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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19613252 No.19613252 [Reply] [Original]

Shipping out to join the US Marines soon - what is the chow like in the modern military?
>inb4 "hurr durr crayons etc etc"

>> No.19613255

if you like food you should have joined the Air Force, or maybe the Coast Guard. Marine food mayn't quite be grayons but it is the worst of the würst.

>> No.19613294

>if you like food you should have joined the Air Force
Can confirm
Former Army here, best DFAC (Dining Facility) food I had was at Goodfellow Air Force Base for AIT
When I was in the regular army though I never set foot in a DFAC again, neither did anyone else I knew

>> No.19613297

why would anyone willingly join the military? lmao, literally have sex, incels

>> No.19613301

>why would anyone willingly join the military?
Paying off college debt (it's one of the options instead of GI bill)
Looks good on a resume if you don't live in a city

>> No.19613302

he's about to, with an iraqi child

>> No.19613304

>t. spoilt brat

>> No.19613306

You think the crayons are a joke until you eat the actual chow and you wish it were crayons instead

>> No.19613310

It's all sysco crap in barracks. On a ship it's a little better but depending on where that ship is and how long you're out it can become awful.

>> No.19613336

It would be 'spoiled'. So army retards are just people who couldn't get an education?
>*farts accidentally*

>> No.19613350

Spoilt is accepted. Also I'm not OP so don't put shit on him for my comment. And if you're disparaging military you are literally a spoilt brat. The natural state of the world is, never has been, and never will be peace and stability. You just conveniently live between the last and the next horror. Lucky "spoiled" you.

>> No.19613354

I am not spoiled at all, I just managed to make something of myself so I didn't have to volunteer to be slaughtered protecting the interests of people who don't give a flying fuck about me.
I suggest you sneed and cope

>> No.19613357

>what is the chow like in the modern military?
High school cafeteria food. Except less pizza, especially in boot.

>> No.19613359
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do they at least have Breakfast for Lunch™? those frentch toast sticks were the bees tits

>> No.19613360

>Looks good on a resume if you don't live in a city
It really doesn't.

>> No.19613361

god brits are retardt, speak american, bongbong

>> No.19613363
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I'm now English I'm New English and also Australian.

So I guess I'm allowed to call you both a retahd and a cunt.

>> No.19613365

For lunch? No. You'll get French toast sticks for breakfast sometimes though.

But not in boot.

>> No.19613367

You’d have to own a business to know. I’ll hire a vet any day of the week compared to your typical shithead

>> No.19613369

I've been hiring people for 10 years. Being a veteran earns you no points.

>> No.19613370

Not him but I have to admire your feelings regarding this matter. I think youre a based individual. So thats that.
But you have to understand that some people dont have your level of intelligence to make something out of themselves so they choose the easy way out.
The army pays good and people do it for the money, its not like they give a fuck about the interests of rich people.
I can sympathise with them, I understand them.
I would never want my children to die in some foreign shithole, and I would do my best to prevent that.

>> No.19613375

>The army pays good and people do it for the money,
An E3 makes $27k a year.

>> No.19613378

with zero rent and zero CoL

>> No.19613381

Except that's not true at all. You DO pay rent for the barracks (which you will actively try to leave) and you DO pay for your food and insurance. In fact you pay for your food whether you actually eat at a chow hall or not. It's automatically deducted.

Tru reading a LES sometime.

>> No.19613382

Worked for me
And my veteran boss who hired me

>> No.19613391

>So army retards are just people who couldn't get an education?
I went in with a bachelor's
I just didn't want to do the job my degree made me do (IT)
So I became an Arabic linguist, they completely wasted me by sending me to Afghanistan, and I became disillusioned with the government

Now I'm in telecom as an engineer, not using my degree or prior employment at all, but I make great money

