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19624657 No.19624657 [Reply] [Original]

What is the hottest thing you have ever eaten & how was it?

>> No.19624673

My babymomma makes this potato and greens stew with coconut milk, salt pork and several "pimentos" IE yellow scotch bonnets in it, each around 300k scoville. It's good.
Also, that one chip thing. It's bad.

>> No.19624694

I’ve eaten several peppers that hang around the 300-350k scoville range. Growing datils and habaneros this summer. Wouldn’t mind trying hotter I just haven’t gone out of my way to find them as they aren’t super readily available

>> No.19624695

my dumbass brother in law gave me one of those dumb "omg extreme chip" things. it was hot but okay after a while.

>> No.19624711

I was curious so I looked at this years one chip challenge. They seem to imply you can feel the effects up to one hour if you don’t consume any dairy. How long was the burn actually uncomfortable for?

>> No.19624721

a few minutes. it was a long time ago, before they got ultra stupid hot so it wasn't that bad.

>> No.19624725

Half of a chocolate naga viper post workout. 45 minutes of the worst pain I've felt spent in the shower but the flavor itself is amazing

>> No.19624731

pureed Carolina reapers. nothing in it to balance the heat. just straight blended reaper paste. it made me feel things I never felt before. it was like Doctor Strange when he left his body.

>> No.19624733

At my local Thai place they ask off you want your order mild, medium, hot, or Thai hot. Once I ordered Thai hot and it was almost inedible. Like just capsicum spice.

>> No.19624762

>My babymomma
ew, kys

>> No.19624780

Grew carolina reapers. Had a big one raw eaten in slices. I would thoroughly chew up a piece without any food.

The pepper stopped being spicy because it had blown out my taste buds. It only burned my throat. Next day it felf like I had burnt my mouth. Totally worth it.

>> No.19624837
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>> No.19624866

>noooooooo stop liking what I don't like
you get the newfag star, and to the back of the bus, with the niggers, jews and fags
enjoy your stay faggot

>> No.19624868

I burned my mouth on a pizza that cane right out of the oven one time.

>> No.19624875

honestly, I have no idea, all I remember is thinking "this is too hot and doesn't even have any flavor, just heat", which I think sucks dick

>> No.19624877

This is what I thought the thread was asking at first too. For me it's biting into a bratwurst that was still boiling on the inside....I pulled skin off the roof of my mouth for days.

>> No.19624941

Well, what else should I call my kid's mother? We're not married and she's not my girlfriend.

>> No.19624952

you shouldnt have a child out of wedlock thats disgusting and your kid will resent you for it

>> No.19625043

Your kid's mother
>We're not married and she's not my girlfriend.
You're not black either

>> No.19625069
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Sriracha, sweet chili sauce, or some queso with Jalapenos in it
I sadly can't handle anything hotter than those three

>> No.19625085

Why would a child care? Even if it’s out of wedlock if the parents give them love, care, and all that good shit the child wouldn’t even know unless someone brought it up

>> No.19625097
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Yes, I am white. I have a very low tolerance for spicy stuff. My wife who is from Thailand often makes fun of me for it and calls me a "spice baby"
She burys all her food under a pile of Sriracha and pickled jalapeños. I have no idea how she manages to eat such monstrous amounts of capsaicin.

>> No.19625098
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idk man im just upset with my life and looking for something to take it out on okay?

>> No.19625119
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Oh ok man I feel you

>> No.19625143

I've had extract. And it's pretty bad. Always fucks up my stomach too.

>> No.19625224

This girl I met right after high school named Carley. She was the hottest girl I've ever been with and she tasted great

>> No.19625240

a cup of boiling hot water by mistake

it tasted like cell death, then nothing

>> No.19625468

based white anon with an ethnic gf learning the lingo, I bet they love you at the cook out

>> No.19625553

I had some sauce that said 3 drops are lethal. I had 2. Couldn’t feel my mouth for 2 days. Basically reset my tastebuds so now everything tastes good.

>> No.19625556

It's what most people do here. Might as well just lay it out there now.

