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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19532078 No.19532078 [Reply] [Original]

What the fucking fuck, I've eaten 4 cans of tuna today and am about to eat two more, I ate maybe ten yesterday. 3 times a fucking month???

>> No.19532083

Welcome to the planet we've fucking destroyed. Time to eat lower on the food chain. Take the deenz pill, friend.

>> No.19532085

Won't matter much, you're already a fucking moron

>> No.19532086

*jews destroyed

>> No.19532088


>> No.19532098

Is it possible mercury is good for us and they don't want us to find out?

>> No.19532105

I'm pretty sure chinese factories and american conservatives outsourcing unregulated production to 3rd world countries fucked up the environment

>> No.19532106

I'm not used to finding an SNL style skit funny but that was pretty good

>> No.19532110
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>> No.19532111

It was Kroll Show

>> No.19532115
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>Fish are full of mercury
>Predatory fish eat fish full of mercury
>The Jews did this

>> No.19532120

the Jews thing was the other guy, don't rope me into the Jews thing

>> No.19532122

I'm just saying, I don't understand how eating tuna leads to purging Jewish people.

>> No.19532135

They make a conclusion first than attempt to justify it, that's how these things work

>> No.19532142

Me either

>> No.19532155
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So many cans, just go fishing, fill your freezer with Tuna steaks, lasts all year.

>> No.19532165

When you put it that way I think I agree with you that the Jews need to be dealt with

>> No.19532169

Not sure if the thread is still up but there was an anon on /fit/ claiming he got mercury poisoning from having tuna everyday for a year.

If you want to include fish but like the ease of packaged just switch over to sardines, I’ve eaten at least 600 tins per year for the past couple years and my health is gre

>> No.19532170
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>I’ve eaten at least 600 tins per year for the past couple years and my health is gre

>> No.19532207


>> No.19532220

Shit, looks like candlejack got him. I thought we were fr

>> No.19532250

So like, a single tuna must be up to 600-1000 cans right? Can you no longer eat a tuna? Like say you are shipwrecked on an island and by some miracle you acquire tuna, would you die trying to survive on tuna? Is it actually the rabbit of the sea (memes aside you can survive on rabbits alone if you only eat the skin brains and organs and discard the muscle)

>> No.19532311

Albacore has significantly more mercury

Just eat chunk light or whatever it's called, almost negligible levels of mercury

>> No.19532317

Oh wow look at the oldfag boomer dropping the candlejack meme in current year as if it has any kind of rele

>> No.19532318

if you're stranded the tuna will spoil long before you can finish it. Their native habitat is deeper depths so fishing one from shore will never happen.
>you can survive on rabbits alone if you only eat the skin brains and organs and discard the muscle
Rabbit meat isn't some anti-nutrient, it's just nutritionally insufficient on its own.

>> No.19532323

>memes aside you can survive on rabbits alone if you only eat the skin brains and organs and discard the muscle
>discard the muscle
Explain right now why you don't eat that, too.

>> No.19532329

does anybody on this gosh forsaken board have english as a first language

>> No.19532353


>> No.19532356

sorry big tuna

>> No.19532375

But hypothetically speaking, can you eat a whole tuna without dying?
Rabbit starvation occurs because the meat is too lean and you get protein poisoning so the solution is to kill more rabbits to only eat the fatty parts and discard the meat, I guess you could try rendering the fat from the meat though

>> No.19532378
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I knew a guy who ate a can everyday for lunch, and probably had been for years. That was like 4 years ago, too. I wonder how much mercury has accumulated in his brain

>> No.19532379

Can I get protein poisoning from ingesting too much cum?

>> No.19532380

OP here, just cracked can number 7, I'll try to contact him telepathically to see if it gave us powers

>> No.19532955

>I guess you could try rendering the fat from the meat though
What the fuck are you even trying to say, first off the meat is too lean so it has no fat to render out which was the first thing you mentioned, secondly rendering out fat into tallow is insanely unworthwhile even on beef depending on the cut of muscle and its marbling grade

>> No.19532964

You mean the Chinese and Germans. Normal humans don't burn fucking brown coal anymore.

>> No.19533264

Don't eat that much albacore, sure, but you're perfectly safe to eat a bunch of chunk light tuna


>> No.19533300

You can theoretically get zinc poisoning

>> No.19533478

i eat several tins a week as does my mom who has for years. she is the smartest person i know and im fine
>the heckin mercury
is a jooooish scam to keep you week. the more canned fish you eat the more powerful you become

>> No.19534305

Humanity has been burning coal for centuries so the system is irreversibly fucked.

>> No.19534332

incredible self-own, you've convinced me to never buy tuna again.

