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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 366x319, sad1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19598895 No.19598895 [Reply] [Original]

He's given up

>> No.19598907

I’m frustrated

>> No.19598909

>3 months ago
why are you like this.

>> No.19598911

Orange fool

>> No.19598912

History heterosex man

>> No.19598913

>lo mein for thomas jefferson
What does that even mean? I guarantee you Jeffferson never actually ate lo mein so it can't be his typical recreations from old recipes so..does he just imagine he's serving it to jefferson..in his head?

>> No.19598918

The gimmick of this series is to imagine that they've time traveled back in time, so they're cooking modern food for historical figures using the ingredients and techniques available at the time.

>> No.19598922


>> No.19598924

The egg has cracked

>> No.19598925

I feel like he's going out of his way to over complicate these things
Everything needed to make a cheeseburger was available at that time
You don't need to make an approximation, you can make one from scratch

>> No.19598960

That's true, but there wouldn't be much of a historical aspect if he just made a burger. It's not really an attempt to make the best hamburger possible at the time, it's an attempt to show the closest things to the components of a hamburger that were already being made at that time, and then assembling them into something like a modern burger.

>> No.19598988

and for that the premise is silly
you can restrict yourself to only using commonly available ingredients like how for example he wont use tomatoes for anything in these recipes, and yes so he can't make alkaline noodles unless he's in the south west and the water is naturally like that

but his corn dog for example. The hotdog was not invented until later, that's fine, but he didn't even try to match the spices he just used a regular pork sausage. He could've made a sausage with a closer flavor if he wanted to

>> No.19598992
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>> No.19599061

How about this. Benjamin Franklin's Wocky Sus Grimaced Shake.

Hire me for video ideas Townsends you fucking orange fool

>> No.19599064

He is time travelling

>> No.19599176

yes it's like the WHAT IF... show for autistic people obsessed with 18th century cooking

>> No.19600835

Townsend was always a larping vtuber, anon

>> No.19600901

why do they call him orange fool?

>> No.19600903

>this loser got to cum inside a lady and get her pregnant
I think living my life according to cks keto charts and fits gains regime might hav ebeen a mistake. I'm so alone and rich bros ;_:

>> No.19600907

If you're not regularly in spaces in which you're interacting with femoids in casual unprompted and (at least sometimes) one-to-one interactions, then a GF is not going to magically appear.

>> No.19601028

It's like an Eton mess, but without meringue and with oranges

>> No.19601041
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>> No.19601044

because it frustrates him

>> No.19601045

I'm amazed people still get mad about the orange fool video but ignore the Rip Van Winkle thing he did in 2020.

>> No.19601048

I hate Chinese food so much. It's so greasy.

>> No.19601050

Wait is that even something to shit on?
t. autist

>> No.19601254

being bitter about a drink.

>> No.19601287

Can someone post the gif of the butter churner? She's pretty for an american goblin

>> No.19601542 [DELETED] 


>> No.19601566

and I'll cum in his daughter and get her pregnant and the world will continue to turn

>> No.19601595


>> No.19601636

Yeah I unsubscribed because of that series, it's too low effort.
If he wanted to do it right he should have gone into stuff like issues of sourcing, the historic cost of getting the stuff, the extra effort of doing stuff without specialized tools, how vegetable/fruit varietals were different than the modern cultivars, ect.
It'd be cooler to see the food being made close as possible but see the difficulty and cost to actually do it in a time and place that those things weren't common, and THEN do the approximated version that home cooks would likely do to avoid spending a fortune on foreign spices and specialized seasonal products.

>> No.19601640

Stopped watching this trash after he went full TDS and made the orange fool video

>> No.19601884

>If he wanted to do it right he should have gone into stuff like issues of sourcing, the historic cost of getting the stuff, the extra effort of doing stuff without specialized tools, how vegetable/fruit varietals were different than the modern cultivars, ect.
He's never done more research than a tour guide
Townsend would be a larper at some medieval faire somewhere if not for Youtube

>> No.19602357

fuck this faggot ass libshit

>> No.19602362

how can you run out of recipes from that period of history?

>> No.19602398

I'm confused are we actually mad about orange fool or are people larping as trumpniggers this is on too many levels of irony for me

>> No.19602426

I'd rather watch Rachael Maddow review arbies roast beef sandwiches

>> No.19602804

don't be foolish anon

>> No.19602816

I'm frustrated

>> No.19602873

Why is history homosex man so much better?

