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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19570214 No.19570214 [Reply] [Original]

does anyone else eat off of aluminum foil instead of plates? i hate doing dishes and paper plates are way more expensive than a roll of aluminum foil.

>> No.19570219

honestly fair enough, plus if you have leftovers you can just wrap it up.

>> No.19570221

Enjoy your alzheimers

>> No.19570226

I will! :)

>> No.19570233

I usually use a paper towel, but this seems like a better idea! Maybe I'll do a layer of foil and a layer of paper towel.

>> No.19570235

Food get cold and look a mess. :(

>> No.19570238

Just use metal plates, no plastic shit so you don't become a tranny like this guy>>19570221

>> No.19570389

this is madness

>> No.19570438

Why not use parchment paper or something instead? No aluminum and even cheaper, plus can make it like you're at a ball game or sports bar.

>> No.19570477

Today OP was absolutely based

>> No.19571069
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this is absolute savagery. get your lives together, Anons. you're better than this.

>> No.19571123

Why not just steal the cardboard signs from homeless people and eat off those?

>> No.19571124

Does anyone else eat aluminum foil instead of food? I hate cooking and meat is way more expensive than a roll of aluminum foil

>> No.19571126

I use alluminim foil to wipe my ass, it's way cheaper than toilet paper. Plus if I want to keep a sample for later it's easier to store.

>> No.19571140

I'll throw some shit on a cookie sheet with some foil on it and use the foil as a plate once it's done cooking yeah. Kinda seems like a no brainer. But I won't take some foil out of my pantry and lay it out in lieu of a plate

>> No.19571146

I just throw everything in the oven and eat it out of there. I'm not a pussy so I don't care if my hands get burnt.

>> No.19571155 [DELETED] 

Cincinnati Nigger detected! You NEED to be killed immediately. If not by someone else then by yourself

>> No.19571295

it takes literally 15 seconds to wash a plate you just used

>> No.19571310

Sure, if it happens that way I'll eat off of it and I dont have to make some spectacle to some girllfriend or whatever. I'm not pulling out plates when something else is already there, fuck, I'll eat over a sink if that's the most available. I'm a guy, I'm not all that choosy.

>> No.19571324

That's roughly 2 1/2 hours of washing compared to roll of aluminum foil. OP may be on to something.

>> No.19571363

Fellow sink eater here. Also, if ghe food was stored or came in the foil yes, or in some cases if I heat it up in my toaster oven on a sheet of tin foil I will eat it like that too. I will reuse like a single plate throughout the day, if it doesnt get dirty enough to wash, like just had a sandwich sitting on it, fresh fruit or veggies or a few crumbs.

>> No.19571381

Paper towels for me

>> No.19571404

I think you mean aluminum, nobody uses tin anymore for foil.

>> No.19571414

What are some negroid? Go lick some lead paint chips.

>> No.19571443
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That's disgusting, the kitchen sink is where people piss.

>> No.19571455

You know what I mean damnit
The garbage disposable is for solid logs too right?

>> No.19571478

>Needs a chair to pee in the sink

>> No.19571487

Get a load of this weirdo >>19571324, it takes him 2 1/2 hours to wash a plate. No wonder he's still at minimum wage.

>> No.19571492

Why is that "embarrassing" to you, did you cause it? Are you one of those morons that say sorry all the time? Platitude moron sack of shit.

>> No.19571495

I just piss in a big gulp cup and pour it down the drain like a normal person.

>> No.19571520 [DELETED] 

Yes all the time. Tonight I used parchment paper.

>> No.19571524

When it takes 2 1/2 hours to wash a plate it should be embarrassing.

>> No.19571541
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>> No.19571562

>Are you one of those morons that say sorry all the time?
I like to say "my bad" instead of "I'm sorry"

>> No.19571579

Yes all the time. Tonight I used parchment paper.

>> No.19571590

I have also eating cereal out of a big coffee mug..with a fork

>> No.19571592

It would be neat if someone could invent a reusable device that you could eat off of and clean in about 5 seconds

>> No.19571594

I just eat off what I cook in

>> No.19571602

Yeah, well maybe if we have flying cars one day. Lets try and keep this based in reality guy..

>> No.19571609

I moved out with some mates after high school. we use the pages of a phone instead of plates. no washing up, just scrunch it up and toss it

>> No.19571613

Not too different than getting fish n chips wrapped in newspaper right? Wouldnt work well with forms of sloppa though

>> No.19571621

yeah. we mostly ate sausages, chips and pies
good times.

>> No.19571625

I store leftovers in tupaware and hat it up and just eat it straight from the tub. I feel like its going to give me cancer one day..

>> No.19571629

> Fucking zoomers too lazy or useless to do simple household tasks like washing dishes.

I own my own house, the dishes get done after every meal.
Stop being such a lazy cunt.

>> No.19571743

They stopped selling plastic plates here because muh environment so I have to buy the sugarcane plates

>> No.19571751

I unwrap the aluminum on a small plate. If I accidentally puncture the foil the plate is used. If I don't then I still have a clean plate to use for the next meal.

>> No.19572002
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I eat off normal ceramic plates, I was just curious why foil over paper.

>> No.19572963

stop being a nigger

>> No.19574056

Based OP. Dishwashcucks absolutely SEETHING in this thread.

>> No.19574086
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for me it is the paper towel +bh fām