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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 66 KB, 750x422, https___prod.static9.net.au_fs_7f8103f4-256e-4df6-ba5f-232caa60b00b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19626295 No.19626295 [Reply] [Original]

Can the food experts /ck/ tell me what went wrong here? How risky is it to forage for mushrooms even if you have a good idea of what to look for? The mushrooms used in this case were deathcaps which supposedly look very similar to other edible mushrooms and this mistake was made by a so called mushroom expert

>> No.19626302

I only forage for morels and chanterelles because they're relatively easy to identify

>> No.19626497
File: 113 KB, 1200x1200, 3748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying to forage for ANY mushroom to eat is inherently dangerous because you are fucking stupid. Mushroom varieties can be different from something as simple as the color it bruises or how the gills attach to the stalk.

Except for Lions mane. can't fuck up lions mane.

>> No.19626511

What would be the hypothetical consequences of theoretically foraging a bunch of poisonous shrooms on purpose and selling them at a farmers market as non poisonous shrooms? Literally just pure morbid curiosity.

>> No.19626523

Probably get tried for manslaughter (unless they realise it was on purpose- then it would be for murder)

>> No.19626524

Oh damn ha ha good thing I'd never do it

>> No.19626525

about a dozen felony charges and 10 years of getting raped every day

>> No.19626530

>Kills her ex-husbands parents
>turns out last year she asked a painter to paint her kitchen wall because it had scribbles from her children that read "Grandma RIP"
Maybe it was an accident

>> No.19626533

Plants and animals are food, not fungus. All mushrooms are poisonous and will cause cancer

>> No.19626538

She obviously poisoned them. She's claiming she got the mushrooms from an Asian grocer now, denying any foraging

>> No.19626553

And she go them a year ago. What a bullshit story and what a fucked up beef wellington

>> No.19626558

Young angel of death or w/e can look extremely similar to small puffballs or wolf farts because the cap hasn't bloomed yet or w/e but you can figure out it isn't a puffball pretty easily just don't go picking up puffballs to put in your mouth immediately like a retard and you will be fine as far as angel of death goes.

>what is the false chanterelle
Also chanterelles have gills which violates the number one rule of thumb to avoid being poisoned if you are unsure if your mushroom is edible.

>> No.19626667

>Except for Lions mane. can't fuck up lions mane.
You literally can, there are several other mushrooms that look like it.

>> No.19626686

There are only three lethal species in my region and they're all easily recognizable. Make sure to cut puffballs open to confirm they aren't amanita eggs. Most of the people here that die are Asians that confuse them with straw mushrooms they have back at home.

>> No.19626731

chanterelles have folds not gills.

>> No.19626818

good god i hope that cunt gets charged with murder and attempted murder, she had already poisoned her ex husband trying to kill him and put him in an induced coma for like 2 weeks and then throws a lil lunch gathering and invites the ex and the in-laws and the ex KNEW not to show up.

>> No.19626827

name one

>> No.19627471

Nevermind, you win this argument. I'm trans by the way, I don't know if that matters.

>> No.19627473

And litchrally out of the multiple people poisoned by said Asian mushrooms, all of them are her ex husband's family and nobody anywhere else. YEAH RIGHT

the only reason ex is still alive is because he ditched the dinner at the last minute. she's a fucking murderer. she also tossed her food dehydrator in the dump between the time they were all hospitalized and the time the cops brought her in for questioning, and she lied about that too. bitch is guilty as Bill Cosby

>> No.19627474

>free home
>free food
>free sex

Aren't sporeprints reliable? But I guess you have to sporeprint every mushroom you collect, not just one, since seemingly identical mushrooms could be different?

>> No.19627485

>he ditched the dinner at the last minute
>the ex KNEW not to show up
Why didn't he tell anyone? lol

>> No.19627493

because old people never check their fucking messages >:|

>> No.19627523

parently after mushrooms were identified as the killer he texted her with "so this is how you killed my family?" and she drove her dehydrator to the tip and got rid of it.

on the one hand this is very lazy for someone trying to commit murder, on the other hand this is fucking basic low IQ murder

>> No.19627573

>Why didn't he tell anyone? lol
Aren't her kids his fucking kids lol? The man must be insane as well to leave them in her care

>> No.19627740

Evil as fuck. Dying of liver failure is a horrible way to go. Maniacs that slit throats or shoot their victims have more compassion than her.

