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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19604935 No.19604935 [Reply] [Original]

You are head chef of the 4chan feast. What do you serve each board?

>> No.19604941
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Everyone is going to bed hungry because they don't deserve a fucking thing

>> No.19604944

Not even this board?

>> No.19604949
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I'll bring punch.

>> No.19604981

You get a bunch of raw food, a pan and a burner and have to cook your own meal.

>> No.19605008

I was going to serve this to /int/ and /pol/

>> No.19605011
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Most recently on /pw/ the food posts have been about a wrestler's obsession with rice and omelets
Given what's been advertised on wrestling programs, it'd be soda, candy bars, and pepperoni sticks

>> No.19605021

/biz/ gets the ultimate wagie meal, mcdonalds

>> No.19605034

I will bring the brownies.

>> No.19605037

What are they laced with?

>> No.19605038

/k/ is a board full of fags and they deserve to eat the cum brownies

>> No.19605043

A poison that faggots like you wont be able to resist.

>> No.19605070

/fit/ would like cum brownies, especially if you also add whey

>> No.19605075

I thought the holy grail for /fit/ was breast milk.

>> No.19605078

cum brownies for /tv/ because they're a bunch of fagggots

>> No.19605084

A few roast pigs and a sign that says “take it or leave it.

>> No.19605089

Hmm good point, I'm not sure if breast or dick milk takes precedence

>> No.19605090

Each board

>> No.19605093

/o/ gets chicken tenders fried in waste engine oil. Bunch of fags

>> No.19605095

Did they call you a busrider?

>> No.19605105

you can eat 'cado's coinslot
au jus

>> No.19605107

No I called them fags.

>> No.19605115


>> No.19605129

tendies for all boards with sufficient good boy points

>> No.19605153

what do the other boards get?
celery sticks with water?

>> No.19605164

I would serve /out/ a fresh-caught seafood feast: PNW king salmon poached in a local white wine and topped with a hollandaise made from my duck eggs; Ciopinno made from razor clams I dug, mussels, and lingcod; dungenous crab with herbed butter, and a blackberry cobbler for dessert

>> No.19605201

I would kill millions for her

>> No.19605206
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It's my special recipe.

>> No.19605274

Rice with an egg. And an oilet bangs to drink.

>> No.19605278
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/his/ gets crucified and served bread, laridum and posca

>> No.19605283

i have never seen this woman before and the muffins look normal, but i somehow know there has to be shit inside. the internet has ruined me

>> No.19605306

We're working from home but meeting at the office with the "team" after a long time and this one hoe keeps flexing what pastries she's about to bring. On one hand I'm excited and the pictures she showed me look great, but on the other hand I have this 4chan type feeling not to eat any of it.

>> No.19605309

/a/ gets 5 whole roasted pigs, 10 cakes and 500 sides of sushi, Pepsi to drink.
Only the best.

>> No.19605342

Go back you tranny pedo

>> No.19605358

You hate to see it.

>> No.19605504

/diy/ gets a bowl of cement with glass shards

>> No.19605519

Doritos, Mountain Dew and water

>> No.19605550

Especially this board

>> No.19605560

Are the jannies and moderators also invited? This is important because I need to know if I should piss, shit, and cum in the food or not. On more a serious note, I'd make /tv/ Bobby's dead wife's ziti from The Sopranos.

>> No.19605568


>> No.19605576

Smoked sausage with Alabama white sauce
Chakna with a chocolate mousse
Cheese pizza
Cheese pizza, but from Japan
Black coffee
Cigarette sandwich
Something with horse idk
Oysters on the half shell
A Big Mac with my cum as the special sauce

>> No.19605608

No One Cared Who She Was Until She Put On The Mask....

>> No.19605716

whoops forgot to improve vomit

>> No.19605860
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I serve everyone rocks and dirt, except for /GME/ general on /biz/ who all WAGMI

>> No.19605903


>> No.19605922
File: 37 KB, 400x400, C8927EAD-1C3A-4165-B295-BFDE56F8EFC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat up /a/. Fuck Anime and Manga.

>> No.19605931
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fine speech

>> No.19605951

which boards currently have sufficient good boy points?

>> No.19605956

she doesn't need your help with that, bro.

>> No.19606085
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A dish from this cookbook for /tg/, even though they would complain immediately because it's D&D

>> No.19606098

Cringe. At least 80% of all chan posts are automated now, doubly so for pol.

