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File: 644 KB, 468x808, Screenshot 2023-08-20 at 8.07.10 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19626063 No.19626063 [Reply] [Original]

Be me
>Just started my 110k salary career
>Want to buy a nice whiskey
>Budget of ~$400 seems reasonable for a bottle

Since JW Blue Label is a popular luxury whiskey, is this bottle worth dropping like $250 on?

>> No.19626068

I hear the green label's a better buy but I can't find the stuff anywhere to compare it. Congrats on the new job BTW.

>> No.19626069

This is why poor people are poor
>wow finally got a nice job time to buy really expensive stuff so I can gloat about it online to anonymous strangers
The first time I got a well paying job I treated myself to an $8 hot meal which I haven't had in weeks.

>> No.19626084


you aren't wrong if that is a habit that he keeps up over time. But if OP wants to buy something nice to celebrate moving up a bit ur just being a dick to criticize that.

>> No.19626120

Personally I didn't find any color more expensive than black to be worth it. Green actually tasted worse than black to me. Blue was good but not even close to being worth the higher price. For me, black is the sweet spot.

>> No.19626339

Blue Label is a waste of money imo. Personally I don't go up past $100 on whiskey even for special occasions, so my rec is Laphroaig Quater Cask

>> No.19626469
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I tasted pic related side by side with some blue label, and I vastly preffered the Kirkland not to mention it's like 1/5th the price for more than double the whisky. The blue label tasted like wet dog with a hint of campfire to me.

>> No.19626488

>is this bottle worth dropping like $250 on?
unless you know a little about whiskeys, not really. you'll just feel like it's good and worth it because you spent a lot on it

>> No.19626499

Johnnie Walker Blue is excellent. If you don't mind spending a bit more, check out Glengoolie Blue. Their 24 year black label is very good, too.

>> No.19626506

>you can’t ENJOY it until you read a fucking book on it.

>> No.19626549

i've seen it happen man. seen friends buy expensive liquor for some special occasion, seem like they enjoy it in the moment, and later admit it tastes liquor a fraction of its price.

you can go ahead and buy it and engage in the sunk cost that you'll definitely enjoy it because it cost a lot. just don't be surprised when it's nothing special

>> No.19626603
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Don't spend that kind of money till you're positive you have your finances under control and no debt.

Get Crown Royal or another modest priced Scotch. Actual rich people drink the same stuff as poor people

>> No.19626629

>he lands le 6-figure job (nominally) and thinks this means he can adopt luxury
Anon I make around the same amount as you and I've never spent more than $70 for a handle. I do this because while technically have the money to buy a 400 dollar bottle, I still can't actually afford it.

>> No.19626663

The person you replied to is somewhat right, it's a waste to buy something you might not know how to appreciate more than a a normal one.

>> No.19626716

might as well spend it before society collapses

>> No.19626736

Buy a bottle of Lagavulin 16. Costs less and tastes better.

>> No.19626807

Anon asked for a great whiskey under $400 and got a bunch of financial advise instead... I like Hibiki Master's Select

>> No.19626858

It's the gayest shit bro, I could get if anon was overstepping his finances with a crazy house or a supercar but it's a bottle of whiskey at the end of the day.

>> No.19626988

Or spend it on stuff that will help you when society collapses I guess. Whichever you choose

>> No.19627013

No, if that's your budget you can do a lot better very easily. Blended scotch is blended scotch, if you want a good single malt around that price, glenlivet 21 falls around 300, and in bourbon stagg jr falls a bit less still. That said, if you arent a big whiskey guy, dont waste your money on either as you just dint have the palate to make it worth it

>> No.19627039

Captain morgan private stock is a good way to try a really good liquor at a low price. That would be my recommendation for somebody who just wants a nice drink without the snobbery and gatekeeping

>> No.19627195

cpt morgan is disgusting teenager shit

>> No.19627208

blu leibol de yoni guaker es un elissir

>> No.19627209

I dont get it. When i wanna get fucked up i just drink bottom shelf vodka. Why waste more money on fucking LIQUOR?

>> No.19627216

Move out of california and you'll see how far 6 figures takes you
>t. Texan

>> No.19627227

Whether or not it's "worth it" is entirely up to you. If you're not a already whiskey aficionado I'd say get something more reasonable 2bh.

