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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 5 KB, 278x182, REDbeanpasete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19620766 No.19620766 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19620778

dark eyes = dark mind
They lack the creativity of western intelligence.

>> No.19620780

bean paste

>> No.19620782

mochi is good tho.

>> No.19620785

they can’t have dairy, the best desserts are made from dairy

>> No.19620796
File: 28 KB, 750x563, bulbul-yuvasi-turkish-dessert[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not bad they're different. all these countries have western style pastry bakeries as well. The worst dessert foods I've had in my life was in North African muslim countries. If you want to lol at dessert foods look at Turkey or Tunisia or something.

>> No.19620799

This. Butter makes everything better.

>> No.19620811

Asian desserts I don't mind, it's when Asian countries try to make western desserts when things start to go wrong. I lived in Osaka for a year and let me tell you, the Japanese don't understand donuts at all. Every donut I had over there was basically a lump of bread covered in a sickly, chemically sweet glaze. God forbid you got one with frosting, Japanese frosting is as hard as a rock. I genuinely think some places used some sort of fondant as frosting, it tasted exactly like that. The one good donut I had while in Japan was a jelly donut since it was basically bread and jam. To their credit the jelly filling was better than any I've had in the US but the actual donut part was shit.

>> No.19620830

Dunno about Osaka, but I had some amazing donuts in Japan. Betsubara in Kamakura, and Ikumimama Animal Doughnuts that I got from the station (Yes, they were actually good as they looked..to my surprise. I thought the only appeal would be the silly cat design but they were actually quite tasty.)

>> No.19620836

the more animals suffer, the better the food tastes
the more you suffer, the better the deserts taste

>> No.19620874
File: 289 KB, 1920x1080, candlelight_dinner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does /ck/ take their dates to eat?

Specifically first dates?

Sushi and Vietnamese restaurants have yielded positive results.

>> No.19620876
File: 238 KB, 2028x1719, 1690686274570586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I meant to make a thread, not a reply.

>> No.19620884

>Thai coconut deserts
>Red bean

OP is a tastlet

>> No.19620991

Some authentic ones can be really good. I stayed in Chinatown San Francisco Francisco a well and whos go to a little Asian bakery daily because it was delicious.

>> No.19621002
File: 234 KB, 1200x811, 1200px-Taiyaki_003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19621009

why does that look like they only had the stuff to make baklava but tried to make a new desert

>> No.19621016

Take her out to breakfast. But she has to eat all the eggs before we leave.

>> No.19621017

I have a good Chinese place with a big menu. I can gauge their palette from their order.

>> No.19621022

Idk where you live but if there is like muslim district where people sit outside in pastry cafe's drinking mint tea. walk in and get like 5 random weird looking desserts. they are extremely varied and creative in a weird way but they all taste like utter shit. It is definitely a memorable experience though.

>> No.19621229

Does Indian/Bangladeshi sweets count ?

>> No.19621271

but mochi is pretty good, the ones with sesame filling are my favorite

>> No.19621289
File: 137 KB, 824x824, EA936021-DB23-45E3-9728-21FC0122956F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

The ice cream fishes are goated

>> No.19621341

cheesecake factory has the widest range of available foods so I can judge her tastes the best

>> No.19621350

Thanks for this, bro.
Saved this image to my "he did it with his hairline, you can do it with yours" folder.

>> No.19621365

Do you ever think about your last meal?
What it will be?
Because my head is empty

>> No.19621369

Absolutely disgusting. Just that crystalline, saccharine sweet and vaguely starchy clay in my mouth is enough to make me puke.

>> No.19621374

They don't have a dessert culture like Europe has

>> No.19621396

A lot of Asians can eat dairy. Whether you become lactose intolerant is behavioural, not genetic (unless you were also lactose intolerant at birth); you lose the enzymes if you stop using them for too long.

>> No.19621412

this is true

>> No.19621420

this crap is why I won't go to asian-run bakeries anymore. If they think legume goop in pasty dough is a good desert, then I can't trust the quality of anything else they make.

>> No.19621421
File: 103 KB, 1000x1000, mochi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd argue that this is the best dessert in the world when done right (not half assed)
there's so much variety and almost all the ones I tried were incredible. the only reason mochis aren't mainstream yet is the ridiculous price, at least in the west. I guess it's somewhat justified considering how much effort it takes to make them but you still pay a hefty 'exotic rarity' bonus. cannolis and macarons would be my follow ups

>> No.19621571
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, ais kacang.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't like beans in his desserts

>> No.19621669

The genes for lactase persistence have been identified. It's not entirely behavioral. But lactose intolerance isn't the same for everyone, some people will have no symptoms. And even if you're lactose intolerant you can have butter, cheese, yogurt, etc. Just not too much fresh cream or milk.