>> No.19606105
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fuck kitto

>> No.19606223
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>> No.19606289
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A /mlp/ delicacy for over ten years

>> No.19606301

mcdonalds, ramen, and potato chips because misery loves company

>> No.19606375
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>> No.19606411

This looks like a hideous start to some kind of fetish porn

>> No.19606918


>> No.19606931
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prasáda for all boards
Hare Krishna :)

>> No.19607006

>venison steaks for /k/
>vegetarian shit for /an/
>pizza for all of the video game boards
>fried chicken for /r9k/
>kebab pizza for /int/
>ramen for /a/ and /jp/
>a box of wine for /tv/
>an ashy warthog anus for /diy/

>> No.19607060
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>> No.19607177
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>an ashy warthog anus for /diy/

>> No.19607196

cooking on a campfire with African bushmen

>> No.19607277
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I'm only an /m/ tourist, but maybe MREs, and build your own type foods like lunchables and tacos, served by picrel

>> No.19607303


>> No.19607319

riggi riggatoni for /sp/

>> No.19607400
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>> No.19607414

Penguin stuffed with apple

>> No.19607458

Too much sugar. Babies are weak as shit.

>> No.19607472

>not giving /pw/ a hot dog & a handshake for drawing the house

>> No.19607499

Bad Steak and a small side of Corn

>> No.19607510


>> No.19607513

It'd take more effort than it's worth to deliberately cook a steak as unevenly as Ribera

>> No.19607639

Imagine being a grill and being a NW3

>> No.19607672
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jeez you guys weren't kidding

>> No.19607679

>Cheese pizza
I heh'd

>> No.19607681

a good post anon, a good post

>> No.19607687

>anon gets mad that a person on a anime discussion website views an anime discussion board.

>> No.19607697

I realised I was about to tell you which boards I lurk, which boards I hate and which boards I hate
not datamining me this easily fagtron

>> No.19607705

He was a communist who killed other leftists, nothing of value was lost

>> No.19609142

>kills people dumb enough to fall for joining a cult
I don't see why you'd do that, really

>> No.19609165

wtf is this and what happened?

>> No.19609170

is that a turd or a black person's finger?

>> No.19609190


>> No.19610129

If you're serious, read up on Jonestown

>> No.19610132

deep fried dog

>> No.19610143
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>> No.19610254

Dude suckered idiots into a religious cult as a front for his drug smuggling. Set up a little town somewhere on the north coast of South America called Jonestown. When it got rumbled he told everyone it was time to go meet Jesus and they actually fucking did it lmaoooo

>> No.19610272
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Butthurt thirdie lmao

>> No.19610350
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I'll do some unpopular ones
/vp/ jelly donuts
/trv/ continental breakfast
/out/ vienna sausages and baked beans
/n/ hot dog and choice of gatorade or redbull
/jp/ poki and ramune soda
/adv/ handgun
/vmg/ kid's meal
/c/ thin crust pizza

>> No.19610436

/a/ gets a huge bowl of hard boiled eggs with the instruction that they have to eat them all

>> No.19610461

>/vp/ jelly donuts
>/adv/ handgun

>> No.19610484

/pol/ latkes and Swedish meatballs
/gif/ spotted dick
/soc/ a knuckle sandwich
/toy/ isn't invited due to choking hazards

>> No.19610512

You forgot the uncooked rice.

>> No.19610527

Sweet, yakiniku with frens :^)

>> No.19610541

/fit/ gets those gorilla biscuits, they seem fond of those.

>> No.19610579

/ck/ is put into an empty room with chopsticks, some soy sauce, a single fresh egg, and a steaming bowl of white rice
>/gif/ spotted dick

>> No.19611091
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recreate trimalchio's feast for /lit/

>> No.19611172

pemmican and orange peels
pork chops
imitation crab meat
roast beef sandwich
beef liver
coffee and cigarette
gutter oil chinese street food
weed brownies

>> No.19611244

One hell of a Kegger.

>> No.19611301

/k/ gets cum brownies.

>> No.19611398

Ever heard the phrase
>he drank the koolaid
Well, this is the event that made it a thing.
Religious cult that ended up doing a massive group an hero by either injecting cyanide or drinking kool-aid laced with it.
Lots of books and articles written on the whole thing. Pretty interesting.

>> No.19611483

and the ones who refused to drink it got new speedholes for their troubles

>> No.19611497
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whole canned chicken
tie between either brazillian or swedish pizza
a freshly cummed in asshole
blue steak
whatever they feed ducks for foie gras, funnel and all
indopak instant ramen
fart meringue
>/3/, /ic/, /gd/
other starving artists
i would not feed them

>> No.19611683

I don't know, but I WILL cum in it.

