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File: 43 KB, 725x408, All-About-Rotisserie-Chicken_hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19600989 No.19600989 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do with it?

>> No.19600991

White bread roll

2-3 of those and that's all you need

>> No.19601052

Shred, mix with a bit of strong cheese and artichoke hearts (salt/spice to your liking), Wrap 1 scoop in pizza doughballs and bake at 375. Wala artichoke chicken pizzaballs.

>> No.19601055

Pull the meat off it and eat it? Is this a trick question?

>> No.19601092

I always eat the leg quarters and make chicken salad out of the breasts.

>> No.19601104
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If it's still hot just eat with sides
If it's cold, strip the meat off of the carcass and use like any other cooked chicken:
>Chicken quesadillas
>Chicken salad (try it with raisins that have been plumped, some ¼diced celery and some curry powder, and let meld for at least an hour, you'll like it)
>soup, stew, chili
What are going for here OPie?
This is like asking "What do you do with flour??
This is a great Idea. Also minced finely and combined with BBQ sauce, diced onion, and sharp cheddar in a bowl in a fairly dry mix, then either wrapped with rolled out pidzer dough and steamed like Bao, or spooned into the center of a 4"x4" puff pastry square and folded over and baked according to dough directions..

>> No.19601105

shove it up my ass

>> No.19601107

>eat with roasted potatoes
>put the leftover meat in the kitchenaid until it's pulled apart
>cook it in a pan with bbq sauce
>make pulled chicken sandwiches for dinner

>> No.19601129 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19601156

Put it on bread with coleslaw and sauce

>> No.19601157

Cut up and use in sandwiches or with rice or noodles.

>> No.19601162

Just eat it all after a long day of work, make broth with the bones

>> No.19601173

Broth is made from meat, stock is made from bones

>> No.19601195

I'll stock your bones, broth boy

>> No.19601205

Tear it apart and eat it with my bare hands

>> No.19601218

Both can be use interchangeably but whatever, call it stock if you want I'll taste the same

>> No.19601222


>> No.19601224

You're missing the COLLAGEN in broth.
Which comes from the connective tissues and cartilage.
Nothing wrong with broth, but they are NOT the same thing.

>> No.19601248

I'm talking about semantics, idiots, I know that meat and bones aren't the same thing, but broth is a word that can be used when talking about what you're calling stock here. You know, a bone broth?

That'd not how langage works, retards

>> No.19601250

>What do you do with it?
if you are my sister, feed it to your 6 rat dogs.

>> No.19601922
File: 2.85 MB, 500x288, GrammarNatSoc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked it up..
As a fellow grammar Nazi, i have to relent and concede your point.
You really don't have to be such a caustic twat about it.
I WAS WRONG-- Good enough?
Pobody's Nerfect.

>> No.19601958
File: 212 KB, 1003x1359, Merr-Webster-Definition of STOCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess today you could even call ME a STOCK according to Def.14

>> No.19601976

I eat it

>> No.19602419

eat it, of course. what else would i do with it?

>> No.19602502

cut the meat off for a chicken pot pie

>> No.19602541

sandwiches, tacos/quesadillas, soups, salad. very versatile pre cooked and seasoned protein. the only caveat is you may need to hold off on a bit of salt as it has a good amount already.

>> No.19602786

Nothing because unless you eat it IMMEDIATELY after opening it, after 2 seconds the texture goes to inedible shit (because duh do you know how they fucking cook rotisserie chickens? )

>> No.19602801

If I'm just going to eat the chicken as is I'll eat the white meat first and reheat the dark make later.
Chicken noodle soup is really easy to make with leftover white meat.
I usually get it from Costco and a lot of the time I'll get a tub of hummus there too and make pita wraps with it.

>> No.19603112

>take off legs and wings to eat a little later
>shred breasts and put them in the fridge for having with rice and veg for the next few days
>throw out disgusting thighs along with the rest of the carcass

>> No.19603119
File: 1.00 MB, 699x932, Raped Thighs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting thighs

>> No.19603128

These smell like farts after a day in the fridge. And they taste like if playdoh made a bird

>> No.19603150

Hummus. Good idea, Fouad.

>> No.19603218

thighs are the best.. I smoke them for 4 hours @ 175f

>> No.19603248

eat it with a head of lettuce and make lettuce wraps

>> No.19603289


sit there all lonely and eat it with bread and salt and beer.

>> No.19603294
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>> No.19603326

Salad or sandwich, with ridiculous amounts of mayo

>> No.19603334

Based cram chad

>> No.19603348

bro, I know the feeling. I wish you the best.

>> No.19603578

Eat the skin and throw the rest of it away.

>> No.19603634

On a rotisserie?

>> No.19603783

>Eat it straight
>Pot pie

>> No.19603793

My local Walmart continuously has an entire bin of these marked down to $3.77 ever since they raised the price to whatever absurd bidenbux number its at now like $9 or some shit. Wonder how long they'll keep doing it before they decide to stop losing money. Its been going for months here.

>> No.19603806


>> No.19603968

>You know, a bone broth?
That's literally a marketing term used to charge three times the price for stock. Just because it was a fad for a few years during your childhood doesn't mean that "stock" and "broth" have all of a sudden lost all meaning.

>> No.19603977

make a coleslaw chicken sammich whilst quietly ignoring all the congealed gelatin-like substances I encounter whilst carving the dead bird.

>> No.19604019

rasta pasta

>> No.19604021

what compels someone to save an image like this?

