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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 457 KB, 1158x754, fruit tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19591778 No.19591778 [Reply] [Original]

You can't refute this.

>> No.19591779

taste is subjective.
you're a faggot.

>> No.19591820

this list is objectively bad though. like honestly.

>> No.19591829

pleb taste

>> No.19591848
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God bless Talon Fitness

>> No.19591870
File: 630 KB, 1198x631, Screenshot 2023-08-11 113125.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea what's so hard about posting the fucking link in tier-maker threads.


>> No.19591880
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>>he puts grapes and watermelon in sss tier
>>figs in b tier

kek sure thing kid, tell me youre a tastelet without telling me youre a tastelet. pic related

>> No.19591958

Watermelon, banana
Mango, honeydew, cantaloupe, cherry, grapefruit, orange, plum, pineapple, orange, blueberry, red apple
Persimmon, tangerine, red grape, white grape, avocado, blackberry, date, pear, pomegranate, strawberry, kiwi, peach
Cranberry, lemon, lime, green apple

>> No.19591964

You can move the pears from A down to the deepest pits of hell with the D-tier shit.

>> No.19592355

nigger food
nigger food, almost no taste
>sour as fuck

surely SSS tier is defined differently amongst people

>> No.19592378
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>> No.19592458

>never had lemon

n i g g a what the fuck??????

>> No.19592483

>never had lemon, lime or plum
Do you live under a rock?

>> No.19592499

Why the fuck is everyone putting green apples as low tier

>> No.19592506

because green apples are pure trash in everything except MAYBE pie, and you can achieve a similar effect with lemon juice anyway

>> No.19592514
File: 647 KB, 1140x649, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the objectively correct list

>> No.19592839

Honestly I love fruit so much that I would probably put 99% of all fruits in the highest rank, and I would just probably put the rest in a, but I would put green apples in the lowest possible to your because it's like biting into a piece of fucking wood. I would also put those red delicious apples in the lowest rank along with any other completely flavorless apples that feel like biting into sawdust and styrofoam. I have had good pear though, but I've also had lots of bad ones too.

>> No.19592843

mountain blueberry / huckleberry s tier

>> No.19592979
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>it's like biting into a piece of fucking wood

>> No.19592991

Green apples actually have taste, unlike boring-ass reds.

>> No.19593739

This man has scurvy

>> No.19594054
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>s tier

>> No.19594076

How is lime so high for you animals? Do you just eat plain raw limes?

>> No.19594126
File: 702 KB, 1140x834, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If prickly pear was on the list it would be an s tier

>> No.19594147
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>> No.19594161

Durian is the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.19594367

No, YOU are a faggot.
dates suck fucking dick and have no business being above F

>> No.19594369

Watermelon and grapefruit too high, apricot, fig, and tangerine too low.

>> No.19594506

just a fan of citrus

>> No.19594576
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>> No.19594698
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i can

>> No.19594760
File: 383 KB, 950x486, 55EF30BF-6604-464A-8ACD-821964A892B9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s making me really disappointed that all of your fruit lists are retard level bad. maybe try studying this one

>> No.19594783

>Nomination for worst taste ever goes to

>> No.19594785

>lemon high tier in general

>> No.19594799

All of them are SSS tier except banana, watermelon, papaya, pears, citrus except tangerine, starfruit, avicado, dragonfruit, coconut, durian
Like I can just keep eating them
No option on berries though, I'm SEAmonkey so rarely had one

>> No.19594820

Custard apple and jackfruit are just that good and you should try it. Ground cherry is literally food grow by the road tier, mushy and get old fast. Mullbery is same but its actually good. Starfruit is only good when its green and sour, bad otherwise

>> No.19594857

>Fig in B when it should be higher.
>Cantaloupe (rockmelon) in C when it should be higher.
>Green apple and Honeydew in D when they should be higher.
>Grapefruit in SSS when it should be lower.
>Red apple in A when it should be lower.
>Raisins in B when they should be higher.
>Red grapes in SSS when they should be lower.
I don't know, anon, this list is pretty bad.

