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19525986 No.19525986 [Reply] [Original]

The English Breakfast is delicious

>> No.19525999
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>> No.19526004

>soggy bread
>fatty tendon meat
>blasted egg
>canned beans
>unseeded tomato
>dry mushrooms
>frozen tot
sausage looks nice though. Go ahead make your joke.

>> No.19526018

You are brainless

>> No.19526036
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>> No.19526041

Beans don’t belong at breakfast

>> No.19526123

Reminder that the reason why modern British cuisine is pathetic and poorfag-tier is because of WWII scarcity sticking with them even after the war.

They saw having little to no food and hardly any variety as a virtue that made them strong and that mindset is with them to this day, and so now we have Brits who cannot stop eating canned beans.

>> No.19526126

how the fuck are you supposed to prepare an english breakfast in half an hour or less.
The english breakfast is admired by people who don't actually cook.

>> No.19526131

Yea I also heard something about how historically they got shit flavorless produce because they couldn’t get the veg up there fast enough. I think modern British food is just “Indian fusion” at this point though

>> No.19526154


>> No.19526186

>sausage looks nice though. Go ahead make your joke.
that's what you'er mum told me last night

>> No.19526202

>British food

>> No.19526215
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>Beans don’t belong at breakfast
The ironic thing is that they're obsessed with using American beans for the most disgustingly British thing about the meal (apart from the blood sausage)

>> No.19526318

i heard it's a nostalgia thing for when the germans bombed them so hard they had nothing to eat but beans from humanitarian rations

>> No.19526749

>soggy bread
its toast, and clearly not soggy
>fatty tendon meat
thats back bacon, aka REAL bacon, has barely any fat on it compared to shitty american bacon (belly bacon)
>blasted egg
literal meaningless statement
>canned beans
the only way to have baked beans
>unseeded tomato
has seeds
>dry mushrooms
mushrooms are shit but they arent dry
>frozen tot
"tot" rofl. hash brown, nigger

>> No.19526785

>has barely any fat
>and that's a GOOD thing

Fuck off bong. Your brefix a shit

>> No.19527269


>> No.19527293

Sure, if you’re seven fucking people.

>> No.19527474

It's cholesterol. Scottish people eat it.

>> No.19527529

He says, leaving the house with huevos rancheros dripping down his shirt.

>> No.19528496

You get your wife to cook it, dumbass. Oh hang on, of course not, sorry, I forgot I was on the chins.

>> No.19528557

downvoted for british
dis nigga eatin beans

>> No.19528562
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Name me a country that does better savoury pastries.

>> No.19528564

swap tomato for plum peeled tinned ones,
Get that shyte hash brown off and add black pudding

>> No.19528569

Greece does some pretty fuckng good ones to be honest

>> No.19528604


>> No.19528606

Fair point, spanakopita and tiropita are god tier.

But so are pork pies and sausage rolls.

>> No.19528613

In America we have hot pockets that are pretty tasty

>> No.19528763

>goes around the world colonizing them for spice
>most of their food lack of spice

>> No.19528767

Thats fucking dinner bruh

>> No.19528770

Probably any slavic shithole?? Or turkiye

>> No.19528853

I can make mine in 12 minutes

>> No.19528936

Oh i totally agree

>> No.19528947

>>most of their food lack of spice
it doesn't though
english cuisine makes extensive use of mustard, black and white pepper, ginger, allspice, nutmeg, and cloves
and that's without even including modern 'english' food such as indian or caribbean fusion cuisine

>> No.19528971


>> No.19529615

I'd eat that.

My only criticism is: Toast not fried bread AND who cuts the rind off back bacon??

Plenty of brown sauce and it's good to go.

>> No.19529639

What's that on top of the egg?

>> No.19529661

Hash Brown.

It's grated potato, fried.

>> No.19529682

Only time i had an English breakfast I'm pretty sure that wasn't included.

>> No.19529701

>Hash Brown
You weren't robbed, not all of us think they should be included but they often are.

The best Breakfasts are usually served at 'Greasy Spoon' cafes or Truck stops, hope you enjoyed it anon.

>> No.19529709

>hope you enjoyed it
I think it helped my massive hangover, so in a way yes.

>> No.19529724

>I think it helped my massive hangover
A fry-up tends to do that.