>> No.19621696

They're objectively worse than western pastries, but I appreciate them for what they are. Coconut sticky rice and mango is really good.

>> No.19621988

ironically when my normie friend came with me to japan he didnt like japanese food but he liked their desserts

>> No.19621993

>a lot of Asians can eat dairy
over 90% of asians are lactose intolerant

>> No.19622035

Everything before the shaved ice looked horrendous

>> No.19622040

Have you ever seen any sugar plant native to Asia?

>> No.19622063

mochi is pretty good

>> No.19622064

only white cultures make good desserts

>> No.19622306

Mochi Donuts and Melon pops are superior to their American counterparts.

>> No.19622438

Wrong, and so parochial that you'll miss out on good stuff because you're so certain of yourself that you never try.

>> No.19622457


>> No.19622468

I had a red bean dorayaki recently and it was delicious.

>> No.19623992

Yes, "a lot" doesnt mean "most"

>> No.19624058

>If you want to lol at dessert foods look at Turkey or Tunisia or something.
Like 90% of turkish desserts are "some sort of dough in some sort of syrup" it's pretty silly. The ones that stand out from that list are pretty nice though, like that one sweet cheese dish I don't remember the name of.

>> No.19624063

uh actually, no one has dark eyes

>Laser procedure can turn brown eyes blue
>“The fundamental principle is that under every brown eye is a blue eye,” Dr Gregg Homer told CNN, adding that there is no actual blue pigmentation in the eye.
>“The only difference between a brown eye and a blue eye is this very thin layer of pigment on the surface.

>> No.19624100

What have you invented or even created recently?

>> No.19624186

came here to say this

>> No.19624322

Asians have a focus on texture over flavour. This informs a ton of their dishes particularly dessert.

>> No.19624333

You didn't need "desserts" in your sentence.

>> No.19624339
File: 41 KB, 510x556, 1682647400187871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh huh sure, race and beauty are only skin deep too.

>> No.19624408

Filipino food is monstrous.

>> No.19624425
File: 2.97 MB, 640x360, pandanasli.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How dare you.

>> No.19624469

I've had good sesame mochi. There's probably some proper weeb name for it I'm forgetting

>> No.19624494

>unnecessarily convoluted third worlder "food"

>> No.19624497

Those things are delicious

>> No.19624498

People who say this sort of stuff are always losers falling back on racial pride because they don't have anything else they can even pretend to be proud of

>> No.19624515

people who say this are always jewish

>> No.19624541
File: 786 KB, 1200x900, 84786580.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kulfi is insanely nice

>> No.19624720

>3 seeds
Can clearly see 4

>> No.19625121

People who say this are envious idiots who don't understand logic. Having pride in your race don't take away pride from the individual.

>> No.19625125

>"Asians have a focus on texture over flavour"
>proceeds to give food the texture of mucous

>> No.19625133

Yes, because they find that an interesting new texture.

>> No.19625149

Bruh what? Baklava absolutely fucking mogs every Chinese dessert I've ever had.

>> No.19625150

>SEA filled to the brim with ladyboys and homos
>they also enjoy sugary semen for dessert
No connection´.

>> No.19625152

cause your mother is a whoeoaooeoaer

>> No.19625234
File: 34 KB, 604x359, 1672326431451770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19625309
File: 84 KB, 1024x576, mooncakechin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me? it's the 月餅 (latin script: Mooncake) with lotus seeds, salted yolks & durian flavor. it's sweet, salty, savory, crusty, soft... it has everything!

>> No.19625315

Greatest inventors all had brown eyes dumbfuck.

>> No.19625361

That bean curd shit in vietnamese baking ruins a otherwise great range of food.

>> No.19625601

I'm Asian and not lactose intolerant so you look reaaaal fuckin' stupid right now.

>> No.19625651
File: 545 KB, 692x720, 588A66E1-B7F4-4E4A-BB93-EF4E6BA32974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halo halo gets gigamogged by shave ice.

>> No.19625674

Based mooncake knower.

