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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19622009 No.19622009 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better meat than salmon. You fucking can't.

>> No.19622016

Salmon isnt meat
That's why you can eat it on lent :^)

>> No.19622017
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Honestly, salmon is pretty fucking amazing. Still, I'm a beefboy through and through. I have salmon almost every other friday. Salmon with a nice white wine sauce and a glass of white makes my day

>> No.19622094

I never understood the reasoning behind this. Fish are animals so it should be considered meat.

>> No.19622111
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Elk Tenderloin. Makes some fine steak. Really any game meat is better.

>> No.19622115

Ahi tuna

>> No.19622122

Salmon, pan fried with plenty of salt on the crispy skin, a hollandaise sauce, some sauteed broccoli and long beans, smooth mashed potato... really one of life's greatest pleasures.

>> No.19622123

Ahi and Mahi Mahi are both better

>> No.19622149

Likely taxes and religious bullshit going way back in history.

>> No.19622184

>That's why you can eat it on lent :^)
i can eat whatever i want to on lent

>> No.19622198


>> No.19622274
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always on skin. tastier and cheaper

>> No.19622275
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>> No.19622277

Elk is good but overrated, I lived in Colorado for most of my life and elk meat was pretty regularly available but it feels like most people from elsewhere in the country think it's some divine godsend. It is good, don't get me wrong but I've always thought venison and even buffalo were better

>> No.19622282

The amount of people I've met that refuse to eat fish skin is mindboggling, it's like the best part and it's really good for you

>> No.19622288

Lobster tail is the best meat of all time, hands down. It's a shame it's so expensive. If I could I'd eat lobster every day.

>> No.19622324

most people are children. i know, it's mindblowing. there are unironically people on this board that start gagging when they see a vegetable. picky eaters need to be wiped out

>> No.19622339


>> No.19622345

Crab > lobster

>> No.19622388

It's fucking fantastic, but the texture is so distinct from the flesh that people don't take it well until they get over their damn selves.

>> No.19622389

Human meat is the absolute best

>> No.19622392

disgusting, get better taste

>> No.19622397

Beef has a few cuts that can break even IMO, like short ribs and the fillet.
Hipster answer is bison or boar.

>> No.19622402


>> No.19622408

Meat was a historical luxury, so the point of the Lenten fast/meat ban was a form of abstaining from luxuries. Meat was something you ate when you were celebrating. Fish was much more common in the Mediterranean, so it was considered a 'standard' rather than a luxurious form of protein.

>> No.19622446


>> No.19622450


>> No.19622517

I'd limit it to vertebrates personally.

>> No.19622534

Bro get some plates and stop eating off trash can lids. Wtf man

>> No.19622543

I like most fish, but to me, salmon just has a weird taste.

>> No.19622554

It’s Indian tradition. We eat like this.

>> No.19622569
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i love my trash can lids. go thrifting for stainless steel kitchenware every few months. cheap, looks uniform, easy to clean

>> No.19622576
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I can't so delicious and such a income provider

>> No.19622580


>> No.19622586

salmon is mid, but I will admit that smoked salmon is the best smoked fish by leagues

>> No.19622593

It's funny. I'm not a fan of salmon, but will always order the fuck out of salmon skin rolls.

>> No.19622613

What is the best recipe with this. My wife is pregnant and I think I should start doing this about once a week

>> No.19622615
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smoked eel is another that stands out for me. not as versatile, but really delicious. i like it so much that eating grilled eel is a disappointment to me and i wont order it on sushi

>> No.19622678
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Land or sea as long as it's meat I've hunted/caught it, natures food is delicious
These fuckers are fun to hunt cause they get so angry
Taste is ok

>> No.19622738

It's a tough one but I think Duck might be better. More versatile.

Healthwise AND flavorwise, it's hard to beat salmon.

>> No.19622741

Why an orange, just out of curiosity?

>> No.19622746

It’s because people owned farmland but not oceans

>> No.19622750
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fuck me that bread looks good

>> No.19622800

I love salmon and I almost prefer the salmon skin rolls, they're so fucking good

>> No.19622828

Whats a good weeknight salmon recipe? I've been meaning to incorporate more fish into my diet.

>> No.19622914

Had no apples

>> No.19622941
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How it used to be done

>> No.19623679

very true, make sure to eat sockeye salmon at every meal

>> No.19623705

Raccoons are welcome here don't listen to this asshole.

>> No.19623725

Based trout enjoyer.