>> No.19625586

He cute!!

>> No.19625613

I had the paqui one chip bullshit a few years ago. It was horribly hot and tasted like fucking chemicals. Would not recommend. I also ate a whole ghost pepper one time. I'd say that was the hottest thing I've ever had, hotter than the one chip, but the flavor was nice, almost fruity. If I had to do either again it would be the ghost pepper no doubt.

>> No.19625673

I've eaten a carolina reaper, cut up into small pieces and distributed throughout three scrambled eggs and some shredded cheese. Worst mistake of my life that I'd gladly make again.

>> No.19625692

Your mom's pussy, shit was CASH

>> No.19625828

My habanero chili is plenty hot for me.

>> No.19625880

Dried ghost pepper. It turned my gums black.

>> No.19626103


>> No.19626185

Mostly white. My dad's hapa. I just look white, tho, like that guy from Saved By the Bell or the dude who played Superman in the 90s.
As for cookouts, she has no family here.

How do you know I'm not? I mean... I'm not but you wouldn't have known that. And neither is she, really. She's mostly black, I guess. Trinidad and all that.

Eh, I doubt he'd care.

The black girls at Popeyes say this at me and when I was dating an ex, who is fully Black, she gave me cornrows and her friends said that shit, lol
Cornrows fucking hurt, btw. Ex said it's because I'm "tender headed."

>> No.19626190

These days I can't even eat ketchup because thats too spicy lol and yes I am white.

>> No.19626200

I did it and it was really bad for the first 5 to 10 minutes. it's definitely mostly gone after 20 or 30. if you do it on an empty stomach you might puke though. just eat a fresh raw Habanero for about the same experience.

>> No.19626267

I grew some habaneros this summer, already have too many with too many more on the way. That level of heat feels like a good medium where you can add it to stuff pretty freely and not deal with stomach cramps and numb tastebuds.
Although these habaneros have a vaguely soapy taste if you just chew on one directly which kinda threw me off. Drying them in the oven seemed to reduce that weird flavor and also gave them a nice sweet smell. Gonna ferment some as well and see how that goes.

>> No.19626303

One time at Taco Hell, I had a Volcano taco. It took most of a soda refill to recover.

>> No.19626306

get that fucking picture away from my eyes. you have made me want to pour bleach into them.

>> No.19626312
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>What is the hottest thing you have ever eaten
No contest!

>> No.19626965

a raw Naga Jolokia. just bit about the bottom half of the fruit and crunched it.

it was brutal. after 3 seconds it was hotter than I thought possible, and that heat doubled every second. it made my brain feel like I had just gotten a concussion. for a moment I started to panic as the idea took hold in my mind that it was just going to continue to get hotter until I died. as silly as that sounds it made alot of sense at the time.

permanently cured me of any curiosity about mega hot challenge foods.

>> No.19627078
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>> No.19627647
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Probably will eat one of those soon out of my garden. Its 7 pot bubblegum chocolate with 1mil scoville. Any tips on how not to die?

>> No.19627681

I've eaten an entire raw habanero from my garden (challenge with my roommate). It was not pleasant, but it was kind of fun.

>> No.19627718

I fermented a batch of mango hot sauce with 6-7 dried Carolina Reapers and some red bell peppers for body. they were either not reapers or the fermentation took 90% of the heat out. Didn’t seem any worse than my habanero sauce. I tried the blazing wing challenge at BWW in 2013 and they seemed very hot then, I wasn’t in pain but I felt like I was going to black out

>> No.19627807

I did last year's one chip challenge and it was a new kind of experience. I thought I could handle any level of spice, and my mouth was, but I wasn't ready for the crippling pain in my gut as the chip moved through my intestines like a white hot snake. As soon as it hit my stomach and my stomach itself was burning, I knew I fucked up. It was so hot that the spice absorbed into every cell in my body. My eyes started to burn because the spice absorbed into them from my blood. And my forehead, armpits and groin started to sting. The spice was in my sweat. And the 3 pees I took that day burned my penis because the pee was full of spice. I had no idea that was even possible.

