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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19635925 No.19635925 [Reply] [Original]

i pretty much live on fast food and frozen meals. i can never make restaurant quality shit. the closest things i know how to make aren't even considered "cooking" its more like combining cans in a pot and calling it dinner. i tried to make chicken several times but it always comes out stringy or raw in the center. i dont have any good cookware to put things in the stove, so everything i can cook has to be in pots or pans. the most "healthy" meal i can is spaghetti, but that's just buying store bought sauce, noodles and browning ground beef.

how do i start making things that are easy, filling and tasty without succumbing to just buying wendy's or something instead? ive watched guides on youtube like basics with babish and i just cant even get his basics down. what am i doing wrong bros...

>> No.19635932

in the oven*

>> No.19635978

please be a real woman

>> No.19635994

There is your problem he make entertainment videos not education/informational cooking instructions or tips. Try chef john instead. I recommend the chicken piccata simple, fast, and delicious.

>> No.19635998

where do you live?

>> No.19636018

CA, the land of the "get fucked if you're not rich"

>> No.19636025

watching a few videos by john right now, gonna go to the grocery store tomorrow and try some things out. maybe stop at wendy's after too.

>> No.19636039

Chef John, simple as

>> No.19636043

Getting an instead read thermometer is a really good idea if your undercooking shit too.

>> No.19636055 [DELETED] 
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How tall are you? I need to know. No reason at all :^)

Anyways to actually answer your question, you'll soon find that "restaurant quality" is nowhere near as intimidating as it seems. As you're going to the grocery store, get eggs and salted butter. Two cartons is fine. You're going to learn how to cook eggs! They're cheap, healthy, and quite satiating especially for your small frame. Get some American cheese and green onions too, remember the leekspin video? One of those things. Then you can youtube how to make an omelette. Then you can youtube how to make scrambled eggs. Then, you can put an omelette or scrambled eggs ontop of some motherfucking TOAST! By then, you'll have learned how to handle your pan, a spatula, your oven system, basic oils (please butter and olive oil only, seed/vegetable oils will kill you faster). That's a lot. Good job. Post your meals in my self improvement/grooming server.

>> No.19636058

op please tell me if you're a woman or not

>> No.19636062
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>unironically grooming people for your trannycord on /ck/
i hope you get perma range banned, chang

>> No.19636064

do you faggots not actually cook? I genuinely do not believe that an average looking man who has somewhat decent cooking skill (the bar is low) would not be able to attract a woman, competence is sexy as fuck especially with cooking

>> No.19636081

So here's what you do:
> Go buy a crock pot/slow cooker from a thrift store
> Buy frozen vegetables, some spices and frozen chicken breasts or pot roast/chuck roast
> Slow cook all these together in broth for 8 hours and it takes you days to eat the whole thing
> Its just fresh meat and veggies, so its very filling, very nutritious and will.make you poop.out things you never ate.

I actually folk, though I take time to imy that everyone on this board might be heterosexually challenged, you faggot

>> No.19636101

Easiest place to start is slow cooker recipes. Throw in some chicken or beef and some veggies into a pot with some water or stock. Bring to a boil and put it on the low setting. 4-5 hours later wa la, some sloppa.

>> No.19636109

of course i cook, but i am not going to help you out unless you are a real woman

>> No.19636113

please be in Kalamazoo

>> No.19636154

i'm 5'11

>> No.19636165

no fucking way dude wtf

>> No.19636166

both good ideas, ill go look for one

>> No.19636169

yeah its a problem, i can eat literally whatever i want and never gain weight. been this way since high school and im an adult now (25) feelsb

>> No.19636171

based cancer patient

>> No.19636174

yeah its a problem, been this way for years now, never gaining or losing weight. can eat like shit and be perfectly fine. feelsbad cause i get called "paper towel tube arm" a lot by randoms. i just wanna gain weight...

