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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 141 KB, 2000x1200, tomato-picture-id867039640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19586488 No.19586488 [Reply] [Original]

are cherry tomatoes the best vegetable ever ?

>> No.19586503

Carrots mog

>> No.19586504

They're fruits, dumbass

>> No.19586514

Rosada tomatoes are better

>> No.19587060

Erm actually that's a fruit

>> No.19587103

All fruits are vegetables, autist.

>> No.19587114


>> No.19587154

Tomatoes are a fruit. Cherries are also a fruit. How in the actual fuck do you take the most fruit like version of a fruit which is literally named after another fruit and think you get a vegetable?

>> No.19587179

The U.S. Supreme Court said they're vegetables

>> No.19587203
File: 6 KB, 211x239, 1616903348733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's hard to tell the difference these days, but it was actually a republican controlled house that made that determination. Because they work for big corporations and laugh in the face of common sense whenever they're in power. I can tell by your post you're not actually American so you don't really understand anything that's going on, but American politics is fucked, and is a de facto two party system where one side is just the big corporation party and the other is 90% the other big corporation party, but there's at least some pushback and people trying to solve real problems. The most insane thing is that the big corporation party has convinced all the poor, rural voters that they have their best interests in mind, when in reality they're only working for a tiny percentage of the most wealthy and will burn everything to the ground as long as they keep getting paid.

>> No.19587217

I missed the part about the Supreme Court


>> No.19587225
File: 30 KB, 576x765, 20111228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mount stupid: the thread

>> No.19587227

Yes, the pizza thing cited that century old ruling (which was just as dumb and pretty much irrelevant up until big money bought big money attorneys to do big money research looking for loopholes using outdated rulings that don't simply expire despite having zero relevance and have never been cited in the preceding 100 years.

>> No.19587240

Tomatoes ARE biologically a fruit. The only question is whether or not they're used as, and generally considered, a vegetable or a fruit. Obviously if you don't have access to good quality, fresh tomatoes, you probably think of them like zucchini or eggplant. But we haven't lived in that world for decades. Most people in 2023 would think it's crazy to look at a fresh tomato and see anything other than a piece of fruit.

>> No.19587327

Fucking redditors think they're so smart when they know that tomatoes are fruits, it's common knowledge. So are zucchinis, eggplants and peppers and you don't put any of those in a fruit salad. Do you call your tomato sauce 'jam'?
kys niggas

>> No.19587338
File: 453 KB, 1900x720, Screenshot_20230810_024124_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19587499

Best at what?

>> No.19587566

They're not a vegetable, they're a Sneed oil

>> No.19587575

Imagine if there were a thread on this board where a redditor didn't sperg out about republicans randomly

>> No.19587579

They're definitely a fruit then, lol.

>> No.19587586

For how much sugar some people put in theirs, we might as well call it jam.

>> No.19587708

They're pretty great, but potatoes and onions have a firm lead on the competition.

>> No.19588001

Wtf? That's about as far from a /pol/eddit opinion as you can get.

>> No.19588595

They're too expensive, so no!

>> No.19588667

For boofing absolutely

>> No.19589890

You retards are insufferable. Go back to Reddlt if you want to circle jerk your wikepdia powered pseudo intellect.

>> No.19589899

>If I say post something retarded on a chart with no source I sound smart!
No, you're still retarded.
t. Botanist

>> No.19589902

never argue with a moron my dude.

>> No.19589905

see this is what happens when you try to spoonfeed tourists. never spoonfeed, just tell them to fuck off

>> No.19589940


>> No.19590084

grow them retard

>> No.19590520

You're a tourist
the irony is I don't care about your opinion at all because you're very clearly retarded.