>> No.19629177
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This with chilli oil, 2 hot sauces and habaneros.
Honestly it was edible and after 5 minutes I was fine, but it made my stomach hurt like a bitch for the rest of the day.

>> No.19629214

I did a Carolina reaper chilli and it burned for a week when I peed. My stomach felt warm lol

>> No.19629906

Some wings sauced with a decent amount of reasonably potent extract. I got through four before I finally admitted defeat - The flavour wasn't bad, but not worth the agony.

>> No.19630003
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These guys get it.
>650k hot sauce dosed my food.

>> No.19630050

Had some "hot" chicken from Rocky's Hot Chicken Shack in Asheville back in 2018. One bite had me crying and in pain. No idea how my friend finished half of it before giving up and passing it to me. It was ghost chiles, so ~1 million SHU. It was tasty, outside of the extreme heat. I had a whole sandwich of the next level down beforehand. It's not as good now =/

>> No.19630056

I got tear gassed once, that was pretty spicy
more of a mustard kind of heat than a chili one though

>> No.19630075

I used to live in San Diego (Chula Vista) and there's a small Thai restaurant there ran by some old lady, their spice scale is from 0-10. My dad and I have a decent spice tolerance, his a bit higher than mine. I tried a yellow curry at 0.5, my dad had something else at 1. I couldn't finish mine, and my dad could only do so when he ate his entire bowl of rice. The restaurant has a wall of shame of customers who went against the old lady's suggestion to take a lower spice level kek

But for me it was that damn One Chip Challenge last year, except I didn't even have the entire chip. A coworker got a chip and dared me to try a piece, I broke off a dime sized piece and was on fire for a good half hour. I almost threw up, my coworker had half the chip and actually did throw up

>> No.19630177

they don't really eat food that spicy and are just fucking with you so you think they actually do
my thai friend and I ordered the same dish with "thai spice" and his was significantly less spicy than mine

>> No.19630192

brave, posting a selfie

>> No.19630197

i ate an entire raw fresh habanero pepper when i was 9 or 10 because my dad's friend jokingly dared me to and i did it without hesitation. it was intense.

>> No.19630221
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bird's eye (raw)

>> No.19630284

Reddit is that way bitchtits. Don’t let the door hit your fat ass on the way out.

>> No.19630436

>unless someone brought it up
They definitely will, though. Maybe just his peers, but maybe even their parents or, God forbid, the teachers.

But also it's better than marrying someone you hate just for the kid.

>> No.19630659

I really like to eat hot food while sick, and one time I called my nearby "fancy" kebab and pizza spot and asked them for a kebab roll with extra hot sauce, since I know they make their own hot sauce in house and it actually tastes good while also being really hot. On phone they asked me "Oh you want a lot of sauce or the sauce to be very hot" And I replied with "both preferably."
They laughed and told me that they got me, and they had also added some fresh peppers in the roll. Got home, ate the roll, tasted heavenly felt like I just did a huge line of speed. Pooped lava.

>> No.19630662

once had hotpot and my dipping sauce was primarily pickled chilis and it destroyed my anus at 3 am after

>> No.19630665

Your mom’s pussy if you know what I mean

>> No.19630684

these things are just shit for your GI, I feel like the changed the recipe in the last year or something. It isn't worth it if you like spicy just get fresh chilis. unless I eat them every day or once every two days minimum they give me the shits
shame because I actually really crave them still every now and then, I had my recipe perfected over the years

>> No.19630719

Her farts must be diabolical

>> No.19630728

I ate a habanero at the age of like 10. My grandpa was making salad and handed it to me, said “try it” and walked out.. assumed I was gonna nibble it. I swallowed the whole thing and roasted for twenty fucking minutes lol

He lmaoed when he got back

>> No.19630772
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Birds eye chilli in Vietnam. Don't do it, folks.

>> No.19630778

This shit is no joke.

>> No.19630782
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For some reason my Korean housemate had a bottle of pure capsaicin.
I took some to the burger joint I was working at and some dude asked for the spiciest thing we had.
He got it.

