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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19618641 No.19618641 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19618647

Really? I always defrost meat in a bowl of warm water on the counter

>> No.19618662

I do cold water

>> No.19618665

Always cook my chicken until it reaches 150 degrees despite the FDA's protests and I never got sick. Why do (((they))) want us eating dry chicken bros?

>> No.19618671

I fart on it

>> No.19618678

based. chicken breast at 150 is amazing.

>> No.19618683

Why? That just makes it defrost waayyyy slower. The trick is to keep changing the warm water as the frozen meat cools it down

>> No.19618719

The FDA also said that the covid shots were safe, lol.

>> No.19618723

The then head of the CDC also testified in front of Congress that they weren't monitoring vaccine adverse events.

>> No.19618827

Ummm there aren’t any more than any other vaccine? The vax literally ended the pandemic and saved millions of lives. Operation Warp Speed was the ONLY good thing about your Cheeto Coomander

>> No.19618829

The FSIS has detailed charts on how much time is needed at different temperatures to result in a 7-log10 lethality of salmnonella. <10s at 165f is one of the ways to achieve this.
The issue is, telling someone "hold your poultry at 145f for: 8.4 minutes (1% fat chicken,) 8.4m (2% fat chicken,) 13m (12% fat chicken)" etc... is a lot less reliable and will obviously result in people fucking up the instructions. On top of that, turkey and other birds have different lengths of time required for this bacteria reduction at the exact same fat levels and temperatures.
Instead, "hit 165f for poultry and you're good" is much safer to tell people. I do agree there could be a bit more transparency in this, though.

>> No.19618831

Why not just put the meat in the fridge the night before instead of going to all this trouble with bowls of water

>> No.19618883

woah, based?!

>> No.19618900

My warm water bowl method takes an hour and seems to make the meat more tender tasting compared to putting it the refrigerator for 12 hours. The texture difference is night and day

>> No.19618903


as long as you cook the meat immediately after doing this, there's no issue. it's refrigerating unused-portions of meat after thawing it this way that poses a problem

>> No.19618911

Probably good advice, thanks anon.

>> No.19618926

> the night before
If you forget this, or if your plans change, you still deserve to eat homemade rather than overpay for a dinner out that you didn’t want.

>> No.19618967

one time i defrosted something by leaving it out in the sun

>> No.19618979

Just cook it thoroughly and you can defrost it (almost) any way you want.
This might be excessive.

>> No.19618994
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can I defrost meat in the microwave or will that ruin it

>> No.19619011

i think it ruins it

>> No.19619042

it was in the package still, not like the critters could get to it

>> No.19619052

cold is good, warm will give you illness.

>> No.19619072

just do the 30 second on/off technique. If you have a 3 digit IQ and can manage to defrost without cooking this is fine. I prefer seafood for water defrosting , and fridge defrosting is actually kind of overrated.

>> No.19619079

>If you have a 3 digit IQ
it's over

>> No.19619099

funny guy, you will not lol.

>> No.19619107

You're telling me you really don't have literally anything else you can make quickly if you fuck up and forget to defrost?

And if you defrost in the fridge and can't cook it, it's not like leaving it in there an extra day is gonna do anything.

>> No.19619113

nta but I live an hour from the nearest grocery store so I usually buy a bunch of stuff and freeze it every week, it sucks when plans change and I don't have food for the night

>> No.19619125

not true. I’ve been defrosting meat using the warm water method for 20+ years and never gotten sick

>> No.19619139

Because water defrosting literally takes 0 time and effort.

>> No.19619142

Huh, actually surprised to hear this, but I believe you.

>> No.19619158

Fuck off, I have yet to give myself food poisoning. Meanwhile, I have definitely had it from goyslop produced by state "approved" restaurants. And yes, that is the state's fault - they approved via inspection these places.

>> No.19619162

It’s true. I always cook the meat thoroughly and if there are leftovers they’re consumed the next day.

>> No.19619181

oooh, makes sense. are you mainly talking about minced meat or steaks as well? I come from a culture where eating raw meat is a thing so I want to minimize any bacterial growth during the defrosting process. Even if I cook it I like to take 2 or 3 small slices to eat raw.

>> No.19619213

No minced meat. Just whole cuts of beef, pork, and chicken.

>> No.19619214
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You are probably correct but sun thawing meat just seems so crazy in current year.

>> No.19619217

Always wiped my ass with those food recommendations untill i got this bacteria that made me, i counted, shit hot lava 22 times on average a day for a week or so. I feel like it's really rare to get sick, but if you do you will be in a lot of pain

>> No.19619238

/qa/ refugee thread, sage

>> No.19619312
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>> No.19619349

do people really not understand memes in 2024

>> No.19619369

>Intermittent high heat instead of prolonged low heat
Why though

>> No.19619373

Objectively more effort than putting it in the fridge

>> No.19619920

I thought it was the more sanitary option. Idk why I feel this

>> No.19619926

Oh yeah? Well I've been defrosting meat using the warm water method for 30+ years and I've gotten sick every single time.

