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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 313 KB, 448x448, blessed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19608001 No.19608001 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing goffee and goffee-related topics.

Moka coffin edition.

If you're new or confused, look here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

Italians live rent free inside our heads. Stay cognizant.

Previous thread: >>19593141

>> No.19608022

You think the pope uses a moka pot?

>> No.19608046
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Rate em.

>> No.19608050

Are they supposed to be different colors?

>> No.19608053

Is that a booo urn?

>> No.19608060

Yes, Signore Bialetti's ashes are inside. I wonder if he made his kids brew through them? I would.

>> No.19608087

>burn me like the coffee I drank

>> No.19608124

Yeah, when the roaster doesn't know what he's doing and/or he's buying the cheapest greens on the market.

>> No.19608144 [DELETED] 

what do you think is the average iq of a moka pot user? it has to be under 90 right?

>> No.19608157
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Grazie anon very generous

>> No.19608164

most likely somewhere around 86. I feel bad for them honestly, it's not their fault they where born Italian

>> No.19608194

Get a real hobby.

>> No.19608270
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>> No.19608284
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>> No.19608408

Best manual grinder for a nub? I’m going to do v60 pour over and ice coffee mainly. Lots of espresso too if I ever get a machine.

>> No.19608412

Kingrinder k4 or k6.

>> No.19608439

Kingrinders like the other anon said. A 1zpresso q2 can also be fine, although the new ones have that retarded folding handle.

>> No.19608506

I love quality dark roasts

>> No.19608518
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>> No.19608759
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you guys are probably going to reee at me, but I decided to buy pic related on a whim and it tastes really good. I'm surprised that it tastes as good as those expensive individually bottled/canned iced coffees.

Past couple of days, I still woke up having my own coffee that I ground up and brewed myself, but I'd have a cup of vanilla coffee later on in the day as a treat for myself.

>> No.19608766

>it tastes really good
>it tastes as good as those expensive individually bottled/canned iced coffees
Turns out its kind of hard to fuck up coffee+milk+sugar.

>> No.19608917

I like coffee but if I ingest any more caffeine my sleep will be fucked.
Thoughts on decaf iced coffee?

>> No.19608956

it's great, true sign of goffee lover

>> No.19609087
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Poor moka "people" just had to report the low IQ post. Sad.

>> No.19609149
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My daily moka, simple as.

>> No.19609320

How do you brew your coffee /ctg/?

>> No.19609323
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mr coffee

>> No.19609326


>> No.19609340


>> No.19609399

Moka pot makes a cup too strong for me. I mainly use a v60.

>> No.19609406

Espresso is too strong for me. I have to add water to be able to drink it.

>> No.19609444

moka pot
half coffee, half cold milk in the morning.
half coffee, full ice in summer afternoons and hlf coffee half warm water in winter afternoons.

>> No.19609453

So, an americano

>> No.19609457


>> No.19609476

Man, they really did discontinue the non-folding q2. Want one for the aeropress anyway, so I guess ill spend 30 more...
The are allegedly other companies that make "fits inside areopress" manual grinders. Like this 17$ one https://fireboxstove.com/product/coffee-grinder/
There was a 30$ difference from the 1zpresso q2 and q2s. I hate profit margin seeking.

>> No.19609554

$114cad is like $85usd and ships free.

>> No.19609702

>I hate profit margin seeking
The main issue is commandante lawsuit I believe.

>> No.19609786

Are the electric heated moka pots a meme?

>> No.19609893

Espresso milk drinks or pourover, depending on what I'm in the mood for.

>> No.19609903
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>> No.19609905

The coffee he drank burned him?

>> No.19609946

french press cold. 12 cup pot lasts me 2 days.

>> No.19609965

Is it supposed to be a repost?

>> No.19610034
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for me it's only the best

>> No.19610049


>> No.19610050


>> No.19610055

only 1 coffee per day doc?
no problem.

>> No.19610057

moka :3

>> No.19610063

pic... unrelated?

>> No.19610112

What other fun can I find from life aside from coffee?

>> No.19610114

have you tried goffee?

>> No.19610117

Sex and then coffee.
Going camping and drinking coffee.
Going traveling to try out foreign coffee.

>> No.19610124
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>*sips your coffee*
>*spits it all over your face*
>IS THIS *wretches violently* IS THIS A ROBUSTA??!!?!?

>> No.19610182
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Here, faggot.

>> No.19610188

hello can i contribute. i drank coffee today it was nice

>> No.19610192
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>> No.19610202
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Hell yeah brother

>> No.19610219

87iq Redditore attempts greentext. You hate to see it.

>> No.19610222

Spending $1000 on coffee equipment does not compensate you lack of a personality

>> No.19610270

No, but it makes my coffee better

>> No.19610303

But what if I spent 100€ on a 10 years warranty moka?

>> No.19610340

>A warranty on a machine with no moving parts

>> No.19610363

too long didnt laugh
tried too hard in the second half.

>> No.19610365

not spending $1000 on coffee equipment does not mean you have a personality

>> No.19610370

lucky he did actually, his "premium stainless steel" moka was broken for like 2 months and he didnt even know.

>> No.19610372

Jokes on you it came broken and I already had to RMA it.

>> No.19610425

You only needed 1 day warranty then didn't you?