>> No.19613642

go home Ivan

>> No.19613750
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I am in the Air Force and the DFAC (Retarded jargon for cafeteria, it stands for Dining FACility.)
on base gave me food poisoning 4 times in under 6 months. Some bases have excellent food, other bases don't. It all boils down to luck no matter what branch you are in.
All AIT/Training bases have the highest rated chow halls service-wide, no matter of branch. I'm on Ramstein AFB right now and the DFAC here is certified goyslop. For breakfast the options are usually: "scrambled eggs" made from powder, gravy that tastes like a corn starch slurry, rock-hard biscuits, 1-2 strips of overcooked turkey bacon, only 1 sausage patty that is either undercooked or overcooked (depending on which FSS troglodyte was running the grills that morning), and all of the cereal/processed carbs your little heart can desire. None of the meals offered throughout the day at a DFAC will be any better than breakfast, and you're better off trying to get BAS so you don't get 400$ deducted from every single month for being a meal card holder. Get BAS ASAP and don't put up with that bullshit.

>> No.19613753

Bc they poor

>> No.19613767

>All AIT/Training bases have the highest rated chow halls service-wide, no matter of branch
Guess I made the right choice to stop eating there once I had the option

>> No.19613787
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I miss the food from my tech school days so much. They also took less money than 400$ per month from us. I think it was around 275$. In this economy I'd trade it any day of the week. I was there for thanksgiving and it was the one day we were all allowed to get as many seconds as we wanted, so everyone filled up on meat. It never ended. Officers from all branches were wearing chef hats and clowning about, busting our balls for getting thirds.

>> No.19613796

what like a lawn care business?

>> No.19613892

Doing what?

>> No.19613896

poor and/or didn't do well in school

>> No.19614010

The more stressful the job, the better the food generally. Hot bunking in a nuclear sub? Yeah, the foods good. Polishing bombs? It will be adequate.

>> No.19614062

hurr durr crayons etc etc

>> No.19614080
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what are you saying

>> No.19614103
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Hurr. Durr. Crayons. Etc. Etc.

>> No.19614113

My wife and I are both feds. She's a nurse practitioner at the VA and I can tell you that you are absolutely wrong.

>> No.19614120

Is the food in these places cooked by civilians or your fellow zogbots? If it's the latter, imagine what type of brilliant minds join the fucking ARMY and get relegated to kitchen duty? Makes me depressed to just think about it

>> No.19614125

It can be a viable career. Wouldn't ever join anything in a place with real winter but otherwise, why not. As long as you're below 30 years old that is.

>> No.19614128

Marines are crayon eaters its a common joke

Enjoy the vax and dying for israel though

>> No.19614129

I was in the chair force, but the food bretty gud.

>> No.19614137

>why not
well, you might get killed

>> No.19614187

Will always depend on where you are. Some places just suck, and if your cooks are shit it will suck harder. I dont know about Marines but as Army we would try and eat anywhere run by Airforce. Basic training DFAC was kino. Korea was great because they would have "midnight chow" for shift workers. Otherwise Id say you end up being jipped for money deducted from your monthly pay a lot of times you cant go eat, or its slop. $400 a month is a lot for 1 person, even with prices the way they are now.

>> No.19614242

Depends. I had the best biscuits and gravy in my life in Parris Island. Everything tastes amazing when you’re hungry enoufh. Don’t leave leftovers. Don’t drink milk.

>> No.19614832

This is supposed to be posted in /k/ you retarded crayola eating faggot

>> No.19614848

Have fun dying for Israel and rich jews

>> No.19614857


>> No.19614860

if you're picky you won't be in boot, learn to love gatorade if you don't already, don't fuck around in the chow hall or you will find out

>> No.19614873

DFAC was only good when you were eating MREs and shitting in the woods for the past 2 weeks

>> No.19614878

Some places will be better than others. Some of the worst permanent places are like an elementary school cafeteria. Better places will be similar to a casual sit-down restaurant. It also depends on the cooks/mess crew.

We had one shitty mess-sergeant who would just have mre's and loaves of bread when we would get back from field exercises.

Others would take pride in making sure enough food was made and cooked with some type of seasoning.

Overall, expect something like a golden corral but with more emphasis on healthy choices.