>> No.19627534

JW is absolute dogshit. Tried all of them and they were awful.
Even prefer jamesons cheap stuff over this

>> No.19627540

Are you asian (south, southeast, or east)? do you want to signal your newfound success to other asians? are you unconcerned with appearing like a tasteless ethnic to your white peers? then buy it

>> No.19627542

buy a nice whisky OP just not JW

>> No.19627547

Nope, you're thinking of Bacardi

>> No.19627557 [DELETED] 
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Hi Matt

>> No.19627558

more like cope lmao

>> No.19627569
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Blue Label is alright but you can find better scotch for way cheaper and honestly better imo. I personally never spend more than 60 bucks for a bottle of whisky, but if I can recommend a better bottle it's be Pic related.

>> No.19627576
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You better off getting this

>> No.19627589


>arrrrrr I chugged this $300 bottle of Scotch and didnt enjoy it, Scotch sucks!!!

Get fucked pleb dickhead.

>> No.19627607

not much point in living after society collapses, plus you will just be attacked by climate refugees probably assuming you built some kind of self-sustainable place

>> No.19627652

lol you're going to get a bottle refilled with brown ethanol shipped to you. Empty hibiki bottles go for $80+

>> No.19627667

Based. I've had their 12 year single malt and it was great.

>> No.19627781

Oh shit this was the first alcohol I ever bought for myself after turning 21. I've never come across it again.

>> No.19627891

$110,000 is barely even surviving here in NY, pretty pathetic to brag about such an average salary.

>> No.19628325

Johnnie Walker is an extremely entry level whisky that mostly only exists for export to foreigners. Imagine paying that much for a blended whisky.

>> No.19628474

There are so many fucking bottles of Scotch under $100 that are better than JWB.

>> No.19628482

Right? doesn't this loser fuck know that this is 4chan and everyone here makes 300k and is a total chad and totally over 6' like omg you guise

>> No.19628503

Blue Label is for influencers and hip hop artists. Get a decent single malt or at least get Green Label, which doesn’t have grain alcohol unlike Blue.

>> No.19628534

$110000 is very good for a single person in most states

>> No.19628557

are you joey from friends?

>> No.19628623

Johnnie Walker isn't bad, but its a blend, and for that price I usually go for single barrels with an age statement.

>> No.19628655

I could see treating yourself with something stupid like a $400 bottle of whisky after saving $100k.

>> No.19629028

Throw some money at a whiskey tasting feast brother. Life is too short to let other cunts tell you what the good life tastes like. I had my first shot of Laphroaig that way as a student and it's the only brand I buy nowadays.

>> No.19629065

There's a difference between buying status symbols regularly, and rewarding yourself with a nice thing when you got the dough

You're not an animal, if you make 6 figures and your reward is a hot meal you probably just hate yourself

>> No.19629375

Its for Indian business men.

Get it if you want it, but there are much better options.

>> No.19629385

Why are Indians, Influencers, and rappers a negative thing

>> No.19629390

Because they all purchase things based on brand image, rather than the inherent qualities of the product?

>> No.19629445

Congrats on the new job.
Idk why so many tards on this thread don't get that fancy shit once in a while like this is nice not like you bought a 60k car on credit because you got a raise.

Blues just black label but extremely smooth so it's pretty nice.
Green is just full of malt and I prefer it to blue but it's also not smooth like blue.
I stopped drinking whisky tho and now just drink tequila, gin and beer.

>> No.19629464

Move to California and see how easy it is to make 6 figures. My mom made 6 figures as a public school teacher.

>> No.19629467

If you know you're whiskey/bourbon then yes. If you don't drink a lot of that then no. I'd recommend just getting Woodford Reserve double oaked which is probably one your biggest bang the buck that won't disappoint.

>> No.19629537

It's popular and I think it's great, but I wouldn't spend that money on a blend, get something more unique if you are going to spend that much

>> No.19629632
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I know I'm late but blue label to me is too smooth, unless that is what you are looking for.

>> No.19629688

loool perfect description

>> No.19629805

And that is the equivalent of like $40,000 because Calfinornia is expensive. Same in NY.

>> No.19629982

now the California Refugee Colonies are becoming equally as stupid in price. big ole surprise, right?

>> No.19630040
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>> No.19630059

You might as well take your whole salary for the year out in the yard and burn it instead of drinking that blended piss.

>> No.19630067

100k where? in romania?
if you're making 100k in the states you got a long way to go

>> No.19630088

for $400 that bottle better turn into a fleshlight and suck me off

>> No.19630293

My coworker brought in a bottle for us to try. We all agreed it was completely unmemorable. If you tasted this blind you would never go "oh wow, this tastes like a $200 bottle of whisky". Don't give JW money for this garbage.