>> No.19627867

I've only ever foraged for shrooms. There were only two kinds of mushrooms that grew in the cow pasture and they didn't look anything alike.

>> No.19627889

>Can the food experts /ck/ tell me what went wrong here?
>thread without a news article
>thread without a greentext
>thread without even a summary
So am I supposed to reverse image search your OP pic and tell you what happened? How about this, what happened here is a high school dropout made a post

>> No.19627892

If you do your research you will discover there are very few mushrooms worth eating and the ones that are, are not THAT hard to learn to identify. There are dozens more mushrooms that you /could/ eat but are not that desirable, don't grow large enough to make it worthwhile or are difficult to ID.

For each mushroom that is edible you need to know its characteristics and what toxic lookalikes (if any) are around. When in doubt, don't eat.

>> No.19627942


>> No.19628040

I reckon she's a typical low-level psychopath who is capable of murder and torture without feeling a thing, but she's not smart enough to get away with it. Guarantee cops are watching her house and following her car 24/7, but only until they finish building their case

>> No.19628074

its possible it was a horrible mistake and she feel awful about it

>> No.19628095

bill cosby only admitted because of some weird local state technicality. I'm a literal /pol/ack and I tell you Cosby is only guilty of being a junkie dumb enough to involve women he fucked

>> No.19628115
File: 243 KB, 666x534, shroom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consult this handy-dandy chart.

>> No.19628125

>cosby only admitted because
yeah that's not how it works. go back to bed /po/.

>> No.19628131

not to be antisemitic but like how jews pretend to be white

>> No.19628143

that's how it worked.

>> No.19628156

>can get any mushrooms in the store, all of which are guaranteed to not kill you
>nah fuck that lemme just go out into the woods and give it a shot even though if I'm wrong I'll die
Foraging is fucking dumb as shit

>> No.19628161

>I hate niggers but I'm also a simp for nigger rapist junkies. I'm from /pol/ btw so you can trust me.

>> No.19628170

Point is I have no sympathy for the celeb, the trial was a hilarious lynching because he talked shit about social mores. See: >>19628143

>> No.19628177

This, but it's not impossible to learn. There are experts out there that can identify things and help teach you, there's a ton of information online.
I consider myself a novice still but I am sure I could identify a deathcap and I'm not sure what she mistook it for, most edible mushrooms are pretty obvious. Deadly or make-you-shit&puke lookalikes are an issue but there are a several ways to confirm an ID, this is how scientists do it. We wouldn't eat mushrooms at all if it was really that risky with no way to tell. The real problem is idiots that eat things without confirming or doing any research first.
Someone going to or working there would be able to ID them

>> No.19628181

The mushrooms are far more convincing

>> No.19628191

Think of the context.
Your (hypothetical) gf's ex shows up and claims she's trying to kill you. You'd probably be like yeah this dude is desperate

>> No.19628193

>I'm a literal /pol/ack
You say that like it makes you some kind of authority on anything while it really only makes you a proud mongoloid.

>> No.19628196

>Cosby a gud boi who dindu nuffin he wuz lynched by the wite man in fact this nigger junkie rapist was actually being punished by society because he was promoting morality and clean living
ok retard back to pol with your retarded takes please

>> No.19628203

there was never any rape, don't cry just because your pea brain is being smooshed by cognitive dissonance.

>> No.19628220

I thought it was just the ex and his family?

>> No.19628247

>live under a rock
> OP doesn't put a description so reverse image search
>immediately find article related to image
>read a summary and form an opinion
>had to click two extra times wasting precious seconds that could have been spent on important Ethiopian bread juggling forum
but yeah, OP is the high school dropout

>> No.19628254

>bitch is guilty as Bill Cosby
He's not guilty though, the court overturned the criminal conviction.

>> No.19628255

Go simp for heckin' based black men on >>>/gif/ you stupid cuck

>> No.19628258

True desu

>> No.19628268

The conviction wasn't overturned because he's innocent it was because another DA broke the promise that another DA made to not to press those charges in exchange for cooperation and testimony where he admitted giving drugs to women so he could have sex with them during a separate investigation where he was accused of being a rapist.