>> No.19610437

moka pope

>> No.19610441

No I needed a few weeks for them to ignore my emails first:)

>> No.19610518

Copper V60.
Also cold brew with milk.

>> No.19610573
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Why did he do it?

>> No.19610594

If he was a real coffee frog he'd use a normcore tamp.

>> No.19610637

Everytime I try to make an Americano it taste terrible..the bitterness is too strong compared to any other flavor and it makes it taste like Im drinking medicine or boiled green tree leaves or something thing.

>> No.19610640
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For me it's only the best

>> No.19610644

My Moka pot tasted sour but also almost IDENTICAL to the shitty espresso I get at most restaurants. That battery acid taste. I will try grinding finer next time but also, I wonder if lighter roasted beans would be better as well.

>> No.19610646

doesnt copper give you manbreasts?

>> No.19610648

Actually wait, I just realized that lighter roasted beans might make it even more sour… Screw it, it’s always worth trying

>> No.19610653


>> No.19610686


>> No.19610758

Is cold brew with milk tasty? I actually kinda wanna try

>> No.19610947
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based cycling stimulated with goffee enjoyer

>> No.19611038

Sadly, it's also 114$ if localized, I'd have to do some spoofing to exploit the conversion. The non s was 80$ though

>> No.19611064

Grind a little coarser and skim the crema off the espresso before adding hot water.

>> No.19611086

that's because americanos taste terrible to begin with.

>> No.19611145

All my riding mates think I don't drink coffe because I only take orangina at their coffee stops.

>> No.19611252
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behold... goffeemancy

>> No.19611260

Lame. Going through them usually lets me knock off whatever other importer markup.

>> No.19611275

best beans for obsessing over all you past mistakes?

>> No.19611304
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>> No.19611313

time to make some chili i guess
fuck me i want to scream so bad.
my whole life ruined with 1 phone call.
and my big fucking mouth.
its fucking over.

>> No.19611322

go on.. i'm listening

>> No.19611347

Oh is it story time? I'll make up some Rwandan reminiscing beans.

>> No.19611418

evaporated milk
condensed milk
instant coffee
simple as

>> No.19611425
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>> No.19611431

Just preordered the df64 gen 2 with ssp high uniformity burrs from espressooutlet. Besides that my only espresso purchase was the breville barista pro..I'm appalled at how truly dookie the conical burr grinder that is part of the bbp is. Hopefully the actual group head/pump and shit is decent so adding a good grinder will drastically improve my shots without having to spend another $1k on the profitec go or something.

>> No.19611477
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Godspeed VAnon. Hope its everything you've dreamed of.

>> No.19611505

Got a brand new Wilfa Svart for 30€ with 5 years of warranty, drinking good tonight.

>> No.19611509


>> No.19611513

Didn't get any extra, so I don't think so.
Also, it's tin-lined anyway, so it's not reactive.

>> No.19611528

Thankyou same. Hopefully it lasts a long time and brings me satisfaction.

>> No.19611581

i had a shower and calmed down a bit.
just ruining my 5 year perfect relationship with my big fucking mouth and my massive ego.
idk, as far as breakups go it was extremely gentle i guess.
doesnt hate me
still enjoys spending time with me
still has feelings for me
still attracted to me
but has a fair bit of resentment and idk pity(not her words)
like when you have a pet but you work 18 hours a day so its home alone for the entire day for months on end and one day the owner feels bad for the dog takes it to the pound.
now thats probably too much details.(and worded horrifically)
she said she needs time alone and we can talk in like 6 months.
but we have already been on break for 6 months so its probably already completely fucking over and im just inhaling giga copium that she will take me back ever.
BUT again shit was perfect and she was still into me and all that so???? maybe?
what i said was really bad. but like really? no second chances? first time i fucked up in 5 years? just poof thats it?
idk if this shit was reversed i'd give them a second chance.
anyway its 6:30 am and its almost moka time.
i think i will go get a haircut.
fuck me im just looping in my head between coping and hopium.
its fucking over...
(i can rizz her up this summer for sure)(she's going to fucking murder me if i even try)

>> No.19611587

oh and thanks for reading my blog

>> No.19611610
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The rwandan is sipping very nice. 16.5:65 in like 15s, quick preinfusion up to 2bar, let the basket fill in then let her rip at 6. I think a genecafe will cheer you up:)
>fuck me im just looping in my head between coping and hopium.
>its fucking over...
I told you back in like January you were spiraling and lashing out pal. If I could see it on 4chan, I can't imagine how it was in your day to day. Not too late to schedule an appointment with your old hungarian therapist. You'll get through this. One cuppa at a time.

>> No.19611649

Read 3 percent man, dont cave in. Get other options, she will sense your Chad energy

>> No.19611651

back then we were on break and too high on my own ego to realise i was being massively autistic.
so thinking i was still in the right and that she was in the wrong and that she was crazy because i expected her(and everyone else on earth to cope with trauma exactly how i do)
and combine that with being an attention starved schizoid i was a very bad time to be around me irl or online.
so after months of not knowing what my fate was i called
like Pandora's box i HAD to know what was inside even if it killed me
and now i know
and it killed me
and i want to go back in time and not open the box like a fucking moron(probably just cope)
yeh i was pretty fucking unbearable.
jan was also when i quit drinking.
so yeh...
but at least knowing i was "with" her meant i had some kind of light at the end of the tunnel
now i have nothing
just a void.
its fucking over(in summer(its fucking over) we are so back)
sorry guys but im probably going to be even more insufferable for a while
hope you dont hold it against me too much.
you guys dont get it im literally the hunchback of Notre dam and shes like a fucking goddess.
this was a once in a lifetime girl.
and its my fault.
i wish it was something else
like if she turned gay that would be way better i could cope with that.
well, time to go vertically crank some washed(sigh) burundi...

