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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19612157 No.19612157 [Reply] [Original]

So if s raw steak is 180 calories and I use oil that totals 120, that steak dinner will total 300 calories, right? I have not based with butter, just season and fry

>> No.19612170

let me ask you this is the steak soaking up all the oil

>> No.19612176

Not really. Maybe, I'm not sure
At most though, it's 300 cal right?

>> No.19612183

there is no way that much steak is 180 cal

>> No.19612193

It's other one. I have one that's apparently worth 168cal, it's a toploin

>> No.19612237
File: 524 KB, 1777x1333, Emergency-LARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is correct CLINICAL calculation..But Seed oils INHIBIT hormonal and Hepatic glycolysis.
Your body NEEDS Cholesterol...Your BRAIN is made of cholesterol, Cholesterol, VitaminD, and other lipophilic Vitamins(hormonal precursors,) are GOOD for you...
How much d'ya 'spose PHARMA and, of course, in turn, INSURANCE makes off of all the boomers on 9-18 pills a day, at least 2/3nds of which are just for treating the side effects of OTHER Medications and their bad reactions and depletions??
Sorry...I'll step off the Soap box(Brought to you by Procter&Gamble...)
Oh is it EVER!!

>> No.19612241


>> No.19612258

Fucks up yer GUT...
Makes you SICK...
Business iz GOOD!!

>> No.19612263

Am I correct?

>> No.19612269

Best advice is not to worry about it. Enjoy your fucking food. If you’re that concerned, just cut out some of the carbs or use less oil than normal.

>> No.19612272

I'm counting calories and I want some steak/protein. That's why I'm not basting it and making it well. if I got it right just tell me

>> No.19612279

That’s the thing, there’s no way to tell for sure. Even the nutrition profile is an estimate. Do you really think every cut of steak has the exact same ratio of fat/meat? After your meal do you measure the grams of juice left afterwards and subtract it from the caloric total?
You’ll never know the exact amount, so don’t stress it.

>> No.19612295

I'm just trying to get a general number, man. If the cut is 200 and the oil I use is 100 cal per tbsp, that's 300~ [LARGE ASTERISK] calories right? It's not magically 1200 calories?

>> No.19612305

It's probably less, as another anon said it's not like it's soaking up the oil. That said, if you're counting calories to lose weight, yeah, always overestimate. Mark down 300. Maybe 350 to account for imperfect measurements.

>> No.19612316

Though also, as the schizo anon was getting at, you should switch to lard. It's no worse for you cut-wise, and it just gives a better sear and better flavor, I've found. When you're restricting calories, you gotta make them fuckin count.

>> No.19612322

Yes, that's correct. It's good to round up as a general rule, just because that gets you a safety net, but cooking will not magically increase calories. Calories are relatively simple to count, you're doing it right.

>> No.19612324

I'll see if my lard has fewer calories. Thanks bro

>> No.19612329

Thank you sir. I thought I was crazy for calculating my steak dinner as <500 calories

>> No.19612339
File: 74 KB, 500x500, zeezbrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monitoring thread as I'm trying to get shredded too
How strict is your cut, OP?

>> No.19612343

I think so, calorically.
It's really not that simple...Unless YOU are.

>> No.19612346

I'm eating 1800 calories now. Bit of a lardass, and I haven't been taking my dieting or training seriously. Kept taking cheat days and extending them to cheat-half-weeks. Now I'm back on the grind, eating 1800, and doing any cardio whenever I can. Let's hope I lost some good weight this week

>> No.19612347

I am. Thanks bro

>> No.19612348

>BASED Materialist/Sensualist

>> No.19612361

>if I got it right just tell me
But you can STOP counting calories.
If you EAT natural foods--that is not modified or poisoned, your body will regulate intake ON IT'S OWN.
Funny how that works...
LEPTIN, The hormone that tells you you are FULL...
Notice HOW SLIPPERY they are in not telling you that right off the bat...

>> No.19612364
File: 7 KB, 275x183, Baked potato sour cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be re retarded and add one of these

>> No.19612365
File: 107 KB, 1142x1197, Fw_9RPQWIAodITq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im obese dude

>> No.19612366
File: 973 KB, 400x225, END--THREAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, know I'm just fucking with you.. Your math is right, but CICO is WRONG.

>> No.19612370

You DON'T have to be.
BMI is HORSESHIT.. Do they even teach Ecto-Morph, Endo-morph and Meso-Morph anymoar?

>> No.19612374

There better be a 2TBLSPN. pat of BUTTER under there...

>> No.19612377

But I am simple (shrimple for the /ck/ jannies)
I think I only know 1/4th of the words you just said

>> No.19612384
File: 281 KB, 1024x1024, 1611835573259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S'OK! I 2 M a 'tard...
They are the 3 common body types..
always HAS been...Always WILL be...