>> No.19625765

>creamed corn

>> No.19625789

Why would you spend money on a procedure to make your eyes inferior. Dark eyes are dominant for a reason

>> No.19625792

looks like anus with green poop coming out

>> No.19625795


>> No.19625799

Looks like a green pancake with butter and rat pills slathered on top rolled up to conceal the cum juice he squirted on top

>> No.19625803
File: 36 KB, 142x106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Westeners have fixed mochi by putting icecream in them.


>> No.19625876

>Having pride in your race don't take away pride from the individual.
you only do it because you don't have the latter

>> No.19625924

cuz sugar fat and salt have rotted your taste buds

>> No.19626224
File: 9 KB, 225x225, daifuku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love daifuku. My favorite flavor is pic rel. Thank you Japan :)

>> No.19626363

>asian who doesn't know basic math

>> No.19626365

LOL cope, mud eyes. Kinked hair is dominant too.

>> No.19626367

Wrong, I have pride in my race and myself like basically everyone who hasn't been demoralized by anti-white propaganda. Now what?

>> No.19626400

Dominant doesn't mean superior regarding genes. It doesn't even mean they wipe out the recessive gene. You can look completely black but still carry recessive genes for blue eyes and red hair if an ancestor had it, and if you produce children with another similar black person you could end up with one having red hair and blue eyes.

>> No.19626535

Watch out, boys, the geneticists are out.

>> No.19626548

I will not eat the Shrek crépe

>> No.19626569

T50 detected

>> No.19626982

itt normalfags that somehow don't know about Japanese desserts.
I'm so sorry for you.

>> No.19627011

Stop, or you'll hurt a bunch of idiots who do nothing with their lives.

>> No.19627118

Why do you NPCs keep parroting a sentiment that doesn't even make sense?

>> No.19627121
File: 3.59 MB, 480x268, well... we're waiting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a cooking forum. Enlighten us.

>> No.19627123

Japanese ice cream tastes better than American ice cream

>> No.19627137

So if I like American mint chip, jap stuff would be super duper mega ultra awesome?

>> No.19627141

Yeah if they were doing anything with their lives they wouldn't be here right now. All the grandness of Western civilization was not built by men who sat around arguing about fast food and posting egg fort webms on a Nepalese hamster breeding forum.

>> No.19627200

>people never have free time

>> No.19627218

they hated him for he spoke the truth

>> No.19627223

>source: my ass

>> No.19627235

those orientals sure make good red bean pastries

>> No.19627307

>Jian dui :|
>Jian dui, JAAAAAPAAAAAAN :))))))))))))
please kill yourself, this extends to all the retarded weaboos in this thread. M*chi is just glutinous rice, you fuckheads.
>total of 17 results for "m*chi" and "j*pan"

>> No.19627326
File: 118 KB, 728x1048, biko-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

love this shit

>> No.19627333

looks too sweet
I'm guessing it takes the brown color from the maltose/cane sugar

>> No.19627338

Lactose intolerance is the inability to wholly digest lactose. The meme image you're referencing isn't about instant pantshitting after a mouthful of milk.

>> No.19627382

I had ones with custard in them and they were out-fucking-standing

>> No.19627443
File: 184 KB, 563x880, Disgust Kyouryuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those neon acid colored gelatinous sweets
Weird but okay
>Shaved ice
>Peanut Powder
>Creamed corn

>> No.19627451

Well which country has the best desserts then? France and Germany IMO, but for asian countries I actually like japan ans their interpolation of less sweet western desserts

>> No.19627452
File: 175 KB, 1300x1657, taro-sago-dessert-soup-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of it sucks, but taro soup with coconut cream is godtier imo

>> No.19627466

we should've let the japanese keep the phillipines

>> No.19627469

>ans their interpolation
japan desserts are mid, literally

>> No.19627475

hard disagree, some are too focused on appeareance, but the patisseries and cake shops i went to were world class (plus i do like japanese cheesecake, its in my top 3 cheesecakes (german > jap > ny)

>> No.19627495

Based MLK anon.

>> No.19627634

incalculable seethe, are you also part italian?

>> No.19627683

Some people can drink UHT milk but not regular pasteurised, since the process changes the milk's chemical composition.

>> No.19627808
File: 51 KB, 1200x1200, chebap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a thing over there, the viets make coconut corn rice pudding.

>> No.19628327


i always see that on menus but never try because it seems expensive for what it is. is it worth the $8 or whatever?


My market sells green tea swiss rolls. Theyre amazing.