>> No.19615321

kill yourself israeli war orc

>> No.19615412
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When you are up at 4am every morning getting yelled at running 4 miles, doing 8 billion burpees and pushups throughout the day you would eat warmed up dog feces with ketchup not just willingly, but gladly

>> No.19615518


>> No.19615536

I'm a veteran and live in a blue state. It absolutely helps with getting jobs. Real life isn't 4chan/Twitter where freaks with zero self esteem attack people who have accomplished things in life. On Twitter it's because they're insane leftists, on 4chan it's pathetic "men" that would join but are way too cowardly so they attack military service, but it's obviously cope.

>> No.19615622

While you are right that vets get an upper hand on a lot of employment, there are a lot of shitbags out there. Many lazy pieces of garbage that managed to get an honorable discharges are getting jobs.

It makes me wonder how long before newer generations of soldiers getting out who somehow never learned to have work ethic will make being a vet something frowned upon by employers.

>> No.19615660

I think we're being a little dramatic agnon

>> No.19615729

/k/ is only for hohol glowie shillfarms there's days, it's dead Jim.

>> No.19615765

[generic boilerplate response calling this poster a Russian shill and making an inflammatory remark on his sexuality]
saved you the time and trouble my man ;)

>> No.19615778

Every generation of the military thinks the one after them is soft. I joined during the troop surge in Iraq, back when we had wall to wall counseling. Each generation of the military will be, at least, undoubtedly more based than their civilian counterparts.

>> No.19615818

Tell your recruiter or your drill that you are vegetarian when you get there. You will get a profile slip saying that your vegetarian and you can use it whenever the vegetarian option is good, like pizza or perogies for example. Other than that from what I remember of basic training they served baked chicken alot, rice (which I always would put thousand Island dressing on) mixed vegetables, spaghetti bake which is only good when you're starving. Breakfast is always good though, love that basic training breakfast honestly. Every once in a while you'll get steaks, I remember they served steak after major training events like the FTX and STX. If you're at basic during Thanksgiving your drill sgts serve you a feast in their dress blues which was pretty cool.

>> No.19615877

I was there during thanksgiving. Although that one day they werent supposed to fuck with us and let us eat whatever. I spent the whole day thinking it was a trap, not eating too much waiting for the inevitable smoking. However it never happened and I regret not stuffing my face harder.

The NEXT day however...

>> No.19616117

Yeah, I was a spook
Follow my blog here >>19613391

>> No.19616141

They like to taste of sandy Israeli cock..many such cases :(

>> No.19616151

>what is the chow like in the modern military?
Basically, you are going to have about 4 different food experiences:
1. MREs - these are essentially canned food in bag form with a little heater and accessory packet. Some are decent, others suck. Because you are hungry as fuck, these will potentially seat themselves as a "good memory" because of the moral boost they provide when starving. They will suck when eating without hunger to aid the taste.
2. Field kitchens - powdered runny eggs, food from industrial cans, frozen prepackaged food, essentially shit-tier goyslop.
3. Base kitchens - better goyslop than high school & the field kitchen, but not by much. The difference is the plastic tray.
4. Ship kitchens - pretty much the same as the base kitchens, just on a ship. Meals will change as you run out of shit to serve, and can get pretty spartan until next re-suppply.

>and of course your 5th experience: crayons

The rest will be luck of the draw based on where and what you do. Maybe you get some overseas base chow, or go to a nice training facility chow hall, or find yourself on a sub with a dude who knows how to cook.

Cooks are a position in the service. There are some civies exceptions state side, but vast majority will be sailors reheating your goyslop for you. Quality will vary based on skill - keep in mind the President himself is catered to by servicemen, so cooks serving officers and staff will have higher skill than the ones serving the enlisted plebs. The former are sort of like pro-chefs, the latter are basically cafeteria lunch ladies.

>> No.19616172

Every vet will be miles better than their civy counterpart because they have proven they can at least hack it through basic and keep their shit together. I do agree I met some great people as well as the biggest shitbags imaginable, but at the end of the day, that shitbag at least can hack it through some shit and won't sperg out. Though that is starting to change with all the new tranny rules and no yelling the DoD just implemented for Drill SGTs. That might let some spergs through the process, but that shit will clean up with WW3.