>> No.19534466
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>as does my mom who has for years. she is the smartest person i know

>> No.19534695

Why say many words when few will do.
Jews. Chinese = Jews, conservative = jews. Everything you don’t like or understand = jews.

>> No.19534914
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my wife, who's an MD, told me skipjack tuna has the least amount of mercury in it. but you still shouldn't eat it every day. i think she suggested like 2-4 cans/wk

>> No.19534946

There's still mercury in the fish. Did you think it came from the can?

>> No.19534951

To scientists, the findings make sense: Mercury accumulates in fish over the life of the animal, and is concentrated when predators eat other smaller fish. That means that long-lived and predatory species, like the blue fin tuna, are especially effective mercury banks. And the biggest tuna - those that make the best sushi - are the biggest storehouses.

In contrast, smaller fish or even farmed tuna are probably less likely to have high levels of contaminants, experts said. Likewise, canned tuna - generally made from lower quality meat, and smaller types of tuna - is generally less likely to be a problem.

A number of other predatory fish can contain high mercury levels, including shark, swordfish and mackerel. The higher the fish in the food chain, the more it collects mercury. Sharks often have levels of mercury over 2 parts per million, but their meat is rarely consumed in the developed world.

>> No.19534953

do you want me to take a couple hours to research who sits atop the tuna cabal? We both know what type of people i would find at the top.

>> No.19535104

you're dead dude

>> No.19535117

you know what’s even lower? not eating fish

>> No.19535169
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Fishes like tuna also contain high amounts of selenium which binds to mercury and makes it harmless.
No one has ever gotten mad hatter disease from eating cans of tuna.
The health industry is full of charlatans.

>> No.19535178

You'll either get mercury poisoning or tuna-related superpowers

>> No.19535179

Most people with half a brain have been eating packaged tuna for their tuna salad shit for a decade at the very least. You’ve only yourself to blame.

>> No.19535211

>trust this anon
>eat shitload of fish
>get mercury and selenium poisoning

>> No.19535234
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>> No.19535796

I know this is sarcasm, but I see this is the go-to answer for EVERYTHING more and more on this site. It's getting just a touch ridiculous now isn't it?

>> No.19535822

Enjoy your mercury poisoning. If myocarditis doesn't get you first, that is.

>> No.19535824

eat salmon

>> No.19535832

slamon spanks

>> No.19535859

when is it supposed to be funny?

>> No.19535865

You'll understand when you're older, son

>> No.19535874

Durr no, I just meant go out have fun get fresher tuna and stop opening lil cans

>> No.19535882


>> No.19535914
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Smoke that shit

>> No.19535933

Maybe not from cans, but my ex-girlfriends dad decided to stop eating red meat in an effort to be healthier, but just replaced it with tuna and salmon.
I think he was eating tuna steaks like 2 or 3 nights a week and after a few months of this he slipped into a coma.
They brought him out of it but he lost something like 30 points off his IQ and had to retire early and get a caretaker.
Luckily he was moderately wealthy and could afford to stop working.

>> No.19536777

Thanks for the mercury poisoning pops!

>> No.19536874

jean-paul sartre's quote on arguing with antisemites aligns perfectly with how discourse on 4chan has always been, it's just a natural progression

>> No.19537045

I dont care if this is fake, it got me, im never dropping beef

>> No.19537051

I was laffin, of course, i did just wake and bake

>> No.19537056

that's cute that you thought you ever had a choice. I eat my poison like a man.

>> No.19537070

i eat this
i think its tastes better too, less fishy

>> No.19537121

I literally cannot imagine avoiding a given food for health. Fat? Do more. Eat less. All other concerns are nonsense.

>> No.19537232

4 a day seems a little much but only 3 times a month? No way. You should be fine with like 1 a day, right?

>> No.19537330

Dietary guidance is written for the sole purpose of ass-covering.

>> No.19537409

start donating blood or just drain your own blood down the sink at home. not a joke. one of the only ways we know of to rapidly remove heavy metals and Pfas from your body is blood donation.

>> No.19537443

bloodletting has been explicit pseudoscience for 200 years, the only people I've known who believe it has merit were ignorant muslims
post a credible study if I'm wrong, accept that you're a couple of centuries late otherwise

>> No.19537515

japs eat a lot of tuna. never heard of them having problems with mercury

>> No.19537532

not quite 200 years
and you don't understand why it was dangerous and eventually rejected
it's good to drain SMALL amounts of blood from a healthy person
it's very, very bad to drain large amounts of blood from anyone
and up until about 1880-1900, it was wrongly believed that the average adult (european) body had about 5 times more blood than it actually does, so they would drain people into hypovolemic shock and death
the determining of the actual volume of blood in people was one of the most important scientific breakthroughs of all time, as stupid as that sounds

>> No.19537677

that seems a little besides the point, anon

>> No.19537846

Sure you are joking and this thread is a jest but one can every day or every other day is suitable. Once you are starting to get the shakes and your peripheral vision is starting to dim, then you know it's time to cut back.