>> No.19630320

U need to know what the jw flavour profile is like first. Either way, buy it. If u like it, good. If u dont, then just drink it anyways.

>> No.19630333

Seconded. This is great

>> No.19630342

Drink up druggie. Dumb faggot.

>> No.19630347

Idk. As an alcohol lover, or someone that reads reviews, every brand has its “base taste.” The jw taste isn’t something I like. I still drink it, but the taste of Scotch isn’t for me. I’ve only ever jw black and other brands of scotch. I wouldn’t mind trying jw red, but people shit on it. I do know whisky lovers do like shitting on certain brands like how coffee lovers like to shit on supermarket brands.

>> No.19630365

Drinking is fun and enjoyable.

>> No.19630366
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Platinum is my favorite to get. Much better value, and still amazingly smooth.

>> No.19630378

>The blue label tasted like wet dog with a hint of campfire to me.
That's the peat
It's part of the appeal

>> No.19630379

Drugging up is fun and enjoyable! Drug up! Hahaha

>> No.19630384
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Hibiki is good.

>> No.19630400

It’s called “recreational” drugs. Alcohol is a drug. So is caffeine.

>> No.19630440

This looks pretty tight. How does it compare to Crown Royal or Monkey Shoulder?

>> No.19630457

both fucking suck drink flordicana

>> No.19630475

Drugger. Drugger!

>> No.19630490

over egging the pudding a bit surely

>> No.19630495

I make $140k as a senior scientist and only drink Coors banquet. Ive done so since undergrad and through grad school

Check and m8, opee

>> No.19630527

Thank you, I will

>> No.19630534
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>over egging
It's written "over-egging"

>> No.19630538

essentially the same profile as monkey shoulder but 100 dollars because it's japshit

>> No.19630621

Save your money and buy a bottle of Swing, it's the best Johnny Walker blend I've ever tasted. I've had black green and blue in the past.

>> No.19630626
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>this is why poor people are poor
>treated myself to a hot meal which I haven't had in weeks.
That dog cries to who the stick hits

>> No.19630646

wait til you find out how much drugs the average person is on

>> No.19630709

i've had green label and didn't enjoy it i'm not a big fan of blended scotch whiskey

you're better off buying some nice highland single malt scotch whiskey imho senpai

you won't like speyside or islay styles

>> No.19631081

The average person is a degenerate.

>> No.19631083


See this shit? This is why noone likes you and your corpse will be found when the neighbours get sick of the stench.

>> No.19631102

Based. If you manage to find it again it should still be 30 usd a bottle. So worth it.

>> No.19631115

get a special release bottle from a distillery on islay or skye.

>> No.19631662
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NTA but there's no comparison to Crown Royal, although I might be biased because I hate 99% of Canadian whisky. As far as Monkey Shoulder I would say they are in the same vein as far as being scotch, or scotch inspired, but not being peated. I like Hibiki better than Monkey Shoulder, but that is almost entirely because of nostalgia. Hibiki has a very distinctive oak flavor on the nose and finish that reminds me of when I was a kid and my dad was remodeling our house. He was sanding and resurfacing the oak hardwood floors and it gave the whole house this warm oaky smell, not like sawdust but like if you toasted some chunks of oak in the oven. For me it's worth keeping a bottle around just to trigger that childhood memory. Hibiki was a much better deal like 4 years ago when you could still get it for $50-60 but now that its like $90-100 I can't really recommend it over Monkey Shoulder unless you just really want to try something different that won't quite break the bank. I got a fresh bottle a couple weeks ago that I still haven't cracked into.

>> No.19632254

Black label is atlas holding up the JW brand.

>> No.19632798

>your corpse will be found when the neighbours get sick of the stench.
Thats the end of a druggie! Cheers, druggie! Hahaha

>> No.19632936

>I hear the green label's a better buy but I can't find the stuff anywhere to compare it.
I've only seen it in airports, a fine sip but not quite as complex and comfy as the Blue

>> No.19632943

based peat-anon

>> No.19632954

Based and redpilled Big White Cork enjoyer.

>> No.19633004

Would someone mind posting the infograph with the tree that shows which scotches go to which flavor profiles and such? You know the one. Please and thank you! :)

>> No.19633012

Imagine not being an Islay chad

>> No.19633027

It doesn't bear thinking about, peatless betas might as well drink vodka dyed brown.

>> No.19633051
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Go bourbon and never look back.

>> No.19633056

>Go bourbon
If you're a woman

>> No.19633126

what the fuck u get that out your ass from?