>> No.19611670
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>she will sense your Chad energy
thats why im waiting for summer.
just 1 good conversation and im back in 100% 1000%
anyway this is me irl unironically.

>> No.19611675

Maybe try get a real hobby (coffee is not a hobby)

>> No.19611681

hagrid not harry.
harry is the ex's actual size.
i mean what's not to love?

>> No.19611710
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She just bought you loveramics shit for your birthday too huh? :( I'll brew some burundi next in your honor.
>sorry guys but im probably going to be even more insufferable for a while
>hope you dont hold it against me too much
Until you make a trabazzi themed reddit account and lie when caught, you'll never be the biggest fgtist in this general. You're fine pal, you've earned some doomposting.

>> No.19611723

last breakup i played nothing but gorillaz plastic beach album for 3 months straight and ruined that incredible album for the rest of my life because its associated so strongly with that (whore) girl
this breakup im kinda avoiding all my favorite music so i dont end up hating it.

>> No.19611785
File: 39 KB, 750x556, 243717581_3014166168821081_7592348771497290031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a real good vinyl rip of that for when you swim out the other side.

>> No.19611833
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>> No.19611850

thanks for the positive vibes anon
big moka for brekky.
almost got me with that song anon... almost.

>> No.19611863

Backstory plus question: the only time I bought green coffee from the Ethiopian supermarket near my old apartment, I gently pan-roasted them and removed beans individually after two pops and as they reached the colour I wanted. I also added new beans after each removal until they were all roasted. The results were good (very nice tasting coffee, 2bh) but it took me forever to get through them all and the process was a bit slapdash and labour intensive
What easier way is there to roast beans at home without specialised equipment?

>> No.19611869

It's good that Daniel Radcliffe keeps his height book-accurate to this day, long after the films have wrapped.

>> No.19611893

true dedication to being an actor

>> No.19611913

Indeed. Saw him the other night on Miracle Workers where he was on his knees in front of a 6'7 guy, rubbing said guy's crotch. He was also riding on the guy's shoulders earlier in the episode. He's kinky as shit.
Not that this has anything to do with coffee or being book-accurate

>> No.19611938
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Hope the moka was soothing frendo.

>> No.19611960

Decaf guji just went up on greencoffeebuyingclub. 10lbs for $85 shipped.

>> No.19611962

thats enough depression music
and not enough king of the hill.

>> No.19611989
File: 720 KB, 960x960, 277466393_5049564355097169_4044530808399370970_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats the bitch who broke his heart. My final gift to you roktist. At least for tonight. This album will bring back all the feels here in a few years. I wish my brain was still malleable enough to go into a good old depression spiral. Those were the days.

>> No.19612009


>> No.19612017
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schizzy heartbroken mokamate be like

>> No.19612032
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trying to become a I FUCKING LOVE COFFEE!!!! kind of person

>> No.19612061

Shouldve got an aeropress

>> No.19612092

oh man why those coffees? onyx and partners sell through amazon via third party so the bags are fresh.

>> No.19612093

idk they looked like they tasted good, what should I get?

>> No.19612106

el ramo and elevate from partners. geometry and southern weather from onyx.

>> No.19612116

links to their store pages


>> No.19612150

thanks guys
hairdresser was closed so no haircut today
good vibes
good coffee
good music
good memories
good /ctg/ bros
we grew together alot
from 2 degenerate no life neet school dropouts to both of us getting our lives together, her studying medicine and shit me having a job and growing up so much, finding a real hobby, a real passion in life.
im really proud of her and who she became.
i hope she's proud of me too.
ok. time to stop doomer posting.
time to start goffee posting.
time to go buy some beans

>> No.19612338

Coffees not a hobby though

>> No.19612470


>> No.19612604

Shut up fag

>> No.19612686

is this sarcastic because i just got one and i really really like it

>> No.19612693

Which v60 should I get on amazon?

>> No.19612696
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>> No.19612735

Get a switch

>> No.19612737

ENOUGH doomer posting.

>> No.19612775
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Can the ball bearing on the Hario Switch be actuated by a curved implement, like a lock pick or something else? I'm asking because the only reason I'm hesitant to buy the switch is the fucking resin switch itself.

>> No.19612814

It's literally just a little lever that lifts the ball. I'm sure you could rig up something out of clothes hanger wire or something.

>> No.19613004
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Espresso mostly, usually a couple of bare shots and one milk drink a day. When I’m bored of espresso I’ll drink filter, when I travel for work I take a hand grinder and an Aeropress.

>> No.19613009

Wouldn’t you personally be better off drinking Davidon?

>> No.19613016

i-is he jesus

>> No.19613020
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I fucking love my DF64v but I have their DLC burrs and no fancy plasma like a fucking animal

>> No.19613034

trolling for cheap (You)s on /ck/ is nota hobby either

>> No.19613038

Fucking Australians

>> No.19613121

>fuck it
>*unbrews your coffee*

>> No.19613194

>*unsips penis*

>> No.19613248
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real goffeemancy here

>> No.19613308
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>> No.19613321

Kek King James indeed

>> No.19613322

>just finding out people put butter in their coffee

>> No.19613476

the flair is such a pain im transitioning into cold brews

>> No.19613482

I have nothing interesting to say. Just bought my first areopress, I'm tired of drinking coffee like a barbarian.