>> No.19602877

You sound frustrated

>> No.19602882

>t. frustrated fool

>> No.19603400

Frustrated orange

>> No.19603405

food fag has good vibes
i enjoy

>> No.19603466

You're a bitter guy.

>> No.19603478

Pretty gay how he didn't own up to making the Orange Fool meme video to cash in on the Trump mania. I really don't give a fuck either way but to obviously bait in that manner and then pretend it was a coincidence is faggot behavior.

>> No.19603481


>> No.19603500

I get physically uncomfortable when the fat one talks to me

>> No.19603552

Aw shit Townsends is doing isekai. You son of a bitch, I'm in.

>> No.19603603

orange fool derangement syndrome

>> No.19603809

Have his fans realized yet he's just some weird guy with a weird hobby and not some authority on the 18th century? He gets tons of shit factually wrong and shows he doesnt have any more than a surface level knowledge of the time.

>> No.19603883


>I don't give a fuck either way
>Still talking about it 6 years later


>> No.19603890

orange fool

>> No.19604559

>time traveled back in time

>> No.19604572

based townsy got chuddies on sui watch

>> No.19605098

When the video initially came out, 4chan was much more infested with tourists like
but as time went on people started getting disillusioned with trump on 4chan and now people mostly just meme to memoryhole being part of the dude's cult of personality for 5 years.

>> No.19605131

To me I always read it as people making fun of him for doing something obviously fucking stupid. It’s like if Starbucks started shilling trump, just deaf to the audience

>> No.19605174

It defies all reasonable logic that he could release a video about something called an "Orange Fool" immediately like two days after Trump is elected, after the media and popular culture in general made the 'Trump is an orange Cheeto' and 'Trump is an idiot' jokes quite clear, and not think people would take offence or take it as a political jab. And THEN what he does is be pissy that people made the connection. How disconnected from reality can you be? You want to live away from popular politics get off YouTube my dude or get used to people framing everything with a political lens.

>> No.19605184

You are time traveling into the future at 1s/s right now.

>> No.19605190

Because Max doesn’t focus solely on 18th century history.

>> No.19605197


>> No.19605227

he is deafeningly silent on biden's daughter's claims of molestation

perhaps the good folks at Mt. Vernon just don't have the right dish for it. I'd suggest humble pie, served cold.

>> No.19605243
File: 836 KB, 1280x720, orangefool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19605246

It was also titled "a dessert fit for the Washingtons"

>> No.19605284

>point handgun at someone and scream at them
>they cower in fear expecting to be shot
>"Uhh I can't believe you just acted that way, don't you know this gun isn't loaded and I wasn't going to shoot you? This is so frustrating."

>> No.19605294

Im actually going at 2s/s. A fool like you will never achieve this kind of power.

>> No.19605511

>political jab
What does the vaxx have to do with this?

>> No.19605515

Six years of delicious frustration

>> No.19605530

Why does skin color matter for any person?

>> No.19605556

I looked into it and it was over 7 months after Trump was elected, I guess shitty "lol orange man" jokes were the center of the cultural zeitgeist but its reasonable some guy whose entire life is dedicated to looking at things that happened 300 years ago wouldnt know or give a shit about that. Dude probably does not watch TV or browse social media at all and just reads books all day, those types usually are like that.

>> No.19605565


He runs a store and has a family. He knows the modern world and likely just larps as 'le living historian' for the camera.

>> No.19605584

lo mein huh? yeah i bet he learned his lesson and con't be making a colonial orange chicken.

>> No.19605587


>> No.19605603

not him, but the date was actually something else, or close to. i don't remember what the event was, but it had to do with trump.

>> No.19605605

This framing is so retarded, like dude just do historical chinese food if you want to do chinese food. It's... frustrating seeing you fail like this

>> No.19605619

well luckily we live in a world where you can look up the video to see the exact date it was posted in 5 seconds and it was july 3rd, 2017, then he posted the video about him being pissed 3 days later.

hard to say if something significant happened with trump around then more than usual because there was a 24/7 news cycle around him anyways

>> No.19605742

one article about it quoted someone talking about the timing making it obvious. it could just have been the eve of independence day, it could have been something other. the month previous to it had the most protests of the year up to that date as well.

>> No.19605789

>is a paid actor for a cable TV company-owned youtube channel (like most of them)
>his writers are running out of ideas
>trying to cash in on what viewers they have left
first day on the internet, newfag?

