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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19571758 No.19571758 [Reply] [Original]

People laughed at Jack White's guacamole recipe but it is the best guacamole I've had in my life.

>> No.19571769 [DELETED] 

i'm gay and a homosexual btw

>> No.19571775 [DELETED] 


>> No.19571805

Jack White is a schizo and Boarding House Reach has been his only good album so far.

>> No.19571835
File: 141 KB, 800x605, pasta-with-hotdog-wings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People laughed at Billy Corgan's "Spagettti-o Surprise", but it's a sure crowd-pleaser at any summertime family gathering or BBQ.

>> No.19571846


This is a thread about guacamole

>> No.19571867
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>> No.19571889

>call out Jack White shills
>n-no stop

>> No.19571913
File: 282 KB, 1080x1492, 82636333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat the guacamole and you'll forget all about Jack White as a person.

>> No.19571931
File: 68 KB, 700x546, it's_ma'am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the proper terms were pillow biter and fudge packer.

>> No.19571934 [DELETED] 
File: 209 KB, 719x563, alex_jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-tell me more, OP.

>> No.19571939
File: 1.00 MB, 267x199, faggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19572062

idk that's pretty close to how i make it, the only real difference is i dont shove the avocado pits up my ass. wtf jack?

>> No.19572093

How much do you get paid to push that faggot? I've never heard of that faggot and it looks like a psycho killer.

>> No.19572099

OP really should be honest, by not specifiying it's truth and dishonesty, then it comes across as bullshit.

>> No.19572100

>t. faggot zoomer

>> No.19572104

Riight, so how much do you get paid to shill bullshit? Be honest, we're anon here.

>> No.19572112

it tastes like dead leaves and dirty ground

>> No.19572114

Didn't Jack White get his sister pregnant?

>> No.19572115

I'm disappointed, no cousins filthy girly underwear?

>> No.19572122

You fags must be desperate, Jack White, what is that? Explain yourselves. I'm certaintly not looking it up for your click bait bullshit.

>> No.19572125

Jack White is a literal child rapist and cannibal

>> No.19572305

damn these early 2000s urban myths are still alive?
no, meg white was his wife, not his sister

>> No.19572322

In all fairness, Jack himself went around saying they where siblings.

>> No.19572555

Why does he have a girls hairstyle?

>> No.19572563

more like gaycamole

>> No.19572636

Isn't this a very normal guacamole recipe

>> No.19572669

You don’t need no recipe for good avocado. Just mash the avocados and keep adding salt and lime until they are a bit salty and acidic or to taste.
It needs to be salty and acidic if you are adding to something and to taste if you are having it by itself.

>> No.19572706

except for the mistake of using a yellow onion instead of white, its very plain jane

>> No.19572716

That article was not written by an American, it’s called cilantro.

>> No.19572838

>tfw going to go see the smashing pumpkins in a few days
What have I gotten myself into?

>> No.19572934

Are there really people here so young that they don't know who Jack White is? I mean, if it were Steve Albini, who actually does get reposted regularly, I'd understand. But not knowing who Jack White is is like not knowing who Taylor Swift is; you don't have to be into the music to know who they are.

>> No.19572942

Idk but I like the smashing pumpkins, fuck the haters enjoy yourself

>> No.19572954

people laughed at gordon ramsay’s burger recipe but it is the best burger ive had in my life

>> No.19572957

Yeah, I couldn't get any of my friends to go with me (tickets are expensive as fuck these days), but there was no way I was passing up seeing Smashing Pumpkins (STP opening). I was just making a joke because I haven't really followed them for 20 years and don't know what weird shit they're doing these days (that's not really true; I've watched videos from their recent tours and they're just as good as ever with Jimmy Chamberlain back, as well as that new guitarist).

>> No.19572973

They were great 25 years ago. I don't know what they're like now.

>> No.19572995

>don't know what they're like now
Same as it ever was.

>> No.19573009

stopped reading

>> No.19573021

30 here, no idea who you're talking about. The fuck is Steve albini? I'm confident anon is right and youre a paid shill. Not looking it ip