>> No.19611799

during the 60s and 70s there was abunch of socialist cults that combined SCIENCE with religion, jonestown was a group of commies that fucked off to go live in south america but some of its members were family members of important people and when the cultists killed a us senator who tried to get his kid back, the glowies suicided the whole compound and made a spectacle about it. Theres even an 'official' recording of the 'suicide' thats 'totally real' but for some odd reason contains spooky sound effects.

>> No.19611819

/diy/ is getting homemade deviled eggs from some anon's indoorchicken farm and /out/ is getting home made jerky.
/a/ /c/ and /jp/ can have some costco sushi platters, i dont give a fuck.

/b/, /g/ and /v/ will share a platter of the finest chicken tenders.

Promise /biz/ some nft bullshit and get them to pay for it themselves by buying meme coins.

/d/ /e/ /gif/ and /h/ can share a bag of cucumbers.

>> No.19611827

in that order

>> No.19611861

>whole canned chicken
That is apt as hell.

>> No.19612097

A psychopath communist took on a religious leadership role and wouldnt allow anyone to leave his commune. They moved near LA but america had laws and people started asking questions despite his large donations to democrat politicians. He moved to a south american country with the cult, into the middle of a dangerous rainforest. Extended families of the victims got concerned, and a senator or congressman or something got involved to go down there with media teams to see if people were really held captive. Some of the people tried to warn him they wanted to get out, like slipping him a note. As the crew were leaving, Jones sent his armed guards to gun them down before they got onto the plane. He called everyone to mass and forced them to drink cyanide punch. He had earlier done kool aid drinking ceremonies where it wasnt poisoned, but told them it could be to test their faith. If anyone tried to leave the guards would shoot, and even if they left they were surrounded by jungle. He called it "Revolutionary Suicide". He had some slavor labour conditions for his people including children, and constant brainwashing, some sleep deprivation, etc. And none of these dumbass kids nowadays knows anything about it because socialism sounds great to them.

>> No.19612212
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>other starving artists

>> No.19612221
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Yes of course, plus a rousing song on the cross

>> No.19612488


>> No.19612500

I want her to step on me and call me capitalist swine

>> No.19612511

You'd be surprised about what otherwise intelligent and skeptical people will fall for in a tough spot

>> No.19612525

Semen. AIDS Nigger semen for fag boards like /ck/ /lgbt/ /co/ /k/ etc.

>> No.19612536

>intelligent and skeptical
If you fall for joining a cult, you're a fucking idiot, simple as

>> No.19612543

One guy on /mlp/ made a disgusting "hay burger," and tasted it.
I recommend that you don't expand all of the pictures if you want to keep your appetite.

>> No.19612592
File: 131 KB, 661x767, 4E5BA0B6-A30A-4670-8657-63B3D7BEB917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the finest of cuisine for /r9k/

>> No.19612793

>Jars of peanut butter for /an/
>Pre-packaged ramen for /biz/
>$5 Taco Bell boxes for /ck/
>An assortment of penises for /d/
>Oatmeal cookies with whey protein and semen for /fit/
>Melonpan for /g/
>Roasted monkey for /gif/
>Sushi and omurice for /jp/
>Fresh female deer and fox carcasses for /k/
>Rocky Mountain oysters for /mlp/
>Matzah ball soup and brisket for /pol/
>Chicken tendies for /r9k/
>Pub style fish and chips for /sp/
>Cheese pizza for /tv/
>Mountain Dew marinated chicken for /v/
>Schizophrenia medication for /vg/
>Shark steak for /vt/
>Kim Yo Jong's feet for me

>> No.19612879

Depending on the day, /out/ would either be offended that you offered it food because it can TOTALLY grow/forage its entire diet 100% independently, or starving and desperate for those all-beef wieners.

>> No.19613243

Underrated post kek

>> No.19613268

Sushis, pizzas, ice cream and popcorns, all good food to eat while watching stuffs

Cans of energy drinks

T-bone steaks

Very high quality sushis, caviar, surf and turf

California makis


Burgers and fries with a lot of ketchup

Something from subasaharan africa, not sure yet

>> No.19613316
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>> No.19613358


>> No.19613588
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>bring butter for the bread
>/tv/ uses it to lube up and pull a Brando

>> No.19613597


>> No.19613606
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/lgbt/ and every thot/orbiter from /r9k/ get a nice knuckle sandwich with a dose of lead.

