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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 139 KB, 1280x720, adam_ragusea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19553874 No.19553874 [Reply] [Original]

>that time Adam got absolutely curbstomped by real cooks.

>> No.19553877

Ragusea is terrible.

>> No.19553887

I lost all respect for this guy when he chimped out in his comments for some stupid shit

>> No.19553889

what was the video? I wanna see.

>> No.19553895

Cooking is super easy and it’s not a skill. Any idiot can cook great food. I’ve had people be like “wow you’re really good at chopping veggies!”, like pick up a fucking knife.

>> No.19553903
File: 167 KB, 840x747, eh5l9d9ehau51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was this I'm pretty sure. Why do so many college professors so sensitive?

>> No.19553915

Holy shit, what a meltdown.

>> No.19553925

I am too lazy to filter my oil when deep frying
Anyone have a lazy solution?

>> No.19553932

he's not wrong but holy shit sperging out like this on the internet is begging to be laughed at

>> No.19553977

T-Fal makes a deep fryer with a built in filter. You push a lever and it drains the pot, filters the oil, and stores the used oil in a reusable container. Got my mom one for her birthday and she's really happy with it.

>> No.19553980

>super easy and it’s not a skill
What about all the kids who got an F for Home Economics for burning their brownies or some shit?

>> No.19553986

obviously fake.

it's fake bros

>> No.19553987

I was over at some family friends' house years back and was helping out in the kitchen just cutting up some celery or whatever and a dude in his 60's was like, "wow, you're chopping that like a professional!" I told him that I was a professional, and he was like, "yeah, but I mean the way you're doing that looks like what you'd get in a fancy restaurant!" I reminded him I did work in a fancy restaurant and told him I'm actually just doing a quick rough chop.

You think cooking is easy because you've never had good food before. And I'm never going to watch one of your videos, Adam. Fuck off shilling this garbage.

>> No.19553992

Hi Adam

>> No.19554115
File: 253 KB, 560x512, IMG_4365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck Adam go fuck your wifes gap tooth. The comments are literally still up.

> oh you want some too?
Every time

>> No.19554209

that tl;dr damage control at the end is just *chef kiss*

>> No.19554254


notice how nobody ever has a source or archive link for this totally real exchange? don't be retarded

>> No.19554262

what is video title please sirs??

>> No.19554266

Archive? Last I checked the video and comments were still there

>> No.19554295

I wonder if Adam mating presses his wife every night.

>> No.19554305

Deep frying is easy but it's a pain in the ass with lots of cleanup.

>> No.19554352

Oh really?

If that’s true then you’ll easily be able to link it here right now.

>> No.19554369

I think pretty much everyone that wasn't just purposefully wanting to hate on adam from the start of the video understood this was the point he was making.

>> No.19554380

What's the point of your story? That the old guy was senile and didn't know what your profession was?

>> No.19554462

I have this, works good, but The plastic the oil reserve is made out is very cheap. I was cleaning off the grease build around the unit, I forgot to lock the bottom, so when I tilted it up slightly, the oil reserve slid out and shattered when it hit my floor, spilled 20 bucks worth of fresh oil everywhere. Cost me 20 bucks and 2 weeks to have another plastic box shipped over from some warehouse in France. If the damn thing didn't work far better than any other countertop fryer I've tried I would of returned it

>> No.19554467

>would of
You got what you deserved.

>> No.19554469

It's that people who've never worked in the industry are completely clueless about it, even if they have a lot of money and eat out a lot, and even consider themselves proficient home cooks or even "foodies". Obviously I didn't say all that, but the point is that he knew what I did and still couldn't believe that I actually had professional skills even while watching me work. If you know someone who is a plumber, or a car tech, or is in IT, nobody bats an eye when they can do things they don't know how to do when they help you out with something. But if you work in a kitchen everyone thinks you're just doing the same thing they do at home, and it's really easy. Even a lot of FoH think that what happens on the line is magic, when in reality it's a lot of hard work and repetition.

>> No.19554536

>he knew what I did and still couldn't believe that I actually had professional skills even while watching me work
Well that sounds specific to his dumb fucking ass. Most people if they knew someone was a professional chef for a living wouldn't be surprised when they chop vegetables in a way that a professional chef does. Your story is pretty pointless.

>> No.19554574
File: 62 KB, 1196x667, ragusea fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piss off Adam.

>> No.19554578
File: 22 KB, 163x87, raguseas bucktooth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the size of that fucker.

>> No.19554629

Gonna vouch for this, this happened when his vids blew up during COVID. I do remember seeing the comment

>> No.19554686

>most people if they knew someone was a professional chef for a living wouldn't be surprised when they chop vegetables in a way that a professional chef does
No, most people don't. That's' exactly my point. And a home "cook" being surprised that I have actual skills is like 1% of how little they know about what industry anons actually do.

>> No.19554697

>why are college professors sensitive
because they see people in their class that they think are doing poorly, all of a sudden doing very well after graduating

every academic that didn't succeed in real life before coming back to teach holds a grudge against the students who did succeed after leaving school

>> No.19554704

lel that deep frying video was so retarded, I didn't really watch any video of him before that and I'm certainly not watching any after it. What a moron. Ffs just buy an electric deep fryer, put tallow in it and wait until the orange light goes out like nigga how hard can it be

>> No.19554748

>shattered when it hit my floor, spilled 20 bucks worth of fresh oil everywhere
how do you even clean up something like this? please do tell, that's a nightmare scenario for me