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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19577756 No.19577756 [Reply] [Original]

Mayo on fries is fucking disgusting. Literally fat on fat.

>> No.19577759

you eating it would be fat on fat on fat

>> No.19577762

>Mayo on fries is fucking disgusting.
Okay. So don't eat it.
>Literally fat on fat.
Fries are made from potato, which is a starchy carbohydrate. It's fat on carbs. If the mayonnaise is made from real egg is fat & protein on carbs, which is therefore perfectly balanced.

>> No.19577771

So is cheese and I imagine you don't have a problem with that.

>> No.19577782

You do remember that this is an amerifat board right? lol

>> No.19577785

I don't but those are completely different things.
I am American, you idiot.

>> No.19577789

Who cares

>> No.19577793

>Mayo is fat on fat
>Cheese is fat on fat
>No those are completely different things!

>> No.19577796

>on fries
Anything on fries is a sign of fatties and messy bs.
If you have to dip, like a fat ass, keep that shit on the side.
Fries are fine with proper seasoning. They are a side, not a meal, unless you're from a shitty country. And have to go on about your chippy this or poutine that

>> No.19577800

>fries = oil
>mayo = oil
>cheese = milk
Low IQ.

>> No.19577805

Oil & milk both contain fats.

>> No.19577808

>eggs are oil but butter isn't because shut up

>> No.19577813

>hurr durr
Have you ever seen fries cooked in butter? No? Then fuck off.

>> No.19577823

You're the one claiming mayo on fries is "fat on fat". You're the one telling us that fries are "fat". You're the one who doesn't know what cheese is.

>> No.19577838

French fries are 100% fat after being deep fried. All of the potato is burned away and all that remains is fat.
Also, mayo is 100% lard. Lard is fat. Therefore, mayo is fat.
Mayo on fries is fat on fat.

I love threads like this.

>> No.19577851

>potato is burned away
the maillard reaction just browns it and that's usually on the really sugary/old potatoes.
fresh fries are supposed to be golden.
>mayo is lard
no it's any type of fat you want, usually unsaturated oils.
>fat on fat
well it's fattened up carbs with an oil emulsion on top.
Simplifying it too much like that will just turn everything into brown slop. Don't fall into that trap.

>> No.19577854

I am a scientist of potatoes and I can confirm this post is 100% accurate.

>> No.19577857
File: 193 KB, 1920x916, Screenshot 2023-08-07 114824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally fat on fat.
that gives me an idea...

>> No.19577860

>that gives me an idea...
Oh hell yeah. I can see Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky in your drawing.

>> No.19577872

Did I unintentionally make a rorschach test to determine whether or you keep up with modern politics?

>> No.19577874

No you made a rorschach test to determine how many people are still posting on this website in their middle age.

>> No.19577878

As far as I'm concerned, Bill Clinton was the first Black president of the USA, although I might consider Joe Biden to be the second Black president.

>> No.19577907

Obama was whiter than biden, with all his irish shit. At least Obama is a little bit german. never gave props to the true nigga in office in '08

>> No.19577942

Mayo on fries is the one thing that instantly invalidates "do Americans really?".

>> No.19577950

and if he was sitting on your momma's lap it would be fat on fat on fat on fat

>> No.19577967

Lame. You got destroyed by that anon

>> No.19577990

And so fucking what, mutts? Mayonnaise is still the ultimate fry condiment.

>> No.19577997

>Obama was whiter than biden, with all his irish shit. At least Obama is a little bit german.
Yeah. I hope in 2024 maybe we'll be progressive and elect a person of Sub-Saharan descent to be the president of the USA for the first time. I think it's super racist how all of our presidents have been white so far.

>> No.19578009

And yet when you add a little dill, parsley and buttermilk to the mayo it's good.

>> No.19578022


>> No.19578302

I'm not sure what that's supposed to be

>> No.19578317

I think it's hot fat on fat action

>> No.19578334
File: 329 KB, 845x1199, adam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care, y'all a bunch of fags.

>> No.19578346

>Mayo on fries is fucking disgusting.
Plebeian tastes are plebeian.

>> No.19578350

kys, it's the best sauce for fries

>> No.19578505


>> No.19578539

>Literally fat on fat
But enough about OP's conception.

>> No.19578569

Mayo is disgusting, period. It literally should not exist.
All "mayo" eaters should be strung up on poles.

>> No.19578571

I love this page but I hate that translation nuance flub, it should be "ONLY KETCHUP" not "KETCHUP ONLY".

>> No.19578578

perfect way to fucking ruin some decent fries

>> No.19578700
File: 6 KB, 241x209, dasdasdsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mayo >>>>>>>> any other sauce
you can put it on anything and upgrade the flavour

>> No.19578720

I still yank it to that video. Just two blubbery pink belugas rubbing their grease pits on each other for ten minutes until one of them finds a hole.

>> No.19578735

congrats on being a retard!

>> No.19578749

>Literally fat on fat.
damn i thought it was full of protein this whole time

>> No.19579321

Have you tried it though, cos it tastes pretty good

>> No.19579387

>Thinking about "Fat on fat."
>Soggy fat on crispy fat on creamy fat.

>> No.19579777
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>> No.19579781

They're called French Fries, of course, because they were invented in Belgium

>> No.19580134

ketchup is fucking disgusting, mayo is boring. aioli is better. make it super garlicky, use raw garlic and lots of lemon.
gravy on chips is just so much better though

>> No.19580319
File: 95 KB, 520x650, obama_snow_cone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama was the first gay president though, you have to give him fair credit for that

>> No.19580341

Whats the consensus on homemade mayo?