>> No.19594878
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I live in Japan so fruit is pretty expensive here but it's extremely uncommon to get any kind of fruit that isn't delicious.

>> No.19594937

>watermrlon and other ongobongo fruits at top
>cherries only A tier
Op i kno wut u r

>> No.19594988
File: 688 KB, 1140x737, fuittier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my ranking with the thought of eating them raw, without any preparation. So obviously limes and lemons are not high on my list and I am allergic to honeydew and cantaloupe.

>> No.19595084
File: 698 KB, 1140x925, fruit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do in fact eat lemons and limes raw
I'd do it more often if it wasn't for the damage it does to your teeth

>> No.19595089

I almost completely agree besides Green Apples. they belong in the top tier

>> No.19595090

>grapefruit SSS tier
>strawberry S tier
failed straight away

>> No.19595104

holy based, sour CHADS rise up

>> No.19595126
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>> No.19595196
File: 680 KB, 1140x649, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussi simple que cela

>> No.19596298

grapefruit tastes like bug spray

>> No.19596366
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Thanks for the link
I didn't put much thought into this but maybe that's how you get the most honest answers

>> No.19596440
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Assuming this is a fresh eating chart.

>> No.19596467

no s :d

>> No.19596741

On your never had this category -
gooseberry is kinda shit. Sour and seedy. Needs to be used for baking and even then it's never been a favorite. D
Asian pear - it's like half pear half apple. Crisp and not mushy like a pear would be, watery, and has a pretty "clean" non sugary fruityness. Used to make bulgogi/kalbi. B
Pomelo - origin species of the modern grapefruit. Similar taste but less sweet than a ruby red grapefruit. Thicker peel is a hassle. B (because grapefruit is amazing imo)
Passionfruit - currently have a plant that's fruiting will report back in a day. It'll be my first time trying it.

Everything else is pretty on point. I'd put banana and red grapes at C. Dragonfruit sucks but I have only had the generic red kind.

>> No.19596742

banana is D tier

>> No.19596743

Currants are illegal in the United States

>> No.19596758
File: 739 KB, 1140x741, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>19596741 - Here's mine

>> No.19596783

>can't eat grapefruit
>can eat other citrus

>> No.19596789

I like different things than you, nothing to refute. You are a fag.

>> No.19596792

Medication interaction

>> No.19596795

Lol amerifarts

>> No.19596801

Everything in the bottom row is objectively wrong, though. I have in fact had all of those things, and am not sure why I'd even bother trying to have a discussion with someone who spends this much time making a chart when they haven't even had a sixth of the things on it.

>> No.19596804

Black currants were once illegal in the US because they spread blister rust. We've always had red and gold currants and black currants have been legal longer than you've been alive

>> No.19596990

i genuinely love all of these fruits and I try to eat a bit of each of them as often as possible. I'm a citrus farmer btw.

>> No.19597007
File: 546 KB, 1140x646, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat a lot of fruir

>> No.19597049

your objectively a faggot

>> No.19597060

Just realized I graded green apple as a candy flavor, not as a fruit. I hate green apple candy. The fruit itself belongs in A tier, above red apple.

>> No.19597075
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>> No.19597094
File: 585 KB, 1150x756, tart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please.
I didn't do any horizontal ranking.

>> No.19597167
File: 545 KB, 1140x649, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19597254

Surprisingly decent list.
>Never had an asian pear
It's like an apple and a pear, I had a tree at my old house that produced them every two years. Great stuff.

>> No.19597556

I wonder what has to happen to a person in their life for them to put watermelon in d tier

>> No.19597563
File: 538 KB, 950x796, my-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19597579

>no tomatoes
I'd like to see you make a pizza with banana sauce dickhead

>> No.19597601
File: 703 KB, 848x559, [DameDame] Log Horizon - 01.mp4_snapshot_04.10.074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.19597664

watery applepear
some people freeze and unfreeze it then consume the juice

>> No.19597695
File: 544 KB, 1140x647, 1000013370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple S-tier club

Watermelon tastes of nothing, despite American claims otherwise