>> No.19605799


>> No.19605802

Jefferson would beat your ass if you tried to serve him that poison

>> No.19606008

>It defies all reasonable logic
Because you're looking at it completely removed from context like a total retard. He made the orange fool at the end of a week long series of videos at Mount Vernon, he even says this within the first few seconds. ALL of the videos he made were focused around George Washington, not just this one one. He was there specifically for Independence Day and would have had to schedule the stay months in advance. Any relation to a current event at the time would have been purely coincidental.
Also, although this is probably your first time hearing of orange fool, it was an extremely popular dessert at the time. It's not like it's some obscure recipe he had to find just to own le Trump man. And if his intent was to poke fun at Trump, why would he have immediately made that "I'm Frustrated" video? If he is the smug liberal like the scenario you've created in your mind paints him as, suddenly walking back a jab at Dumpf seems pretty out of character.

Look at all the hoops you've jumped through to convince yourself this is political, and you've done it all without even understanding the context of the video (probably because you read and article telling you to be mad at this guy).

>> No.19606458

His recent vids have been really low effort. There was some weird inflection point in the middle of the homestead series, it's just been getting worse and worse since then. Less history, less cool shit like food or blacksmithing, fewer interesting interviews; more shitty hour-long streams, more stupid fucking "imagine you were transported to the 18th century" narration, more low-effort low-research vids like the time travel food or poor man's feast series. I actually unsubbed after one of his recent vids, it's just too much.

>> No.19606474

I'm frustrated

>> No.19606520

>His recent vids have been really low effort.
Given how cynical everyone and everything is anymore I can’t really blame him, especially after 2016

>> No.19606529

>frontier cooking show popular with Alex Jones prepper types on the basis of "see, this here'm's real cookin. dem soylent IT cucks couldn't last three hours back in the real'm'd times"
>makes a subtle orange man joke while using it as an opportunity to talk about fancy deserts of the olden days
>Why doesn't this person this digital tour guide who inherited the occupation from his dad not agree with my personal political beliefs!
kek, I can see why this shit gets spammed every thread forever. only self-satire can be this on-the-nose

>> No.19606546


>> No.19606574

Once again, the orange fool episode had nothing to do with Trump. You and so many others ITT are just victims of TDS, just on the other extreme of the Orange Man autism spectrum.

>> No.19606737


He and his family own a reenactment costume and supplies business and were making videos and publishing books since before YouTube was even a thing, confidently wrong dumbfuck.

>> No.19606907

I wonder if the end of his channel's popularity signals the demise of the off grid / "traditional" living grift on YouTube
At least he was honest about what he was doing and seemed to give the recipes a custodial level of attention, at least for a while. I'm gonna miss this feller.

>> No.19606969

His channel is currently more popular than ever. The type of content he's making now is designed specifically to appeal to the YouTube algorithm.

>> No.19606996

You're a fool of your own - an Anonymous Fool, if you will.

In my post I did not imply he was taking a jab at Trump; rather, I stated or implied that he is tonedeaf to what the video would possibly generate, and to complain about it as a public figure on the Internet which is highly politicized is idiotic and perhaps even immature. Perhaps my opinion has less merit if indeed the video came out much later than the election or inauguration than I thought. But the basic idea is sound.

>> No.19606998

Sorry, what I meant was, he was not meaning to take a jab at Trump on purpose. It just came out that way to a lot of folks.

>> No.19607014

You seem frustrated

>> No.19607089


Because a lot of folks are retards who decided to base their entire personality around the meme version of a businessman they never even met.

>> No.19607247

He's always been low effort
I hate that Townsend is held up to be some kind of historian when his schtick is mostly just repeating tourguide memes
now that he's mined out the easy pickings, he has nothing new to show

>> No.19607254

>suddenly walking back a jab at Dumpf seems pretty out of character.
it's not out of character for a smug liberal to be a weasel. if it was intentional, then he would make a video to combat the backlash while making it seem like people are insane to make the connection.

>> No.19607282
File: 408 KB, 750x411, A1D746E3-AE4C-4200-87D6-844EBCF558FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a very nice custard, I would have used a bit more nutmeg but it’s not too sweet and the orange flavor isn’t too strong
>*turns to camera* that’s one ORANGE FOOL I wouldn’t mind having in the White House! *tips hat and winks* remember folks, love trumped hate, even in colonial times!
he had to have known this might ruffle some feathers

>> No.19607298

Fuck off king crimson

>> No.19607305

This was a pretty foolish move by him, you have to admit.

