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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.40 MB, 3024x4032, 2023-08-14 10.31.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19604181 No.19604181 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /ck/ lets make bread.

We'll start with 600g of basic white flour, 16g of salt (Sea salt here but pretty much any salt is fine) and 420g of warm water.

>> No.19604184
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Make sure to sieve the flour. Into the mixer bowl it goes.

>> No.19604186
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I'm going to autolyze the flour, so I'll pour in about 2/3 of the water.

>> No.19604188
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Mix it together into a lumpy mess and then I'll just leave it for 30 minutes.

>> No.19604189
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Then I'm going to get my starter that I fed yesterday, the rest of the water and the salt.

>> No.19604194
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I'll add that to the flour & water and mix it for 6-8 minutes with the dough-hook. The autolyze left a few flour lumps but I just squished those out with a spatula then carried on mixing.

>> No.19604197
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Then it's 4 hours of bulk fermenting. I use a no-touch method, so the dough stays in the mixer bowl and every 30 minutes or so I use a spatula to pull & fold the dough over itself.

>> No.19604202
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After 4 hours of fermenting, pulling & folding it's nice and strong, so I'll flour the banneton.

>> No.19604204
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 2023-08-14 15.54.17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just scrape the dough out of the bowl straight into the banneton.

>> No.19604208
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Cover it over with a damp cloth and let if prove for a couple of hours until it's fucking huge.

>> No.19604210
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I've pre-heated my oven to 250C with the Dutch Oven in it. So now it's time to turn the dough out and get it in to bake. Hopefully it doesn't stick to the banneton.

>> No.19604214
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It stuck to the banneton a little bit, the cunt. Not too bad though.

Drop it into the (very hot) Dutch Oven and slash it, put the lid on and back into the oven at 250C for 20 minutes. Then take the lid off and leave for another 25-30 minutes at 220C.

>> No.19604218
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>> No.19604227
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Got to let it cool. I ended up leaving it overnight in the (cooling) Dutch Oven. Now lets cut it.

>> No.19604229
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Fuck yeah.

>> No.19604231
File: 3.31 MB, 4032x3024, 2023-08-15 10.16.29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want a closeup? Here you go.

>> No.19604237
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>> No.19604238
File: 3.02 MB, 4032x3024, 2023-08-15 10.25.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets try a bit with some butter.

>> No.19604242
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It's good. Better than my hands.

>> No.19604247
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Time to toast up a slice and have it with scrambled eggs.

Ramsey method, obviously.

>> No.19604276

Waste of a step. Unless it’s for the most delicate of baked goods or incredibly clumpy ingredients such as organic powdered sugar, there’s no need to sift.

>> No.19604284

>or incredibly clumpy
It was. You can see the lumps in the bowl >>19604181

>> No.19604297

Incredibly soft “lumps” of flour like that will break up in an instant. It’s bread dough kneaded by a machine, not chiffon or macarons.

>> No.19604303

>Incredibly soft “lumps” of flour like that will break up in an instant.
Not if you autolyze; it just creates big lumps of flour that you have to break up. It's bad enough when you do sift the flour (>>19604188) so you don't want more.

If you don't autolyze then yeah you can skip it and the lumps will break up during mixing.

>> No.19604307
File: 1.79 MB, 4000x1848, 20230814_235241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing my loaf.
720g of flour with about 360ml water, about 7g salt and 5.5g yeast.
Coated the outside with some olive oil that I roasted garlic in.

>> No.19604316

Never had this problem, and I autolyse the vast majority of my bread. Also never seen or heard anyone mention needing to do this.

>> No.19604321

Actually wait I’m stupid, this is a huge benefit of autolysis. It hydrates the flour thoroughly. There’s even less of a reason to sift. Have you not noticed your dough being smoother after you autolyse?

>> No.19604325

Nice crust. Got any pictures of the crumb?

>Never had this problem
Okay. Different flours will behave differently. I've found it helps with the flour I use.

>never seen or heard anyone mention needing to do this.
Now you have.

>> No.19604327

>Have you not noticed your dough being smoother after you autolyse?
Yes, very. Also stronger, it also gives a much better structure.

>> No.19604358

Post loaves.

>> No.19604365
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Brioche staling for french toast.

>> No.19604373
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We loaf postin' in here? Nice bread y'all. Here's some pepita polenta I made a few weeks back.

>> No.19604383

>Brioche french toast
Now I want french toast.


>> No.19604399
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>> No.19604456

Recipe hookup?

>> No.19604475

Can't access it right now but will tonight if the thread is still up.

>> No.19604991

Unfortunately that was the only picture I snapped, ended up giving it to a coworker today

>> No.19605005

So it's fake?

>> No.19606201
File: 1.72 MB, 4000x1848, 20230815_215651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one I made tonight, virtually same ingredients but added butter to my dough. No garlic this time.

>> No.19607020

Did you died?

>> No.19607871

We’ve been let down, bread anons…