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File: 16 KB, 765x472, DC_201906_1207_MediumIcedCaramelCoffee_Glass_A1_832x472_1-3-product-tile-desktop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19579546 No.19579546 [Reply] [Original]

How can I make quality iced coffee at home that at least comes close to McDonald's/Starbucks quality? I'm willing to drop a few hundred for a machine/coffee maker and anything else I need to do so.

>> No.19579576

I have a single plunger that I add 2 scoops of coffee to and fill halfway. Let that brew for 5 or so minutes then pour in a mug with some brown sugar and chuck it in the freezer until it's cold. Then I put ice in a glass and cover with milk, stir the coffee and pour over, then top up with more milk and give it a stir.

>> No.19579596

McDonald’s sells their coffee. You want the “medium” roast. Roast it in a normal coffee maker, chill it. Add in ice, half n half, and simple syrup to taste. That’s it. That’s exactly what McDonald’s does.

>> No.19579611

Be prepared to poor copious amounts of heavy cream, sugar, and way more oil than it seems like can possibly be disguised into the drink to replicate the results.

>> No.19579621

its the sugar that you're missing
just put a ton of syrup

>> No.19579631

you can't. the illusion will be shattered if you add the heaps of sugar and fat yourself.

>> No.19579637

are you rural or something? i won't turn my nose up at them, but they're never my first choice

>> No.19579641

I'm Canadian and I find their iced coffee's decent. Not amazing, but decent.

But please tell me if I can make better tasting iced coffee at home.

>> No.19579660

maybe look for some kind of mix. if you add the raw ingredient yourself, you won't be able to pretend it's "just a coffee" and you will feel fat about it

>> No.19580685
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I got this at Walmart for $25. You'll go through ice quickly, but whatever you make turns out pretty good. Get some flavored syrups from monin and use some half and half. Or just use a flavored cream. It's not bad.

>> No.19580695

Fast food joints use coffee syrup for their ice coffee, I doubt mcd is an exception. You can buy something similar at most stores.

>> No.19580705

Mcd has a legitimately the best coffee blend you will ever find from a non-specialty store. Not to their credit, as it's a RIP off of tim Horton's OG 60's blend, but it's not their fault tim hortons stopped using it to safe money.

>> No.19580826

>tfw they don’t sell half & half and double cream here

>> No.19580846

method 1
>brew extra strong coffee
>add good amount of sugar while hot
>add cream, heavier the better
>chill directly with ice (this will dilute it hence the extra strength coffee)
>when completely chilled, add more ice

method 2
>brew coffee
>add sugar and cream
>let chill completely in fridge/freezer
>serve with ice

>> No.19580902

Just eat the beans whole like a normal person.

>> No.19580914
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>buy a kinto capsule
>buy good coffee
>grind it coarse like for a French press
>add cold water
>go masturbate for 24 hours or something idk
>wah-lah delicious cold brew
Now just get some sweet cream or make a simple syrup if you like it sweet.

>> No.19580944

Brewing myself some right now this morning! No fancy equipment needed, but as many have said, those drinks have a ton of sugar and fats in them. Once you make more on your own, you'll see the fast food stuff is top tier goyslop. You can save your money, and a bit of health making your own.

This anons got it right.

Get yourself a french press, or a bialetti percolator just to brew good coffee and espresso, cool the brew and add your sugars, syrup and creams with ice. To make those mocha drinks, add chocolate chips or chocolate syrups.

I add sweetened condensed milk like the Vietnamese do in their coffees, and it makes a great final product. I add espresso and some sugar to the condensed milk, and chill on ice. Ready to take on America after that...

>> No.19580953

Dumping in sugar/cream like a retarded ogre is going to cause it to separate and leave you with gross oily coffee with globs of sugar on the bottom. It won't be like how they serve it at all.

>> No.19581057

I just brew extra extra extra extra strong extra dark roast coffee over a caraffe full of ice.

>> No.19581065

put about a hundred grams of sugar in, those mcdonalds iced lattes are vile

>> No.19581077

To expand on >>19581057
I brew 450ml of water through 75g of extra dark roast coffee over ice in a normal, Anglo/Western-style automatic drip coffee maker.
The result is roughly seven 80ish ml servings of coffee or so. I pour it from the caraffe into a bottle and add 40g sugar and shake to dissolve IE each coffee serving has about 1tsp of sugar.
To serve, I pour about a third cup/80ish ml of coffee into a glass then top off with a fucktonne of milk, roughly 300ml or so.
I know this sounds dumb, but believe me when I tell you that it's among the best iced coffee you'll have.