>> No.19604037
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this, it isn't called a bachelor's handbag for nothing

>> No.19604056

Is this just an Aussie thing?
We really are an underrated culinary gem

>> No.19604084

>remove 85% of the meat
>make chicken stock with the carcass
>use the meat for quesadillas or chicken salad
>tranny jannies are all child molesters

>> No.19604137

Dont know if its true or some schizo theory that are so common here but it doesn't matter, meanings derive from how the words are used and that's it.

>> No.19604145
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I accept your surrender and I commend you for being so graceful in defeat.

>> No.19604147

Fuck off if you don't like it snowflake

>> No.19604179
File: 145 KB, 960x1280, chèvre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liek to fuck with Agents, advertisers and Newfags..
Do you even know who that is?
Do you know where you are??

>> No.19604203
File: 1.09 MB, 498x498, wink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, y'know...
If ya make a mistake, ya gotta correct it.
To obstinately cling to an error to "Save Face is" the failing of women and lesser men.

>> No.19604217
File: 2.43 MB, 624x800, Get it right dipshit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19604587

Use the whole chicken bones in all in a chicken ramen soup.

>> No.19604656

Nachos mostly

>> No.19605213

Weren't these pretty cheap for what they are or did i get memed

>> No.19605296

They're cheap for what they are, but what they are isn't very good. You could spend a few dollars more and get a whole chicken that you roast yourself that will be magnitudes better. The Costco rotisserie chickens are dry and overcooked, and soggy on the outside since they steam and marinate in those plastic boxes under a heat lamp all day imparting a plastic-y aroma.

>> No.19605316

You might want to try a different store or going at a different time of day. I'll often get mine so fresh they only touch the warming rack long enough to be slid into my hand.

>> No.19605333

green chile sauce

>> No.19605394

remove wings breasts and thighs
throw carcass in a pot with leeks and carrots
boil 4 hours
strain liquid
use as chicken stock

>> No.19605492


>> No.19605498

i send my son to school with one each day for a good lunch

>> No.19605890

Buy 10-12 at a time at Costco. Cut in half, throw a 1/2 to the dog each day. Do the math - cheaper than most premium dog foods. Probably better for the dog too and he loves it.

>> No.19605892

make pot pies, chicken and dumplings, or just sit there and eat it as is

>> No.19605894

cum in it!

>> No.19606013


>> No.19606021
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>> No.19606089

>shred all the meat
>put in big bowl
>add a jar of butter chicken
>throw that on some rice

>> No.19606108

are there countries where they don't sell rotisserie chickens at the grocery store?

>> No.19606370

>shred it
>make chicken pot pie filling
>make some biscuits

>> No.19607411

Eat the legs, wings and thighs as they are, chop up the white meat and make chicken salad, then boil the shit out of the bones to make broth. You can make several meals out of these.

>> No.19609054
File: 200 KB, 353x300, feast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eat the whole thing in one sitting then nothing else for the day

>> No.19609073

enjoy the whole chicken with lukewarm water and larp as a caveman

>> No.19609785

>meanings derive from how the words are used
I couldn't agree more, but you're still wrong in this case. "Bone broth" is a dumb marketing term and hasn't changed the lexicon in any significant way. People who use the term "bone broth" don't understand that what they're referring to is technically just stock; they think it's some special thing in its own category, so you can't really generalize from the fact that "bone broth" does get used (insofar as anyone still cares about "bone broth") to saying that "broth" is used to refer to stock in general.

>> No.19609884

I usually eat the dark meat with either mashed potatoes or mac & cheese. The breast will get cut up and made into tacos or quesadillas.

>> No.19609886

Eat the preteen breast, give the dogs the dark meat, fox or coyotes take the carcass.

>> No.19609887

I used to be able to get em for like $5, but now they're $8. Still not bad but 5 dollars was a steal.

>> No.19609900


>> No.19609914
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>that first little slice that you sneak immediately after getting home before it gets cold and everyone tears it apart
mama mia~

>> No.19610061

Why does it smell so bad in the fridge bros

>> No.19610661

Chicken sandwich

Chicken breast
Toasted bun
Homemade cane’s sauce

>> No.19611408

Pull meat and shred. Then make verde salsa. Use both to make echilladas.
Use bones and cartilage to make stock for something else.
Not hard to roast a chicken, but it saves time getting one from the store if they do a decent job at it.

>> No.19611412

Eat the whole thing in one go

>> No.19611422

first thing i do when i get home is cut it along the spine and scrape the meat off the carcass. then i cute the halves into quarters. typically eat a quarter with rice or whatever. rest goes in fridge, inevevitably winding up as "left over protein" i mix in with my dogs kibble (usually feed my dogs one cup kibble, one cup rice, and half a cup of left over protein).

>> No.19612069

Just side it with feench fries and chack every pollo a la brasa side sauces and salad and you go ok

>> No.19612091


Those look dreadful you fat sack of shit

>> No.19612291

Everyday at noon I'll pull one from the fridge (4.69 at my Market basket, I'll get 2-3). Cut it in half, put a breast, wing, thigh, and drumstick on a plate. Dump on some extra cayenne and pepper, and nuke it in the microwave.

I enjoy roasting/smoking/sous vide poultry, but damn rotisserie just shuts off my brain I love it so much.

>> No.19613457
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Shut the fuck up you retarded pseud, imagine responding to a 2 days old post with such an easily debunked nonsense.

>Bone broth" is a dumb marketing term and hasn't changed the lexicon in any significant way
Oh, so it did change the "lexicon" but not in a "significant" way? How much would be "significant" according to your very objective scale? Would it be when litteraly everyone uses it and get what is being talked about when it's used, as is the case today, huh?

>> No.19613462

keck, came here to post this