>> No.19607317

fuck off newfag. That townsends faggot knew exactly what he was doing

>> No.19607326

Chuds still seethe over him. Why?

>> No.19607335

this really frustrates me

>> No.19607336

>samefagging bait

>> No.19607352
File: 42 KB, 500x374, 16913321893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Presenting an alternate angle:
>Townsends made the orange fool video completely oblivious to its potential to be interpreted as politically charged
>liberal viewers, having already been conditioned by years of Trump brainrot, immediately form a connection between the term "orange fool", Trump, and the presidency
>said liberal viewers decide Townsends must have known about this connection and commend him for his wit
>this inevitably attracts enraged conservative detractors to the video
>Townsends makes the "I'm Frustrated" video in an attempt to diffuse the situation he unintentionally created
This is an angle that doesn't get talked about enough. Typically people either say Townsends knew what he was doing all along, or conservative schizos were the first to see a political connection. I think it's far more likely that the blue checkmark types who were already known to go out of their way to make eye rolling trump digs could have been the ones who made this video political. Whether it has any credence to it is up to you, but I find it more like than the idea that he made the video as some sort of masked political statement.

>> No.19607358


>> No.19607366

I diffused my dick into your mom's pussy last night bitch ass nigga

>> No.19607523
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When a channel starts breaking it's theme or gimmick it's a sign of the end

>> No.19607530

tl;dr but you should be checked into a hospital

>> No.19607541

even if he was oblivious, he's not a one-person channel. there is no way that no one else would have talked to him about it's effect.

>> No.19607546
File: 322 KB, 1129x676, 1646717911686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive had this exact scenario happen to me while meeting an online friend i had no idea was BPD as fuck

>> No.19607547

Holy shit lol, someone actually saved this. I drew this months ago but the thread I originally posted it in was deleted within a few minutes.

>> No.19607610

It's a good drawing

>> No.19607764
File: 1.76 MB, 1616x846, the poor viewer's frustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's given up
What tipped you off?

>> No.19607782

Can you really be sure that TJ never ate Lo Mein? I mean like... really really sure? You can't see some way he might have?

>> No.19607853

no cap on a stack I watch all these videos and they aight

>> No.19607876

I think he started making these in response to inflation
It's still lazy. I miss the golden age of townsends. Got to watch Max Miller now and he isn't as consistent

>> No.19607883

Why are Democrats so obsessed with poor people?

>> No.19607890

Why are orange people so foolish?

>> No.19607903

because the majority of people are poor and they cater to the masses.

>> No.19607906

you seem rather frustrated

>> No.19607924

I already mentioned this earlier in the thread you giant fag. Read threads before you waste time on retarded, useless posts.

As I said yesterday, he his mistake was indeed innocent, he is still an out of touch moron and should not be crying because of it.

>> No.19607925
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>> No.19607955

For you

>> No.19608454

Been coming here longer than you niggerfaggot. Keeping deepthroating trump cock you seething tourist.

>> No.19608583

Think this guy is kind of goofy desu. There’s a couple on youtube that does similar things in dressing up in costumes & cooking foods of the past, also kind of goofy.

>> No.19608601

>everyone was poor

>> No.19608668

>Think this guy is kind of goofy
>makes a living dressing up in costumes & cooking foods of the past
gee, you don't say?

>> No.19608700
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His lowest point was when he literally just made a baked potato

>> No.19608716

What, in your opinion, was his most foolish point?

>> No.19608742

what no period correct dusty old pussy does to a mfer

>> No.19608744

i love how he saw the thread here making fun of him soyjacking so now his mouth is wired shut

>> No.19608750
File: 60 KB, 1200x800, orangefool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What, in your opinion, was his most foolish point?

>> No.19608786

is that worse than when he baked an onion? Not to mention that the onion came from a 19TH CENTURY recipe?

>> No.19608915
File: 263 KB, 1029x858, Screenshot 2023-08-16 200437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you were joking

>> No.19609004
File: 802 KB, 1470x689, townsend_soyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its real

>> No.19609007
File: 472 KB, 640x552, Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 2.15.10 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just noticed he's since then de-soyed the title too

>> No.19609027

Eager for some cozy Christmas (or even Halloween) specials desu

>> No.19609031
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the plot thickens, the new thumbnail the burger isnt even the burger in the video

>> No.19609040

it sounds like a pleonasm, but it's not

>> No.19609397

>but as time went on people started getting disillusioned with trump on 4chan
I know this sounds like just a throw away, low quality, shitpost reply. But 90% of the trump hate you see on here is literally discord tranny spam. I wish i was joking

>> No.19609437

>But 90% of the trump hate you see on here is literally discord tranny spam. I wish i was joking
Can confirm. And on r9k half the threads are about trannies and trying to gaslight lonely, vulnerable young guys.