>> No.19630858

I've had 1M shu -ish peppers and 2M shu -ish sauces and extracts, dehydrated myself once or twice to the point of missing work because of all the sweat, tears and shitting out my organs, etc... And so far the only thing that's given me spicy urine is Mad Dog Gold. I'm not sure if it's the amount or purity of capsaicin extract used, but god damn. Unpleasant.

>> No.19630865

The main problem with them is the shock factor. You get that first taste of the pepper, which even tastes like it's going to hurt, then it just ramps up immediately. Most superhots have the decency to ease you into agony, but not kee-noo's.

>> No.19630872

Some Thai red curry. I asked them to make it as hot as they possibly could. They threw in like a couple dozen peppers and it was delicious.

>> No.19630943

They feel like a sting on the tongue and i fucking hate it

>> No.19631027

I think there are different types of capsaicin and they have slightly different properties. Probably only one of them can absorb into the urine.

>> No.19631064

someone gave me a bag of 20~ scorpion peppers. i picked a small one and ate half.
eyes watered for a couple minutes and i had a stomach ache for an hour but i still finished it after.
ended up putting them on burgers and adding them to a jar of pickles and jalapenos

>> No.19631069

that's literally my everyday chilli
I buy sacks of them every time I go to the supermarket

>> No.19631077

No. lmao
It depends on the dish. The main difference is that you don't get to vary the heat in Thai restaurants in Thailand. Done dishes are hot and done are not. You don't, for example, get mild green curry. It simply is not a thing. Likewise, Muslim Curry is not hot.
Where tf in Thailand is your friend even from?

>> No.19631411

Name? I’m out in SD county and would love to check it out.

>> No.19631591

Virgin jew pussy.

>> No.19631593

Phal from a pretty good indian restaurant, i started feeling it inside my ears, and started feeling like i was drunk

>> No.19631599

A whore.

>> No.19631627

2x spicy samyang
started out pretty mild but ramped up quickly, was sweating at the end

>> No.19631716

naga hot sauce, or possibly thai curry when i misread the instructions and put way too much of the curry paste on the vegetables
the hot sauce was ok, kind of just hot for the sake of it, i was mostly just convincing myself i liked it for ego reasons
i stopped eating overly hot sauces now, i just like a little cayenne and pepper

>> No.19631753

She earns more than I do.
If anything, I'm the whore, not her lmao

>> No.19631777

I drank some water I thought was cold but it turned out to be around boiling, so I'd say 90 Celsius?

>> No.19631786

lol, you jealous because anon smashed and you're still a virgin?

>> No.19631804

Thai Bistro, 1067 Broadway

>> No.19631881

Monkey dialect is frowned upon all boards. Fuck zoomers and their nigger worship.

>> No.19631900

Being a nigger is the furthest thing from based besides being a faggot.

>> No.19631907

As a kid born out of wedlock, no he wont lmao

>> No.19631912

Are you 9?

>> No.19631919

i came to terms with it you fags, learn2read

>> No.19631922

my dad used to make kids eat habaneros for baseball cards, then gave them soda after lol

>> No.19631925

My bad, posted before reading that, have a good one

>> No.19632086

Your dad sounds like a fun guy. The kind that has pics of little boys in their underwear.

>> No.19632100

eating korean nong shim noodles red cup noodles with the whole packet. and the buldadk 2x spicy noodles.

>> No.19632109

lol he was a kid too

>> No.19632683

Fun with Aunt Ethel on summer vacation?

>> No.19632700

I had half a bottle of this cut with cacao powder slightly watered down as a drink. I shit like a cannon it was something else

>> No.19632720

Why would you do that?

>> No.19632763
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I’m Tunisian so every thing in this fucking country is ass blowing someone save me please

>> No.19633155

i had one late last year, it wasn't as bad as i expected honestly

my nose ran, my eyes watered, i was practically drooling and my mouth felt numb, but it didn't actually hurt that much
tasted like shit too
burn lasted maybe an hour before it stopped being distracting, worst part is that you really do feel it in your stomach, it hurts there worse than anything else
would not eat again