/co/ gets pic related

>> No.19613608

I'm not making anything for /ck/. Most people here suck at cooking and would bash my food anyways. Then the few people that are talented would look visibly disappointed because I'm not very good at it either.

>> No.19614095

Nah, I have a bit of a soft spot for r9k, I'd make them some homemade tendies and fries before they get served hot lead at supersonic speed

>> No.19614132

Either poison or a bullet.

>> No.19614147

>forbidden knowledge check

>> No.19614205

>because socialism sounds great to them
>some religious nutjub convincing retards to join his cult is the same thing as a government providing basic services to it's people
I'm sure all those europeans are just wanting to leave their countries with free healthcare

>> No.19614224

>government providing basic services to it's people
shit-tier despite being ''free'
Depressing and shit-tier who the fuck wants to live in a commieblock which is infested with heroindealers. There is no such thing as ''free healthcare'' u dumb shitskin.

>> No.19614485

Looks like?

>> No.19614513

>providing basic services to its people
This intellectually dishonest motte-and-bailey rhetoric is part of why people call you indoctrinated cultists.

>> No.19615279

sure is a lot of 'im going to kill people hahaha'
in this /ck/ thread.

>> No.19615343

for /co/ Green Arrow's famous chili that canonically killed Martian Manhunter

>> No.19615371

I'll teach you about whats rude just yet

>> No.19616383

>all anime boards get chicken katsu but I shat in the sauce
>/g/,/r9k/ and all gaming boards get chicken tendies
>/k/ a cup of black coffee, a pack of cigarettes and a big pot of chilli with a BYO policy for MREs
>/m/ is a pint of diesel fuel
>/o/ gets mints and all kinds of alcohol for a safe drive home
>/lit/ cheese and rye bread with a glass of unpasteurised milk
>/biz/ gets $5 ramen packs cooked in re-used water
>/fa/ gets a cigarette sandwich on rye bread
>/sp/ gets pub style food. /nrl/ thread browsers get that and a $50 KFC voucher.
>/an/ gets peanut butter
>/x/ gets whatever wierd animals we find out back to eat so they get special power
>/tv/ gets crab legs
>/his/ gets smoked fish and olives
>/lgbt/ and all porn boards get buffet of antiviral meds
>/mlp/ gets a jar of pickles
>/fit/ boiled eggs and breast milk

>> No.19616398

What's up with /an/ and peanut butter?

>> No.19617375

My friend I offer this advice in complete sincerity. Delete this post immediately. Our history and tradition with that place is something that’s beyond your years. I’m asking you not to disrespect that over a jacket you didn’t receive.

>> No.19617486


>> No.19617501
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>> No.19617667


I would serve /a/ packaged ramen, not the good kind. Because they deserve worse.

I would serve /ck/ crackers, because of how salty they are.

I would serve /d/ an erotic cake

I would serve /fit/ fried chicken and spotted dick, because they love cock

I would serve /k/ bullets

I would serve /g/ takeout pizza

I would serve /lgbt/ Lettuce guacamole bacon and tomato sandwiches

I would serve /pol/ Eiernockerl

>> No.19617731

>not spicy food you laced with an excess amount of laxatives so you can laugh at them spraying lava all over each other during gay sex

>> No.19617740

/a/ gets miso ramen
/an/ gets potato salad
/biz/ gets couscous
/ck/ gets smoked salmon
/diy/ gets flour, uncracked eggs, sugar, milk, and yeast
/fit/ gets raw egg and spinach smoothies
/his/ gets stale unleavened bread
/k/ gets surplus MREs
/lgbt/ gets crushed cherry pits
/lit/ gets a recipe book but no ingredients
/pol/ gets ribeye steaks
/r9k/ gets holographic meatloaf
/sci/ gets Beyond Meat burgers
/x/ gets Eucharist crackers as long as they hold still while I strap them down

The rest aren’t invited, sorry.

>> No.19617792

/fit/ gets chicken, broccolli and rice
/r9k/ gets tendies

>> No.19617797

>/r9k/ gets tendies
what kind of dipping sauces?

