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19575990 No.19575990 [Reply] [Original]

Keto meal ideas


>> No.19575993

Cream cheese
Roll it up

>> No.19575997

Ah, yes, cactus sandwiches

>> No.19576001

That's not keto though.
Keto is high fat, some protein, and almost no carbs. Tomatoes onions and pickles all have carbs.

>> No.19576015
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>> No.19576022

Coffee with butter and Stevia™ for breakfast
Bacon and butter with lard for lunch
Frozen butter and bacon bits "peppermint" bark sweetened with Stevia™ for dessert

>> No.19576023

If the pickles are pickled without sugar it's probably just about fine, would be more or less your carbs for the day though

>> No.19576028

cock meat sandwich without the bread

>> No.19576867

Avocado on toast.

>> No.19576937

Are toothpicks and plastic wrap keto too?

>> No.19576945
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>> No.19577028

holy mother of sodium

>> No.19577441

motherfucker thinks stevia is a brand

>> No.19577491

Why would you bump this? You fucking retard.

>> No.19577635

Giant slab of salmon, baked "en papillote" in the oven. Season however you want.
Either cauliflower or broccoli on the side; I like to make them with cheese sauce even though people screech autistically about how cheese and fish don't go together.
Tea, diet soda, or whatever for a drink.

Not particularly ironically, this healthy meal costs less than half of what going out to Chick-fil-A or Five Guys costs nowadays.


>> No.19577788

Enjoy hair loss lmao

>> No.19577909

Caprese salad

>> No.19578311

That's not keto, that is low carb. Which also isn't keto.

>> No.19578322

>almost no carbs
20g/day is the accepted limit, you can eat a decent amount of those for that.

>> No.19578368

Just make a chili and watch the carbs
>Spinach with cheese
Heat up spinach, dissolve feta or similar cheese in it.

>> No.19578375

that actually looks awesome

>> No.19578537

See I like pickles, but that sandwich is just gonna taste like pickles. They're supposed to compliment the sammy either as a condiment or on the side. Just do lettuce wraps if you're really that worried about the carbs.

>> No.19578873

The big pickles have less pickle taste, more like a sour cucumber.

>> No.19579650

>20g/day is the accepted limit
Hairloss acceptance thread?

>> No.19580366
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>goyslopper flailing around trying to think of some way to defame the only anti-semitic diet

>> No.19580387

A lot of people on 4chins are profoundly stupid

>> No.19580390

uuhh a burger uhhh but uhh with uhh burgers as buns and ughh lettuce too and uhhh crumbled burger as uhh the side instead if uhh fries

>> No.19580393

A bullet. That fixes your eating disorder.

>> No.19580398


>> No.19580648

The amount of pushback whenever someone dares to consider not living on animal feed makes me think there might be something to this.

>> No.19581492

Keto is just veganism for men.

>> No.19582198

literally mental illness

>> No.19582607

>Fat fuck roommate says he's getting great results from his amazing "keto" diet
>Wants to show me a recipe
>Slathers broccoli with cheese and butter and rolls it around in a pan for awhile
>Eats it
>I don't want any and I eat a bagel instead
>Butter is literally dripping down his chin as he sweats while he eats and there's queso sauce in his beard
>"You gotta be careful with those carbs man, you should go keto bro I'm like a caveman"
>He outweighs me by at least 60 lbs. of pure blubber and I have a 6-pack

>> No.19583414

>sodium-laden lunch meats
>sodium-soaked giant pickle
Heart attack waiting to happen

>> No.19583451

I did keto for a year and didn't lose any hair. Probably because I actually tracked my diet and supplemented any micronutrients I was lacking, which a standard multivitamin took care of 99% of the time.

>> No.19583487

yeah but hes gonna lose that weight and youre gonna be addicted to his cock.

>> No.19583490

it's a reskinned fatkins diet, people made fun of it then they're making fun of it now but you probably weren't alive for that so this is your first rodeo

>> No.19583706

I keep it simple with salads, bunless burgers, eggs, nuts. It's really a fucking autist diet if you're not wanting to spend time putting together ingredients in interesting ways when you can just barely cook and accomplish the same thing.

Don't want to lettuce wrap a burger? Just chop everything up plus the patty after cooking and make a salad.

Eggs with sausage in the morning but you're operating at 5% mental power? Just plop the (runny) scramble over cut up sausage and drown the shit in 'vark.

How about just two big scoops of natural chunky peanut butter (no soybean oils) as a meal replacement?

I also make an Americano with 8tbsp Heavy Cream every morning.

>> No.19583712

>implying we don't give each other brojobs already

it's not gay if you're buddies

>> No.19583971

>not jalapenos

>> No.19584117

Being american is a mental illness

>> No.19584121

I eat 50 to 100 grams of carbohydrates every day. All of them coming from vegetables, fruit or dairy. No bread, no grains.

Am I keto?

>> No.19584197

>Carbs prevent hair loss
Look, I'm a ketard and I realise it's retarded and not for most people, but what the fuck is this?

>> No.19584362

you sound like a massive faggot

>> No.19584372

You will have 0% body fat once cremated.

>> No.19584563

That's weird because most vegans/vegetarians I knew were men and most keto subscribers (my sister included) I know are women. The low carb thing is really trendy among women these days, they think if they drink coffee with creamer and diet coke and eat eggs all day it's healthy

>> No.19584900

I like how keto retards call every food with carbs goyslop and then super processed "meat" in that pic is somehow not goyslop lmao

>> No.19584910

>Look, I'm a ketard and I realise it's retarded and not for most people, but what the fuck is this?
It's just a joke because literally 90% of keto dieters, or atleast the famous ones, are either bald or in some stage of balding. Sverige and dr baker for example

>> No.19584927

I don't like pickles enough to eat them all day while flavored lightly eith something else.