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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 544x437, chips-e1505074071280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19552392 No.19552392 [Reply] [Original]

When will the munchy box take off outside of the UK?

>> No.19552399

shant every be eating a munchy box ever in my life so help me god

>> No.19552403

That is a fuckton of calories for one meal, fish and chips here is way more food than I am comfortable eating, no way can I eat all that fried shit. And fried food isn't good as leftovers, unless you have a air fryer to restore them.

Good price though.

>> No.19552446

Once people have given up their dignity

>> No.19552449

Never. We're all eating tendies and that will never change

>> No.19552467

KFC has this now


>> No.19552476

I think it's a poverty thing. Brits look at that and think it's a lot of food for 10 eurodollars, the quality of the food isn't part of their equation.

>> No.19552479

Its something you eat with friends, preferably sloshed.

>> No.19552483

Also I did this kind of thing too when I was a broke college kid, there's a place in Lowell MA called Suppa's that anons should look up for the American version of a munchie box. It's a three pound sandwich with tendies, mozzarella sticks, marinara sauce, more mozzarella, and french fries.

>> No.19552563

this is more a compliment to bongs and criticism of others but otherworlders, need their poverty slop presented better. Bongs to their credit aren't afraid of admitting what that is, and it's presented as such

>> No.19552591

I would devour that ngl.

>> No.19552734

For that much deep-fried stuff, is surprisingly low calorie actually. I was expecting 5000+ range.

>> No.19552871

This would cost $20 in america and we'd drop the fish and replace with chicken. Drop the steak pie and give us eggrolls or buffalo chicken eggrolls. The battered sausages would be mozerlla sticks.

>> No.19552877

Salt and chilli munchie box from a Chinese takeaway is absolute peak hangover food

>> No.19552883

you can do munchie boxes at most hot bars in grocers

>> No.19552884

Marketing post. Disregard.

>> No.19552916

big fryshop will pay for this

>> No.19552937


>> No.19552966

it's bad business to let you be satisfied for $10, no matter what it costs them

>> No.19552998

im south they dont do munchy boxes here. it's a north thing because those areas are poorer and not gentrified.

>> No.19553002

>it's a north thing
just felt like making lies up today ?

>> No.19553006

nope it's truth.
The further up you go the more options in fried sloppa you find.

>> No.19553014

i have freinds from the midlands and the south who get munchy boxes

>> No.19553025
File: 65 KB, 500x500, chili-mac-49374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be eight
>Love chilimac
>Dad says this food is for queers
>No idea why but keep eating it
>Years pass
>Learn I am gay
>Dad says he always knew because I was doing "chilimac shit"
How did he know?

>> No.19553033

Can confirm, I looked at this post and thought to myself
>I'd like to cram all that in my eathole

>> No.19553044

Whenever Andrew Tate gives the green light.

>> No.19553053

I actually don't understand how they're not a thing in the US

>> No.19553072

the north then
utter shite. ive lived in medway, the arse end of england for 30 years and even we dont have them, fuck off with your lies
£10 absolutely no way this is real

>> No.19553076

>wot I thought Americans were the fat "slop" eaters
>that's what all my fellow British 4chan free speech tourists told me

>> No.19553086
File: 144 KB, 1289x1423, I didn't used to suck....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Properly cooked deep fried foods, especially cooked in Tallow or Lard are not as fatty as you might think.
>The steam of the food drives away the fat
Another benefit of eating fried foods in "Beef Drippings"(Tallow) is that your hormones aren't disrupted and your Leptin and Ghrelin can regulate properly so you only eat until you are full.
Sneed oils disrupt that, ESPECIALLY when combined with HFCS-(I'm lookin' at YOU Sauces,) so you could eat that WHOLE box and STILL feel hungry, even though you couldn't cram in another bite without your stomach walls ripping open.
Tallow was what made Maccas french fries "Better than Sex" pre-1986.

>> No.19553092

indeed, this thread has the greasy stink of big chippy all over it

>> No.19553093

Nation flags now.

>> No.19553117

Yeah...I'm An Amerilard, (but not a fat one.)
I actually worked at Micky-Ds as a kid in the 80s.
Haven't touched the shit since I left.

>> No.19553126

Uh huh

>> No.19553136

yeah we can tell grandpa

>> No.19553149

You know, it really bothers me when they put the dirty sauce containers inside the fucking plates.

>> No.19553161
File: 3.51 MB, 350x185, knock-knock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay...Maybe I should've posted "EATEN" instead of touched.
There was ONE time, I made the mistake of getting a McChucckin' from the dollar menu, I took ONE bite, and right back into the wrapper it went, and directly into the trash.
Your inexperience and retarded programming hold NO SWAY here Faggot.

>> No.19553165

neat blog

>> No.19553169

It's only really Scotland and the very North East that seem to have these.

>> No.19553181
File: 2.65 MB, 625x352, 1625370246016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, see, your shriveled and brainwashed mind can't even into 3 sentences--
KYS, you puling Zoomer faggot.

>> No.19553182

>deep fried everything
Seems Scottish enough. Still want to try one once before I kick the bucket

>> No.19553787

keep going, your leaded gasoline-blasted recollections from 4 decades ago are important to this facebook group

>> No.19554228

I'm American. Americans love greasy fried food; who the fuck are you trying to kid?

>> No.19554235

Too bland for Americans

>> No.19554415
File: 1.43 MB, 1536x1152, 1645826843878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they got banned in Aus
they trialled them in Melbourne but inner city hipsters complained that they werent healthy enough

>> No.19554421

So, in response to this government tyranny the men of Australia took to 4chan to cry about America.