>> No.19628942

I think it's worth trying for that, it's distinct from ice cream in that it's based on slowly reduced milk rather than a custard, so it's denser and generally more interesting than your average scoop. Obviously it's heavily marked up compared to buying it direct from a supplier, but that's restaurants.

>> No.19628950


>> No.19628992

You're crazy western style asian bakeries are awesome.

>> No.19629000

looks like a giant fermented cumpile

>> No.19629005

Honestly surprised this one hasn't been whacked by the janitor yet. I assume the reddit brigade has been reporting it non-stop

>> No.19629007

Every time I talk to someone who has tried this they tell me it's nowhere near as good as it looks

>> No.19629016

You found
The only poo
Who wears gloves

>> No.19629045
File: 392 KB, 800x800, gateau-a-la-pate-de-soja-asie-d-ivry-210g-france[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love those, its either soy bean paste or soy + coconut
I could eat a whole pack easily

>> No.19629096

Allow me to break your streak, I've had it and it's almost exactly as good as it looks, ie random vaguely sweet things in a deconstructed slushy. It's just like a lighter more refreshing version of an ice cream sundae, you get a bunch of different tastes and it cools you down. Bear in mind the average temperature in Summer is 90 degrees and it's humid as shit.

>> No.19629113

No they're disgusting. Wtf are you smoking. Or snorting.

>> No.19629275

>as good as it looks
>good as it looks
>looking good

>> No.19629347

Go eat your walmart cookies, you ape

>> No.19629364
File: 164 KB, 1200x948, twa-flight-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think people are not understanding this post. This person is saying that Asians can eat dairy if they regularly eat them and produce the enzymes for digestion. If you don't regularly drink milk, you lose the enzymes and become lactose intolerant.

I believe this theory because it happened to me. I am East Asian, and I used to drink milk every day like it was water with no problems. Then for a few years I didn't drink milk at all. When I tried drinking again, I had really bad stomach cramps and diarrhea initially, then things improved after a few times. All "lactose intolerant" people can drink milk if they drink regularly.

>> No.19629407
File: 75 KB, 512x512, 1692575874970370[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19629421 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 708x960, 1648838521139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"They are all like this"
"People that have those beliefs are all like that"

Both of you are wrong. Only retards deal in absolutes

>> No.19629441 [DELETED] 


ahh look, the incel cretin neonazi crawled out of his den of subhumans to pretend he is some almighty bearer of intelligence for fence sitting.

Time to go the fuck back to your retirement home and turn fox news back on to soothe your horse paste addled brain.

>> No.19629451


>> No.19629477 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 397x512, gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. I deleted my post because I realized that I might be involving myself into an online argument, which I have no time for. Not because I thought my original post was wrong. Unfortunately, you replied pretty fast.

2. The first post was probably made by a retarded Nazi. I just thought that the second post was also dumb because I never like people that say "always" by principle (because they are usually wrong).

Yeah most people that post brute un-nuanced racism on 4channel have a good chance of being "incel losers" IRL, but it's probably not all of them. In addition, I've seen plenty of successful racists in both media and IRL, so it's hard for me to agree 100% with >>19624498

3. I really meant it when I said the racist post was retarded. I was sincerely trying to be a "centrist fence sitter," not a Nazi trying to cover my ass

>> No.19629480

Heard all of this before. Not even going to bother with scum like you.

>> No.19629491

can't believe that cheeky little shitpost gottem so revved

>> No.19629501

Please don't. You got such a severely wrong idea from my posts that I'm afraid to talk to you even further. I'm not even white

>> No.19629512

Go walk outside during a very sunny day and talk that shit again, cataract eye.

>> No.19629515

wow a darkie not understanding a scientific concept
this never happens

>> No.19629545

Deleted my post for the sake of peace

>> No.19629551
File: 936 KB, 498x224, 1690035200064801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek the seethe generated by this post

>> No.19629654

Does that mean that the dairy industry is dead in Asia? No cheese? Really?

>> No.19629669

No, the chinks even make their own knock off french cheeses

>> No.19629784
File: 294 KB, 1536x2048, kintsuba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kintsuba is delicious.

>> No.19629844

Kulfi is great. Those little donuts holes with rosewater syrup are also good.

>> No.19630158

Uhh bro this is their safe space you can't just call them out like that

>> No.19630323

Western pastries made by Asian bakers are the best.