>> No.19612398

I'm the middle one (fatty)

>> No.19612400

You stupid simpleton piece of shit. Jesus Christ die.

>> No.19612409
File: 3.67 MB, 480x360, GIT REKT2..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C'mon anon..provided you aren't a B0t.
That's a perfectly acceptable Mainstream way to calculate those cals.
you ARE a 80t aren't you??
TAY!!! A little HELP over here...!

>> No.19612425

Why are you here, bot boy?

>> No.19612435

Why are you here, fag homo?

>> No.19612439

To talk cooking. Get the fuck out, faggot bot boy

>> No.19612457
File: 70 KB, 960x640, 1636957437712b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious as to what Opie is roping himself off to, calorie-wise.
You still there Opie??

>> No.19612473

idk what you mean, but I am eating 1800 calories per day (maximum)

>> No.19612485
File: 26 KB, 200x390, Fatty steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you TRYING to lose weight?
No bully... What Weigh?

>> No.19612494

I am trying to lose weight, yes. I'm 5'8 and 210 lbs last I weighed in

>> No.19612510

DOn't fret.
What is your genetic phenotype?

>> No.19612519
File: 104 KB, 382x349, 1691386613928278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have zero idea

>> No.19612538
File: 179 KB, 2520x1786, 88CE197B-0EE9-4E2C-AEFA-0FFD06192372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon, 180+120=300. Minus any oil still stuck in the pan. though there are several reasons why it’s a pointless endeavor to do so. It’s impossible to accurately track it due to ever present confounding variables, as well as the fact that obesity isn’t first and foremost an energy balance equation. It’s about hormones. Glucose spikes insulin more than protein or fat which leads to hyperinsulinemia which causes insulin resistance leading to higher insulin secretion creating a feedback loop. Insulin is responsible for energy storage and blocks the function of hormones responsible for energy extraction. Glucose and fructose also aren’t as satiating as fat and protein and suppress satiety hormones and stimulate hunger hormones.
you should also just be going by grams rather than calories. The latter is an inappropriate unit of measurement since it’s a unit of heat energy not mass. Which is what our mitochondria makes adenosine triphosphate out of. Heat is just a byproduct and the energy that powers its manufacturing comes from the chemical potential energy in the bonds between atoms. A gram of fat does not produce more energy for the body than a gram of carbohydrate or protein.

>> No.19612542
File: 178 KB, 1320x800, BMI-MOAR BULLSHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well,.. BMI is bullshit.. But if you wanna find out you optimal diet, find out what your GREAT-grandparents ate.
Can't go wrong with CLEAN foods though...And if you do that for a couple months, you body WILL self-regulate it's intake...
Keep in mind.. summer is ending, you would likely normally start to bulk for winter a little(you already are?) at this time...

>> No.19612588

>Yes anon, 180+120=300
Ok thanks bro

>> No.19612591

My great grandparents were black, so most likely unhealthy stuff that involves lots of pigs, but idk

>> No.19612666

>so most likely unhealthy stuff that involves lots of pigs, but idk
West Coast Slaves, or MOAR likely, Later immigrants from say... Ethiopia, or Ghanna, or something...
Pigs, AREN'T unhealthy..
No really... They are a staple of healthy people the world over.
I may be a Nat-Soc, /pol/Tard, but I, like many other Nat-socs, believe EVERY RACE should have it's own Ethnostate to live in if they want.
Have you tried FU-FU and other indiginous African foods?
Might help.
Today's Western (((FOOD SUPPLY))) is CANCER.

>> No.19612798

I've had fu fu. The main sauce or whatever it was (it was years ago) was too spicy for my tastes, but I wouldn't mind eating it again. I know the worst part of the pigs is what blacks typically eat/ate, so that's why I assume their diet wasn't the best neither. Still, my great grandparents were born probably in the 20s or something, so they were probably eating quite nice. Better than the blacks today

>> No.19612952

How the hell are people even obese? I don't seem to be able cram enough meat and taters into my system to gain any weight. Do you just need to binge candy and ice cream and sit on your ass all day?

>> No.19613062

>calorie counting

this place is not for you fitcel

>> No.19613176

It's a good way to get a grasp on what you actually cram down your hole on a daily basis if you struggle with that imho but not needed once you get your shit together imho. Especially when you live in a society where energy rich food and sitting on your ass is more of a norm than something reserved for special occasions. This of course does not happen in the frugally traditional imaginary land inside your head where you plow your fields of turnips all day but most real people don't live there.

>> No.19613366

please don't encourage him by replying

>> No.19613564

That picture is not 180 calories of steak you should know thag

>> No.19613725

do you weigh your food out?

>> No.19615504

Nice pajamas FAGGOT!