>> No.19609714


>> No.19609739

He's an old man what do you expect. His lead addled brain is begging the stages of naturally occuring dementia. Old dudes do weird shit.

>> No.19609818

He looks like a hitlerjugend posterboy

>> No.19609839

Sorry, I don’t buy it. During 2015-2019 roughly 90% of posters were either pro-trump or would not actively call bullshit when it was called for on these posts. 2020-now has seen a decline in pro-trump posting and an increased pushback on the trump tourists. The fad fades. Not everything is a psyop.

>> No.19609841

Nah its a psyop.

>> No.19609851

Judge a meal not by the color of its dish, but by the foolishness of its character

>> No.19609874


>> No.19609925

>anon thinks that the 3 sentence backstory that his writers wrote is true
lol do you believe everything you see on the internet?

>> No.19609962


How terminally online would you say you are?

>> No.19609966


Is the decline of Courage Wolf, Foul Bachelor Frog and Ceiling Cat memes also a psyop?

>> No.19610027

Anon by that logic every single poster in this thread is either a frothing liberal or magapede for clicking this thread and has the election living rent free in their head six years later.
Please use your head.

>> No.19610031

You are frustrated

>> No.19610065


>> No.19610070

>He's frustrated

>> No.19610102

You not buying it is exactly why these people are posting it. Its not that the fad has faded its the demographic that uses 4chan that changed

>> No.19610130

>Townsends becomes reviewbrah

>> No.19610174

all the govt had to do was not illegally spy on trump and a lot more people would be on your side
instead, they destroyed their reputation far worse than trump has ever harmed his

>> No.19610213

hol up
how do you look at former versions of the video?

>> No.19610218

Trump shitposting exponentially increased with the advent of consumer friendly AI programs and chatbots. It's almost scary how much Trump hatred on here increased with the introduction of these programs.
Before if you wanted to spam trump hate you needed to know how to script. Now, all you need is a 4chan pass and you can do 1000s of posts a day without issue.

>> No.19610226


Or, they want to talk about his latest videos and not keep saying the same words over and over for 6 years?

>> No.19610325
File: 1.01 MB, 640x848, 1619235767023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Keeping deepthroating trump cock

>> No.19610333

trumpies literally just won the house and your precious popular vote on a platform of denying the 2020 election and shitposting

>> No.19610339

I'm detecting a hint of frustration coming from this reply.

>> No.19610362


>> No.19610832

No, he turned out to be a homo which wasn't my problem but the fact that he came onto me after jumpscaring me, killed any boner I could've had, fuckin' psycho.

>> No.19610899

yeah 200 years is still quite modern, people surely were exposed to weird quirky shit from the orient at some point, especially if you were rich

>> No.19610919

Yes, because "Lo Mein" is some americanised crap

>> No.19610933

Just watch the video..
QRD: Townsends channel made a video on a popular dessert in the 18th century and D-Tards made it all about Trump.
There is NOTHING political about his channel at all, and just like VEGANS, some people have to project their Parroted punditry into EVERYTHING.

>> No.19610949

someone probably grabbed a screencap early on and then went back

>> No.19610957
File: 1.48 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_8749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certainly it's just an attempt for the channel to keep it's viewers interested.
This isn't the first time they've switched up the base premise--It started out as a "how to use our historically accurate products" channel.
Can't say I'm as much of a fan anymore.

>> No.19610963

This is why you can't build your livelihood around Youtube. You'll be serving the algorithm and nothing else.

>> No.19610967

>get used to people framing everything with a political lens.
no i don't think i will because i'm not a tourist like you that makes politics their personality and injects politics into every discussion

>> No.19610969


>> No.19610975

It was a good improvement.

>> No.19610978
File: 48 KB, 666x375, IT'S OVER...SEE Ya on the flip side....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19610980

>someone actually cares enough to go around screenshotting Townsend videos the instant they drop

>> No.19610985

It is quite admirable how one Townsend video completely buckbroke all the election tourists

>> No.19611012

>time travel back in time
>time travel forward in time

Of course both should be shortened to "travelled {back,forward} in time"

>> No.19611025

It's quite frustrating how fools such as yourself still obsess over it

>> No.19611037


Says the guy quoting it, six fucking years later.