>> No.19617824

A true fan of wrestling

>> No.19617832 [DELETED] 
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Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1289
Butt Stacking Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini: https://tsukiyo.me/AAA/AA2MiniPPX.xml
AAUnlimited updates: https://github.com/aa2g/AA2Unlimited/releases

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):
Booru: https://aau.booru.org

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

>> No.19617886
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>not picrel¨
the average fa/tg/uy consumes his own weight in meat bread every day

>> No.19618201

>/tv/ gets tv dinners because I can't be assed to cook
>any videogame board gets tendies and a two-liter of piss to share
>/lgbt/ gets cake with a nice, tall glass of rat poison milk
>/mlp/ gets a boot of horse cum and an oreo/ hydrox each
>/pol/ and /b/ also get a boot of horse cum, but instead of an oreo, they get glass to eat
>most hobby boards get a decent home-cooked meal of protein, carb and veggies of their choice
>any anime board just gets a sad bowl of microwaved ramen
>porn boards get nothing
>/ck/ is full of cooks already, cook for yourself

>> No.19618219

Tendies and cheap ketchup for /pol/
A hearty meatloaf that would pair well with whaskey for /tv/ to watch yiffy 720p rips on a 17 inch dell laptop and pretend to be a film snob.
Salsa con queso in a jar and pork rinds for /v/
A big fucking plate of bacon, eggs and whiskey for /k/ so you can unironically post bacon whiskey and guns and pretend you're not just a reddit fag cause they'd ban you for the gun.

>> No.19618258

For /hr/
Bruschetta, and consomme
Prime rib or tenderloin with demi glace
Steamed lobster tail with butter, soy sauce, and green onions
Poached asparagus with a shallot vinaigrette
Roasted potatoes
Blueberry tart with whipped cream and/or ice cream

>> No.19619754
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/fit/izen approved

>> No.19620736
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>/o/ gets gas station food
>/g/ gets hot pockets and pizza rolls with piss jars to wash it down
>/x/ gets whatever drinks are loaded with sucralose and ultra processed junk they think will kill them
>/fa/ gets ipecac
>/mu/ gets Rap Snacks
>/biz/ gets frozen food from Dollar Tree
>/k/ gets mre's with a laxative
>/his/ gets fish suet and injun pudding
>/sci/ gets dip n dots and astronaut ice cream
>/n/ gets a tree branch in their bike wheel spokes
>/an/ gets peanut butter and granola
>/diy/ gets a gift card to Food Lion
>/pol/ gets cake
>/b/ gets the bullet

>> No.19620752

ask what the dog is doin

>> No.19620761

I put the peanut butter in my ass I call it a peanut butter and ass sandwich but my dog will be calling it lunch

>> No.19620763

shit and piss and no I'm not joking, if I ever had the chance to fix the meal of anyone on this god damn website I'm serving shit and piss

>> No.19620797

who likes fucking cold ass mcdonalds?

>> No.19620835

now and forever, THE best picture to come out of all this. As a proud europoor I chuckle everytime I see it

>> No.19620910

A lot of the people didn't want to drink it but were forced to, even children.

>> No.19620953

Why? Seems very contrived of you. Very labored. You've been trying to force yourself to laugh at this for years that what it seems like. Like a liberal at a female comedy show. The commissars are looking right at you and you have to laugh or be chemically castrated. Thats the kind of laughs you imply here.

>> No.19620973

every board gets brazilian pizza

>> No.19620994

Retro video game board gets every discontinued fast food item from the past 40 years of their choosing.
/vg/ gets sauerkraut with maggot cheese.
/ck/ gets ingredients and kitchen
What is food on the top left? it looks like vanilla cream filled pastry of some kind. >>19605278
Woah is this like Roman sashimi?

>> No.19621056
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first off : meds, now.
second : while I don't claim that the food at the white house must be the most exquisite food ever, there's a balance between that and "literally mcdonalds".
Decades of american cooks trying to get american cuisine to be taken seriously and "more than just fast food" anihilated in one picture. The athletes invited that night can unironically go to a local restaurant and tell the staff "this is better than at the white house"!
It's unbelievable. Like they didn't even make homemade burgers, just straight mickey d's take-away, which you know has to be lukewarm at best by this point.
And just so we're clear, I know that america has much to offer food-wise and has some great dishes. And I love a good burger now and then. But this is caricature.
So yeah, lukewarm mcdonalds is the best the president of the most wealthy and powerful country on earth can offer you. It's hilarious!
The context alone makes it hilarious in fact. But there's more!
>actual junk food presented in silver platers. Actually t the massive contrast between the food and the luxurious setting.
>food just heaped there, no seating, no plates, just a big self-service buffet but it's in the white house
>trump standind there ackwardly with that strange expression like he's trying to convey happiness but deep down he knows he fucked up
>Old Abe looking like he's questioning his life choices and what brought him here
wether you agree with "projection of power" or not, it's hilarious to see this scene in what is the seat of american rule.
>I-I-It shows he's a simple man, one of us!
it showed the world that a meal with the president is lukewarm mcdonalds burgers
>t-t-the athletes l-loved it!!
yeah I'm sure they're glad their one chance at having dinner at the white house ended up being a 10$ order they can have at their local mcdonalds. Truly a unique experience!

