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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19558937 No.19558937 [Reply] [Original]

Any recipe for crack or someone now how i can cook some.

>> No.19558969


>> No.19558985

you'll have to ask the US government

>> No.19558997

The government didn't make crack, retard. All they did/do was partner with the cartels to flood inner cities with cocaine, and then nature took its course.

>> No.19559021
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>> No.19559042

you're half right. the feds introduced the method for making old school freebase cocaine, and local dealers figured out a method for creating a similar product quicker and easier with readily available household items. so while the government didn't administer crack as such, they might as well have

>> No.19559047
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The feds didn't introduce shit, retard. Cocaine existed long before FDR's alphabet agencies ever did, and people who used cocaine were the ones who figured out how to smoke it. The glowies are involved in high-level distribution.
This Gladio flowchart details a little bit of that (specifically their operations in Europe), but they're involved in high-level organized crime on every continent.

>> No.19559046

All drugs should be legal faggots

>> No.19559050
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I posted >>19559046
and I agree with you. Unfortunately, drugs are a giant racket for the people who control our economy / government(pic related), so it's not gonna change as long as they have power.

>> No.19559067

can we just take this opportunity to shit on the federal govt or no

>> No.19559069

Shit on them for the right reasons. Also, crack rules and is a much better than powder cocaine for those of us who don't want to shoot up, so giving them credit for creating it would actually be complimenting them.

>> No.19559074

much better method*
Also, unless you're getting puro fishscale shit, there's gonna be all kinds of adulterants in powder, and those don't bind when you're making crack.

>> No.19559082

nobody you're replying to said otherwise
you're retarded if you think randos on the street figured out how to make freebase on their own

>> No.19559085

>MAY 1, 1980
>Partly because it produces a more exhilarating rush than snorting cocaine, free base seems to be a lot more dangerous. It has always scared people, even those who introduced it in this country. Doctor Ron Siegel, of the department of psychiatry at UCLA Hospital, says he first heard about free base in 1974 from people returning from South America (it has been smoked in Colombia for at least fifty years). “At the time,” he says, “they were all keeping quiet about it. They seemed to express a fear of it. One came in and told me about it in exchange for a medical checkup. He was okay.”
>(it has been smoked in Colombia for at least fifty years)
>MAY 1, 1980
CIA didn't even exist in the 1920s.

>> No.19559093

some guy heard this story from another guy he met once, it must be true! it's even in the EXTREMELY REPUTABLE rolling stone magazine, how could it be wrong?

>> No.19559095

You know, being able to admit when you're wrong is a sign of emotional maturity.

>> No.19559103

you've provided nothing resembling actual evidence that i'm wrong. the fact you even have the nerve to cite rolling stone as a source makes me question why i'm still bothering to talk to you

>> No.19559108
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Whatever you say, disinfo shill. Keep muddying the waters with your half-truth horseshit.

>> No.19559133

oh look it's mister "no argument call everyone shills".

when you believe something is wrong you have to provide an argument not just say "duh wrong duh"

>> No.19559139

>no argument
see: >>19559085

>> No.19559140

someone got banned from /pol/.
why don't you go bother /x/ moron.

>> No.19559146

I'll just use your playbook here...

>I'm not reading no joos lies.

>> No.19559148
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>> No.19559153

Okay buddy, have a nice day; you can believe what you want to believe. I understand that you love the CIA and want to give them credit for shit they never did while downplaying the shit they actually got up to. I'm sure you do that for completely organic reasons that have nothing to do with who signs your paychecks. : )