>> No.19628275

>literally 58 out of 60 accounts outright dismissed
>no rape proven
the only simp is you, outsourcing your own brain to a bunch of pundits

>> No.19628317
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nevertheless the bitch is guilty

>> No.19628348

they are white, just uglier

>> No.19628412

ok schlomo

>> No.19629356

Totally depends. Certain mushrooms are piss easy to identify and the rule of them for foraging anything is if you're not 100% sure on the identity, leave it be

>> No.19629371

I agree. The only things the cops haven't tapped would be her arse

>> No.19629492
File: 977 KB, 1100x619, 210212094508-20210212-laugh-cry-emoji-gfx-super-tease.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she said she bought mushrooms from an Asian market but doesn't remember where it was

>> No.19629499

why is she pulling a retard face? did the shrooms make her stroke out?

>> No.19629517

I'm an expert. She's a dumb fucking cunt. If you forage deathcap you're clinically retarded and deserve death.

>> No.19629520

this is what it looks like when someone is mortified at the realisation they're going to die in prison but they're trying to pass it off as sadness

>> No.19629525

If you are a mushroom expert why would you choose this method to kill?

>> No.19629530

her statement was that she bought mushrooms at Coles and also some from an "Asian grocer" but she doesn't remember where.

she says she didn't forage them, although I think we all know she did and knew zactly what she had

>> No.19629534

This is why I never buy food from Asian shops. A devious and untrustworthy race.

>> No.19629549

I don't buy from them for other reasons but I guess I can throw this into the mix. No quality control in anything, no confidence in safety or honesty.

>> No.19629566

Every mushroom is edible. Sometimes you can only eat one.

>> No.19630301

i can assure you your local chain steakhouse's dishwasher is the most trustworthy mushroom forager. ask your server next time

>> No.19630315

did that stupid fat bitch die from poison mushrooms

>> No.19630331

fuck sake anon you don't have to read the whole thread but at least read a couple posts.

the stupid fat bitch attempted to murder 5 people with poison mushies. three died, one is going to die soon, and one got away

>> No.19630456

Damn how did our ancestors do it? I'd guess eating shrooms is a pretty recent phenomena, right? since picking them is risky and they have basically 0 nutrients or calories. I'm sure some retards back then ate them but I wonder if it was a lot less common than it is now

>> No.19630476

Fasle lions mane (poisonous)

>> No.19630543
File: 52 KB, 734x605, 1671135655358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are wild mushrooms so tasty that it's worth risking the chance that you accidentally eat its deadly lookalike that has minute differences?

>> No.19630546


>> No.19630554

>ex husband says he will come over to eat
>bails last minute
>its just her and his parents
>she says she got the mushrooms from an asian grocer
>doesnt remember which one or where
>claims her kids ate the leftovers the next day but she scraped the mushrooms off
she killed them on purpose.
people just wont accept women can be psycho evil killers.

>> No.19630602

wait she fed it to her fucking kids? or claimed to anyway?

also I disagree, everyone assumes women are psycho killers because they are. and you know what? the #1 method they use to kill their family members is poisoning

>> No.19630637

>Pre-historic humanity
>Lets try those weird earthy things in the forest
>Oops Grok died the same day eating one
>Lets try another one just in case Grok was weak
>Krognar died after that one tho
>Right, right. One more try, there's quite a bit to pick after all
>Hey these white ones aren't too bad I guess
>Not very filling, hunger sets in soon, hard to store
>We'll go back tomorrow to get some more anyway
>Woops Bobrock died eating the same ones picked in another area today, what gives?
>Lets put them near the fire
>Hm mostly charred but the bad things should be gone
>Damn, Togg died tasting those
>We'll try again next year!

Humanity couldn't be this desperate even in those trying times.

>> No.19630649

Trial and error. Popping out 10 kids also helped. Back when most mothers lived to see 3+ kids die in their lifetime.

>> No.19630660

You know about animals in the forest? They dont eat poisonous mushrooms. You eat what they eat. Eating raw things is a meme, forever soups were the thing.

>> No.19630663

You can't use heat to cleanse mushrooms of poison. Also, animals are unreliable as they can eat shit that will make you sick. I'm not even sure if any decent sized animal eats mushrooms at all.

>> No.19630675
File: 108 KB, 125x221, overconfident.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when god established man unto the earth he taught him what he can and can't eat

>> No.19630680

>You can't use heat to cleanse mushrooms of poison
Are you mentally challanged?