>> No.19613500

I've taken the grapefruit for breakfast pill, goes great with coffee

>> No.19613529

ever thought about putting your aeropress upside down and then sitting on it so the hot goffee squirts inside your bumhole?

>> No.19613541

Anyone experienced with phin filter? Recipe on the internet provide very different information about the process. I need the truth. What grind size is optimal, how long do I bloom, should the coffee drip during bloom or if it does, I made it too thin?

>> No.19613563

I haven't used one but I'd go grab some (vietnamese ofc) ground coffee from a vietnamese/asian grocer for grind size reference (I've come across specialty vietnamese single origins at restaurants too but idk where they got them from)

you get a clear shot of the grounds at 3.41 here (This video looks pretty thorough but its in vietnamese)

0.41 here

>> No.19613576

how does an aeropress mog a regular french press? don't really see any difference other than portability

>> No.19613603

Free estrogen

>> No.19613619

easier to clean, easier to apply a paper filter to. that's about it

>> No.19613646
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Sorry if this is a dumb question bros, I'm still new to this.
I'm looking at buying a coffee machine for my house so I can LARP as a barista and can't decide between these two.
Which one would you recommend?

>> No.19613668
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The Moka pot is the quintessential and best goffee extraction tool, and I'm tired of pretending that it's not.

Do NOT reply to this post if you're using anything more expensive than a Flair to make espresso.

>> No.19613676

Definitely the breville. Although I think it'll come out cheaper if you buy a bambino and their standalone grinder. I'm not sure if the barista express has any features over the bambino other than the built in grinder and temp gauge.

>> No.19613678

>temp gauge
*pressure gauge

>> No.19613685

There's a cute girl who works at the local roaster, she's got pretty blue eyes.

>> No.19613688

I have a crush on an older barista at my uni.

>> No.19613691
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I figured out how to use a steam wand again and it was really easy. Kinda embarrassing that I forgot how to use it for months
also finna boutta buy some bussin decaf beans for my iced goffee no cap

>> No.19613709

Is she pretty?

>> No.19613713

She's like a 7 looks wise. But something else attracts me to her.

>> No.19613723

Sounds nice. You should chat more with her, make her remember your name by being a favorite regular

>> No.19613740

Not happening, I'm too much of a sperg

>> No.19613744

Ah same man

>> No.19613773

Thanks anon.

>> No.19613814

Practice speaking with people just slightly above your sperg comfort level. Once you are comfortable enough that you don't sperg out in a conversation with these people, move up a level. Keep doing this until you can comfortably hold a non-sperg conversation with your crush. Remember, the more people you talk to the easier it gets. Also lower or completely stop your caffeine intake. Stimulants contribute to anxiety and erratic behavior, spilling of spaghetti.

>> No.19613829

>Also lower or completely stop your caffeine intake
Bruh... You forgot where you are?

>> No.19613834

and boys

>> No.19613837

The breville. But I recommend the pro as it's easier to use and mess with settings and stuff and it heats up instantly. I have to pro and am upgrading the grinder after only a few months because the breville built in grinder isn't very consistent. If I could do it again I'd get the bambino and a decent grinder not breville brand. But I'm glad I got the breville barista cuz it has everything you need out the box. Built in filter/grinder/tamper. Good first machine.

>> No.19613838

any home roasters? whats some good roasting devices or strats? serious ones with decent outcomes.. im curious to try

>> No.19613849

Just buy a popper* from sweetmarias.

>> No.19613990

cold brewers give me your recipes, times and ratios.

>> No.19614032

Based grapefruit enjoyer, I take it you are a hyperlight Kenya drinker as well?

>> No.19614057

nigger you can't put an aeropress in the dishwasher

>> No.19614083

For me it's buying the highest strength coffee and only filling my moka pot half way for each coffee so I can save money

>> No.19614240
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grabbed another 250g packet for 3.45 and then rememberedi'm not crazy about it and still have an unfinished one. cold brew it is.

>> No.19614293

Why does my cold hebrew taste bitter? I grind extra coarse, it’s definitely not a grinder problem because I have a good manual one, but steeping 12 hours always gives me bitter goff that has the be diluted with milk, otherwise with water is trash.

>> No.19614349

dunno haven't cold brewed since at least a year.

>> No.19614425

Lavaaza super crema

Good lord it is strong and dark. Pretty nasty espresso compared to the lighter fruiter specialty fresh roast I had before.

>> No.19614441

>cold BREW
Each and every single time I've had or made that shit it's been sour and extremely unpleasant so I've stopped going for it. I wish it tasted bitter. That's how I like my espresso: short, black and bitter (and gives good head), just like my women.

>> No.19614496

Don’t buy prepackaged stale beans anon.

>> No.19614504

Cold brew is shit, just brew conentrated coffe into ice

>> No.19614527

That's why I included that line. Many of you are overcaffeinated. Take a break and/or drink decaf. Caffeine is a drug and should be consumed in moderation for optimal enjoyment and wellbeing.