>> No.19530771

This looks exactly like a coney island meal (aside from the mushrooms). It's not special.

>> No.19532633

I eat beans on toast and my physique mogs you all, stay mad BAMES

>> No.19532695

You find savory pastries literally all over Europe. There is nothing special about a sausage roll. It's neither specific to England and nor was it invented here. I used to drive from Switzerland to the Netherlands crossing 4 European countries and in every service stations they serve savory pastries, supposedly the famous British 'specialty'.

>> No.19532702

UK beans aren't as sweet as US beans, it helps counter how salty the rest of the breakfast is and add moisture.

>> No.19532706
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The fat renders down and properly flavours and tenderises the bacon.

>> No.19532710
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Sure you do, when this is the shit you do to it

>> No.19532783

Pretty easy to explain, we went after spice because it was valuable not because we wanted to use it.

>> No.19532803

Hash brown is a not traditional item in a full English.
So you can't name one then.

>> No.19532814
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>> No.19534151

>unseeded tomato
What a fucking pussy

>> No.19534170

this is near verbatim what i thought anon

>> No.19534385
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>So you can't name one then.
So you really believe that pastries were invented in England and that no other countries have them? How stupid. Sorry to disappoint you but pastries in general and even sausage rolls are another direct import from French cuisine.

>> No.19534396

enjoy your water-balloon

>> No.19534465

>So you really believe that pastries were invented in England and that no other countries have them?
Nobody has said that you weird freak.

>> No.19534542


>having to strawman this hard to disguise that foreigns (apart from Greeklings) suck at savoury pastries

>> No.19534549

That meal's the pinnacle of your entire food culture, and it's just okay. The fact that you think any of those things go with each other however shows the lack of taste.

>> No.19534564

You guys learned this from someone you know

>> No.19534565

>Having such a poor food culture that you have to elevate direct foreign imports as your national dish
Even the word 'pastry' is the french word "patisserie" said with an english accent lol

>> No.19534580

or just chinese

>> No.19534581

no way, eggs and sausage and mushrooms and tomatoes are GOOD?!?!?

A better example would be shepherds pie, which is an actual dish

>> No.19534594

Egypt; goulash is undefeated

>> No.19534751

Thanks Margaret Thatcher.

>> No.19534939

New Zealand unironically

>> No.19534960

There's vids on how to do it, but it involves using a fuck ton of pots and pans.

>> No.19535131

Prefer cottage pie myself

>> No.19535136

>implying pork doesn't go well with eggs and mushrooms
Christ you're thick.

>> No.19535391

>soggy bland bread
>flavorless beef
>greasy burnt sausage
>bland egg, not even pepper
>a shitty half tomato
>soggy mushrooms
>horrible canned sweet beans

>> No.19535548

I live on the south east coast of England and the best restaurants here are all French, most people choose French cooking classes, lots of people speak French or have French friends. Lots of French food/wine is imported. Yes we might have the odd Sunday breakfast and the fish and chippie culture is still pretty strong... But...

Honestly most of the dumb shit about this country is what you get when you go north of london

>> No.19535605

Sounds posh

>> No.19535632

more like cottage slop

>> No.19535675

this is complete made up bollocks don't listen to this gay cunt who has spent all day seething about sosij rolls
french restaurants aren't common in the uk, even in posh faggot south coast towns, and most of the ones we do have are just wine bars with charcuterie boards
and i live in the poshest gayest south coast town in england

>> No.19535693

I like their egg tarts when i was a kid

>> No.19537077
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>> No.19537234

Spain no doubt

>> No.19537249

No one outside your diseased island thinks those soggy meat flaps and gross canned beans look appetizing

>> No.19537256

Really? French restaurants are becoming very popular in my area of America mostly as bakery/cafes or steakhouses specializing in steak en frites. The french are investing heavily here.

>> No.19538161

the full scottish, with haggis, black pudding, square sausage and potato scones, is better than that

>> No.19538644
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It's literally the fourth ingredient after fucking water
Stop lying

>> No.19538668

Nobody gives a fuck about America

>> No.19538688

Why is every third post on this board someone whining about America unprovoked then

>> No.19540753

Tomato halves, mushrooms BEANS


The meats suck too because England doesn't have the land to have cattle to service their meat production.

