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File: 93 KB, 600x600, fb8a3b4f-0bfb-57bc-8b2d-d67253fda194_grande_d84aec2b-8ef1-409f-bd37-05918d46253e_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19523975 No.19523975 [Reply] [Original]

I have like 10+ scotch bonnets what am I supposed to do with them?

>> No.19523978


>> No.19523979

Add them to food.

>> No.19523981

that's impossible before they all go bad

>> No.19523986

make a jelly using those and something else (either more scotch bonnets, another pepper, or a fruit that would pair well with it (peach, mango, strawberry, etc))

>> No.19523991

you can't go wrong with it

>> No.19523994

Jelly is always a good idea. Pepper jellies are great. You can use it to later make a glaze, too.

>> No.19523997

>scotch bonnets
they are called habaneros pinche gringo

>> No.19523999

Jerk chicken. I use 10 scotch bonnets in my jerk chicken recipe.

>> No.19524003

what's physically stopping you from putting 10 peppers into a dish?

>> No.19524004

you speak english when youre on my board

>> No.19524005

This or trini hot sauce

>> No.19524007

my ginormous penis

>> No.19524010

That is not true, but if you can't cook with them in time then quick pickle them.
600g water
600g vinegar
200g sugar
20g salt
Bring to boil, once it's boiled cut heat and pour over your diced or sliced peppers. Give it an hour, then they'll be sweet pickly. They're not properly pickled but they're much more acidic than they were and will last awhile.

>> No.19524015

chupame el bolis
suck my bonice

>> No.19524017

ching chong bing bong wetback

>> No.19524019

That seems like a lot of liquid for 10 peppers.

>> No.19524021

Freeze them you dumb cunt.

>> No.19524022

if you are so macho, come here and try to fuck me in the ass. I dare you pinche gringo joto

>> No.19524023

Scale it, keep the ratio. That's just my standard batch.

>> No.19524026

Woooooah. Cool it with the anti semitism, hombre.

>> No.19524030

gross faggot, if we're boning its oral only got it? im no homo

>> No.19524033

Yeah, I know. I'm just having fun now. I like to party. I like to have fun.

>> No.19524041

you cut that out right this minute

>> No.19524049

I'm not a faggot you dickhead... I want you to insert your hard erect cock in my ass if you are so manly

>> No.19524056

Idk man
Idk seems kinda gay to mee

Unrelated: if I had to shove those 10 bepors into Obama bin laden’s nostrils to protect the Ukrainian people from communism (self defensively) I would.

>> No.19524070

okay but no condom esse, you better enema that hot spicy turd hole

>> No.19524085

You couldn’t muster up a picture of your own peppers bud??

>> No.19524113

i don't have a cellphone

>> No.19524122

No, thank you.

>> No.19524168

Make jerk sauce or hot sauce.

>> No.19524185

scotch bonnets and habaneros are different nigger

>> No.19524210

If i have too many i dry them out in my food dehydrator, them grind them up to make a powder i can sprinkle on things.

>> No.19524212

I’ve heard that you can jerk off a jamaican with them. idk I guess they like it

>> No.19524218

Weaponize them or pull epic pranks with them

>> No.19524284

Hot salsa.
Blend together tomatoes, Worcestershire sauce, salt, cilantro, and onions.

>> No.19524287

>ive heard

>> No.19524288

>what am I supposed to do with them?
Throw them out. They taste like shit.

>> No.19524295

make a rub or sauce for some yummy chicken wings.

>> No.19524392

they are not pinche prieto

>> No.19524397

Jerk your chicken

>> No.19524403
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>> No.19524532
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>> No.19524540
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>> No.19524951

Honestly, blend them. Put the leftover juice into a small squirt gun, and if some asshole tries to rob you spray that in his eyes. The fucker won't know what hit him.

>> No.19524991

You go Caribbean on your cooking. Those will make some damn nice jerk sauce. Or some hot jam - scotch bonnet and mango jam is wonderful.

>> No.19524993

Jerk chicken is a great use for them

>> No.19524997

My notwife uses yellow ones in an otherwise unspiced dish saltpork and greens (dasheen is tradish but she's made it with kale and collards, too) stewed in coconut milk IE all easy ingredients to find.
idk exactly how she makes it (just plops everything in a pot, I guess) so if you want certainty, just look up dasheen and salt pork and it should pop up on google.

>> No.19524998

Ignore everyone telling you to make jerk chicken with them. You use them in a condiment or sauce on the side to put on your jerk chicken once it’s ready to serve

>> No.19525657

Timothy Jedidiah Edwards, you come downstairs to the living room or so help me I’ll send for your father.

>> No.19525669

Use three or four for a Thai dish like pad gra pow, make jerk sauce with the rest and put in fridge.

>> No.19525734

Make salsa and add a few to it. Freeze the rest and repeat.

>> No.19525774

Make a batter out of chickpea flour, salt and additional spices if you want (ie black pepper, cumin) remember to roast the spices if you have them raw
It'll enhance the spices
Oh yeah and also you need to make the batter thick enough to make a soft peak after you pull out your spoon
Dip it in batter and fry them up
While the oil heats up you should make some kind of sauce to go with them
Yogurt,salt, pepper and a herb of your choice is always a go to sauce
And that's it
Sorry for bad grammar

>> No.19525842

>Use three or four for a Thai dish

>> No.19525851

Salsa, jerk chicken, Jamaican beef patties (do this one)

>> No.19525907

Your grammar is good. GREAT JOB ANON muscle emoji

>> No.19527264

Ferment them into sauce using whey.

>> No.19528778
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Drying for powder, pickling or fermenting. Eat one if youre not a pussy. I have a shitload of 7pot bubblegum chocolate and im asking myself the same question

>> No.19528813

Make a fermented hot sauce with them. They'll keep for a long time. All you have to do to ferment the chilis is add water and salt and let them sit in a jar with an airlock for a few days. The when they are fermented, you can blend them together with some spices. I did this with my thai chilis I grew from last year

>> No.19528820

Throw in a green apple when you ferment them. I'm not sure if the chemistry goes deeper than "they taste good together", but it'll give your hot sauce a different, and to me, awesome flavor.

>> No.19528839
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This is by far the tastiest ferment i ever did and nothing comes close

>> No.19528859

I think you're the guy that linked the youtube to the annoying people going over green apple ferment right? If so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you...I was in Dallas for a week and left a couple of ferments out while I was gone...had some very very good tacos when I got back.

>> No.19528861

Yeah that was me, cheers mate! Glad you liked it