>> No.19611039

Says the fool still frustrated

>> No.19611052

I mean, if I manage to get to a video within an hour of it being uploaded, I sometimes take a screenshot as a sort of "wow I got to this video early" kinda deal

>> No.19611055


Haha you said fool and frustrated. VERY cool.

>> No.19611057

Fine, you're stupid.
Orange you glad I didn't say fool?

>> No.19611061


Sorry about your diagnosis anon.

>> No.19611075


Get fucked shitcunt.

>> No.19611096


>> No.19611144

anon...i'm not the one rushing to townsend OPs to post "i'm le frustrated" and "orange fool" every single time. you are because he made fun of your orange ape man and you're still shitting and pissing your pants about it. you have been eternally buckbroken by a youtuber that doesn't know you exist and it is sad to see

>> No.19611161

Touch grass, anon. Seriously.

>> No.19611272

This is the third thread I've seen in the past day that was completely ruined by off topic political shitflinging. Where the fuck are the mods ffs Shit's tiresome.

>> No.19611290

townsend threads have been forever ruined by rightoid NPCs whose subroutines activate to post the same thing every time they see a townsend pic. it's hopeless trying to talk about him here

>> No.19611320

>off topic

>> No.19611330

Yes, screeching about Trump in a Townsend thread on the food and cooking board is off topic. Yes, screeching about Trump in an Anthony Bourdain thread is off topic and yes, arguing about Trump in a fucking baldur's gate thread is off topic. What the fuck is your point (rhetorical, I don't actually want to hear more from you people).

>> No.19611401

This is so pathetic. Imagine caring about "being early" to a youtube video lol. Holy fuck please get some friends or a gf or something

>> No.19611403

he made a recipe called orange fool and made one joke referencing trump and people still shit about it to this day

>> No.19611525

>nooo persecute me nooooooooo
there has never been bigger victim complex and slave morality then modern right wing.

>> No.19611564

>there has never been bigger victim complex
that's the rainbow faggots and you know it

>> No.19611839

i was drunk shitposting at an absurdly late hour but my point stands, the fad didnt fade its morphing into something even stronger

>> No.19611843

I guess you're more alike than not. Maybe you can befriend a tranny and have some cry seshes together.

>> No.19611848

we will make sure to change our thumbnails lmao

>> No.19611855

he made a video about a dessert named orange fool and drumpites went absolutely apeshit and lost their mind

>> No.19612015

"A dessert fit for the Washingtons"

>> No.19612233

Trumper here, no I didn't, nobody did, everyone can tell this hole thing was a false flag, just like you're vaccine mandates blame everyone that isn't you. And I'm voting for him again. Seeth about it discord tranny

>> No.19612379

This single video lives in /ck/'s head rent free just like trannies live rent free in /v/ users heads.

I dont know whats worse, Townsend threads, hot sauce threads or alton brown threads. Even though theyre all food related this board wants to decide what is and isnt food content because of a political agenda.

>> No.19612654

t. ranny

>> No.19613452

I have never seen an Alton Brown thread

>> No.19613493


>> No.19613568

Its pretty much what >>19605190 said
Max isn't pidgeonholed into a single century, he can mix and match what he finds interesting from whatever time period.
This also keeps his videos fresh

>> No.19613579

That show was abysmally doomed the second he invited that fat fuck into the nutmeg nut hut

>> No.19613721
File: 110 KB, 961x991, 1611379835440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should expect people to be offended by your historical recipe because the name sounds sort of like it could be used to insult the sitting President even though you've never even touched politics

>> No.19614186

To be clear, 4chan is still infested with tourists, but most of them have moved on from trump worship to schizophrenic conspiracy theories regarding investment firms and an obsession with trannies.
Or in /ck/-specific terms, they've moved on to schizo conspiracy theories about soy, then seed oils, and calling everything that isn't vegetables, milk, and self-farmed red meat g-slop.
It's probably fake. There's the dearrow addon for youtube where you get a thumbnail from a random point in the video and a crowdsourced alternate title.

>> No.19614482

Yeah, that's basically what I meant to say. Trump's lost his luster on 4chan if you compare the 2015-2019 period to 2020-now.

