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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 500x500, how-long-to-boil-corn-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19579497 No.19579497 [Reply] [Original]

I know that you shouldn't leave meat out for a day and eat it but I've been looking around online on whether I can eat my corn on the cob after a day, everyone is saying it's not safe.

What the fuck is wrong with "food safety" shit today? I'm not seeing just articles saying this, actual people on multiple forums are saying you can't eat corn on the cob left out for 24 hours. What happens when I actually want to know if something is safe to eat but I ignore their warnings because I assume they're just being retarded like before?

>> No.19579513

>gets his food safety advice from forums
>why food safety be like this
Why are you like this? Enjoy your salmonella.

>> No.19579517
File: 111 KB, 585x817, CoolerCorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also here's a bonus cornpost since I've started a thread with corn.

I read articles, I knew the articles were bullshit saying that corn left out for 2 hours would kill you so I tried checking forums but everyone seems to agree that corn after two hours will literally kill you.

I'm eating the corn anyway, I don't care about your anti-corn propaganda.

>> No.19579526

If you want to be safe just re-boil it briefly

>> No.19579529

Nah that would ruin the flavor and make it tough I'm eating it right now cold.

>> No.19579534

OP, take a free food handlers course. It'll teach you the basics.

>> No.19579542
File: 89 KB, 776x960, 1581456101267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 40F and under 140F, the danger zone, the number of bacteria doubles in 20 minutes. The toxins they produce cannot be destroyed by heat after they've formed. The price of a corn cob isn't worth lifelong consequences or potential death from food poisoning.

>> No.19579547

You're gonna fuck up if you don't let that shit cool to room temp before fridging it

>> No.19579548

What are the chances it actually teaches me the basics and doesn't just go
>Bro 2 hours out cold makes it deadly
I ate it anyway, I don't care. I didn't get any real answers and just got fake bullshit like this so now I've eaten the corn.

As of now it had been out nearly 24 hours. I think I'll be fine.

>> No.19579550

>What are the chances it actually teaches me the basics and doesn't just go
Okay, so you are a fucking retard. Ignore my advice and do whatever dumb shit you were planning on doing anyway.

>> No.19579554

i have left cooked food outside for upwards of 12 hours and have never gotten sick.

the 3 hour warning is for the government to cover its bases and not face lawsuits.

>> No.19579555

Do a shot of vodka and you might be fine. It's an old seafarer's trick.

>> No.19579567

Your funeral, slob. 10,000 years of humanity learning not to keep soggy food out because bacteria grows in rotting moist organic materials and you want to exercise your God-given right to be a dumb-ass and win a Darwin award, I'm not gonna stop you.

>> No.19579578
File: 134 KB, 642x880, 1515893176515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Darwin Award
>Play stupid games, win stupid prizes
>Your funeral

>> No.19579584

The retard is getting mad because people are commenting on how he is engaging in mentally retarded behavior.

>> No.19579589

>Soggy food
>Corn on the cob
Fuck you, I ate the corn, I'll be fine tomorrow. You're retarded. Go take another cooking safety class.
Yeah, this is more sensible. I wouldn't have eaten it if it was meat but I figured something like corn on the cob was completely fine and anyone arguing against it was an assmad faggot redditor who never cooks and probably takes the bus to work.

>> No.19579618
File: 195 KB, 1669x879, Screenshot_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, that one was made by an anon who actually cooks and was mocking you for using three (3) reddit terms at once.

>> No.19579651

i've been doing it for decades and have never experienced food poisoning, as far as i'm aware. maybe helps that i've been vegan since the 1900s

>> No.19579673

I still think you're an idiot OP, but to be fair I've put leftover spaghetti in the fridge in a plastic container while it was still hot and never got sick from it. The health codes are designed for people with AIDS and stuff like that. The length of time it sat out is what worries me. Thank you for defending my honor though.

>> No.19579690
File: 29 KB, 643x575, 1546860974459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since the 1900s
literal fucking vampire in the thread right now and no one says anything

>> No.19579700

>nah, man, it's not soggy. it's "boiled"
look, for real. it's statistics. most of the time bacteria cultures aren't prepped perfectly with the perfect number of seed colonies aren't present and the conditions aren't right to rapidly grow in food and our noses are pretty good at sniffing them out. 2 hours for non-meats is definitely erring on the side of caution (though for meats, you're definitely in the danger zone). but do you really want to spin 1% chances by not doing something as simple as refrigerating any time a meal isn't going to be eaten in a couple of hours. you're gonna be the boomer who dies of food poisoning after eating rotting food all his life because "well it never killed me before."

>> No.19579708

Leaving it out is for an amount of time is simply a "multiplier" to its danger level. If you get sick from 24 hour corn that means it was contaminated to begin with, but you body might've been able to deal with it at the 0th hour. Some people cook in absolutely filthy kitchens.

>> No.19579713

You can take your statistics and shove it up your ass, I'm gonna eat the corn and I'm gonna be just fine.
I'm gonna take the chance, that corn cost 50 cents. I know zero (0) boomers who have died from food poisoning and all my relatives eat risky shit all the time.