>> No.19540812

If American why do you think beans are in appropriate when you eat cakes slathered in syrup for breakfast? Isn’t dessert food for breakfast objectively more strange?

>> No.19540824

Nothing in an English breakfast has beef. Also cattle while more expensive in the uk are usually grass fed, which gives a superior flavour to your typical corn fed cattle in the US, just Because you corn industry lobbies and forces you to eat corn fed muck and high fructose corn syrup in everything.

>> No.19541020
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you're retarded and too autistic to understand people.

older generation just like the simple food they grew up with. foreign food comes with uncertainty uncomfortable flavour. The average working class bloke hasn't ever considered the ethics of his eating habbits. He simply eats what he enjoys.

>> No.19541056

can you Brits explain this to me: am I supposed to eat ALL of that for breakfast?? do you still have 2 meals after that? that's a fuckload of food even for a fat person.

>> No.19542324

Hating British food is a reddit meme

>> No.19542375

We have loads of cows here. What a silly thing to say.

>> No.19542383
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Amerifats will bitch and moan about English food and then post this unironically as an example of their superiority.

>> No.19542385

I spent about 4 months there and liked the food in the UK a lot. It’s hearty obviously but you can get pretty tasty food at most pubs even in small towns. UK is way better compared to other places in Europe I’ve spent time in like Austria, The Netherlands, or Hungary where it’s hard to find a good meal and everything is bland.

>> No.19543848

It’s a treat you have once in awhile typically the best way to have it is as a sit down meal with friends or family where everyone has a plate and can pick and choose the elements, it makes for a good buffet meal to.

But yeah you get many people who will eat a whole plate of that in a cafe for breakfast, they are usually manual labourers or fat cunts though.

>> No.19544105


>Place that is right next to France is heavily influenced by French culture

No shit. Next you'll be telling me that Southern French food is really similar to Northern Spanish/Catalan food.

>> No.19544163

>typically the best way to have it is as a sit down meal with friends or family
OK I see. I definitely looked like something that could feed a few people
>But yeah you get many people who will eat a whole plate of that in a cafe for breakfast, they are usually manual labourers or fat cunts though.
do they still have full lunch and dinner after that? I can maybe imagine eating that in the morning and not eating much until I get home, but if I ate all that plus 2 full meals, I'd probably get a heart attack.

>> No.19544174

>do they still have full lunch and dinner after that?
There are many who do I fear. But I expect the majority to have only a light lunch following a meal like that especially if they’re doing a busy work day like builders or white van men tend to. It’s worth noting the roadside restaurant I worked at served the big fry up all day, people who order it all through the morning and quite a few for dinner.

>> No.19545743

it was made for labourers and other people who do a lot of hard manual labour every day.
its worth noting and not mentioned in this thread that a full english is served at every army barracks in the UK and is mandatory at training establishments (halal, hindu and vegetarian options are also given etc.)
at the end of the day if u put the calories out u need to take the calories in and vice versa.

>> No.19546328

Yeah, because wage cucking on time for Shekelstein is more important than cooking a proper meal.

>> No.19546339

literally the absolute peak of bri'ish quisine

>> No.19546342
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India. And you can't prove me wrong, so don't even bother.

>> No.19546510

Back bacon is literally just the poor mans bacon and pretending its better than opotk belly bacon is cope.

>> No.19546531

>which gives a superior flavour to your typical corn fed cattle in the US,

Sorry anon, but I just got back form the UK and after trying steak in the UK I can say corn feed American beef beats it without question. The coffee also sucks. Your diary (cream, milk and cheese), bread and sausage hands down stomps on our burger equivalent. Your porridge with cream and rasberry and those fat breakfast saudages was absolutely gormand.

>> No.19546573

>And you can't prove me wrong
Historically spices were used to hide the taste of the rotting food that was used.

>> No.19546581

And now we don't have that problem and it tastes even better. Not sure what your point is, although I'm sure you don't have a fuckin clue either you dumb bastard

>> No.19547046

I know you can't taste how bad the food due to all the spices, but there's no need to get angry.

>> No.19548147
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>> No.19549318
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Those people just have no taste. This is the food of kings and nobody can convince me otherwise.

>> No.19551451


> clogs your bowels

Heh nothing personal