>> No.19614560


>> No.19615007

Why are trumptards so sensitive? It's hilarious

>> No.19615106

Because Trump's whole draw in being a self-proclaimed "winner" and being the best and greatest at everything he sets out to do. His supporters want to be winners too and to be better than all the "losers" Trump distinguishes himself from. When Trump gets insulted, they feel innately insulted to because they so closely psychologically associate themselves with that whole persona.

>> No.19615126
File: 404 KB, 1226x564, orange fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was doing a live/premiere today. I made sure to say hi from all of us. He was in the chat.

>> No.19615147

It's a meme, you dips

>> No.19615150

>sovl v sovlless

>> No.19615156


I feel like, out of all the Founding Fathers, Jefferson would have appreciated foreign food the most. He did appreciate the EXOTIC flavors, after all

>> No.19615159

deranged interpretation

>> No.19615162

Have you read the thread? There are a number of genuinely assblasted anons. And these threads are ALWAYS like this.

>> No.19615165

How so? It's pretty straightforward psychology.

>> No.19615172

Yes, and the people always assblasted are the people who hate the memes being brought up

>> No.19615176

Whatever you say orange foolius

>> No.19615183

I'm frustrated

>> No.19616542
File: 75 KB, 1264x382, 1663286465399008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure that orange fool video garnered maybe like only a few singular comments that related to politics at all, but becuase townsend is a boomer he probably saw those few mentions and then felt he had to make a video addressing politics and his videos which made a mountain out of a molehill. It's brought up to this day here mainly becuase it has become a meme but also for /pol/ boogeyman blaming.

>> No.19616559

>he doesn't know the jews shut down the Advice Dog memes because the goys were getting too close to the truth

>> No.19616575

Bruh, that's literally ohio

>> No.19616699

you dropped your tinfoil hat

>> No.19616761

Time travel Ahegao. How to please Thomas Jefferson with stupid faces.

>> No.19616763
File: 47 KB, 750x421, Ships-Biscuits[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that this dude ate ten year old bug larvae

>> No.19616800
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>> No.19616813

TJ literally invented the nectarine

>> No.19616861
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, videoplayback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His original theme was "shill the things I sell in my store." While the shilling was never in-your-face, nowadays he rarely seems to mention it all.

>> No.19616866

Usually it just means they found what gets views. Like how Mentor Pilot used to give advice for pilots-in-training, aviation news, and insight into the job, but now exclusively does air disaster videos because everyone's mother watches those.

>> No.19616870

He probably makes more money from his YouTube channel now than he ever made from the store.

>> No.19616883

Many YouTubers do that. The algorithm demands a soy title with lots of capital letters and exclamation points but then they change the title after a few weeks to something more descriptive and easier to find with search. It’s standard practice at this point.

>> No.19616896

imagine drinking her piss

>> No.19616902

Is that Miss Townsend?
good lord what must she think of this larping bullshit
I'll sweep her off her feet, take her to Seattle, show her the city lights, wine and dine her, and fuck her tits off

>> No.19617008

no, what type of autism do you have that you think james could possibly pull that young of a whore to make his kids?

>> No.19617022

What kind of education do you have to think that guy is James?

>> No.19617059

What type of fool are you to get this frustrated?

>> No.19617066

I pegged her for his daughter
>and I'll peg her ass too

>> No.19617094

Damn you know you're in hot water what the other 18th century autists actually get mad at you.

Also tfw still no butter girl gf

>> No.19617878
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>> No.19617981

>Endless spam about ORANGE FOOL and how it made r/thedonald seeth
>Turns out it was the opposite all along
Why do they always lie?

>> No.19618782

Fish fly
Birds swim
Leftists lie

>> No.19618789
File: 695 KB, 1169x605, esde5dyq86h31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And brother, I hurt people.

>> No.19618844

If thats the reason why has he never done it again and all his thumbnails have the mouth glued firmly shut?

>> No.19618888

>mouth open during the most deadly pandemic in history
I knew you drumptards were dumb but holy wow!

>> No.19618976

I felt some outrage when I saw this post, but watching the actual video, I think the idea for a series like this is actually really novel and inventive. I like to challenge myself with limited ingredients, i can't wait for the McDonalds hamburger episode.

>> No.19620082

Pufa oils isn't a conspiracy. There's a reason most health diets tell you not to eat processed shit and fried food, it's the oil.

>> No.19620372

He should branch out to other historical foods like that Max miller guy