>> No.19537956

Micronutrients, probiotics and gastric limitations, and bacterial / heavy metal poisonings are real concerns to be aware of retard

>> No.19538037

I just ate some canned tuna
I don't give a flying mercury

>> No.19538043

How do you get zinc poisoning if it was already inside you?

>> No.19538054
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Mercury is dangerous.

>> No.19538067
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Yeah, I heard he could give you AIDS

>> No.19538880


>> No.19539216

If you are a bodybuilder, eating cream cheese is more efficient than eating canned tuna. However, if you really love eating canned fish, sardines are better for you than tuna since sardines is one of the few food sources that contain a lot of Vitamin D3.

>> No.19539218

My cousin looks exactly like this. Should I be worried?

>> No.19539235
File: 16 KB, 316x316, Freddie_Mercury_Mr._Bad_Guy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't call him Mr. Bad Guy for nothing...

>> No.19539824

This shit is stale and not f

>> No.19539837

your cousins hot as hell, give me his number

>> No.19539840

That's so much fat though, and if you're lactose intolerant, that sucks.

>> No.19539846

>Welcome to the planet we've fucking destroyed.
This has absolutely nothing to do with pollution, Anon. Mercury is in the ocean already. Certain fish just suck it up and store it in their tissues. Tuna is one of them. They've been doing it since before humans existed, and they'll be doing it long after humans are gone.

No. There have been plenty of studies on mercury poisoning and safe amounts. You can't eat much without getting brain damage.

>> No.19539848

You didn't even say it you dumbfuck. You have to say candlejack or else he doesn't get y

>> No.19539850

>What the fucking fuck, I've eaten 4 cans of tuna today and am about to eat two more, I ate maybe ten yesterday.
Yeah, you're pretty much fucked. Enjoy your neurological damage.

>> No.19539879
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>implying the level of mercury in the ocean is constant
>implying many industrial processes don't release mercury as a byproduct
>implying mercury levels in coastal regions haven't triple since the beginning of the industrial revolution

>> No.19540255
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>> No.19540291
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Who cares, you should have heavy metal detoxers in your daily supplement stack anyway, like NAC and alpha lipoic acid

>> No.19540486

Remind me who made and transported shitton of mercury as explosive precursor in their U-boats some of which sunk and are leaking even today.

>> No.19540492

english isn't my first language yet I know the difference between then and than and how to use it. you're just mad your not bilingual.

>> No.19540494

Last I heard you could eat canned tuna two times a week. Now its been lowered to three times a month? The earth is fucked friends. As others have suggested its time to try sardines as a substitute.

>> No.19540552

The two biggest problems right now are inflation which is directly tied to the Federal Reserve and its 12 branches which are owned from top to bottom by jewish bankers. The second being the upheaval of Christian morals in western society. Both these problems pertain to food its production and consumption. Since Biden's inauguration there has been 20% increase in dining out, 25% increase in basic ingredients and finished meals, 50% increase in gasoline 40% increase in air travel. These price increases are directly tied to Biden's day one policies and the Fed increasing interest rates. They just recently added another .25% inflation hike for a total of 5.5%. This is the highest inflation hike since 2006 and will likely conclude with a great depression tier economic downturn.

>> No.19540743

you could use some practice with your/you're though

>> No.19540768
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>my wife, who's an MD
First off
>trusting a female
Second, who gives a fuck what doctors think, doctors told you to get the vaccine. Doctors are not philosophers they are working drones, they are almost invariably not private practice and there is a shitload of politics in place to filter the amount of doctors that come to market. There is absolutely no reason to trust a doctor as far as you can throw them. You can talk to them, parse their propaganda knowledge to glean nuggets of truth, but don't drink the science kool aid.

>> No.19540777

can you masturbate with tuna from a can

>> No.19540842

I take the word of doctors with a grain of salt but I sure as shit trust them more than I trust some haughty paranoid schizophrenic on an indonesian basket weaving forum using conspiracy theories to soothe his insecurities over being an ignorant uneducated clown

>> No.19541200

It depends on the type of tuna
Nonetheless this is a sardine household

>> No.19541431

>yeah what the fuck do those goshdang edumacated doctors know, I figured it all out by learning on youtube and pol

>> No.19541446

well it shouldve been either Then or Rather Than