>> No.19614535

>40% robusta
at one point you should be able to extrapolate

>> No.19614537

Relax schizo.

>> No.19614542

Yea I thought of i ordered them direct from their website they'd be fresh but they came 6 weeks old. Also, do most espresso roasts come dark af because the company just assumes people are going to dilute the hell out of it with milk?

Also the super crema tastes like I'm smoking a cigarette, that's how burnt.

>> No.19614553

Yea from what I'm learning robusta is bitter and nasty? I wanted to take a chance and try some dark espresso and it turned out not such a good decision. If I got a 100% arabica dark roast would it taste better?

>> No.19614562

>because the company just assumes people are going to dilute the hell out of it with milk?
Yes. Also they correctly assume the people buying ultradark espresso beans are running them through a hamilton beach blade grinder and into a moka.

>> No.19614575

Yes, but dark roast is always going to taste like dark roast. You get that color from burning the oils and sugars present in the bean. Thats why it tastes like a cigarette. This article shows a bit of general differences between robusta and arabica.

>> No.19614627
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it's a traditional italian roast, great for milk drink if the espresso is too much for you. Lavazza suggests 8g in 25g out in 23s-28s.

>> No.19614717

I'm the Italian anon and Lavazza is a supermarket tier coffee brand, the one normies buy.
It's trash.

Do not buy coffee under 18-20€ per kg anon, otherwise you're buying mass produced industrial shit and these productions are well renowned to have TRASH quality robusta, in fact Italy is one of the biggest importers of cheap robusta, the lowest quality possible, and I'm not memeing.

Avoid prepackaged coffee unless maybe Illy which is better, but if you want good coffee there are tons of roasters with online shops that ship to Europe like Caffelab and many others I always link ITT.

Italians coffee enthusiasts do not buy Lavazza and these supermarket brands, we have local micro neighborhood roasters in every city and once you find one you like, then you buy your everyday coffee there.

Also: https://www.espressocoffeeshop.com/en/25-giamaica-caffe

>> No.19614721
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>Italians coffee enthusiasts do not buy Lavazza

>> No.19614741
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It's a meme and even if possible, it was remotely true years ago before the Italian investigative journalism show called Report made a huge report about the trash quality of the average coffee served in Italian bars (normies here are convinced that we have the best coffee in the world while they were used to drink burnt shit from dirty machines that were never purged when making a new cup), so from that point on the coffee sector has been shaken and the quality dramatically improved.

This speaking about the average bar and roasters, because the ones who knew how to make coffee never had this problem to begin with.

With that said I've never seen beans darker than pic related and I buy a lot of coffee from multiple roasters.

>> No.19614752

Should I get a non-electric Hario gooseneck if I don't care about having my water heated to a specific degree and just want it boiled

>> No.19614760
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If you want to try good Italian specialty roasters, this article has many names and links:


I personally suggest this one if you want classic non specialty Italian blends (they also have specialty bean), aka the true Italian coffee experience that I particularly suggest trying if you have a moka pot: https://caffeterzi.shop/

Add to the list: www.caffelab.com / www.caffelab.it

>> No.19614769

>Italian investigative journalism show called Report made a huge report
This is some clown world shit. A show called the News put out some huge news and italian coffee was rescued.
>coffee sector has been shaken and the quality dramatically improved
Cope and seethe. Those beans are black anon. Don't drink charcoal.

>> No.19614776

>A show called the News put out some huge news and italian coffee was rescued.

They did the same for pizza in Naples and they fixed their shit because of the backlash.

You can watch the coffee report here: https://www.raiplay.it/video/2019/06/Report-Inchieste-Caffe-il-buono-il-rancido-e-il-ginseng-03062019-5f58891a-c90d-420f-b193-0839dc0b4ee3.html

They also trash talk Caffè Gambrinus, which you should know because some anon posted it here in the last thread.

>> No.19614783
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Also this roaster has incredibly good prices with free shipping if you're in Italy.


This pack is 250 gr x 4 blends and 70 gr x 4 specialty for only 27€.

I bought the E&B filter from them with 4 specialty small bags and their coffee is good.

>> No.19614793

So you're telling me "traditional italian" coffee was shit before 2019 but you guys liked pretending otherwise? And all it took was a 40 minute advertainment segment for the entire country to change their ways?
>This is some clown world shit.
Anon you're smarter than this.

>> No.19614809

I'm specifically talking about the coffee quality in bars and restaurants, so the "ready to drink" coffee sold to paying customers.

In Italy we don't have coffee bars like in the rest of the world, or at least we have some of them but they're all specialty coffee places for coffee enthusiast people, not generic places where you can buy coffee, because our coffee culture revolves around a quick service, low costs, for a single shot of coffee (espresso means express) and therefore it doesn't make sense to have a lot of coffee places with barista taking their time to make you a cup like we do ITT with all the procedures and the autism.

That's why the average barista here doesn't even bother to flush the machine between cups.

When Report released the 40 minutes documentary it had a big backlash because it's a big tv program aired on the biggest national tv channel on prime time and therefore a lot of places tried to make things better, not necessarily fix everything, but at least nowadays you can see that barista are more focused on some practices and the coffee is better even though you won't see them using WDT tools and such in a normal crowded bar, because otherwise it wouldn't be impossibile to serve everyone in time.

