, at least we cut the head off or brake their necks, very fast nearly painless death. Who would torture an animal like that?

>> No.19640561

When cutting onions it actually matters which direction you're cutting it: if you cut it along the grain the pieces will remain more structural integrity in the pan, taste sweeter and produce less alicin (since you break fewer cells), the opposite is true if you cut them across: they get mushier, taste sharper when raw, produce more liquid and break down easier. So if you want to do like a stir fry and want to bite into onions, you need your chunks to be cut along the grain, if you're doing stews and marinades you're better off cutting across

>> No.19640617

The supplier isn't gonna know if it has an abscess. do you think they work it CAT scanners?

>> No.19640618

hmm I never knew that, always julienned them for practically everything. I will try this soon

>> No.19640619

imagine someone put a gun to you and your families head and said you had to eat that whole thing, pus and all. haha

>> No.19640629

ok, what are they wearing?

>> No.19640631

onions have grain

>> No.19640633

don't worry bro they're no lobsters.

>> No.19640898

Warming your plates makes a serious difference for the longevity of lots of foods, like steak for example.

I always thought I was resting my steaks too long because as soon as I’d put it on my plate and start eating it’s already half cold. What actually happening is the room temp porcelain of the plate is sapping the heat immediately, making your steak cold. Porcelain is a dense material and can hold a ton of energy, just run your plate under the hot tap until it’s hot to the touch, dry it, and then plate up. This is why your steaks at a restaurant stay hot for a while but at home they don’t.

>> No.19640899

I thought they were just cow bedsores from how we treat them

>> No.19640903

You can also just eat raw fish and meat, fag

>> No.19640935
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Mmm... forbidden lettuce...

>> No.19640937
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more like forbidden compound butter

>> No.19640947 [DELETED] 
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Still edible. I've never eaten it directly but it's very easy to separate with a sharp precision butchers knife. Takes 10 second. Meat is still delicious.

>> No.19640986

but it gets into your head anon. it's not appetizing :[

>> No.19640992 [DELETED] 

Be hungry. Then it becomes appetizing anon...

>> No.19641016
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>> No.19641087
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what the hell are you trying to pull here anon

>> No.19641107

Thanks for ruining meat and mayonnaise for me.

>> No.19641202

You might be right, I always cut my onions for the stir frys into wedges and never I was once irritated by it nor it tasted sharp. I never realised this until now

>> No.19641281

repent or burn in hell

>> No.19641722

That averaged per capita is misleading

>> No.19641764

Couldn't you just render it down into a creamy sauce??

>> No.19641771

What does that even mean. Unless you’re chucking in whole onions they’ve been cut against “the grain.“

>> No.19641773

What do you brine it with? Just salt? Never done it before.

>> No.19641779

its not fat

>> No.19641791

putting baking powder in your oat-pancakes makes them soft as shit and basically impossible to flip without making a mess

>> No.19641900

Cut their GDP per capita in half and they're still wealthier than most EU member states.

>> No.19641970

one or two yolks in soup (cool enough to not cook it) gives it an amazing thickness and texture and feel
i think this is a well known trick overall but i didn't know it

>> No.19641985

What third world shithole are you in?

>> No.19642420

there is no taste difference between brown and white sugar.

>> No.19642560

>small flattened, rounded, hard things in it. We just used to spit them out but what were they??
Cartilage tips from the ribcage, Anon.

>> No.19642587

Retard thinks that butchers and deli counters knowingly sold infected pork for years.
Trichinella has been virtually eliminated from domestic pork production. Even back as far as 80 years ago there were less than 500 cases of trchinosis a year in the US. These days it’s probably less than 50 a year all related to hunted meat.

>> No.19642771

Every single living mammal in a field was shot, poisoned, crushed by tractors, buried alive in their burrows and destroyed

all so you can enjoy your soy protein you fucking faggot

>> No.19642780

At first I thought it was stuffed with butter but then I looked closer and yea it looks like cancer or something. Disgusting.

