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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 619 KB, 793x1147, IMG_8964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19604900 No.19604900 [Reply] [Original]

4chan keeps telling me how bad they are, but every scientific article and expert out there says that not only are they harmless, but actually beneficial. They contain healthy nutrients and lower your cholesterol. what’s up with all this anti-seed oil propaganda?

>> No.19604908

(((((every scientific article and expert out there)))))

>> No.19604911

Well yeah, as opposed to what? Random shit posters on 4chan and Facebook memes? You people can never post any proof whenever you talk about how bad seed oils are for you

>> No.19604912

Who is she? I need to cum

>> No.19604929

>4chan keeps telling me how bad they are
Never ever trust a single thing 4chan tells you.

>> No.19604931

Kate Hilton RD

>> No.19604936
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>if you don't agree with the majority of scientists then you're not a real scientists or expert on the subject

>> No.19604938
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WTF is a seed oil? Different seeds are different. Flaxseed oil is way different from cottonseed oil. Stop having dumb pointless conversations with meaningless obfuscating labels.
And saturated fat isn't bad btw. And quantity matters. Eating a pat of butter is healthy, eating a whole stick of butter isn't.
Use oils that are low in omega-6 fatty acids, and don't trust oils like canola oil which are toxic industrial biproducts made barely edible by processing it with more toxic chemicals. That's pretty much what it comes down to. And of course don't eat trans fats but they don't really sell them anymore so that's moot.
You won't learn anything if you keep asking the wrong questions.

>> No.19604946

Shit, I didnt realize almonds had so much omega 6.

>> No.19604952

Ok name one scientist or expert that says seed oils are bad for you. You can’t because all your info comes from TikTok influencers and /pol/ schizos

>> No.19604955

You have zero proof that there are processed chemicals in those types of oils

>> No.19604962

aren’t omega-6 fatty acids good for you? It helps your brain, skin, and overall heath

>> No.19605066

It's a psyop by ketolards to make you eat more butter and, literal crab-bucket mentality.

>> No.19605542

if you eat any fat at all, you'll get all the omega 6 you'll ever need. its good for building and maintaining certain tissue - like braincells.
problem is excess. stored fat you made by subsuming it is harder to get rid of, compared to the other fats

>> No.19605559

3 and 6 are both good for you. They should ideally be gotten in close to a 1:1 ratio though, and most people are getting way too much 6 and not enough 3 which can cause health problems.

>> No.19605580

all fat is bad for you.
eat as little as you can.
Seed oils are technically healthier than animal fats, however, they are a refined product, so when people consume seed oils, they usually consume a large amount at a time, for example, they eat foods deep fried in seed oil.
This advice is for adults only.

>> No.19605585

U kidding me. Her head is shaped like an oblong.

>> No.19605658

Yeah, noooooo, not listening to women, or Jews. Noooo no no

>> No.19605889
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dieticians are not experts

>> No.19606214

why do bitches insist on caking their face like that

>> No.19606238

I want to get into a feud with my neighbor (65 y/o, full head of grey-white hair) that lasts so long and gets so nasty that he begins breaking into my home at night and putting rat shit into all of my food, greater doses each day

>> No.19606757

I got some seed oils for her, if you catch my meaning

>> No.19606765

I'm just not going to buy the sneed oils is all. Haha.

>> No.19606780

Dont care, she can eat all the oils.

>> No.19606803

>what’s up with all this anti-seed oil propaganda?
It's just another branch of the retvrn nativist facism that's popular with all the edgy boys on /pol/.

>> No.19606812

What DO you americans use if not seed oils? lard?

>> No.19606816

I think it's only gymnastics that makes it line up with anything remotely tangential to a schizophrenic's scattered thoughts. The logic is as simple as:
>it's in everything
>everyone uses it
>it's cheap
>in absence of taste and informed opinions, I will choose to like the thing that is uncommon based on my arbitrary metrics
Really, the vast majority of meme opinions of the weak willed can basically boil down to "I'm overwhelmed by information, let me find some arbitrary way to boil it down so that choices are chosen for me."

>> No.19606826

That combined with a sense of general helplessness. "It must be somebodies fault my life sucks!"

>> No.19606831

Also I don't know if actual trolls are still a thing or if at this point it's all just people with really shitty opinions, but it seems like good trolling material.

>> No.19606838

I don't trust anyone with eyes as dead as hers.

>> No.19606917

everyone has a unique body , no two person has the same exact diet that is "perfect" for both
One man's trash , is another man's treasure

>> No.19606942

opinion discarded.

>> No.19606984

It starts out as satire or trolling, and then genuine retards and schizophrenics start believing it for real.

>> No.19607110
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>lower your cholesterol
I have good news then. Oxidized oils reduce cholesterol even more. Maybe rancid oils are the next superfood!

