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19585822 No.19585822 [Reply] [Original]

Lately I've recovered simple elbow macaroni.

>> No.19585845

What do you do with it? I never do macaroni. I never really do pasta at all desu, I'd rather just cook meat in tomato sauce and eat it with bread

>> No.19585858
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You meant re-discovered, right?
I like different pastas for different things:
Rotini, Fussili and Farfale for pasta salads, Rotelli and Penne for thicker/cheesier sauces, and Linguini and Fettuccini over Spaghetti for general use.
Ravioli pan-fried in butter and served with a side of marinara is my quick goto for "I'm too f-ing tired to make a full dinner", and I just recently bought a really nice pasta machine at Goodwill for $8, so I think I'm going to try faggotini as well--probably stuffed with ground turkey and other stuff.
I STILL want to know why nobody has made a brass die for
>pic related
Seems like someone making this would have it fly off the shelves.

>> No.19585889
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Here's the last time I made Cheese ravioli.
$1.25 for the frozen Ravioli, and a side of Aldi's organic marinara.

>> No.19585892

Can you imagine trying to make the extrusion die for that? But they can make wagonwheel pasta so I guess it's possible somehow.

>> No.19585915


>> No.19585917

All those Annie's Bunny pastas and spongebob and the like are similar.
That was just a quick workup I did for another thread, but having worked as a pasta-maker at the Olive Garden,(years ago--do they even still have them?,) you'd have 4-6 of those laser-cut into the die, and a spinning cutter attatchment that slices them off. It really wouldn't be that hard.
Excuse the shit video, It's the quickest I could find.

>> No.19585919
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Wire EDM.

>> No.19585945

Could...Might be more of a pain than laser cut.
As the Anon that proposed the food truck or smol storefront that ONLY made tallow fried french fries and tendies,(and other fried foods,) and ONLY sold cane sugar drinks as a lucrative biz, I also FREELY give away this Idea to anyone with the initiative.
You could make quite a bit of money in a year with a verr smol startup investment.
CAVEAT: May be too niche of a market, and you'd never sell much if you tried to gouge.
I think $4/ lb. might be about there--$5 would be stretching it a bit.

>> No.19585968
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>tallow fried french fries

>> No.19585971

I only like straight pasta not queer pasta.

>> No.19585988
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>> No.19586014

tagliatelle because long "spaghetti" type pasta is more fun to eat and it looks more kino but actual spaghetti is only good for meatless sauces like aglio e olio

>> No.19586108
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...Or LARD..
McDolans Used to EXCLUSIVELY use Tallow to fry all their foods, Hostess fruit pies were as well.
Busting "Hippies" for raw milk is another thing entirely.
Fuck Hippies,(the REAL ones are all Boomers,) but I wouldn't begrudge someone raw milk--I think that's criminal.
It USED to be because of Listeria, but with all the other TOXIC SHIT the FDA has passed since the early 80s due to monied interests, back room deals and Subsidies on corn and soy, I think we can all agree the FDA is no longer valid.

>> No.19586133

GOOD ONE--Love that shit.
Excellent "Mouthfeel" if al Dente.
You reminded me I Forgot to mention Angelhair.
I don't have it often, but a fun camping trip, super quick side is angel hair with 2T. butter a cup of half-half and Parmesan.
Cook the Angelhair until *Just* pliable(60-90 seconds, drain off the water with the lid, add the last 3 ingredients and some fresh ground pepper and finish to al dente.
We did a massive pot of it at a festival one morning,(after being up all night,) and it was like a buncha cattle eating hay.
Delicious though, and went surprisingly well with coffee.

>> No.19587633


I like most pasta shapes but those I choose over the rest, regularly.

>> No.19587636
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I'm a pretty staunch spaghettiman but I sometimes allow farfalle (particularly in a creamy soup but also with pesto).

Anything cheesy-saucy is lacking unless it's poured through h'wagon h'weels

>> No.19587638

For me, it’s the twisty bois.

>> No.19587639

gemelli is so hard to find in Aus. used to eat it a lot in the US. does >>19585988 not work for you? it's not twisty per se but it might as well be

>> No.19587642

Radiatore’s great, but so smol/short, so it’s not suited for all sauces.

Sorry bout the gemelli, shit’s amazing. Can you not get rotini at least? It’s on every pasta shelf here in the states.

>> No.19587667
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Yeah rotini's easy. I like it well enough. Another posta that I prefer with pesto that's been loosened with half a ladle of posta water