This as an example is how new barista are trained, as you can see they teach them the correct way of doing things:


Vid related is the most renowned coffee expert trainer in Italy, name's Fabio Verona, and in his book he explained that he always trained barista like that but ultimately it's more complex.


>> No.19614826

When a bar wants to sell coffee, they usually sign a contract with a coffee supplier/roaster which gives them the coffee and the machine (that's why in Italy you will see the insigna of the roaster who makes the coffee under the bar name) and the bar pays them a monthly fee like if it was a leasing. They can't sell another coffee, they're contractually tied to one supplier and that's quite a scam.

The coffee roaster also can either supply the staff or teach your staff how to make coffee, and they can make a shitty job too by forming people without all the essential procedures, but I think that's not the real problem here.

As I said above, the real issue is the TIME because in Italy bars are very crowded especially in the morning because they're flocked with dozens of people at the same time demanding espresso, cappuccino and a lot of things because they also have breakfast at bars, so the barista has to work fast to serve all these people a shot, that's why they skip on a lot of things.

With the Report tv service at least things are now better because most bars now flush their machines between coffees and are more focused on cleanup procedures, also the training got better and specialty roasters and other roasters who only sell coffee and not the machines can also work with bars to train the barista.

Alberto Trabatti on his Torrefazione Penazzi is especially butthurt about the whole procedure described above (the leasing + coffee contract) and he talks about it, he only sells his coffee to bars who decide to buy from him.

With that said: the vast majority of Italians drink shit like Nespresso just like other Europeans, so normies will always drink shit, no matter the quality of artisanal roasters and no matter that we produce the best espresso coffee machines in the world.

>> No.19614853

>This as an example is how new barista are trained, as you can see they teach them the correct way of doing things:
The karatechop leveling tech is about 35 years behind. Levelers don't do anything for distribution and don't help extraction at all. This is some advanced historical larping.
>From Report of 3 June 2019, by Bernardo Iovene. Italians think they are great connoisseurs of coffee, in reality their taste is calibrated towards a quality with a woody, bitter and often rancid flavour.
Very true Bernado. Grazie.
>espresso means express
Espresso means pressed. Keep trying though.

>> No.19614875

>Espresso means pressed. Keep trying though.
>let me educate you on your language


>> No.19614896

>coffee made under steam pressure, 1945, from Italian (caffe) espresso, from espresso "pressed out," past participle of esprimere, from Latin exprimere "press out, squeeze out" (see express (v.1)). In reference to the steam pressure.

>> No.19614903

can any UK niggas recommend me a good ground coffee for my moka pot?

I usually use a supermarket own brand but it seems a bit plebby

>> No.19614911

It means express as a synonymous of instantaneous coffee, aka a machine/method of extraction that would be able of producing coffee on demand without having to wait like they did before espresso was invented.

>> No.19614960

>water taking too long to get through grounds
>squeeze it out

>> No.19615184

You don’t fucking need to- you pop the grinds into the bin and rinse the fucker in about 30 seconds and you’re done

>> No.19615211

Post some roasts you guys like for plain manly straight espresso. 45ml of delicious plain manly masculine no frills espresso.

>> No.19615217

here's my fav

>> No.19615219

It's probably delicious haha. A local hippy liberal progressive coffee shop in Chicago I get beans from is astounding.

>> No.19615306

If this is anything like the black honey it'll blow you away.

>> No.19615307

Currently using April brewer

>> No.19615346

But anon, it’s September

>> No.19615511


>> No.19615524
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just start rambling at her about your favorite locomotive
that always works for me

>> No.19615528

>consumed in moderation for optimal enjoyment and wellbeing.
skill issue

>> No.19615533


>> No.19615535

this picture has to be staged right

>> No.19615540
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>> No.19615541
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>highest strength coffee

>> No.19615550

reminder to not engage with anyone talking about italy.

>> No.19615574
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>> No.19615601
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Poverty coffee is actually really good

>> No.19615604

Oh look fresh kino.

>> No.19615608
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>> No.19615613

anon that's hot choco

>> No.19615624

You think one day you'll earn enough youtube money to visit Italy?

>> No.19615638

I'm 95% sure he's a trust fund kid.

>> No.19615642
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For me? Dark Italian Espresso.

>> No.19615656
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that machine and this cooffe

>> No.19615788
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hello i had coffee today it was nice

>> No.19615823
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Chokky mofn + chokky goff

>> No.19615836


>> No.19615860

is it possible to drink coffee occasionally? i recently had a day without coffee and tanked a headache because of it; and not wanting my pain to be in vain i decided that it would be a good time to stop drinking coffee all together, didn't like my dependence on it

but there are certain coffee pairings i wouldnt want to deprive myself of like hot black coffee and cold pizza... or coffee with various desserts; so is it possible to just have a coffee like 1 time every two weeks? or will each day following my infrequent single cup of coffee result in a headache and force me back into the cycle of dependency

>> No.19615892
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>> No.19615902

yes but only after you recover from your addiction
so go like 2 months without coffee and then once a month you can have 1 special coffee
this dickhead on joe rogan talks like a fag but he's kinda right even tho he still drinks shitty coffee.


but for me even 5 days with no coffee and drinking a 6 cup moka was like a full body high
my head felt like it was the size of jupiter
my whole body was like electricity but in a calm way
like pins and needles but good?