>> No.19630350 [DELETED] 

I agree he's an idiot but is this actually true? Most right wingers are wealthy people, you don't just counter hate by assuming bullies are losers. They're often not.
And desu western savoury food gets similar disrespect from asians and nobody levies this accusation at them being losers personally for saying it. Humans are just hateful and alienating and cruel. You will encounter this again and again no matter how progressive someone says they are

>> No.19630356

>Most right wingers are wealthy people
Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.19630357

I agree he's an idiot but is this actually true? Most right wingers are wealthy people, you don't just counter hate by assuming bullies are losers. They're often not and being rich wouldn't validate them anyway

Western savoury food gets similar disrespect from asians and nobody levies this accusation at them being losers for saying it. Humans are just hateful and alienating and cruel.

>> No.19630363

Edited for clarity >>19630357
But it's true
In virtually every country people who vote for right wing parties are business owners, land owners, high income earners etc. Leftist groups are usually impoverished

>> No.19630369

Britain, Italy, and the US have also contributed great desserts. I agree that Germany and France were the most important contributors.

>> No.19630372

I like mugwort injeolmi. It is mochi dusted with roasted soybean powder.

>> No.19630373

Trying to invert racial supremacist rhetoric doesn't dismantle it dude, it just makes them feel more justified while cementing these inaccurate eugenicist memes in people's minds

>> No.19630376

I can wear sunglasses. You're stuck with your brown eyes forever.

>> No.19630383

Wrong Asians. The south eastern Asians desserts revolve around coconut, banana, and sugar. It's not humanly possible to make a bad dessert when those are the backbone

>> No.19630392

Can y’all take this back to r/AsianMasculinity please and stop shitting up every thread about Asian food?

>> No.19630396


>> No.19630402

This reminds me of how gross Korean “cheese” is in Paris baguette and places like that

>> No.19630404

Obsessed with what?

>> No.19630419

I also spent a year in Japan. Western style bakeries trying to make sweets like strawberry shortcake were indeed really shitty. But the donuts slapped. The donuts were different from those you'd find in the mom and pop donut shops in the us sure but they were still very good.

>> No.19630478

italy did tiramisu and biscotti which are ok, but desu ive never really liked italian decedance. its always like , well you make a dessert that mixes a stimulant and a depressant so ive course its going to be addictive.

british desserts? i do like christmas pudding, but i feel most of their desserts are way too dense and not varied enough.

and us? apple pie? what else is uniquely us thats not some corn syrrup nighstmare

>> No.19630479

How about dumb rednecks voting against their own interest, riled up by culture wars?

>> No.19630483

>vote for the party least likely to want you gone
crazy shit, nice food related post btw

>> No.19630485
File: 612 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_20211125_165715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it, that's the name, I had it in Istanbul and it was great.
Also salep was a really pleasant drink when it's chilly.

>> No.19630507

>dumb rednecks
That covers a lot of different groups anon. Farmers are by and large upper middle class people, not the rural poor, and their influence has disproportionate sway. But I guarantee you the richest demographics in red counties are not less red.

Even if you'e working class, if you work in a place where a single primary industry like forestry, fishing, farming or mining employs much of the town (and maybe you) it's not enough to say you benefit from centre-left politics because much spending on public services mainly helps people in the city, whereas regulations can easily put your livelihood out of business, without easy access to relocation. The cities will produce the vast majority of climate change too, which rural areas suffer disproportionately from the effects of things like wildfires, coastal erosion, drought, and flooding.

That and you seem to act like self interest is purely material. It is. Symbolic gestures matter. That's a big part of why the n-word hurts black people. Asians are some of the highest earning people in the US, often higher than whites, but nobody says they're voting against their self interest by not voting for republicans. They do it because cultural signifiers matter and everyone understands that. I'm sure you think calling these people dumb rednecks isn't alienating and these people don't have any real form of suffering but the fact that white rural suicide rates are so high speaks a different story in my opinion. The left has failed on so many fronts like unions and its just not giving these people much of a future they can feel hopeful about.

>> No.19630516

What is the depressant? Alcohol? It’s about the taste lol. Not the drugs. U fkn druggy pos garbage.

>> No.19630518

>it is
*isn't, ugh

>> No.19630535

? if you put enough amaretto and espresso in it youve basically got a mild speedball. maybe i just put too much amaretto in, but any less and the flavours not strong.

>> No.19630542

>Symbolic gestures matter. That's a big part of why the n-word hurts black people.
Then maybe they should symbolize how hurtful that word is by not saying it constantly.