Also, you want lazy employees: they find the path of least resistance to getting shit done. That means efficient processes long term. What you DON'T want, is incompetent employees, or DEI hires. Or worst case, a violent cunt. Those fucks harm the system. They actively drag others down with them, or sabotage stuff. At least with a vet, you've mostly weeded out the incompetent and nasty ones that are present in the civilian market.

Since I work in engineering, I am very spoiled, I get to work with logical calm individuals. But I hear the horror stories from my sister who works with the general public. Drama, backstabbings, alarms, actual violence in some cases, lots of employee turnover, and drugs, just to mention a few "incidents" I hear about. A vet can at LEAST has passed a piss test in the past, good luck with the general public on that shit.

>> No.19616182


>> No.19616195
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the vast-majority of young men here are out of shape and severely lack confidence, yet for some reason this site is flooded with shills trying to convince them to enlist. you have to ask yourself, why would the military want unconfident out of shape men to fight in their wars? could it possibly be that they need cannon fodder to take bullets for the actually-good soliders? really makes you think...

>> No.19616203

>Shipping out to join the US Marines soon
Good Lord, why?

>> No.19616243
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>tfw BBQ brisket and mac & cheese fridays at the Sheppard AFB DFAC
Good old tech school days

>> No.19616259

>no yelling the DoD just implemented for Drill SGTs
link? the drill sgts can't haze recruits anymore?

>> No.19616274

That's part of the deal, really. Most people are not soldiers, the mindset is not there.

>> No.19617721

Active duty USMC for 7 years now. The chow halls in the USA range from "won't give you foodborne illness" to "not bad"

Other services have better dining facilities. You might end up on one of those

As a rule, chow halls on overseas installations are far and away better than ones staffed by actual americans with disabilities (sodexo)

>> No.19617724
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it's shit

>> No.19617729

Doing SIGINT/Cyber in the military is not glownigger shit. Youre not domestic law enforcement like FBI/NSA and would never even THINK of doing anything targeting Americans even if they're a criminal with a warrant. Violation of posse comitatus and dozens of other laws.

>> No.19617978

I was in the navy, it's shit a lot but the majority of the time it's pretty okay. PRO TIP: the best food is the stuff that requires the least amount of actual cooking.

>> No.19617979
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I’m Army so I’m not really sure how it goes with you guys. That said, I’ve been fortunate in that every unit I’ve been in that has cooks, were full of 92G’s that actually loved doing their MOS. It’s honestly a mixed bag with them, they either adore their job or they hate it and there’s nobody in between. Picrel was our Christmas dinner from last year. Sorry for the photo quality, I had to zoom in.

>> No.19618008

>As a rule, chow halls on overseas installations are far and away better than ones staffed by actual americans with disabilities (sodexo)

The mess hall in Yokosuka absolutely S H I T on every other military dining facility I ever ate at.

>> No.19618027

>mess hall :l
>mess hall japan :O

>> No.19618111
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Something happened, Vanya?

>> No.19618136

rope yourself globalist shill

>> No.19618163
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Always network while you are in. I was a medic in the Army and would make sure we were always in good with unit supply and cooks. During extended field exercise we would be required to have ice sheets on hand at all times which meant a constant resupply of ice.
Constant ice meant I could keep meat in coolers with us dring our time out. Talk to the cooks and get free bread, lettuce, tomatoes, onion etc from the FRESH, condiments, plates and more in exchange for burgers, hot dogs and cigarettes, otc meds and so on.
You can live like a king in the field if you plan and network. Everything is a bartering game.
Mfw everyone else is glaring at us chilling by the medevac grilling and they have to go eat an MRE in the dirt somewhere.

>> No.19618369

>Free higher education
>Good pay
>Endless benefits after leaving
>Looks great on resumes
>People weirdly worship you in the U.S. even if you never see combat
On that note, like 99% of troops never see combat or get harmed, so dont reply with the retarded "hur dur dying for Israel." Most U.S. troops aren't even stationed in dangerous countries. You can literally join the AF and just be in the U.S. or Europe your entire time, doing a regular job.