>> No.19580354
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>homemade mayo

>> No.19580360
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this is indeed a thread on the /ck/ board

>> No.19580539
File: 76 KB, 471x500, be2345c8e8ca1584959f692de55de528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this makes the American cope and seethe

>> No.19580553

dude , you made my day with this post.

>> No.19580595

I firmly believe that the people that don't like mayo on fries just haven't had proper mayo with their fries. Hint: the mayo you put in a salad is different.

>> No.19580603

Hmmm mistery meat pinkslime frikandel

>> No.19580608

Ketchup is trash for most food except bacon/sasuasage butties or donner meat

>> No.19580660

It depends on the thickness of the fries. Thick fries have a bigger starchy center that can benefit from extra fat. Thinner fries contain more oil for the same amount of potato and are better with something vinegary.

>> No.19580665

bro that's a sausage

>> No.19580911

Get your eyes checked. Nothing better than a good currywurst

>> No.19580995

>Literally fat on fat.
Sounds like me whenever I'm with you're are mother (we're both morbidly obese). Lol. Sneed.

>> No.19581262

And not by the filthy Flemish!

>> No.19581308

>Fat on fat
Retard alert.

>> No.19582687

>retard on fat

>> No.19582745

For me it's 3 parts bbq sauce to one part mayo

>> No.19582804

Americans don't even know what good mayo is. Actual mayo has flavor and a bit of colour to it, the cloudy marshmallow fluff shit they call mayo is not it.

Americans who go to belgium or western europe and try the real deal will be the first to tell you mayo is the ultimate fry condiment. Though you social retards and shut ins never travel, least of all leave your parents households.

>> No.19582823
File: 5 KB, 159x112, 9790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure was underrated! But you changed all that by giving it the acclaim it was due! Every time a comment is left unpraised it's considered "underrated". By not commenting on the comment, we are failing to "rate" it. You came along with the first rating really. I think you mean that you really appreciated that post. And others before you should have chimed in to support it. Thanks, anon!!

>> No.19582830

Damn, I always thought there was some starch involved. And protein in mayonnaise. But nope, fat all around. Why would anyone ever eat so much fat??

>> No.19582842

Those "Americans", assuming they even exist, were patronizing you. All Americans know that any time you're in Europe and not constantly praising them then they get all uppity and won't shut the hell up about their backwards traditions.

>> No.19582846

>I don't like ingredient X therefore it should be banned and anyone who enjoys it murdered

So much of this strange attitude around here.

>> No.19582886

It happens when people isolate, smoke a bunch of weed, and skip on sunlight and basic nutrition for long periods.

>> No.19582891

>Mayo on fries is fucking disgusting
literally what everyone thinks until they try good mayo for the first time ever and then they can't believe that hellmann's wasn't even half as good as they were led to believe

>> No.19582956


>> No.19582971

Cope harder nigger, you've never travelled and never will.

I'm also a burger. That's my secret to you, dumb cunt. I just hate /ck/ mutts because you can't cook, are unwilling to learn it and purely wanna talk goyslop from chains.

>> No.19583033

For real on god.

>> No.19583098

mayo is practically the definition of goyslop. it's literally just garbage oil combined with egg to make it spreadable. I can understand it as a mother sauce that you use to make other things with, but only the most domesticated goy cattle can look at something and think "yep this looks good but I bet it would taste even better slathered in sneed oil."

>> No.19583141

Americans may not eat ONLY mayo on fries. But both ketchup and mayo (although usually mixed together) is super common. Literally called "fry sauce."

>> No.19583360

Just like when you were conceived lul

>> No.19583376

"Your spoonfed understanding of nutrition and toxicology will probably not see you live a longer or more fulfilled life." - Diogenes of Sinope

>> No.19583383

Or mayo mixed with sour cream, garlic and onion powders and dill (often with oregano, mustard powder, and sometimes buttermilk instead of/as well as the sour cream).

>> No.19583415

>garbage oil
only in soymerica

>> No.19583419

That’s nothing. I used to put mustard on my fries so my friend won’t steal some. They were actually good.

>> No.19583429
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>> No.19584115

>racism outside of /b/
Enjoy your ban.

>> No.19584126

Im dutch faggot its not a sausage. Its minced meat (read:chicken/beef pinkslime mixture) fried in a sausage form with flour and spices.
Hey im not saying its bad
Nothing said in this post was not factual it is in fact mistery meat pinkslime

>> No.19584755


>> No.19584756

lol, lmao even

>> No.19586003

If you're talking about ranch, buttermilk is an absolute necessity. Might as well not bother otherwise.

>> No.19586273

>can’t eat mayo without thinking of cum
I think you’re gay bro

>> No.19586352

I feel like I'm definitely in the minority, but I'm an American who likes mayochup. Although, I'd prefer it with a little bit less mayo than in your pic

>> No.19586372

As much as I agree, you have a lot of companies to tell that to.

>> No.19588048
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>> No.19588053


>> No.19588543
File: 37 KB, 518x389, patat-flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's patat flip

>> No.19590035
File: 649 KB, 750x797, 1691705670775413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally fat on fat.
And why is that a bad thing?

>> No.19590039

Mayo isn't sticky.

>> No.19590081

Most people like this are secretly in the closet. Trust me, high school and afterwards really opened my eyes to that.

>> No.19590347

ESL moment

>> No.19590363

Dude I prefer mayo on my fries but you're being a gigantic fucking faggot over this

>> No.19590375

This is just homo cope.