>> No.19619933

i leaft my steak out for 6 hours yesterday to bring it up to properly room temperature as an experiment and im still alive

>> No.19620652

>Even if I cook it I like to take 2 or 3 small slices to eat raw.
thought i was the only one doing this

>> No.19620673

I use a water bath with an immersion circulator running with the heater turned off. Thaws in less than an hour most often.

>> No.19620675

well la dee da

>> No.19620681
File: 564 KB, 643x610, Lan Lam - YouTube .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you wish you were a smart, pretty, and charisma female chef? I know I do.

>> No.19620684

that's a man

>> No.19620699

thats a woman you idiot

>> No.19620703
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can't fool me!

>> No.19620704

My favorite meat to do this with might be horse (it is very common in my region) I think japs have have horse sashimi as well. I recommend anyone who is afraid of raw meat to try this. Of course don't be a retard and eat raw pork or unfresh cuts.

>> No.19620705

Ah yes huge adam's apple on this man.

>> No.19620710
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Female body

>> No.19620717
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>> No.19620723
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those are 8 inch hands at least

>> No.19620738

I love manly features in a woman. They are more likely to produce strong and healthy offspring

>> No.19620741

I'm currently thawing ground beef and pork in the loaf pan I'm going to use to make them into meatloaf. Got loads of peppers and herbs from the garden; it's gonna be a good loaf.

>> No.19620748
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>hot water freezes faster than cold water!!!

>> No.19620749

have you seen an adams apple?

>> No.19620783

>caring what the fda says after their "approval" for the gook shot
couldn't be me

>> No.19620787

those are bots

>> No.19620793

you don't need warm water.
the difference between a frozen piece of meat and cold tap water is more than enough for defrosting purposes.
using hot/warm water you risk parts of the meat getting into the food safety danger zone, which can activate organisms that cause food poisoning.
use regular cold tap water, swap the water every 10 minutes.

>> No.19620846

your gay

>> No.19620851

>I love manly features in a woman
but it's not a woman

>> No.19621540

Its clearly a woman your brain is rotten with troons

>> No.19621548

I'm not mentally retarded so I just plan ahead and defrost in the fridge because I don't see any reason not to unless you're incapable of thinking beyond 24 hours.

>> No.19622218

I put it in a bowl, balance it on the division of my sink, and endlessly ryn warm water thru it til it's thawed.

>> No.19622223

>and charisma

>> No.19622226

I'm not autistic so i just defrost whatever meat i immediately crave in a container of water over 2-6 hours

>> No.19622267

This is why I love Drea DeMayo who plays Adrianna in The Sopranos. She is mannish and strong looking but still very feminine. I’m not gay btw

>> No.19622310

man i touched a girls hand at work the other day

>> No.19622316

That literally sounds more autistic: "I cannot handle eating anything but WHAT I WANT because I'M A BIG BOY and I want what I WANT RIGHT NOWWWWW!!!! MOMMY YOU BETTER NOT MAKE ME EAT SOMETHING ELSE IW ANT IT NOW I WANT IT NOOOWWWW"

But you claim "hmm, I think I'll make some tacos in a day or two" is autistic, lol.

>> No.19622371

How did you project all of that bullshit from me saying i submerge frozen meat in a bowl of water for 6 hours?

>> No.19622662

I didn't, I projected it from your post that I repleid to, you fucking retarded autist (proof you are autistic: you didn't even understand the fact that I replied to your post was a reply to the content of your post and not the entire thread concept).

This is what I replied to, you absolute mentally deranged fuck-up;

>> No.19622689

No girl that says a more than a few sentences is attractive.

>> No.19622775
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No, i did understand that you're mocking a mistaken perception of me that you got from a simple declaration of habit that gave no indication of such demeanor. You are truly deranged if you think it is rational to go from reading that I submerge frozen meat upon my whims to instantly believing I'm a yelling narcisistic entitled impatient. You didnt even bother using meme arrows or a seething soyjak picture.

>> No.19622795

I wondered if she has Marfan syndrome or something since she's tall and lanky. I have Ehlers-Danlos and as a kid I knew my hands looked different but couldn't explain why. Longer fingers are symptoms of those conditions.

>> No.19622820
File: 413 KB, 454x387, Marfan syndrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marfan syndrome

>> No.19622826

is the FDA in the room with us right now. Mr. Schizo?

>> No.19622845

It affects everyone differently. Some people look like there's nothing wrong with them until they find out they have a heart problem.

>> No.19622861

I'm looking for a job and like to shitpost on social media. How much are theey paying you to make corprate media talking points about pharmaceutical safety concerning vaccines?

>> No.19622863
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>Operation Warp Speed was the ONLY good thing about your Cheeto Coomander
This. So much this. The last 3 years were enough evidence for me to switch sides. I'm ridin' with Biden from here on out!

>> No.19622864

you dont have any syndrome, youre just tall and malnourished probably hence u look tall and lanky. for a taller person to look good, they need to lift, other wise they look like slenderman.

>> No.19622877
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I feel genuinely bad for Biden. He reminded me of my dad proir to his last days.

>> No.19622921

Look at this normalfag.