>The concentration of cholesterol in plasma plays a particular role in the risk of coronary heart disease in humans. In this study, plasma cholesterol was slightly reduced by feeding an oxidized oil.
>A reduced concentration of cholesterol in plasma observed in this study could be due to enhanced fecal excretion of cholesterol which was found in rats fed an oxidized oil (1)

>> No.19607128

Thats why i think drivers licenses are bullshit. You either know how to drive or you don't. Same with scooters

>> No.19607143

Trust the experts, trust the science guys

>> No.19607226

who else do I listen to for an accurate impression, because 4chan schizoids and tiktok bro science ain't it

>> No.19607706

>no link
>roastie with bad skin pushing seed oils
Hahaha you faggots must really be hurting eh? Not enough goyim eating the seed oils?

>> No.19607710

She looks jewish

>> No.19607778

You will literally die if you dont get any fats

>> No.19607811

there's fat in everything. you don't need much. starchy foods have fat in them. if you eat a lot of them, you will get plenty of fat.
Your body makes it just fine.
and btw, fat is hard to digest. The body has to excrete bile. This causes intestinal cancers.

>> No.19607820

>hurrdurr im so smart you can tell by my politics not surviving free speech and me browsing 4chan out of hate for it

>> No.19607845

Improve your English then try again?

>> No.19607850

Die of seed oil cancer retarded filth

>> No.19607869

THIS is why i still come to this cesspool, but you have to sift through so much smug, ill-informed, contrarian bullshit to find these little nuggets. It almost doesnt seem worth it

>> No.19607875

Lean starvation when surviving on wild rabbit. Look it up.

>> No.19607889

rabbit diet has no carbs.
it's just protein.

>> No.19607894

literally this but without the meme arrow

>> No.19607896

>he plays (you) games too
God you are so disgusting, everything about you. The left pretends to be smart and as a result every retard like you who pretends to be smart flocks to them, how ironic that your dimwitted gleanings of the right side to join have you mention contrarians, you don't even care about the dogma as much as being dogmatic. The word NPC is too good for an utterly unspiritual being such as you, you are a confused dead branch of human evolution.

>> No.19608095

>that stare
she looks like she's been lobotomized

>> No.19608105

>fat is hard to digest. The body has to excrete bile. This causes intestinal cancers.
wtf is this bullshit? i don't believe it

>> No.19608142

>wtf is this bullshit? i don't believe it
Bile emulsify the fat so it can be broken down by enzymes and absorbed. It's basically a natural detergent.
Bile is carcinogenic.
So eat fat sparingly.

>> No.19608160

explain the fucking eskimos/inuits then cunt

>> No.19608230

what's there to explain? they don't live very long.

>> No.19608238


>> No.19608243

It's the sneed oil stare. I chucked all of mine away

>> No.19608994
File: 449 KB, 363x577, kate hilton rd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care. She's fucking hot

>> No.19609424

those eyes...her soul is dead...
she is hot though...

>> No.19609435 [DELETED] 

>she is hot
No, she is merely relatively young and not overtly overweight (for now) except for the 10 pounds of makeup. Congrats on having low standards but the arms never lie.

>> No.19609477

I eat seed oils, but I wouldn't listen to this woman either.
Besides, I don't buy that dreck available in the market. I mill my own oil (peanut and flax).

>> No.19609498

grow up

>> No.19609522

she looks pretty good but she's very young
if she keeps on her normie midwit diet she will end up like this chick


>> No.19609545
File: 30 KB, 334x338, 1660884605641548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ancestors at some point in time probably had to eat leather to avoid starvation
>help me mother the cooking oil type is too strong for my health I am going to die
you would expect these people to be absolutely ridiculed on here, this is the kind of stuff stay at home MLM moms in CA latch onto like the girl in OP pic, yet here we are
ck is truly the most diverse board

>> No.19609568

do you grow your own peanuts and flax

>> No.19609569

>my diet has no effect on my success and happiness because... because starving people in the past ok!!
spoken like a true NEET

>> No.19609575

you mean truNEET

>> No.19609577

yes, a truNEET

>> No.19609588

Peanuts, yes, not the flax.

>> No.19609608
File: 39 KB, 1248x702, potion seller 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil seller, I am preparing a meal and want your strongest cooking oils.

>> No.19609610

I will belive any thing that comes from a beautiful Hapa/hispanic/mixed white-polynesian/mixed white-Filipino/ whatever the fuck she is

>> No.19609617
File: 178 KB, 598x1063, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil buyer, low temp or high temp, I have them all.

>> No.19609623

Dude......a plastic bottle? Really? A side of estrogen with your cancer??

>> No.19609628
File: 8 KB, 318x313, 038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mother the water bottle, it is too powerful, it is emasculating me and I am becoming a femboy!

>> No.19609629
File: 295 KB, 1300x782, You should eat healthy, LIKE ME!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lapdogs for the AG and Pharma industries, they are little better than parrots, but not as bad as "Doctors"

>> No.19609643
File: 26 KB, 200x390, Fatty steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about instead of Letting (((Tevee))) and (((WEBARTICLES))) baby bird the research to you, you go to the fucking source instead?
With the way tech is today, totally curated, groomed, preened and censored, You'll have to nut-up and GIT GUD at finding good studies that aren't from private, "In-HOUSE" labs, but real shit by peer reveiwed, non-conflict researchers with sound models...They exist, u may have to dig, or pay for a subscript.
Heard about SUCRALOSE??
they tried to bury it with (((NEWS))) about Aspartame--The MOST HIGHLY FINANCED SWEETENER PR DEPT.in the history of man.