>> No.19554425

>When will the munchy box take off outside of the UK?
I would buy that for $13 USD.
Sounds like a better deal than what most places offer in the USA.

>> No.19554505
File: 149 KB, 1119x956, 1636379459533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking Auschads would ever talk shit about Ameribros

>> No.19554591

as soon as beans on toast blows up.

>> No.19554609
File: 356 KB, 629x530, asdfasdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we have this. they swap things around sometimes and trade something out for onion rings or mini churros.

>> No.19554683

englishmen look like this?

>> No.19554866

Maybe you're right and I was too harsh

>> No.19554869

damn total buscuit recovered really well from the cancer

>> No.19554870

I wonder what else he batters

>> No.19554971

Not as long as that swarthy rug merchant is whipping em up

>> No.19554986

I'm already a sloplord.

>> No.19554990
File: 132 KB, 1200x800, jrd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks more Welsh to me

>> No.19555043

Long John Silver's is always run by the worst people

>> No.19555723

You do not eat a munchy box alone

>> No.19556154

Isn't the munchie box meant to be shared with friends?

>> No.19556174

Im gonna move to scotland (the holy land) and eat myself to death with munchy boxes and buckfast like god intended

>> No.19556187

If it does take off in the US it will be a scam compared to grocery store delis/hotbars

>> No.19556190

That avocado dip from jack in the box is an affront to humanity

>> No.19556227

Maybe you don't, tiny.

>> No.19556489

True, south coast and I have never seen a munchie box ever

>> No.19556502

>it comes in a box so it must be the same

Those are both like a third of the food and probably cost as much or more.

>> No.19556515

Gimme that goysloppa!

>> No.19556524

You will die in the next 20 years bwahahha

>> No.19556927

yeah fuckin Rangeet from Slough is pleased to be shilling his crap on 4chan

>> No.19556932

If it was 10 or 15 bucks yes it would take off. But in the USA they'll probably charge at least 25 for that before taxes

>> No.19557217
File: 558 KB, 2880x2304, IMG_8719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese sell a poo poo platter which is basically a munchie box.
In Baltimore theres a a chicken box which is fried chicken fries and white bread.
Pic related is the menu at hip hop chicken.

>> No.19557269
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>> No.19558913
File: 403 KB, 880x880, 1669710676977988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from the uk and have never found anywhere that sells munchy boxes. iirc its a NORF / Scotland thing

>> No.19559334

but if it's not all shoveled together into a cardboard box it's not the same

>> No.19559915

>cheburek and empanada aren't the same!
autism speaks, and it is in pure pedantry.

>> No.19560600

looks delicious but I would never eat that at my age.
I don't eat fried foods.

>> No.19560608

Us gigantic islands of deported criminals have to stick together in case ol grandad gets all fucken worked up again and tries to pull up again.

>> No.19560615

its a stupid concept
for fegs who want to particip[ate in american culture

>> No.19561320

doesn't look like a lot. a bad deal at $20. lots of empty space for dividers and sauces. fuckin stupid. KFC is overpriced. i have my own electric fryer that i rarely ever use. it's not that hard to use just a pain in the ass to prep everything.

>> No.19561325

Why is this stinky brown man selling white people their food?

>> No.19561345

because white people continue to buy his food which keeps him in business. if whites said FUCK THIS SHADY LOOKING GUY WHO PROBABLY IS UP TO NO GOOD and MAKES SOGGY FRIED CRAP he and his kind would be out of business faster than you can say buckfast.

>> No.19561362

What's the difference between normal and deuteranomaly

>> No.19561429

Wait at least until you're 21 like with alcohol

>> No.19561452

well yeah they have different ingredients and are cooked differently. Are you stupid?

>> No.19561468

look at this annoying fatass, supporting some invader's food shop. at the 12:50 mark you can also see a slut walking with her african bf:

enjoy good home-cooked meals now because the west is clearly doomed.

>> No.19561503

Fuck off southern fucking faggot retard lmao paki loving fairy fucking dirty nigger loving faggot kys southern scum

>> No.19561602

pretty good meal after a heavy 3 hour workout desu
can eat this 3/4 times a week + multivitamins + supplements and I'm all set for the day

>> No.19561612
File: 2.75 MB, 480x480, 1690634260877275.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thirdies LOVE getting mountains of sloppa for cheap. It makes them feel rich.

>> No.19561654

They were invented in Ireland. Also they are the best goyslop available most of the time.

>> No.19561698

sometimes when I am upset about all the spix in america I remind myself that at least they aren't t*rks or p*kis. I can go my entire life without ever having to eat halal anything and I am grateful for it.

>> No.19561777

that's the whole point

>> No.19561785

If I was baked I could put down two of them in a sitting. Baked, worked out and hadn't eaten all day and it'd be approaching three.

>> No.19561788

That webm is a poor example of "slop". I'd demolish that plate.

>> No.19561933

Never, because it's shit and we already had this thread

>> No.19562103

>they got banned in Aus
No they fucking didn't, it's literally a fish and chips order but in a pizza box instead of butcher's paper.

>> No.19562110

uh oh...

>> No.19562261

bruh this dude is straight up eating on the street like a bum

>> No.19562280

why would anyone deep fry sausages

>> No.19562521

is this loss?

>> No.19563147
File: 107 KB, 1200x628, Spice-Bag-Feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Ireland they sell the more sensibly portioned "spice bag" which is a bag of chips and fried shredded chicken tossed in a salty & spicy dry seasoning with sliced onion, peppers and chilis

>> No.19563173

No you don't

>> No.19563208

This sounds really good, definitely want to try it