>> No.19621634

Hard alcohol and roasted duck
Saltine crackers and peanut butter
Cumin powder
Chinese ramen (but I tell them its japanese)
Sourdough BLT, homemade mustard and cold beer, or turkey dinner
Dr Pepper, crab dip and sourdough crackers
Halloween candy
Cocaine infused coca cola, no food
Lamb, and fine wine

>> No.19621640

>/g/ - silica packets

>> No.19621644

It's a creampuff with custard cream in it.

>> No.19623581
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>Dr Pepper, crab dip and sourdough crackers
Thx anon

>> No.19623596

Hotdog with a side of handshake
Burger and fries sprinkled with included AEW tickets

>> No.19623767

every board gets fucking nothing because they're all insufferable fags

(the /cute/ boards are nice, though)

>> No.19623774

This might be one of the worst boards on the whole site along with /v/, /pol/, and /int/

>> No.19624190
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>> No.19624254

You beat me to it.

>> No.19624799

Don't forget the bottles of joshi sweat to wash it down

>> No.19624832

Brownies for /k/

>> No.19625090

The perfect choice for /pol/

>> No.19625272

Everybody gets a nice warm serving of semen directly on their face. It might take me a while but I'll serve everyone, I believe in equality.

>> No.19626458
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I make the pepeloni, but without pepeloni for /vt/ because they don't like it, you understand? Understandble, have a good day. AWAY!

>> No.19627035
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/b/ gets a nice log of shit

>> No.19627048

>/diy/ gets flour, uncracked eggs, sugar, milk, and yeast

>> No.19627187
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I'd give /heem/ the knuckle sandwich they deserve b

>> No.19627198

based masochist for attention

>> No.19627374

is this a pasta i missed? i refuse to believe someone put this much effort into arguing a shitpost on a vietnamese basket weaving forum

>> No.19627387
File: 46 KB, 346x242, nue here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> effort into arguing a shitpost on a vietnamese basket weaving forum

>> No.19627398

>blue steak
am tranny board user, and I would love a blue steak right now, good choice anon

>> No.19627407

It's Laridum, aka raw salted pork fat

>> No.19627429

/a/ gets green bell pepper. So does /g/.

>> No.19628242

/sp/ gets a belt of posts to wear while eating mushy stadium peas
/biz/ gets a hamburger NFT
/g/ gest put on a goddamn treadmill
/lit/ gets tea and stale crumpets
/ck/ gets a bowl of boiled eggs, served by a surly man
/mu/ gets crack and a used pipe
/p/ gets D-76 developer powder and a straw
/fa/ gets a complimentary punch on the gut to aid in vomiting
/gd/ gets food stamps
/tv/ gets a not at all suspicious ossobuco
/int/ gets shot in the fucking face
/vp/ gets Magikarp sushi and a Vaporeon as a starter
/x/ gets Alex Jones supplements
/cgl/ gets raped while in full gothic lolita garb
/lgbt/ gets counterfeit HRT pills and söy lattes
/b/ gets a complimentary soda and 12 year old
/gif/ gets put on a room with no internet and thick oven mitts
/r9k/ gets dry overcooked tendies with no dipping sauce or beverage
/aco/ gets

>> No.19628682
File: 201 KB, 720x978, banned for offtopic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sad what that board has turned into

>> No.19630572
File: 1.60 MB, 865x1157, Screenshot_83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A 5kg plate of plain rice
for people who make tomboy hate threads - their own testicles in basil sauce
coffee made out of tobacco and a cigarette made out of coffee
energy drinks of various colors
either a bag of nuts or a brand new toyota camri
Undercooked fried chicken and a crumble cake laced with speed
rice crispies, cotton candy, bubblegum icecream
Sharps stones and creek water
Skin and fat of a recently killed animal
A prostitute and ice cubes
A small portion of very plain ramen from japan
estrogen and testosterone pills, also a tied up naked woman and man
Blood and semen
Every drug available on earth
400 kg of tritium
A waffle and dr pepper
Rotten fruit

>> No.19631025

cum and arsenic