>> No.19630766

Cosby admitted because he got immunity.

>> No.19630771

She didn't. She and her kids got the unpoisoned version.

>> No.19630776

apparently she too was admitted to the hospital though. maybe she was faking it or maybe she microdosed just for le victim points

>> No.19631302

>The safety of eating wild mushrooms may depend on methods of preparation for cooking. Some toxins, such as amatoxins, are thermostable and mushrooms containing such toxins will not be rendered safe to eat by cooking.

>> No.19631816

What an awful attitude to be so cock-sure you think people are retarded yet are so easily demonstrated wrong. Admitting yourself so readily to be among the ones you accuse of mental handicap.
A simple "source?", "no way?" or even "you're lying" would have been so much more appropriate.
I'm fully prepared for your one or few word insult to get the "final word" in.

>> No.19631949
File: 240 KB, 1080x934, 1665268565770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women are psycho killers
>the #1 method they use to kill their family members is poisoning
chud incel moment

>> No.19632291

>the #1 method they use to kill their family members is poisoning
more like "SIDS"

>> No.19633869

>You know about animals in the forest? They dont eat poisonous mushrooms.
animals will eat fly agaric

>> No.19633899
File: 146 KB, 790x525, deer-stones-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animals will eat fly agaric
because it's not poisonous to them

>> No.19635654

they are poisonous.

>> No.19635694

what do you know about that stone? All I know it is that it is near the limit of the Scythian maximum reach, and that that deer is often represented in scythian jewelry

>> No.19635726

I stick to the easily identifiable mushrooms like lobsters chanterelles chicken of de woods and hedgehogs. These all have very easily recognizable defining characteristics and the look alikes are easy to identify with minimal research.

If you ended up ingesting a fucking death cap you had to have pulled some absolute retard level shit.

>> No.19635733

Man, Sidney Powell is looking rough…

>> No.19635747
File: 3 KB, 225x225, 1691607468170918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone watch that joe rogan interview with the mushroom dude? I can't remember exactly how the conversation went but at some point he brings up the every day button mushrooms you get from fucking any where and states you should never ever ever eat these uncooked, and when joe presses him why he says he cant say because it would literally endanger him and his family and just stops talking when joe presses him on it.

>> No.19635806


>> No.19635966

I eat those raw often. Them and the baby portobellos.
Slice em up and toss them in salads.

>> No.19635979

I think he's talking about Paul Stamets

>> No.19636070

I thought they were tokking about something else when he went all charlie's in the trees. don't recall it being a discussion about washing your produce.

but in any case jr generally only has hacks and pseudo experts on, it's maury povich-tier trasch

>> No.19636074

sigh, it's always the one that got away

>> No.19636140

he's slipped out of her grasps at least a few times now

>> No.19636183
File: 310 KB, 1600x1069, Pieczarka-Agaricus Bisporus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Depression Era/WWII generation Polish immigrant mom knew her mushrooms and would go out in the woods (here in Michigan) with other immigrant Polacks and pick a whole bunch, she'd also fry up any Pieczarka (Agaricus Bisporus, common white button mushroom) I'd find out in the yard when mowing the lawn.


Me, I like mushrooms but I don't know shit about them and would never attempt to eat one I found growing out in the wild.

>> No.19636223
File: 210 KB, 889x1200, 2c5834c00508086fa7a24312ddc6510d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guilty as Bill Cosby

The lying bitch (who is also ugly and has a head shaped like a Tylenol) who accused Cosby of "raping" her, literally took her parents to his house for dinner several times _after_ he supposedly "raped" her. She's a lying ugly bitch.

>> No.19636257

Fine, he's guilty as Michael Jackson then.


>> No.19636739

Really, Captain Obvious? Why would you think that? Just because Paul Stamets is the world's foremost mushroom expert and a really fungi?

>> No.19636741

>this mistake was made by a so called mushroom expert
kinda says it all, don't it?

>> No.19636745


>> No.19636760

I'm pretty sure you're trying to berate what he said but your pic related proves what he said is true. What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.19636765

Most of 4chan is zoomers now, they all see the same suggested articles on ticktock or instagram or whatever. They’re all the same brainwashed drone. It’s the meme of there only being one guy posting on a board turned into a horrific reality.