>> No.19615906

If you're sensitive to caffeine variance you could always take relatively low-dose caffeine pills on the days you don't drink coffee. There's nothing special about coffee caffeine; pills get a bad rap because they're so often sold and consumed at trucker strength (200mg+)

>> No.19616153
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Chinese sisters, not like this

>> No.19616169

Someone link me your favorite source for dry processed fermented very lightly roasted beans that's going to give me an absolute juice squeal

>> No.19616245

chinesium bros...

>> No.19616249

you can't afford it

>> No.19616571

Yes I can, bastard bloody bitch

>> No.19616576


>> No.19616685

>started drinking strong coffee in the morning after going no-caffeine for a year
>tfw I've been sleeping better than I ever have been before
>also partly due to the fact that I have made sure I drink a lot of water daily too

This is coming from someone who at one point couldn't stay asleep for longer than a couple of hours at one point. Now I get 7-8 hours straight sleep a night. Caffeine is fucking amazing bros

Why is it having this effect on me? When I wasn't taking any caffeine I pretty much slept like shit every night

>> No.19617248

hold on i need to make a meme. I will be back shortly.

>> No.19617257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19617261
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fuck i messed it up

>> No.19617325
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what about pic rel

>> No.19617361

The main benefit of those tampers to me isn't the consistent force but the fact that it aligns the tamper perfectly flat.

>> No.19617368
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Heatwave here in Italy, but worry not goffee bros: I have the solution.

>12 grams Continental “Piave” blend 80% arabica 20% robusta
>brew with love with your favourite moka pot (stainless steel)
>4 ice cubes
>2 shy teaspoons of white sugar
>shake shake shake


>> No.19617393

>by god

>> No.19617452

Shill me the BEST moka pot money can buy.

I fucking kneel.

>> No.19617529
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Allow me to introduce you the Alessi 9090.


>Futurism Fascist inspired design
>Permanently exhibited at the New York MOMA museum
>Peak durability and functionality
>One click simple closure
>Iconic Italian design masterpiece in the same exclusive league as the Giannini Giannina moka pot

>> No.19617597
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The 9barista is a moka pot and you can't change my mind.

>> No.19617760

cute snub-nosed muhfuggin moka pot

>> No.19617836

why do grinders have to be so expensive :(

>> No.19617851

Because it's a small market I think

I just spent 600usd waiting until like November for mine.

>> No.19617919
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tamping pressure has never and will never matter. the only reason to have those has always been to get it flat, which is on you if you cant tamp it flat free hand.

>> No.19617980

Turkish style

>> No.19617984 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.19617989

I think it's definitely a small market thing. I recently bought a 1966 gillette razor. It's well built and has adjustable aggression and a new razor like this would cost over $100 but in 1966 it was $1.79, less than $20 adjusted for inflation. I attribute this pretty much entirely to the fact that back then everyone was using razors like this, whereas now they're a relatively niche thing.

>> No.19617993


>> No.19618009

>in the same exclusive league as the Giannini Giannina moka pot
So it comes broken and you have to return it to get a functional one?

>> No.19618267

please respond

>> No.19618285

>can't help himself from inserting his cuck fetish


>> No.19618402

based pourover chad

>> No.19618454
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Mmm mmm mmm delish

>> No.19618639
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brewed the Burundi as espresso. rested 6 days. I probably was one click too coarse on my K6. extra choccy with a little sourness on the back. I'm choccy maxxing bros. Pic related

>> No.19618692

9barista or Flair58+?

>> No.19618724

adenosine can build up and cause late night arousal. caffeine binds to it and negates it's effect. could be re-regulating your circadian cycle.
t. /sci/fag

>> No.19618834

58+ all day.

>> No.19618835

nta but naruhodo~

>> No.19618838

Should I make another coffee or should I get earlydrunk? I am leaning towards the latter because I burned my mouth on a hot sausage earlier and feel that I might not fully appreciate the coffee.

>> No.19618913

Ok thanks anon.

What would you choose the 9barista for? I don’t exactly understand why someone would buy that gadget and over what.

>> No.19618972
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I have finally found the perfect coffee. Fuck you faggots for making me spend hundreds on grinders and beans.

>> No.19618985
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>artificially flavoured

>> No.19618988

>serving suggestion
>spit on top of coffee

What did they mean by this?

>> No.19619015

Its good for someone who wants to autistically "pull" the exact same slow, med-dark 1:2 ratio shots with no flexibility. The flair 58 might have "worse" build quality, but your flexibility when it comes to actually making espresso is miles ahead. Want the slow choccy thick shots that a 9barista will make? Toss in a $5 espressoparts ridgeless. Want to fuck around with more modern high flow stuff, toss in an expensive basket. 9barista can only take the weird 53mm ims baskets.

>> No.19619027

Thank you.
Maybe I’ll buy both just because of the novelty of the 9barista, it’s a nice design piece after all.

>> No.19619040

>Ingredients. Sugar, Creamer (Maltodextrin, Partially Hydrogenated Â&nbsp;Coconut and Canola Oils, Sodium Caseinate ! [Milk Derivative], Sugar, Whey, Maltodextrin, Mono- and Diglycerides, Dipotassium Phosphate, Soy Lecithin, Sodium Dioxide, Sodium Silicoaluminate, Tetrasodium Pyrophosphate, Polysorbate 60, Artificial Flavor, Artificial Color), Nonfat Dry Milk, Instant Coffee, Sweet Dairy Whey, Natural and Artificial Flavor, Corn Syrup Solids, Cocoa (Processed with Alkali), Sodium Aluminosilicate (to Prevent Caking), Cellulose Gum, Salt.
Jesus christ.