Pretty sure that's not true. I used to work as an "artisanal" baker but before then, worked at a fast food bakery chain. Our iced coffee was fresh coffee allowed to cool in the fridge overnight, lol

>> No.19581183

You do it while it's hot retard, it's not going to magically separate once dissolved

>> No.19582743


>> No.19582755

Aeropress, good beans, whole milk, Monin syrups and sauces

>> No.19582759

You can even do it while it's cold if you use a somewhat thin syrup and cream that's less than 20% milk fat. You just might have to give it a stir to get it all to incorporate.

>> No.19582784

>Pour hot coffee over brown sugar to dissolve it and stir
>Chill in the freezer
>Stir again before pouring over milk over ice
>Top up with more milk
Fucking retard.

>> No.19582809

add oil

>> No.19582813

Even if you plan on chilling it ahead of time, I do recommend brewing stronger coffee if you plan on putting ice cubes in it.

>> No.19582815

by that oil mean that black shit they pull out of the ground in texas and saudi arabia btw

>> No.19582908


>> No.19583022
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1. make a cup of pic rel
2. add sugar
3. add cream.
4. add ice.
5. wah lah

>> No.19583056
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I got this shit from Oxo and I course grind my beans, put the ground coffee in the reserve, put in some water and drip it out into a container 12 to 18 hours later. Tastes good.

>> No.19583072

I use the same amount of coffee as I usually would but halve the amount of water.

>> No.19583080

Wtf is wrong with Americans!?
Just make a short brew and mix with milk, ice and raw/brown sugar to desired sweetness.

>> No.19583114

Shut the fuck up about Americans. Most people here aren't even American retard.

>> No.19583126

>ask how to make American fast food 1500 calorie milk drink
>why are you giving a recipe for American fast food 1500 calorie milk drink? you should be making X instead
Literally stack overflow tier.

>> No.19583132

wtf is wrong with Americans?! Why do they have to say that most people here aren't even American retard?

>> No.19583135

when ever i ice my coffee it gets a cat piss flavor, i tried iceing it when its hot, letting it cool to room temp, putting it in the fridge to chill but always the same result
WTF? help!

>> No.19583143

You're getting iced coffee confused for those milkshakes Starbucks call "frappuccinos." idk the McDo name for whatever they're equivalent might be.
Anyway, and iced coffee only had about 300 calories, much of it coming from the milk.

>> No.19583146

Use a different coffee. I find lighter roasts just do not ice well so whatever you're using, try going darker

>> No.19583149

>they're equivalent
Fucking autocorrect
THEIR equivalent

>> No.19583152
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>(this will dilute it hence the extra strength coffee)
you could make ice cube with coffee
i do for mixed drinks

>> No.19583156

I make coffee jelly which I cut into cubes to serve in a bit of cream. That kind of looks like it

>> No.19583157

>extra dark roast coffee
you know dark roast isn;''t as strong as medium roast right, it means the bean was roasted longer cooking away more of the coffee oils

>> No.19583162

You are not very smart.

>> No.19583180

>ew syrup
>use raw/brown sugar to desired sweetness.
retard make a simple syrup 50/50 sugar/water and a dash of cream of tartar and bring to a boil
it mixes into drinks much better and will taste sweeter (please don't make me get into the science)

>> No.19583184


>> No.19583186

good, smart people are provably gay
case in point

>> No.19583198

>Make coffee
>Stir in 1 - 2 teaspoons of sugar and chill
>Mix with milk
Fuck off you dumb fuck cunt

>> No.19583272
File: 654 KB, 2500x1874, Gaia_Callas_%2BDrag%2BSyndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to break it to ya, kiddo, but you're both retarded AND gay. Did you forget?
That's okay. I know it's hard to keep track of, being retarded and all.
Here's a pic someone took of you. Use it to remind yourself. Stay fagulously retarded, queen!