>> No.19636177

why tf did i double post, shitty site

>> No.19636261

you don't eat enough. simple as that. you can eat whatever you want and not gain any weight if you eat very little

>> No.19636266

look up 101 common cooking mistakes and im sure youll recognize a few

beans and rice and meat burritos

one day try making the rice from scratch and using canned beans and frozen pre-cooked meat, package salsa

then try it again making the beans from scratch, using instant rice, pre-cooked meat, packaged salsa

then after that try it again using canned beans, instant rice, cook your own meat, packaged salsa... you get the trend

>> No.19636268

>just b urself
Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.19636272

atually try cooking each ingredint a few times in a row before switching over to another

>> No.19636301

too tall

>> No.19636885

Best book recc I can give is "The 4-hour Chef" by Timothy Ferriss (there's a free pdf online). It's a textbook of a cookbook that covers all the techniques you'd need and has handy cheat sheets for the more niche stuff.
The easiest nutritious foods to cook are rice, beans, and potatoes. Most veggies can be steamed or sauted (cooked in a hot pan with a bit of oil, make sure there's no water or it'll 'pop').
Your issue with cooking chicken is that you're using too high of a temperature and not giving enough time for the heat to seep inwards.
Spices are something which seem complicated but are easy enough to learn. To know if a spice mixture is good, steep the spices and herbs in hot water for 5 minutes and do a taste test. The water shouldn't be a roiling boil and should be *just* hot enough to have a lot of little bubbles. The water shouldn't be scoldingly hot.

>> No.19637405

You got it backwards retard, the rule for women is tits or GTFO
Go read /fit/ if you need to gain weight. But the basics are - calculate your TDEE, use any online calculator, your maintenance calories is probably around 2000. Eat more than maintenance to gain weight. Start consuming about 2500 per day. Count calories using MyFitnessPal for a few weeks to understand what that amount looks like. Not enough? Eat more. You can't not gain weight if you're in caloric surplus. Eat more calorie dense foods - sweet and fatty dishes (you want the opposite of "filling"). Make sure you get 1 gram of protein per pound of weight (100g for you), and you need about 30-50 grams of fat too, and 20g of carbs is the bare minimum, but you really need more to grow. Start resistance training if you want to grow muscle instead of fat.

It sounds like you can cook basics to survive, at this stage just start learning how to cook specific dishes that you want to make. Chef John is great. Kenji Lopez-Alt is a good cook. Things that are easy to make are pasta, roasts, soups, stews. Get a cheap baking dish, costs a few bucks - you need one for roasting. Try Lopez-Alt's slow roasted pork shoulder, hard to mess up.

You said your chicken comes out undercooked - when cooking meats, go by temperature to make sure they are not under- or overcooked. Instant-read is generally fine, but for roasting a leave-in thermometer takes out a lot of guesswork. Ethan Chlebowski has a good vid on cooking chicken breast.

Is there anything else you want to make or anything you're struggling with?

>> No.19637478

Pick something easy and tasty and do it a bunch. If you feel too lazy to do shit most of the time, do meal prep -- it makes a lot more food for not a lot more effort. If you get bored of eating the same shit every day, freeze some and change it up with a previous week's food, or meal prep some side dishes that you can change out.

Getting some frozen meatballs makes spaghetti a lot better. Toss in some garlic just before adding the sauce to the pan to feel fancy.

Some other ideas for easy meals to prep: pot roast, carnitas, fried rice, pasta salad (add some chopped or shredded chicken for protein). If you get a baking sheet or a roasting pan, you can also make meatloaf or roast chicken. Whole chicken is one of the cheapest meats out there, and you can make gravy with the drippings and stock with the bones once you're done eating.

>> No.19637495

To add to this, this is basically what I did through most of college. I had no idea how to cook, burned several gallons worth of soup because I locked myself out of my dorm while it was simmering many times, and could only rarely be assed to cook. If you are interested in cooking, motivated to continue, and keep trying to improve, you will learn to cook well sooner or later. And, the process gets easier with experience -- chopping things faster, keeping your work area clean, running multiple tasks in parallel, and washing during downtime, all are skills that make life much better when cooking.

Final note, motivation can definitely be hard to find. My personal motivation comes from having family that eats what I cook. Sharing food just naturally creates motivation for me. But, you'll have to find something that works for you. Good luck.

>> No.19637723
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That's why you don't flirt with "women" on this site. There are no women on this site.

>> No.19637726

> Tits or gtfo
There are no women on this site, but there are troons - and they have tits. We need a better test. I'd say "Pussy or gtfo" but then the people who post femboys would start posting post op manpussy

>> No.19638989
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key to your answer is to learn to cook japanese curry.