>> No.19637309

Paul Stamets, and he just did that for attention. He was playing a part basically

>> No.19637797

bear's head tooth, comb tooth, white coral fungus

>> No.19637810


>> No.19637821

paul stamets is a fucking pathological liar snake oil salesman trying to model himself as the modern day terence mckenna, I can't stand how much reverence he gets from people

>> No.19637822

So why is she inviting her ex & his entire family over for dinner? I mean, other than to murder them. Anyone ever explain that?

>> No.19637824

i'm only comfortable with chicken of the woods (when growing from identifiable wood) and giant puffball which isopods always find first so i don't bother with such a low tier mushroom. i can buy lobster at whole foods and lion's mane a few places around here. foraged fruit is always full of invisible insect larvae

foraging is for the birds.

>> No.19637832

>Anyone ever explain that?
yes, she told them it was going to be a friendly and civil dinner to discuss custody/visitation for her kids

>> No.19637855

So they were fucking retards. It’s all making a little more sense. I certainly hope she gets put away, but I’m never opposed to a retard getting wiped out.

>> No.19637897

>tries to poison ex husband with mushrooms putting him in coma for 2 weeks
>invites ex inlaws over for poisoned dinner
ex husband doesn't get my sympathy, how has he not beaten her to death yet lmao.

>> No.19637899

The danger mainly resides in gilled and bolete mushrooms. These are very successful genus of mushroom which inevitably also have many toxic and non toxic species. Chanterelle, morel, hen of the woods, lion’s main, and puffball lack similar lookalike or have very straightforward processes for determining safety (morel are hollow, chanterelle have false gills, puffball have no hollow interior cap, etc.). If you have access there are a number of chemical tests for identification, and serious identification manuals can certify without a doubt what you’re consuming when you use these tests.

>> No.19637904

Whoa whoa whoa he said one. Wasn't looking for your life's story.

>> No.19637906

yet another charlatan elevated to Incel God thanks to Jo'gan

>> No.19637919

those are all edible, also the second and third are the same mushroom

>> No.19637944


>> No.19637949
File: 146 KB, 640x898, fe9wb3zzn3kb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets talk about mushrooms.

>> No.19637998

long jar haha

>> No.19638060

stay in your queer little lane faggot

>> No.19638073

he said lookalikes, not poisonous
>also the second and third are the same mushroom
no they aren't
>Comb Tooth (Hericium coralloides)
>White Coral Fungus (Clavulina cristata)

>> No.19638292

It's not hard to not kill yourself by eating mushroom. Focus on a few easily indetifiable species (probably something from boletus or morchella genus) or alternativaly just go forest and pick up everithing you see and bring it to someone who knows their shrooms. Also buy a book with big pictures.

>> No.19638337

If one went out & just picked mushrooms at random, what's the %age likelihood they'll get a poisonous, sickening species? Fatal? What is their overall distribution?

>> No.19638927
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>> No.19638950

kill yourself faggot

>> No.19639403

Insert anally to test pleasure and toxicity.

>> No.19639478

I've always been under the impression that most wild mushrooms are not edible.

>> No.19639531
File: 603 KB, 2576x1160, 20230824_090241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19639646

You Americans are funny LMAO WTF

>> No.19639999

I drank the milk of the melkzwam and I survived.

>> No.19640679

go smoke some pipe, that poster didn't know the name and I was trying to help a brother out

>> No.19640693

Meh, just a woman. Women are poisoners men are murderers. I guess there is a natural evil though, unrelated to thought processes, like being a woman.

>> No.19640715

Michael Jackson got labeled a pedo by the jews after he became J pilled, he is the original kanye

>> No.19641154

Paul Stamets is one of the world's foremost experts on technical aspects of mushrooms. He's been running a successful mycology business for decades, and has developed several kits for people to grow previously wild-only species. He even had a morel kit available for a while, but unfortunately it was too temperamental and inconsistent for the average home grower.

>> No.19641157

The problem is that certain toxic species have been spread widely thanks to gardening shit. IIRC it's the death angel that is now growing everywhere because idiots kept selling mulch that was contaminated with its spores.

>> No.19641164

Yeah, but not really though. He's a well-read enthusiast and he's prone to tall tales and encouraging pseudoscience.

