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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19582232 No.19582232 [Reply] [Original]

>wheat and salt
>wheat and salt
>wheat and salt
>corn and salt
>wheat and salt
>wheat and salt

>> No.19582234

For me it is the rye chip.

>> No.19582240

>rye chip

>> No.19582247
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The pretzels and breadsticks were always shitty filler, these mog the chex mix

>> No.19582271
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Rye is in the wheat tribe

>> No.19582535
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Pretzel mix sucks. Wish they added more chex.

>> No.19582552

Once when I was ten I was eating chex mix at my friend's birthday party and I asked my friend's dad what the rye chips were made out of and he jokingly said "meatloaf". I don't eat meatloaf and I was ten so I took him at face value.

I thought they were literally meatloaf for 20 years until my gf and I were eating them and i told her to "pass me a meatloaf" and she laughed but I was dead serious and she had to explain that I've been a fucking retard this entire time for thinking it was some sort of tiny, dehydrated astronaut meatloaf.

>> No.19582560

I'm so pissed I can never find these in stores anymore. I have to get them off amazon, but the normal gardets just don't do it for me after these came out.

>> No.19582572
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>> No.19582581

Rye chip gang

>> No.19582587

Some things you are told as a kid and just never question again. I read a post somewhere about a guy that when he was a kid asked what the big drainage ponds next to parking lots were for. His dad said "that's where they put the bodies", and he didn't realize it wasn't true until he repeated that same line to someone 20 years later.

>> No.19582597


pretzels are dry and bland

>> No.19582613

Rye chip
Mini breadstick
Corn Chex
Circle Pretzel (I can stick my tongue in this one so it gets saved)
Corn chex
Wheat chex
Square pretzel

>> No.19582627

I've only seen this in this homes of drug dealers

>> No.19582717

all you niggas too young to remember the 90s and never had puff balls and bagel chips really missed out

>> No.19582733
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What an objectively wrong opinion

>> No.19582749

i did not care for rye chip

>> No.19582772

>Wheat and salt
And Worcestershire sauce, and garlic.
Those two are important.

>> No.19583224

I bought these and they felt off, like they were 20% crunchier than the mixed ones and thus almost inedible. what was supposed to be a munchies snack turned into a closed back forgotten for a month
Bros...is diversity really our strength?

>> No.19583227

hard pretzels are c tier at best

>> No.19583232
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>and i told her to "pass me a meatloaf"

>> No.19583233

chex are shit, gardettos are better

>> No.19583241

Is it weird that I really like the circle pretzel but think the square one's trash?

>> No.19583247
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Took the words right out of my mouth. was reading >>19582613 and thought "wait where's the other breadstick?"

>> No.19583461

mmm General Mills Wheat and Corn Feed

>> No.19583468

does that make obama white

>> No.19583481

I like to bite swastikas out of the square pretzels and leave them around the break room.

>> No.19583489

mmm General Mills PREMIUM Wheat and Corn Feed

>> No.19583589

That's not even my most retarded food-related superstition

I used to eat pop-tarts raw when I was a little kid and when my mom criticized me for not putting them in the toaster my dad once said it would "put some hair on my chest". Obviously this is just a turn of phrase, an expression my dad was using.

I continued eating raw pop-tarts until I was 28 because I literally thought it would somehow help me grow chest hair that wasn't sparse and patchy like it still is today. I had zero scientific reasoning behind this besides my dad's bullshit and I still gnawed down raw pop-tarts because I thought it would make me look manlier.

>> No.19583593

Well he sure ain't black

>> No.19583936

The rye mini toast and the mini breadstick are objectively the worst parts of this snack

>> No.19584793


>> No.19584854

Corn Chex

Rye Chip

Wheat chip

Round/Square pretzel


Breadstick, brown chex

>> No.19584904

Parent told me they used to have job as talking clock as a kid and I believed it well into my 20s

>> No.19585014

Big Rye out in full force again today

>> No.19585144

My mom told my when you took a bath your body absorbed the water for when you needed to sweat

>> No.19585158

My grandpa told us if a white person and black person had a baby, they'd be spotted all over like a Dalmatian

>> No.19585160

You left out the white bagel chips which were brought back.

Good due to the worcester flavoring

>> No.19585169

this is true though

>> No.19585178

He is a jew

>> No.19585189

the pretzels are kino because they don't have salt crystals stuck to them, can't find that anywhere else

>> No.19585199
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patrician taste arrived

>> No.19585288

This could be true depending on the timeframe. When home phones emerged you could call the operator and get the time I think

>> No.19585418

based and same

>> No.19585439

I like to get cheez its because they create the illusion of value vs buying saltines. I mean, you can buy wheat and salt or you can buy wheat, salt, and cheese.

>> No.19585443

Superb bait

>> No.19585620
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my office has chex dispensers. why doesn't your image include the bagel chips?

>> No.19586626

Rye chip GANG

>> No.19586744

I wish.

>> No.19586812

Damn straight

>> No.19586815

Worcestershire sauce and yeast extract, which is basically msg.

>> No.19586826


First law of universe:

1. wheat and salt good

>> No.19586833

This is the way.

>> No.19586841
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>having a baby with a black "person"
Why would anybody do this?