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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19634399 No.19634399 [Reply] [Original]

have anyone made picrel successfully from long grain rice? I want to have a cold rice breakfast and these look perfect, but I would prefer not spending double just because
>rice but japan :D

alternatively I'm open to other cold-rice sides that would be good for breakfast.

>> No.19634404

never worked for me, just put it in a bowl or plate and shake on top

>> No.19634434

If you're going to make something, make it right. Don't be a cheapfaggot.

>> No.19634449

yeah substitute one of two ingredients that should work out fine

>> No.19634474


tranime fan opinions doesn't matter

>> No.19634485

Sushi is made from rice that's specifically very sticky. Ordinary long grain rice is not sticky, thus cannot be formed into shapes that hold themselves together. It's not a simple case of
>rice, japan :o

>> No.19634487

I made it with LIDL jasmine rice and spicy tuna mayo filling once. it kept falling apart but it was still a god tier combo in terms of flavor. it's not half as good without good toasted sesame oil though and I don't really get the appeal of this when it's cold

>> No.19634501
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Tranime fan website FYI.

>> No.19634504

nice looking jelly donuts

>> No.19634506


>> No.19634536

tranime fans have their own board

>> No.19634540

Sort of? I occasionally use sticky rice to make something similar to onigiri.

>> No.19634546

Do you have porridge rice? Works well.

>> No.19634560

We run this entire website, watch your tongue in my presence.

>> No.19634662

i will tongue your bussy and you can do nothing about it

>> No.19634672

You can try with risotto rice but long grain rice isnt starchy enough to maintain a shape like this

>> No.19634844

Medium grain works fine. Don't listen to these tranime faggots.

>> No.19634872

hello my friend
I make these things often and they absolutely do not work with long grain rice
they do work with medium grain however, it's sticky enough for shaping purposes

>> No.19634900

LIDL has sushi rice this week.
1.29€ for 500g

>> No.19634910

Dude I try these sometimes even with japanese sushi rice and they always fucking fall apart. The best I got was letting them cool in the fridge but even then after one bite they lose all firmness.

>> No.19634923

any kind anons who successfuly make onigiri that doesnt fall apart wanna drop the steps they take to do this? Do you let teh rice cool down to certain temp before molding? I even bought one of those molds, which made it a little easier but they still fall apart when being eaten. unless that's the point but it seems unlikely. For now, I'll just mix all the ingredients in a bowl and enjoy it that way lmao

>> No.19634930

this may not help but it tastes so much better when the rice is warm I wouldn't even want to eat it cold

>> No.19634956
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You want to work with them when the rice is still hot, literally just below the temperature where it's too painful to work with. Cooling in that shape while the starches are still hot is part of what holds them together
Make sure your hands are wet when you work with it and salt your hands to which seasons the rice as you shape it

If you're using the moulds it's actually a little bit easier than working with your hands but it doesn't season as well
Just fill the mold half way, tamp it down, put your filling in the center NEXT IS THE IMPORTANT PART, fill the gap between the filling and the sides of the mould with rice
Then top rice layer and press it through

>> No.19634966

hmm this sounds about what I tried. I thought letting them cool in shape would help but they still broke apart, albeit not as fast but still where it was annoying to eat. Maybe I didn't mold them firmly enough even with the mold. regardless I will try again

>> No.19634980

did you use at least medium grain?

>> No.19634989

It definitely wasn't long grain. it was either short or medium.

>> No.19634991
File: 38 KB, 700x520, hunger is the BEST seasoning..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, anon.
I haven't made them for a couple years, but they ALWAYS worked well.

3 cups sushi rice It should say "sushi rice" right on the bag. Calrose rice works okay if you can't find sushi rice.
▢ 3 cups water
▢ 1/4 cup Japanese rice vinegar
▢ 2 Tablespoons sugar
▢ 1 teaspoon salt

Rinse your rice in a colander until the water runs clear. Then, let the rice drain in the colander for one hour. This step is crucial to the texture of the rice, so don’t skip it!
Add rice and water to a rice cooker or a large pot. Cover with a lid and cook. See recipe card below for rice cooker and stovetop cooking times.
While the rice is cooking, in a small saucepan over medium heat, combine rice vinegar, sugar, and salt. Heat the mixture until the sugar dissolves, but DO NOT let it boil. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
When the rice is finished, spread the cooked rice out onto a baking sheet using a wooden spoon or rice paddle. Pour the vinegar mixture over the rice and mix until all the rice is coated.
Let the rice cool on the baking sheet, flipping every once in a while.
Just buy your rice at an international market instead of a standard grocery store,(the mark-up at Kroger's is OBSCENE.)

>> No.19634995
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In case you wanted a Sauce for the "recipe"

>> No.19635023

I don't really waste time rinsing rice, just cover it with water once, swirl my hand in there, dump out the cloudy water and then get right to cooking
having a little extra starch in this application isn't going to be a bad thing

>> No.19635024

They're easy to make and last a day or two in the fridge. I usually make a batch of 8 and give some to my friends who absolutely love it.
Don't forget to season your rice.