He himself is not a serious researcher nor does he approach his mushroom knowledge with any rigorous discipline. He's literally a shroom tripper who went down the rabbit hole and has a lot of interesting and plausible things to say, not much more.

>> No.19641169

you mean outed

>> No.19641247

What is the difference when you control the media

>> No.19641353

Now that the dust has settled has anyone reported what deathcaps taste like? Do they taste good or just like generic white mushrooms?

>> No.19641385



Apparently pretty tasty :

"Bunyard, the founder, publisher, and editor in chief of the mycology journal Fungi, has tasted a death cap. “Very pleasant and mushroomy,” he told me."

>> No.19641407

The people that trigger us the most usually remind us of ourselves. The trait that most annoys you is probably your own in some way. This is called your shadow self. The part of you that you can't acknowledge so the only way it can express itself to you is through some other.

>> No.19641417

Pseudoscience for midwits. Humans aren't moral animals; we are ethical ones and our motives are aligned with our self-interest. The people we hate don't "remind us of us", they are the people who represent an unwelcome change in the standards of living or obstacles to our goals.

>> No.19641457

they have some trait that you see in yourself but you can't bear to confront. you should do some work and figure out what it is about this mushroom guy that drives you so bonkers. Then figure out how you can bring acknowledgement of that trait in yourself into your own identity. reintegrate it into how you see yourself

>> No.19641463

This sentiment is literally foundational pseudoscience.

On a personal note, I am a researcher at a fairly prestigious research institute and the level of rigor and perfection we are held to by our ethics committees, our auditors, our monitors, our board of directors, the journals we publish in, and our sponsors (both government and commercial) has taught me a fuckton about just how impotent and weak enthusiasts, expert opinions, anecdote, and plausibility actually is in creating anything verifiable. Without data - transparent experiment and repeatable data - every assertion and sentiment is only actually true by chance. It's a literal waste of time.

He can talk all day about lion's breath (or whatever that was) and his chucklefuck stories of amazing hallucinations and health miracles but give me something real. Guy has a PhD from a place that isn't accredited to award PhDs. Fuck off.

>> No.19641480

>you can't change the world you can only change yourself
Globohomo shit. The world changes all the god damned time, you think it just happens by accident? You can go ahead and sit in your cage and think about how to be a more docile consumer.

>> No.19641494

name 1 time when the worlds been different

>> No.19641524

>Paul Stamets is one of the world's foremost experts on technical aspects of mushrooms
citation fucking needed

>> No.19641533

You misunderstand, anon. He's not saying you (plural) can't change the world, he's saying you (singular) can't change the world, because you (singular) are worthless, and good for nothing besides something for us to laugh at.

>> No.19642258

>Very pleasant and mushroomy,
Wow, thanks chief.

>> No.19642417
File: 571 KB, 1079x931, 1531988895774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How risky is it to forage for mushrooms even if you have a good idea of what to look for?
pic related
you shouldnt eat any mushroom you find unless you're 200% sure you know what type it is
there are a lot of mushrooms that look nearly identical to commonly known ones that will straight up kill you if you eat them

>> No.19642422

>selling them at a farmers market
you'd go to jail anon
you dont just "show up" to a market and sell shit
you have to register a business no. with the govt for tax purposes, register for your table/slot at the market and a mountain of other paperwork.
especially if you're selling consumables at a market you have to go through other steps for things like liability, health inspections and follow protocol
t.i used to work markets, shit was a pain in the ass

>> No.19643424
File: 143 KB, 633x793, FvHlVakXsAEB-yj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did their final meal at least taste amazing? Or did they wolf down some garbage to seem polite?

>> No.19643440

So you’re saying it’s bad that you can mistake a tasty mushroom for three other edible tasty mushrooms?

>> No.19643618

The puffballs that are easily mistakable for that immature deadly mushroom don't even taste that great. It just isn't worth the risk compared to a much safer bet like a Chanterelle.

>> No.19643624

no feedback on how good the beef wellington was, but she does look like the kind of bitch who would cook it grey.

however death cap mushrooms are said to have a mild, pleasant flavour.

>> No.19643832

You know the kids likely didn't have a choice right.

>> No.19644125

>I hate niggers because I'm secretly black

>> No.19644411

why is the world's ugliest woman next to some pure and all-natural mushrooms