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19593197 No.19593197 [Reply] [Original]

i've had a lodge cast iron for about 4 years. i'll generally use it once/month, but for the past year i didn't really use it. started using it again about a month ago and have been using it a couple times/week to make steak on it. however when i'm done reapplying the oil and let it finally cool off, the new oil coating is spotty (see pic related). it never used to do this. i use flaxseed oil that's almost 2 years past "fresh before" date but it smells fine (i've had flaxseed oil before smell rancid which was the signal for me to throw it out). what i do after cooking:
>let it cool off completely
>wipe away as much grease as possible before quickly running it under hot water with a bit of soap to completely clean it, hand dry it
>throw it back on the stove, wait until the sides get too hot to touch longer than a second
>take off stove, rub the inside with oil
>wait until fully cooled off, wipe down excess oil
again, it never used to be spotty like this. not sure what i'm doing differently. it doesn't really make a difference in cooking that i've noticed but i just want to know what it could be. any ideas?

>> No.19593232

Yeah, it's ruined. Better to just throw it out, honestly.

>> No.19593258

how is the whole pan ruined? i mean they're only like $10 but why wouldn't sanding everything down and applying a new base oil coat work?

>> No.19593262

It's cast iron. Until it's so thin that it can no longer retain heat it's salvageable.

But I have no good advice. I salvaged mine the old fashioned way: using it with awful results until it developed seasoning naturally.

>> No.19593280

If it's really bothering you try applying a thinner layer of oil and wiping it down a couple times as it cools. Or just don't worry about it, not a big deal honestly.

>> No.19593389

yeah i guess i'll probably just wipe more oil off. and yeah true it ultimately doesn't matter

>> No.19593598

Seems like you're using too much. If it's pretty weak, some elbow grease and a little bit of soap n salt will probably scrub it off and you can start again.

Or just keep layering it up and fill it in

>> No.19593607
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seasoning is a meme

>> No.19593647

stop posting this slop in every thread

>> No.19593694
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I'll think about it

>> No.19593840

There are wrong flax oils, some people jokingly call it "flakeseed" because it can break and flake. Not sure if that's what's going on. You might have to sand it down. Maybe uneven polymerization if that's a thing with low temp oils.

>> No.19593931

ITT neurotics. your either so tense your butthole wont shit out a turd from being uptight or you are trolling. That cast iron is perfect. I have 9 cast irons some 100 years old and some cheap ones for camping that have made their way into my kitchen, and they dont look half that good and I cook on them daily, and only clean them with a paper towel once they are cleaned. Never use soap, never use a scrubber. So which is it, troll or uptight neurotic. Im not judging if you are either, im a troll and im neurotic, its how I know.. But damn, this hurts my head thinking about you finding perfection to be imperfect.

>> No.19594191

>But you're the neurotic one!

It's a big chunk of iron. It doesn't care if you use soap. They're not that complicated.

>> No.19594198

I work an IT job
I don't bother asking people if they turned it off and turned it back on, I have a multitude of tools with which I monitor device health, I tell everyone who calls in to turn it off and turn it back on, and if their device still shows as on after they said they turned it off I keep asking until they do it.
In a similar vein, everyone who's ever worked with a cast iron long enough to know that it's not the wash that kills the seasoning, it's the cook handling it. They also knows exactly the kind of fucktarded decisions that you took to arrive at your present state, and the only answer you deserve, indeed the only one that will actually solve your issue, remains to be "did you try reseasoning your pan?"

>> No.19594213

You aren't making steak either, you're cooking it.

>> No.19595006

You don't need to sand it.
Fill it with cheap tomato sauce and or chunks to nearly the top
Bring it to a simmer and let it set for an hour or so (keep adding a little water to keep it from reducing down).
It will strip the shit out of it without having to sand anything and you'll be able to re-finish it after.

>> No.19595031
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reseason it.
i lost my castirons so i had to start fresh, i spent a solid 4 hours seasoning one pan. fuckin things beautiful now. take your time, you cant rush a good seasoning.

also if you bought this FINEX cast iron, you wouldnt need to season it because its fucking preseasoned. yeah you heard it right, PRESEASONED with 100% organic flaxseed oil. the motherfuckers in portland know whats up with cast iron, you cant do this shit with your $25 lodge buddy, only a real artisan-forged beauty like this $300 Finex will work.
oh did i mention the octagonal pour spouts?

>> No.19595037

Just keep using it. If illiterate 19th century housewives can figure it out so can you.