>> No.19635027

It's a rice sandwich dude
You can put whatever the fuck you want inside
How can you post on an anime website and not know even the basic bitch shit about popular nip food.

>> No.19635034

Umeboshi is Traditional, but them lil' shits a 'SPENSIVE these days.

>> No.19635061

I like to put teriyaki chicken in mine.
Wasabi+canned tuna+mayo+pickles is a go-to as well.
I don't like them sweet.

>> No.19635067

Sounds good.

>> No.19635072

must be regional thing, couldn't find it.

>> No.19635298

what kind of jelly is inside them?

>> No.19635303

alright guys, OP here. found short-grain rice at normal price in tesco, so there is that.
Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.19635308

You could make it from long grain rice but it wouldnt have the right texture
Just use literally any short grain rice

>> No.19635379

I suck at making that triangular shape and often make them too big. Should I say fuck it and get one of those molds?

>> No.19635400

gambatte anon! everyone is looking up to you! you can do it!

>> No.19635504

Salty Plum.

>> No.19635515
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I just bought it and compared it to my yume nishiki sushi rice and while the latter looks better I wouldn't say it's 6x more expensive better. the rice grains look maybe 30% better. less rough, less ugly, more uniform. both are made in italy. I don't think any nip would touch this shit lol

>> No.19635633

My wife did it from brown rice and it worked really well. Having said that it would probably suck if made out of basmati or another inferior type of rice.

>> No.19635650
File: 42 KB, 640x640, GOTTDAMMIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't think Brown rice would stick too well...
Did she use a binder?
I had a summer fling who would make brown rice with a big BLOP of homemade jam in the middle, along with eggs and toast every morning..
Was good.

>> No.19636063


>> No.19636067

Long grain rice works just fine if you over cook it by just a minute or two

>> No.19637118

>Did she use a binder?
No, it didn't stick amazingly well, but well enough. The taste was what impressed me, could barely tell it was brown rice.

>> No.19637175

>rice from japan :D

you're a faggot. shortgrain rice has more starch and therefore sticks together better so you can make it into gay little shapes. also your sushigrade rice is probably just from california. If you want to be a contrainarian then use jasmine rice. it wont be from japan, its usually from places like thailand, and sinceyou are a massive faggot you can pretend it was hand picked by some gay ladyboy. its stickier than long grain rice but not as sticky as shortgrain.

just remember your ratios: short grain to water 1;1, jasmine 1;1.5, longgrain 1:2

>> No.19637536

that's a lot of projecting for a single reply

>> No.19637602

The sesame seeds on the right half look edited in

>> No.19637632

all of 4chan is a anime board.

>> No.19637712

>rice but japan
They are entirely different strains of the same plant.
Like trying to make banana bread with plantains.

>> No.19637933

no don't bother
first time I made sushi I used basmati rice. turned out horrible and dry

>> No.19637947
File: 112 KB, 850x478, oatmeal onigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make some oatmeal onigiri

>> No.19637952

I don't know about america but almost all the rice here in europe is made in italy anyway even when they use japanese names for their rice.
everything that is made in japan except for their cars costs so much more it's almost never worth it because it has nothing to do with the quality, it's just the exchange rate, their artificially inflated wages and the shipping

>> No.19637956
File: 150 KB, 1500x1000, buckwheat onigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


• 2 cups Japanese short grain rice
• 1/2 cup roasted buckwheat groats (kasha)
• 1/2 cup adzuki bean flakes
• 1 small avocado
• 2 sheets of Korean style roasted seaweed
• yukari (dried shiso leaf powder)
• sesame seeds
• 1 tablespoon amaranth seed, popped


In your removable rice cooker pot add the rice and rinse with water using your hands to swish the rice and water around. The water will be cloudy. RInse until it gets less cloudy.

Add the buckwheat and adzuki beans, and fill the pot with water to the point where indicated for 3 cups of water—I usually add 1/4-1/2 cup water more.

Place it back in your rice cooker and select the mode for cooking rice.

When cooked, using your rice spatula genlty flip through the rice to fluff it up a bit.

Let the rice cool down before handling.

>> No.19637970

whats the point of all these AI generated recipes?

>> No.19637980

It's the strain of the plant you want, not whatever "sushi rice" label they smack on it. You want Oryza sativa japonica or whatever it was, it's grown in some places outside Japan.
I've tried making sushi with other shortgrain rice types, but the difference is night and day. As one would expect after centuries of selective breeding

>> No.19638009

The mouth feel may be different (but not really) and you may have to rinse it more to reduce starchiness, but I've made sushi with long grain rice before. It tastes exactly the fucking same as sushi made with weeb rice. So I imagine that onigiri would be fine too.

>> No.19638035
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I've only made sushi with Yume Nishiki so far and it didn't fall apart at all. it's a "Koshihikari" rice, I think that's what you're talking about as well. you would never guess that it's made in italy based on the packaging. they specialized on this for some reason

>> No.19638081

Yeah Koshihikari is what I meant. If it's the right kind of rice, it matters little where they grow it. Italy already has their arborios and other short grain rices, so I imagine it's not a drastic change in growing methods to switch to japanese short grains

>> No.19639450
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>> No.19639471
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