>> No.19619087

Scared of a little artificial flavoring, bud? Dont worry, it wont hurt you ;)
I always had my ex spit in my coffee, definitely improved the flavor. Im single now unfortunately
Corn syrup tastes good :)

>> No.19619092

well it would have to be the E&B Lab 6 cup moka pot with the E&B Lab 6 cup competition filter of course!

>> No.19619111

woah mr money bags over here.

>> No.19619123
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>material: aluminium

>> No.19619170

Depends on how much you were drinking. Myself I rarely drink more than 2 cups worth in a day and some days I won't have any, and I don't have any issues on the days I don't.
One cup every two weeks shouldn't have any actual impact on your body.
How much have you been drinking if one day without is giving you a headache?
You could buy a pack/jar of those Kopiko sweets. One of those is about 25% of a regular cup of coffee (and the cappuccino flavour is half that). Have one in the morning and one in the afternoon and that should stop any 'withdrawl' symptoms.
Those big jars on amazon will last forever as well. I bought three of the plastic jars with 600g worth each, 18 months ago (because it was 3 minimum and the price was very on special). I've only got through about half of one. The other two will take me until 2032 to finish.

>> No.19619289

you have weak genes

>> No.19619383

>just shelled out $260 on a goffee setup
this shit better be good

>> No.19619391

It’s actually $290, sorry.

>> No.19619435

thats extremely cheap anon, what did you get?

>> No.19619441

oh i know
its a hand grinder thats like $150 and then a v60 and some papers.
or maybe an aeropress

>> No.19619569

>its a hand grinder thats like $150 and then a v60 and some papers.
Yep, right on the money. Going to try to get a manual espresso machine, but not for a while at least. I think I’d rather buy an ice cream maker.

>> No.19619622

you could try a flair flex neo
its like $100
(sorry hoffmann hasn't made a video on this flair yet)
because of how cheap it is its going to be finicky and awkward to use. there is just no getting around that.
and the flair 58 is something to aspire to work towards

>> No.19619722

I always liked how Jesus was slightly annoyed with Mary pestering him because she knew her son could just snap his fingers and fix the problem.

>> No.19619852

Do you drink coffee before you sleep to make your dreams go faster?

>> No.19619970

>stimulant or depressant
Gee, Anon. I don't know...

>> No.19619977

He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!

>> No.19619996

How do you make coffee taste the way it smells when you grind it? It always comes out so much more dank and less aromatic in the cup.

>> No.19620004

usually you dont
or you drink burnt beans
burnt beans will smell burnt as beans and grounds and as the liquid drink and will also taste burnt.
or make coffee that tastes and smells closer to fruit juice than coffee

>> No.19620008

Slurp loudly when drinking. Unironically.

>> No.19620012

It only works when you are in a public place though

>> No.19620102

i've got two tabs pinned, this general and hgg2d

>> No.19620287
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hello i am going to drink coffee this morning hopefully it will be nice

>> No.19620288

Tried making coldbrew in milk for the first time in my new coldbrew maker. Something like 1 to 12 ratio, kinda forgot for how long I kept it infusing.
Color and texture are pretty good, but the taste is a little too smokey. Old Kenyan beans, maybe that's why.

>> No.19620322

..actually texture was fire. Almost the same as those storebought icecoffee drinks, but without all the emulsifiers like carrageenan that give you cancer.
Got the recipe from here, because I was too dumb to calculate the ratios myself
Gonna be finishing the coffee bag this way, because holy fuck am I sick of fiddling with my Flair. I think preheating the brewchamber killed a nice temp control kettle that I liked. Kettles don't like prolonged boiling with open lid..

>> No.19620335

mmm pineapple goffee...

>> No.19620539

Im looking a gen 1 fellow ode on ebay for $130. should I?

>> No.19620544

are you a collector?

>> No.19620558

no. I just want to replace my shitty hand grinder

>> No.19620563

you lookin' for flat burrs in particular?

>> No.19620570

I dont even know. its just in my budget and it looks nice.

>> No.19620572

does order of importance go: price then looks then function?

>> No.19620579


>> No.19620582

how do you brew most of the time?

>> No.19620585

french press

>> No.19620598

what hand grinder you got?

>> No.19620603

$20 home goods special

>> No.19620622

fellow has shit customer service and their products tend to fail at some point. the seller might be offloading his grinder.

>> No.19620658

I had to retire the bag of lavazaa super crema. It's too disgusting. Tastes like burnt rubber as espresso..maybe I'll keep it around as emergency beans.

Pulled out the partners flatiron espresso blend.

Think I'll go after a honey processed roast after I finish these partners coffees. Never heard of honey processed until yesterday and it looks interesting.

>> No.19620733
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x853, nono.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19621236
File: 331 KB, 1920x2560, sciro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should try the salentina caffe, made with almond milk syrup (not almond syrup or almond milk)

It's sweet as fuck, but it's very nice and tasty

>> No.19621558

>find very old tin full of jasmine tea in the back of my pantry
>decide to start drinking it to get rid of it
>wakes me up just as well as coffee does without making me shit out my insides every morning

coffeebros...forgive me