>> No.19579722

Look, eat the corn. You're gonna be fine. Just don't make a habit of it because it's stupid. People do stupid things. It's fine to admit you did a dumb. I'm doing a dumb right now.

>> No.19579757

>spin 1% chances
it's not even remotely close to a 1% chance. it's a 0.0000001% chance. OP is literally 1000x more likely to drop the butter while buttering his corn, slip on it, hit his head, and die.

this is a classic example of people getting anxious about harmless everyday shit because they can't do math, and they end up worrying themselves to pieces because every little thing they do possibly has some minuscule chance of harming them in some way, and their retarded brains aren't capable of understanding probability.

anyone who would literally even think twice about eating 2-hour-old corn had better also never drive a single tictch over 55 mph, because each additional mph over that increases your risk of accidental death a HECK of a lot more than eating some warmed over corn.

>> No.19579762

I'm OP anon and I eat older food all the time but I tend to ride exactly on the speed limit, it's fun to maintain that exact speed while everyone else is trying to speed, sort of like a game. Sometimes I even go 5 or 10 under it just because I can to enjoy the ride, and I'll slow down more if it's deer hours.

>> No.19579922

>Does it look weird?
>Does it smell weird?
If the answer to both of those questions is no you can eat it. Or just take a nibble to check.

>> No.19579957

Lol same here i drive slow and also eat old food. I think the worst ive done is get drunk and eat some french toast that was out for 24 hors

>> No.19579964

Quintessentially based

>> No.19580361

mmm phalates

>> No.19580630

I've left a risotto with chicken and mushrooms on the stove for 3 days without fridging and I'm still fine.

You'll be alright

>> No.19580667

hypochondriacs and roasties live in a world with no actual threats but need to make them up so food safety is near hysteric now. you have stomach acid nearing that of a scavenger for a reason. you can eat cheese left out in a car in the summer for a week if you need to unless your a weak gene fag

>> No.19580711

i've eaten pizza and random stuff left out for 12 hours and had no real issues
but one time there's gonna be the perfect bacterial culture growing on there and i might get some nasty food poisoning shit
like other anons say, if it smells right and doesn't look fucked its probably alright to eat.

>> No.19580796

I wonder how troglodytes brought their mammoth to homecave and butchered and cooked and ate it in time.

>> No.19580813

basically this
I've never gotten sick in my life from fucking CORN of all things

>> No.19580816

hell for me it's 48-72 hours
it's just bread and cheese and tomato sauce and the bread is mostly dessicated by that point so it's not going to rot, the cheese is cooked so it's not going to go rancid that easily, there's literally nothing wrong with it

>> No.19580825

>eat food after being left out for 48 hours
The only time I've ever had food poisoning is from restaurant or take out and I do exactly what you do

>> No.19580842

My parents and grandparents did that all the time and nobody ever got sick.
Probably varies quite a bit depending on where you live, though. Temperatures and spores in the air and all that.

>> No.19580865

>I know that you shouldn't leave meat out for a day and eat it but I've been looking around online on whether I can eat my corn on the cob after a day, everyone is saying it's not safe
sounds like you found your answer then dumbass. what do you want an award for knowingly doing something retarded? food safety is a little more complicated than "idk seems bad" and yet your entire rebuttal is just "idk seems fine"

>> No.19580996

Modern academia can't even figure out what a woman is, why should I trust them to know what a food even is

>> No.19581375

I ate it and I'm fine, seems like your "cooking advice" would fit in better on reddit or something.
Hard to believe that people here actually cook but have never ever ate anything left out for more than two hours.

>> No.19581377

you bitches who don't know shit about food should try actually leaving a slice of pepperoni pizza in the box for a month and see what happens.

>> No.19581741

> health codes are designed for people with AIDS and stuff like that
Close. They're designed to keep retards safe too. If health agencies said "food is safe to leave on your counter unrefrigerated for N hours" dumb, slovenly people would leave it for N+1 hours and get sick. Same reason why agencies tell you not to thaw meat on the counter despite my parents, me and other people I know doing it without any negative health effects.

>> No.19581790

>actual people on multiple forums are saying you can't eat corn on the cob left out for 24 hours
bullshit raw corn can be left out indefinitely if not shucked and even if shucked there is almost nothing for bacteria to grown on it.

>> No.19582929

I love how retards idealize cavemen despite most of them dying of disease, infection, and predators before the age of 35, and that's for those who even survived infancy.

>> No.19583191

With food poisoning, things can seem fine until they're not. You might eat meat left out for years and be fine, then one day you start feeling wobbly and start shitting out blood. Or something more silent might happen like your cancer risk going up after eating too much moldy food over time.

You're playing russian roulette and you might not lose for your whole life, but that's taking a lot of risk.

>> No.19583225

If you want to leave food outside for a few days you need to:
Boil it in the morning
Boil it at night
Boil it before eating
And lastly smell it constantly looking for funny smell

>> No.19583306

It's corn, sure it'll be gross but how the hell do you guys think it will be UNSAFE to eat after a few hours

>> No.19583349

I've gotten plastered and left food out until I wake up countless times and never had any issues when eating it. Our fucking food has so many preservatives and salt in it it stays if you forget to put it away over night.