>> No.19633788

Please respond.

>> No.19633806

How about putting that $250 in your 401k instead?

>> No.19633814

Blue label was probably the first >$100 bottle of something I was ever given a drink of. Liked it very much, and have been able to steal a few sips of it since. Been meaning to get a bottle for myself, but was underwhelmed by the last thing I got in that general price bracket (yamazaki 12yr), and besides scotch not being a thing I normally get.
What are some good scotches in the $30-$50 range to try? Want to branch out a bit from bourbon and the odd bottle of suntory toki for highballs.

>> No.19634003

I had the Yamazaki 12 year in 2012 when it wasn't a stupid meme yet and it was good, but all the Suntory stuff is ridiculously overpriced now.

>> No.19634016

Even just 5 years ago or so Japanese whisky used to be a sort of underdog where you could get some really interesting and good stuff for a fair price, but these last few years the price has become ridiculous. Even something as basic as Suntory Toki which has no special characteristics whatsoever costs like $40 for 750ml. I could get a Jameson Caskmates stout edition for $40 and have a much more interesting bottle.

>> No.19634147

Jameson Caskmates is something that is used for pairing or sipping neat whereas Toki will be mixed 9/10 times.

>Scotch in the $30-$50 range
that window has gotten really narrow in the last year and will depend on your market, but Loch Lomond, Arran, Benromach, Old Pultney and basically any independent bottlings like the Murray Mcdavid Cask Craft series offers bang for your buck.

>> No.19634163

Anyone posting on 4chan calling anyone else a degenerate is like the pot calling the kettle a nigger.

Doctor, heal thy-fucking-self.

>> No.19634352

Please respond!

>> No.19634381
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>Jameson Caskmates
This stuff is lovely

>> No.19634386
File: 90 KB, 800x800, glenfiddich-14-years-bourbon-barrel-reserve-43-vol-07-liter-premium-rumde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get yourself a 14yo Glenfiddich. Trust me bro.

>> No.19634424
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please stop yelling

>> No.19635204
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My Master's birthday is almost here and I wunna buy him a big old whiskey!
I've been so good for Master and he's such a good Master I wanna make him so happy!
What whiskey?!

>> No.19635212

Ardberg. Only choice.

>> No.19635251

Spend an extra $350 and go for the Kings Edition Black Label with the gold bow. Then we can be buddies, buddy :3

>> No.19635257

I assume he's buying 1 and not 1 a month

>> No.19635492

>spreads asshole
"8 dollar meal please! Haven't 'ad one in WEEKS!"

>> No.19635539

I would go to the coolest/best stocked liquor store around and ask them if they have any store pick single barrel bourbons. almost definitely under $100 and you'll have something totally unique and likely delicious. tip: if they have options, get one of the bigger brands names.

>> No.19635554

Glenfiddich is just the maltlets choice because it's a very easy drinking and smooth single malt (and cheap, even the 12 year goes down like water).
If you want to be a real man and put some hair on your chest, pick up a bottle of Laphroaig.

>> No.19636066

Thank you, sorry.

>> No.19636380

I'm not a whiskey fag, but I found the blue label is actually drinkable, as opposed to the other cheaper labels. I got mine in a sampler set. I don't think it's worth the money, but it is drinkable, so it isn't a total waste.

So do with that info what you will.

>> No.19637068

Aww well you're very welcome! I'm just happy to help. I hope you have a great day! :)
And hey, don't sweat it. We all get a little impatient once in a while. It's all good bro.

>> No.19637079

>Oh its drinkable hmm yes it's drinkable
>Ah yes my tasteful palate can tolerate this one yes it's drinkable
>worry not, fellow masons - this one. Is . Drinkable. You can drink it. Yes.
Shut up. Shut the actual FRICK up. Oh my sweet goodness gracious if I ever saw you on the street. Hoh! Boy if I ever saw you on the street it would be over. I would murder you. I would literally murder you. So help me I would grab you by the throat and slam you're retarted face into the pavement over and over until your all gums. Piece of trash. I would kill you. Don't ever post on my board again. Faggot.

>> No.19637132

You're a real sweetheart :)
I'd give you a hug if I could bro

>> No.19637326

you seem upset
luckily your tears are drinkable

>> No.19639055

Idiot, wait until a week or two after new years and they have a surplus of unsold blue that they lower the price on to get it off the shelves.

>> No.19639429


>> No.19641440

Jw red unironically tastes like an ashtray with perfume in it.