>> No.19642812

why do u type like that. lol.

>> No.19643151

kyle spratt's song 'suicide note'

>> No.19643273

oh wow how scary, some of these salt sprinkled pieces of meat that activated the nerves due to salts composition is making them move again. Better start eating plants guys.

>> No.19643292

As always, meat from small, locally owned farms run by people who treat their livestock with care and respect is the way.

>Who would torture an animal like that?
Animal torture is basically a Chinese patriotic duty.

>> No.19643306

>Every single living mammal in a field was shot, poisoned, crushed by tractors, buried alive in their burrows and destroyed
I've tried to point this out many times over the years but no vegetarian/vegan ever seems to give a fuck. I dunno, it feels like, you let small herds of livestock graze freely on natural land, you preserve all that biodiversity, and when you butcher a cow, you get like 600,000 calories worth of food in exchange for one life. I'm sure you get a shitton of calories from a field of wheat, but how many reptiles and rodents and insects had to die for it?

>> No.19643608
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Ranch dressing and pickled olive juice makes great white pizza sauce

>> No.19643617

You got to temper the egg.

>> No.19643631

>As always, meat from small, locally owned farms run by people who treat their livestock with care and respect is the way.
sounds prohibitively expensive

>> No.19643651

Literally covered in shit
Literally birthed by swamp water or shit
Literally swim in piss and shit
Eat said shit on the bottom of the oceans
Literally grows from dead shit

Shit happens in the food chain. Get over it. It's ALL fucking disgusting. That is why your body acid washes all that slop you eat.

>> No.19643659

Yep, it is a thing that people eat, like ceviche. Usually done with beef. Beef Tartare is the term for it.

>> No.19643663

This is the consequence of being shielded from reality. People are far too shielded from what it takes to grow/raise/harvest food.

>> No.19643702
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>the small amount of reptiles and rodents and insects are wasted

Dude, that’s like saying it’s wasted air if we don’t breathe it all, even though it’s pollution to make the air we don’t breathe be used as a toxic dump from CFCs and carbon emission

And besides, even though insects lives and mice aren’t comparable to human lives, those species were created and handed a life because of the field of wheat. They wouldn’t have existed without it, and even though they are killed in the process, they would be dead within a year of a natural harvest and have fulfilled their purpose by helping maintain the natural habitat of the farmed wheat

>> No.19643745

i mean technically yea the both "sugars" taste the same but the molasses in the brown sugar adds its own flavor

>> No.19644360

How old were you when you learned this basic fact that’s been common knowledge for fucking centuries, holy fucking shit.

>> No.19644406
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You mean these ?

>> No.19644483

I'm sorry Brayden...

>> No.19644492

8 is way too high heat for burgers and you get a pink middle
fucking new electric stove

>> No.19646203

As opposed to other countries where they still don't know what causes it.

>> No.19646245

One year on a farm or a nature preserve would tell you emphatically that they do not get that big without a syringe. Deer abscesses get huge, and the biggest I've seen was about an inch and a half in diameter. Cow abscesses are normally the same size and also typically are attached to the skin. You can't tell because even anti-vax herds get a sick cow, so you get them that sized anyway from the one that magically got sick and reacted.

>> No.19646573
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Jesus fucking Christ this post

>> No.19646698

>getting this mad over nothing
>pulling the political card
Aww someone needs their binky and a nap.

>> No.19646719

>cattle rancher
>dairy farmer

english is a dumb language sometimes

>> No.19646736

You can add Garlic to your pot of boiling pasta. I don't know how common this is but I never really thought of this until recently. For some reason I thought the thinly chopped garlic would fall through the drainer but it actually works and tastes quite well.

>> No.19646787

what do you expect from chinkoid subhumans

>> No.19646920

naw its a important distinction, you don't farm cows because they grow themselves you're there to tend the ranch hence "rancher"

>> No.19647273

usually when making a chicken stew I'll make enough to contain a whole chicken, that way I can roast the chicken like I would if I were eating just that, separate the meat from the bones, pressure cook the bones for an hour or two with some vinegar, and start on the rest of the stew some time while the pressure cooker is still going, just gotta make sure you dont add too much water to allow to add the bone stock whenever its done, and then add the meat at the end like you said.