>> No.19618393

I went to Fort Benning, GA. For Army and it was great at the battalion (crab legs, steaks, potatoes, etc.,) and I'm not even exaggerating. Then you get to basic, and it drops off to just a few notches above jail food. You don't get access to the good stuff anymore, but if you do KP duty you can sneak pies and stuff but if you get caught you'll get smoked real bad. Oh at least when I was in KP the black cafeteria workers (civilians) talk down to you the whole time and call you "private," as if they weren't the absolute bottom barrel southern black people

>> No.19618394

Hmm. No idea. Never was in the military. Only thing I know is what I've seen on youtube. And who knows how bullshit that all is.

>> No.19618413

>the black cafeteria workers (civilians) talk down to you the whole time and call you "private," as if they weren't the absolute bottom barrel southern black people
this is what gets me. the people working in those capacities are usually absolute dregs who can find employment nowhere else. some of them know they're at the bottom rung of society and take pleasure in being able to talk down to someone even though as a private going through basic you are already better than they are.

>> No.19618420

Chow is fine.

>> No.19618431

>this is what gets me. the people working in those capacities are usually absolute dregs who can find employment nowhere else. some of them know they're at the bottom rung of society and take pleasure in being able to talk down to someone even though as a private going through basic you are already better than they are.
Every single Black Person of Color that works as a contractor for the military is like this.
I remember one time when I was in the Marine Corps I finally got fed up with a Black Gentleman of Color that wouldn't stop calling a "dirty ass white boy" so I told it "can you PLEASE just SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. You stupid fucking enword?"
I think it had a mental breakdown because I wasn't allowed anywhere near him after that.

>> No.19618435

It does if the hiring manager is also a vet. Boomers especially are very insular when it comes to non-vets and they have a warped view of what the modern tranny military is actually like.

>> No.19618440

Earning no points != losing points so get fucked, nerd.

>> No.19618451

That's true but auto-deductions for cash you'll never see and pocketing 100% of that take-home pay is infinitely better than budgeting for bills and failing.
>inb4 "but I'm not retarded"
Well then you're the exception to the rule.

>> No.19618712 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19618730

and then the commanding officer clapped

>> No.19618735

>Something happened, Vanya?
Yes, Russians can't conquer Ukraine after years.
It would be like Saddam stopping the US army outside Kuwait for years (could you imagine lol)

>> No.19618957
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>like 99% of troops never see combat or get harmed
>You can literally join the AF and just be in the U.S. or Europe your entire time, doing a regular job

>haha yeah sure kid you can be a computer programmer or whatever, like 99% of the military doesn't even see combat
>oh this? the contract we make you sign that states you're obligated to serve 2-6 years? haha don't worry about that kid, that's just a technicality reserved for extreme situations like when the US gets involved in war; something that almost never happens

>> No.19618969

yea, you enlist for 8 years total the remainder of which you can be called back

>> No.19618982

They are mostly stupid and or lack morals.

>> No.19620215

Get back to your desk Langley bot. You got a whole day of shilling for ahead of you. I want to see more pro-lgbtqbbq memes and scantily clad Israeli whores on my desk or you’ll be outta your job faster than hunter Biden running to his drug fueled orgie. Get to it boy.

>> No.19620314

The Marine Corps gets all the leftovers of everything, this includes bedding, boots, tools, vehicles, gear, weapons, ammo, assignments and so on. Don't expect anything great, make sure you first fill up on whatever salad options they have and on protein before you touch the rest of the food. Huge issues at least from 2004 until 2012 with marines getting fat from the food and from a lack of fulfilling assignments, making eveyrone lazy lard pigs half-assing everything. A bunch of E3s and E4s with big-ass guts and empty heads, smoking, and complaining all afternoon long.

Also, make sure you wait to ask your co:s for favors until your last year. They get a hard on for signing you back up and are way more likely to get you what you want and need (not even talking about food here).

>> No.19620318

>What my degree makes me do.

Bitch, you PICKED that degree. Holy crap you really needed a mentor and got none.

>> No.19621181

Meh, I only went to college because you're "supposed" to, and I picked IT because it seemed like a secure career path, but I realized after a couple years in I didn't want to do it. I was only 20. I think the time for a career change after I graduated at 22 was pretty well timed.