Toxicological and pharmacokinetic properties of sucralose 6 acetate and its parent sucralose in vitro screening assays-1.pdf
Good LUCK..
It's HARD being stupid, I hear.

>> No.19609658

Only ONe?
You're lobbing SOFTBALLS here NANCY.

>> No.19609695

this would be 10/10 satire of MSN news without the "GIT GUD" unless somehow that leaked and has been coopted by conspiracy boomers

>> No.19609697

It was totally intelligible, you midwit faggot, just 'cuz you're a gormless Moran cog, doesn't negate the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of years humans have eaten WAY MORE than a stick of butter's worth of animal fat in a sitting or 3.
We've been eating industruilly processed seed oils for HOW LONG??
Happen to know what the OBESITY RATE is today because of copius amounts of YEAR-ROUND HFCS and industrially processed OXIDIZING oils?
Go drink WD-40--It's PERFECTLY HEALTHY for you, made of FISH OILS, don'tcha know??
Enjoy your SOAP oils, faggot.

>> No.19609713
File: 319 KB, 596x447, KYS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DGAF, you are A SELF-sATISFIED moron who can't even look up, let alone understand, real studies by established foundations and independent labs.
Keep shoving that NOSE of yours up the asses of the same guys who sold you a worthless vax for a harmless "Pandemic"

>> No.19609805
File: 30 KB, 720x607, E87xxPLVUBcCPZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stressful day at work
>get home, open 4channel
>click on first thread
>see this
>stress gone
Thanks anon, keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.19609832

>I am becoming a femboy!
All according to keikaku...

>> No.19609849
File: 31 KB, 530x360, 360_F_349663494_E7AtVWVNqXpo7X9tPHmPdnSRgQwJPAYU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what’s up with all this anti-seed oil propaganda?
Right wing retardation

>> No.19609929

The funny thing is that it's bipartisan. Super liberal people, essential oil ladies, Californians in general, and hardcore hippie types converge with them in the facebook groups.
Maybe seed oils will be the thing to finally unite our divided world.

>> No.19610151

It's a red herring. It's the chemical processing foodstuffs go through that make them toxic. That's what all this stuff has in common.

>> No.19610268

I've seen non-woke left leaning circles talking about them negatively.

>> No.19610393
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If you purchase seed oils instead of picrel, either you are ignorant and/or too poor to afford picrel.

Simple as.

>> No.19610416

remember these poltards have been screaming for 10 years about "soy" entirely upon a piece of debunked broscience that's actually irrelevant to soy food.
These people have no idea. They get their "research" from Joe Rogan, Jordon Peterson and Russian troll farms designed to shovel idiots into supporting Donald Trump.

>> No.19610424

>Dr. Chris Knobbe is an ophthalmologist
>Ophthalmologists medical doctors with additional specialist training in the diagnosis and management of disorders of the eye and visual system.

>> No.19610430
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>> No.19610435
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>> No.19610439

Based. These all taste so much better too than the rancid smelling sneed oils.

>> No.19610445

yes, just pansy sissy faggots are worried about getting a little inflammation in their joints. They sound like geriatric patients.

>> No.19610450

Beef Tallow and butter are they only oils you should use.

Coconut oil = kills all bacteria in your gut
Olive oil = makes you pee
Avocado oil = will turn your body avocado shaped
Ghee= taste like liquid cardboard

>> No.19610453

Trolls have never been real, there is no such thing as bait, everyone 100% believes and fights for everything they post

>> No.19610456

You got fucked up genes if that's what its doing to you lmao

>> No.19610457

Polcels are retarded doomers afraid of their own shadows.

>> No.19610470

Olive oil and avocado oil are basically seed oil in terms of lipid profile, coconut and palm oil are good though. A good rule of thumb is solid at room temp = good fat.

Animal fat>
Dairy fat>
Coconut oil>
Palm oil>
Power gap>
Olive oil>

>> No.19610473

She's fucking mid

>> No.19610477

No, every human objectively has the same experience with these foods. Humans need animal fats to thrive.

>> No.19610478

Typical brainlet dunning kruger if not legitimately malicious left wing post. Plant estrogen has been shown to have estrogenic effects in animal studies.

>> No.19610482

dr. berg

>> No.19610492

>Olive oil and avocado oil are basically seed oil in terms of lipid profile

Care to elaborate?

As far as I know, the source of production on these 2 products are very important to the quality. EVOO & Avo oil has had a history of dishonest sourcing and production methods.

There's a reason why there can be ''''''''cheap'''''''''''' EVOO & avo oil. You get what you pay for.

>> No.19610505

>he's falling for it still

>> No.19611809

he's a chiropractor

>> No.19611828

thanks for making it easy to recognize your worthless opinion

>> No.19612060

I'm sorry to break this to you anon but "Science" as you know it are just publishing houses that are willingly-chained whores to monied interests. They're about as trustworthy as a homeless guy begging to suck your dick for some heroin money.