>> No.19647287
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Don't try line your oven bottom with aluminum foil in an attempt to prevent spills :<

>> No.19647288

at first I thought this was a shitpost, then I lol'd realizing how you made that discovery

>> No.19647385
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>mince the remains and make burgers.

>> No.19647715

i will say pork is very clean but...those shoulders aka the "boston butt" that people make into pulled pork
some of the meat on that has a nasty taste, the gristle too
theres a reason it used to be thrown in barrels and no one wanted them, and whenever the asian cook them they parboil it first

>> No.19647723

you should shut the fuck up about things you don't know anything about.

>> No.19647759

that's literally the point of the thread

>> No.19647775

>the forbidden garlic butter

>> No.19647929
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what a good thread completely wasted by a derailing picunrel... OP never fails to disappoint.

anyways don't add your tators to stew until the last 20-40 min of simmering otherwise they'll be over cooked and mush out

>> No.19647938
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Leave the steams on the jalapenos when you makes poppers.
at first i was pissed when i was first served them like this but it quickly made sense because you can hold id it while you bite it in half from the other end and the pepper won't slide out and give you third degree burns on you chin

>> No.19647946
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add this shit to any ground beef meal, it will improve it dramastically

>> No.19647953

poland unironically

>> No.19647992

my husband uses Tennessee Pride Hot for spaghetti

>> No.19648012

Equatorial cut vs polar cut. The grain runs from root to tip.

>> No.19648026

Thank you good anon, as a Pole I can add Lithuania, super high rate of development, SUPERB cuisine

>> No.19648113
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you made good choices to wind up where you are
be happy

>> No.19648116

>Don't put tomatos in with the rest of your roast veggies, it'll just squirt its water all over the place
That's an anime girl image just waiting to be drawn.

>> No.19648202

How's that dementia treating you anon?

>> No.19648332

Always look over your vegetables before buying. I bought 3 crowns of broccoli in a bundle and only realized a few days later they were COVERED in aphids on the underside, and the top had some small green caterpillars that blended into the broccoli. They survived in my fridge for a few days and I couldn't get the aphids off by washing so I just ate them.

>> No.19648431

thanks anon

>> No.19648452


>> No.19648467
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You ate the bugs and you were happy.

>> No.19648815

>let small herds of livestock graze freely on natural land
That's not what's happening, though, is it?
It's more like:
>Instead of eating this soy/corn directly, I'll grow ten times as much and then feed it to a cow and then kill the cow after keeping it confined in a stable, wallowing in its own excrement.

>> No.19648821

I'm so fucking glad I'm a vegetarian

>> No.19648832

meat normally doesn't have abscesses, you know
seek mental help

>> No.19648852

>Instead of eating this soy/corn directly, I'll grow ten times as much and then feed it to a cow and then kill the cow after keeping it confined in a stable, wallowing in its own excrement.
sounds based

>> No.19649159

Yeah dude, and you know what never does? Vegetables.

>> No.19649209

Excellent bait

>> No.19649259
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>> No.19649367
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>seek mental help

>> No.19649381

that's different

>> No.19649413

I've always wanted to try huitlacoche.

>> No.19649443

pontificate the aroma

>> No.19649449

its really good, kinda sweet

>> No.19649590

This. I’ve worked with DNR doing health surveys of whitetail deer populations, the amount of crazy shit I’ve seen is unnervingly high. I can assure you, those deer are never injected with anything. Regardless, my in-laws work as ranchers in the states and all of their syringes are sterilized between uses. I’m not sure why Euros get chuffed about the quality of meats over here. I live in the UK and it’s only been very recently that my spouse can give blood in the states because of mad cow prions, something that the UK STILL has problems with. Bad shit happens everywhere imao.