>> No.19583284

>can't make SIMPLE syrup
>calls others dumb
what happened to yuropeons once they lead the world in culinary innovation now mixing two ingredients together in equal parts is overwhelming

>> No.19583309

In my experience, light roasts need to be brewed cold to be served cold. They're too acidic when brewed hot and chilled. Anywhere between the first and second crack, you can get away with literal (figurative) murder.

>> No.19583310
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It's iced coffee. There shouldn't be any 'syrup' involved at all.

>> No.19583345

Lmao! Are you fucking retarded? Holy shit some of you are stupid.

>> No.19583353
File: 99 KB, 1200x1200, 6df4e025-6adb-42f1-8cc2-3a8888c2efdf_1.f104d5597d5325698c69fb1d14293556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it the word "syrup" that you're getting hung up on? as if in invokes some repulsive imagery of a overweight diabetic in a wheelchair drinking HFCS straight from the bottle.
Its pre melted sugar because despite what this board might have you think 99% of Americans have a 12 cup drip coffee pot, you make a pot in the morning and drink a cup or two hot then let it sit there until lunch where you have two options microwave a cup to reheat it or make some iced coffee but seeing how its room temp adding sugar won't dissolve but simple syrup will.

>> No.19583367

You can dissolve the sugar in hot coffee, or dissolve it in hot water ahead of time so that it dissolves in coffee of any temperature. That's all simple syrup is - sugar dissolved in water.

>> No.19583766


>> No.19583804

>too long
now you sound like your mom

>> No.19583851

Stay mad

>> No.19584142

>seeing how its room temp adding sugar won't dissolve
yes it will...

>> No.19584155

Iced coffee is for fags and if you drink it you are a fag. Sorry, not sorry.

>> No.19584165

>Sorry, not sorry.
I take it you have firsthand experience because you write like an effeminate bitch

>> No.19584174
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>> No.19584744
File: 96 KB, 600x370, Michael-Douglas-Matt-Damon-Behind-The-Candelabra-Liberace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had forgotten, yes. Thank you for the reminder.

>> No.19584760

No it won't.............

>> No.19584883

yea after about 15min of constant stirring and that only because the friction has warmed up the coffee

>> No.19585137

or 15 seconds by shaking it in a bottle?

>> No.19585140

or you can just use powdered sugar. idky it's but more commonly used for coffee. You can even make it yourself. Just put regular-ass sugar in a blender and powder it. That's fucking it.

>> No.19585179

powdered sugar has a starch added to it to prevent clumping/caking and it has a noticeable flavor, if you're ever trying to go all out on a baking make fresh powdered sugar in a blender/sifter you'll notice it tastes better

>> No.19585210

You are not very smart.

>> No.19585222
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>> No.19585267

Just not very smart at all.

>> No.19585286
File: 39 KB, 1140x461, Screenshot 2022-04-18 at 00-25-09 IQ Test Made by Mensa Norway - Mensa Norway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't even comprehend my intelligence

>> No.19585305

It will actually take about 15 minutes for a sugar cube to dissolve in room temperature water without stirring, but the distribution will be uneven

>> No.19585477

Just brew coffee that is stronger than normal and pour it over ice so that it cools down. Add milk and sugar to taste (although if you buy decent coffee then you shouldn't need sugar, even milk is optional unless you explicitly want that texture/flavour).

You can end up spending a lot of money on coffee gear easily, but you can get a setup that will produce better results than most non-specialist cafes for relatively cheap. A brewing device like a V60, French press, Moka pot or Aeropress can cost $10-30 (choose one of the latter two if you like milk drinks since they can produce a more concentrated brew that can cut through the milk). Then spend about $50-100 on a metal burr coffee grinder. Freshly ground whole bean coffee can taste a lot better than stale pre-ground coffee.

Espresso machines are an option too, but you have to invest a significant amount of time and money before you get good returns so I wouldn't bother unless it's a rabbit hole you really want to go down.

>> No.19585528

>Instant coffee
>Add a cup of boiling water
>add condensed milk, sweetness to taste
>Add cold water (or milk) until it's as coffee flavoured as you like
Thai street iced coffee. The best and cheapest iced coffee around.

>> No.19585599

>she actually thinks that's how thai iced coffee is made and served
That is some of the most farang shit I've ever read on this site.

