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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19527212 No.19527212 [Reply] [Original]

Genetic-modification and cultured-meats are the future.
We can make avocados grow at lightning speed in the Arctic.
And design new meats. Fusion meats. Meat better than ever.

>> No.19527532
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It seems to me many of those that fear genetic modification and cultured meat…. are merely trying to prevent food from being free.

>> No.19527539

Yeah I agree
I'm pro-GMO and pro-chemical
I don't care about cultured meats
I garden at home and use synthetic fertilisers all the time

>> No.19527541

>the future
I'm pretty sure gmo's are the present, and have been for a couple decades now.

>> No.19527589
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Synthetic fertilizers aren’t what I’m talking about.

Genetic modification is the true GMO.

People who fear food being free.. seem to like to make the conversation of GMO out to be about pesticides etc, which are a complete different thing.

And ever increasingly so.

>> No.19527604

Yeah I know but the people who are terrified about GMOs are also terrified about synthetic fertilisers
I just feel a deep hatred and revulsion towards these people

>> No.19527638

>seem to like to make the conversation of GMO out to be about pesticides etc.
I think you're conflating Monsanto being a pesticide company with Monsanto also being a GMO seed company. I remember the big controversy back in the day being that if a single GMO anything from the field next door ended up on your farm and started growing you could be sued out of business by Monsanto unless you agreed to their seed subscription service for life. It wasn't even really about GMO's; it was about trademarked seeds being a complete monopoly and kind of just going scorched earth on crops across the country whether people wanted it or not.

>> No.19527654

What’s the benefit of synthetic fertilizers?

What’s the solution?

>> No.19527665

The solution? The final solution. Simple as.

>> No.19527723

What’s the perfect peak apex ultimate truest loveliest funnest gooddest transcendent final solution?

>> No.19527747

>the solution
To start with, stop voting for right-wing corporate shills. If someone is banning books they're bought and paid for by big money and make a living disseminating false information.

>> No.19527770

>to prevent food from being free

You absolute retard

>> No.19527882
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>Monsanto doesn't want you to read 1984

>> No.19527923

Is that what you look like when you offer to lick Jeff Bezos's boots?

>> No.19527944
File: 221 KB, 2048x1431, A3A37D6A-38F9-41EA-8FC1-E69E6633BB22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left and right are a false dichotomy

Americans have chosen anarcho-libertarian progressive-populist Nazi-communism with extreme regionalism and no central government.

Yeah it’s bad that people have tried to increase prices. It is not what my people would be doing. My people don’t want to be around people who increase prices simply because they can.

VIVE la France
VIVE western civilization

>> No.19527954
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>Americans have chose
I don't see the conneggtion

>> No.19527976
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All of my people utmost immensely want all real progress.

All loveliest love.
Utmost utopian forces unconditionally.

>> No.19528132
File: 2.12 MB, 1270x1401, 1C89841B-E471-4A13-A8FD-BA926D9A4535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Food should be free as is. Subversion is unacceptable.

And genetic modification really is so powerful that we can solve anything

>> No.19528144

Yeah, man, Vive le protesting mathematics. Your politicians are trying to drag you kicking and screaming maintaining economical relevance for the future and you you scream "noooooooo, we want money noooow! We aren't like greedy Americans, we want to sacrifice our children's future for _US_, not for corporations upping productivity numbers! Now praise us for predicting Nuclear power would be relevant (except we totally didn't; we completely bailed on Nuclear after Chernobyl same as everyone else, but we had already built to many so now our aging facilities are collapsing and we have no talent to mantain them)."

>> No.19528165
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Economic relevance to whom? I love populism.

We love REAL progress.

>> No.19528200

politicians are donothing distractions for the kike overlords
the only economic process they ever make is increasing their own salary while on vacation 2/3 of the year

>> No.19528353
File: 93 KB, 1280x904, World_population_supported_by_synthetic_nitrogen_fertilizers,_OWID.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even if you're some Malthusian dipshit, spending fewer resources to feed more people is just sensible

>> No.19528356

Hey we miss you on /sdg/ can you come drop some truth bombs again

>> No.19529203
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What’s the solution?

But is there any health risks?

Spread the spirit

>> No.19529321

Hmm, I hate using natural fertilizers but this graph make me realize that they are better after all. Too many people making trash way too fast.
Not going to change though, way too late for that.

>> No.19529808

Howdy Monsanto.
Selective breeding isn't GMO. Big Agriculture has been calling Selective Breeding GMO because they love to lie about food safety and claim (dishonestly) that GMO has been around for awhile when they're really talking about selective breeding not gene manipulation via industrial processes.
>Lots of words to say nothing
ok bot.
>Feeding the world population is good
you're absolutely retarded.

>> No.19529815

>Our politicians give a shit about the middle class

>> No.19529901
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Sus post. Obviously selective breeding etc is what we’re talking about.
And Crispr

GMO= genetically modified organism

Fake politicians get hunted down and disappear

>> No.19530330

>If I tell the same lie it means I'm not lying
Selective breeding is what you want people to think of when you're talking about GMO when it's not what you're talking about at all.

You're dishonest and clearly don't know shit about science or chemistry.
>fake politicians get disappeared
ah, so you're delusional that explains it.

>> No.19530516
File: 105 KB, 765x563, 7AE9220F-7D7C-483E-B8DF-FCD3CF981BBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE selective breeding. I don’t know what you’re so confused about.

Fake politics are over.
Everyone is united and aware.

>> No.19530647

Based and futurepilled.

>> No.19530755
File: 27 KB, 931x556, D0F4001D-E529-4C27-B3EE-A056ADA27457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every community is a communism.


>> No.19531217

>left and right are a false dichotomy
>americans have chosen
Please don't talk about American politics. Nobody chose the current situation, and politics devolving into a two party system was one of the worst fears of the founders. The "false dichotomy" bullshit is a right wing talking point, because they're reactionaries who want to undermine confidence in the system in order to retain minority rule.

>> No.19531245

I really want us to genetically modify women to have bigger boobies.

>> No.19531248

>Big Agriculture has been calling Selective Breeding GMO because they love to lie about food safety and claim (dishonestly) that GMO has been around for awhile
Look at a calendar, anon. It's 2023. GMO's had become so common 20 years ago that they'd become part of the national discussion in the US by that point (and the EU a few years before). And no, I'm not confusing selective breading with GMOs; I'm talking about splicing fish genes into strawberries to make them more resilient or whatever.

>> No.19531881

Yes, you're retarded and conflating my arguments, I get it.

Your arguments are vapid and largely predicated on logical fallacies and you clearly don't know anything about organic chemistry.

>I'm talking about
You don't know what your talking about... at all.

>> No.19531902

How did it take you 3 and a half hours to type all that out and somehow manage to say absolutely nothing?