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19575413 No.19575413 [Reply] [Original]

How do we protect these sacred British institutions.

£5 a pint is bonkers, the companies that own hundreds of pubs like Punch Taverns or Enterprise Inns are total cunts to their landlords, and whilst I don't mind Wetherspoon's for a cheeky cheap meal and pint they just can't replace these places that are meant to be England's shared living rooms.

>> No.19575422

can't save them, it's all over

>> No.19575426
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You would feel drunk in that pub tbf.

>> No.19575429
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>> No.19575465

I've heard that British pubs are not like American bars or saloons; they're more like clubs. But every time I've seen pubs in movies, tv shows, or vlogs it always looks like a bar.

>> No.19575477

I'm ESL lived in UK since 2011
>brick lance, muslim council doing inspections with cops ever Saturday
>Soho, London
>historical places shut down because Westminster Council
I could continue, I'm not even British but during the 10 years the shift in the city is breaking my heart.
I cannot even imagine how it is now, haven't lived there since 4+ years.

>> No.19575485
File: 603 KB, 3008x2000, dsc_0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

? U wot m8

This is a pub

>> No.19575487

It's just a pub.
>still = order a beer
Sit down. Pretty universal.

>> No.19575495

This is not advertising.

>> No.19575527

Where the hell did you go to a saloon

>> No.19575559

Pub is short for "Public House." It's essentially what OP said, a shared neighbourhood hangout spot with beer and food.

In the Far West, obviously.

>> No.19575570

Pubs dying out would be awful. They're one of the few active 'third places' in Britain. Lose that and we're even more soulless and atomized, just like the Americans.

>> No.19575596

Looks like a bar to me.
>but no you can like order food there
Only the divest of dive bars and clubs don't have meal options.
>but you don't understand, these buildings date back to the 1700 where they served as both a community gathering point and accommodations for travelers
Historical pretention. Got it. Same as everything in the Old World.

>> No.19575610
File: 97 KB, 620x413, 1616289093738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

??? what are you wittering about you absolute whammer

>> No.19575611

glad you hashed that out for us

>> No.19575637

prices are too high for most people to enjoy them, and the tyrannical "convid" restrictions burned a lot of people when their favorite pub booted them for not taking the experimental injection or wearing the cloth on their faces
there's good reason they are fading into obscurity
no saving what cannot be trusted or afforded
fix this and you will help save them, but that's beyond me

>> No.19575651

not where I live.

>> No.19575657

You heard wrong. They’re just bars.

>> No.19575670

Older pubs have two sides, the public or family side, and the private or grumpy old man club side. The bar runs down the middle and staff can walk around to either side to serve, and there's sometimes two doors.

>> No.19575772

Looks just like a thousand bars I've been to

>> No.19575777

no worries. they'll build a mosque or ashram in it's place

>> No.19575797

I lived down the block from one of these in Ireland. It was a local's local and only people who lived in that neighborhood for generations went to it. It was split in half for the "family" or everyday side and the old man's boozer "private social club" on the other, divided with a door but with the bar running down the whole thing like you mentioned. Most old fashioned pubs weren't like that though, it seems to be a more of a countryside thing.

>> No.19575806

Am I having a stroke

>> No.19575810

Idk what American bars and saloons are but pubs are like town centres, they're a cornerstone of British culture. 90% of bands for example were started by people who met either in school or at a pub; pubs are one of few places it's socially acceptable to start conversations with strangers, and are the main place adults from different social strata who wouldn't otherwise interact can meet. Plus traditional "real" ales (aka bitters) and pub grub are cultural icons that will more or less die out with the pubs. Pubs exist to serve different crowds and they can be very distinct. Unfortunately large brewing companies/venue companies are buying a lot of the cool independent pubs and turning them into soulless chain pubs (sometimes they preserve the pub's character somewhat but it's hit and miss). Other pubs get sold by the landowner to turn into residences while others gradually turn into restaurants-with-a-bar (sometimes very good restaurants). Eventually we'll probably lose them as the culture becomes more plastic and productised.

>> No.19575901
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Yeah, thinking about it it's only three out of the dozen pubs near me that are or were split. Just been reading about it out of curiosity, apparently until the 70s there even used to be cheaper prices on the private side, and people used to mock pubs that had been knocked through into one room. I just always remember walking in the wrong side of one local as a kid and a whole room full of liver spots and smoke swivelling and giving me the evil eye.

>> No.19576000

as a social outcast englishman who barely ever goes to the pub and when I do it's with family, I think I now understand why I have no friends.

>> No.19576100

>How do we protect these sacred British institutions.
Small local breweries. Simple as. It still costs fuck all to brew wine and ale. Pubs have the same issue that fast food has, where the customers refuse to stop consuming the same slop, so they cry when the price goes up instead of just looking for fucking alternatives.

>> No.19576112

It's shit b.s. I was there when xxx council arranged raids with the police to couple of places. The cops were lax of course but because the council is ruled by Huddin and everyone is his cousin...

>> No.19576182

can someone explain to me why men work all day just to sit in some dingy, sticky, overpriced as it is foul smelling?

>> No.19576200
File: 237 KB, 1174x858, bongland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the whole island burns down

>> No.19576427


there's a fine line between a bar and a pub, they are not the same thing at all.

>> No.19576429

thats an insurance/redevelopment job if ever i saw one

>> No.19576536

Imagine what the British could accomplish if they weren't drunk all the time.


>> No.19576548
File: 56 KB, 1297x892, 4FB43A2D-84FE-479B-A087-6ED571996525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The American Revolution was planned in pubs.

>> No.19576549

the only pub i care about is that one in malta that olly died in

>> No.19577300


What are you even trying to say?

>> No.19578356

you have to go back

>> No.19578455

I'm sober and this hurts.

>> No.19578463