>> No.19585604

have you tried... anything at all? if you like mcD's, then you probably like a lot of sugar and milk/cream. I see that a medium mcD's iced coffee has 190 calories. coffee, as you probably know, has 0 calories. literally just make coffee any way and then figure out the ratio of the heaps of sugar and cream.

kind of a mind boggling question. like do you think mcdonalds coffee is that great? or you think making decent coffee at home is really hard? neither one is true.

just get an aeropress for $30 imo

>> No.19586160

>Insant Coffee
There you go better than Starbucks get fucked

>> No.19587193

It's not but it tastes the same

>> No.19587205

>espresso shots
>sugar syrup
>flavour syrup
that's literally all it is

>> No.19587682

Thai and Viet iced coffee is kind of its own animal. It's good, but it might actually increase the risk of dying of betes compared to the clowns' iced coffee.

>> No.19587817

anything above light roast is NOT coffee, it's bug flavored carcinogenic charcoal juice
shit's NASTY only fake coffee enjoyers like it, they need to mask their tar juice with tons of sugar and milk to be palatable

>> No.19587819

>I don't like when people like things I don't like
Full city's usually great black. I'm half a block away from a cafe that sells a really nice French Roast, but that's usually a bit too dark for me.

>> No.19587849

Most of Europe drink black espresso (IE a dark roast) with no milk and often also no sugar. Your argument is invalid.

>> No.19587852

Considering it lacks corn and soy and is not caramel-roasted AND USES FUCKING CONDENSED MILK, I doubt that highly. What is it with farang wanting to put condensed milk in every Asian coffee drink? That's only Viets who do that. Everyone else uses evaporated, which is not the same think.

>> No.19587856

Holy shit you're dumb

>> No.19587885

real coffee enthusiasts have stopped naming roasts light/medium/dark, you poser

>> No.19588835

to late, your're allready ghey

>> No.19588905

>pull a double espresso shot
>add cold water and ice cubes
There you go, iced americano is the best ice coffee. Spend at least 2k and 2 years mastering step 1 though

>> No.19589013

I've seen Thai people use condensed milk you autist. Stop getting high and mighty over shit that gets served in a plastic bag next to an open sewer

>> No.19589015

No you haven't.

>> No.19589039

Sometimes you have to take a break from the ladyboys and have a coffee with the ladymen.

>> No.19589045

neither of whom put SCM into their Thai coffee, lmao

>> No.19589050

Are you telling me chicks with dicks don't use sweetened condensed milk to replenish their supply? It's just plain efficient!

>> No.19589057

Man I knew the rest of the world were seethingly obsessed with America, but I didn't think you thought about us every meal of every day. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, even during coffee. Every sip you take "man I bet an American would be putting half and half in this. How pathetic their life must be."

>> No.19589220

>"rest of the world were"
>not "rest of the world was"
Friend, with such a shibboleth, you've outed yourself as a speaker of Commonwealth English and not an American.

Thai coffee is already sweetened because it's most typically prepared from syrup and even Thai coffee made from powder/"grounds" is dusted in sugar before roasting and grinding (which caramelises onto it all) as well as a second dusting after roasting so that shit is plenty sweet itself. It's also sticky af and impossible to clean from the mesh of a press pot which is why most Thai and Lao people prefer to use syrup (the few who DO brew it themselves use a coffee sock or disposable paper filter bags). That's why it's not served with condensed milk.
In Laos and Thailand, condensed milk is used in western coffee, Vietnamese coffee and South Indian/Burmese coffee but never in Thai coffee.

>> No.19589638

FSNC... efficiency

>> No.19590471
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>> No.19590501

>get shitty little french press
>put coffee in it, 1/4 cup of course grounds for about one serving of coffee or so, 1 cup of water per serving
>put in fridge for 12 hours or so, more or less depending on how steeped you like it
>remove coffee in the morning
>put whatever you want in it

This is cold brew and not the same as iced hot brew coffee but its pretty effortless and similar to what you’d get at wack arnold’s. You can even buy their coffee from the store.

>> No.19590507

>gives you prostatitis in your path

>> No.19590512

Lol. You Americans are fat and lazy and one look at you, I can tell your people smell. Cream is literally just the icing on top.

>> No.19591222

Don't reply to yourself, samefag. It's unbecoming