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File: 108 KB, 700x1050, Top-Round-Roast-Medium-Rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19522884 No.19522884 [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of acting like medium rare is the best. It seems like everyone has to convince themselves it's the best rather than just actually enjoying it, when medium or medium well is the perfect temp that they know deep down they actually like.

Here's the facts:
>medium rare is a slippery, slimy feel that doesn't give you the satisfying mouth chew you expect of a meat
>medium and medium well are much better at soaking up gravy and sauces (for above reason)
>even at high end restaurants, asking for medium rare will result in a cold rare band in the center of thicker cuts unless they do sous vide or reverse sear
>fat literally doesn't render at medium rare and below, leading to fatty globules of flavorless fat rather than actual flavorful rendered fat
>medium and medium well lets you get a nice flavorful char, combined with the rendered fat gives you that nice meaty caveman feel to the meat
>some of the absolute best and most tender and flavorful meats are slow cooked to well done, but still are extremely moist because they are cooked properly, with much better texture and flavor than any medium rare could ever have

>> No.19522949

Well I like it

>> No.19522961

>>even at high end restaurants, asking for medium rare will result in a cold rare band in the center of thicker cuts unless they do sous vide or reverse sear
What "high end" restaurant cant do this when even i can at home? >>19520292 and >>19520289. What it sounds like is that you're just upset that you cant do sous vide at home.

>> No.19522972

Medium rare results in the fat beginning to render, which does not happen at a rare temperature, and about 80% less moisture loss than cooking to medium. It has significantly more moisture loss than rare, but because the fat begins to render it creates what feels like a more juicy, and an objectively more flavorful bite as the fat coats your mouth and tongue. Medium rare is objectively the best and I'm tired of retards like you thinking your subjective opinion because you think red meat is icky has any merit.

>> No.19522978

>mouth chew
kys your self

>> No.19523001

>pulled pork
>smash burgers
>philly cheesesteak
>rotisserie food
All cooked well and way more flavorful than some bullshit overpriced steak. Medium rare eaters are retards

>> No.19523531

No? I eat steak rare. Shitty bait but you got me.

>> No.19523532

>muh moisture loss!!!
Use a sauce or gravy retard. Who the fuck eats meat dry

>> No.19523538

When did I ever say you can't do it at home you stupid tard? With any competence you can make a steak better than a high end steakhouse at a fraction of the price. There are many reasons to eat out, a good steak isn't one.

>> No.19523537

cool thread bro i hope no one takes a big fat stinky shit in it

>> No.19523563

not only are you wrong, you're also stupid and probably ugly as well

>> No.19523570

And you have no argument against it and your food looks and tastes like shit lardass

>> No.19523572

OP what you have to realize is that nobody's going to argue with you, because you're obviously wrong, or else so deprived by your senses that you cannot have a good thing in your life. You are either lying or a very sad person. Nobody wants to engage with that.

>> No.19523576

Yet all the most flavorful meats are cooked medium-well long and slow. Cope with your overpriced, cold, slippery, unrendered fat steak.

>> No.19523599

>When did I ever say you can't do it at home
I do do it at home. What i'm saying is you cant, because you're poor.

>> No.19523612

The issue is medium/med-rare are a bit of a grey area in terms of temperature. Some people will tell you mid-high 120fs is medium rare, while others will say medium rare goes as high as 140f+. I don't think any meat is ever better at <130f

Personally I like cuts like tenderloin at low 130fs pull temp (so after carryover, 135f+), and fattier steaks like ribeye at high 130fs or low 140fs pull temp. For roasts, it matters much less if you ""overcook"" them, especially if they are served with a gravy or other sauce, I think most roasts are at high 140s pull temp, or you can go to past well done for fall apart and serve it with a sauce/gravy.

In general, I think more people should cook their meat at lower temps over a long period and incorporate more elements into their dish than just a giant piece of meat, at least have some kind of sauce or garnish or gravy, or have it with a starch or veg, etc. I also think most people would benefit from cooking steaks and fatty roasts to higher temps, as the fat renders much more fully at those temps and the consistency is overall better.

you can literally make a better steak than 99% of steakhouses with a little camping charcoal grill moron.

>> No.19523620


>> No.19523623

Being able to cook a good steak is one of the most basic bitch skills of cooking, right above being able to heat a mean hotpocket

>> No.19523646

Who the fuck wants meat to be stringy and tough because it's overcooked? Go fucking neck yourself you absolute mouthbreathing buffoon.

>> No.19523652

Well done meat isn't stringy and tough if cooked properly you imbecile

>> No.19523661

Sure thing, retard. You continue to break your jaw chewing on a steak that loses 200% more water weight than a medium rare steak and I'll enjoy a perfectly cooked, juicy, flavorful bite of bright red meat every time I cook a steak.

>> No.19523669

>muh moisture!!!
Hey you thick retard, first of all you have a fucking SAUCE with it that is 10x more moisture than the miniscule amount lost by cooking it past med rare, secondly you lose less moisture with slow cooking and those tests are done by burning it to smithereens at extremely high temps. Thirdly enjoy your unrendered fat retard, oh but rendered fat bad because that's moisture loss!! Oh no!!!

>> No.19523674

>presents unsubstantiated drivel as facts

>> No.19523688

Fat starts rendering when cooked to medium rare, retard. Also why would I want to dilute the flavor of the delicious steak I just prepared with a sauce? Retard. I get it, you have no idea how to cook food without fucking up, so you think everyone else needs to do the same.

>> No.19523714

>starts rendering
keyword there moron. fat barely renders at med rare, at med-med well you get much better fat rendering

>why would I want to dilute the flavor of the delicious steak I just prepared with a sauce
dilute? You use the drippings to make a pan gravy you fucking retard. The flavor is very intense and meaty, and accentuates the flavor of the meat. You retards really think we're talking about some scorched steak with instant gravy. fuck outta here dumbasses

>> No.19523728


>> No.19523742

You seriously just sit there and eat a big piece of steak by itself? Are you 9?

>> No.19523752

Yeah I think most people are heading the same direction more towards medium over medium rare.

Even J Kenji outright says roasts and steaks are better at a higher final temp than you think and most people say they like medium rare but actually prefer the taste and texture closer to medium or medium well. A prime rib cooked medium rare has cold blubbery fat, it's actually gross and kinda funny to me that people try to tell themselves they like it.

>> No.19523755

medium is my happy sweet spot medium rare is for nicer cuts or when im feeling pretentious

>> No.19523756

>what are sides
Wow, you're even more retarded than I thought was possible. Consider moving back in with your parents because you clearly cannot take care of yourself.

>> No.19523759

>medium rare

>> No.19523760

what kind of based ass 9 year olds do you know bro

>> No.19523769


most people cook prime rib medium rare and it's better medium

>> No.19523833

medium rare is the degree of doneness where a steak is OBJECTIVELY at its juiciest and most tender. It really is not up to debate.
>medium and medium well are much better at soaking up gravy and sauces
who the fuck cares about sauces, I want to taste the flavor of the meat.
>>some of the absolute best and most tender and flavorful meats are slow cooked to well done, but still are extremely moist because they are cooked properly, with much better texture and flavor than any medium rare could ever have
Yeah, it's called a fucking stew. It's a totally different cooking method used for different cuts of meat. If you keep cooking a steak in a pan it's not going to improve, even if you go "low and slow". It will just become tougher and drier.
You need a piece of meat with connective tissue and a humid environment in order to pull something like that. That's what BBQ is.

>> No.19523835

>most people
find new friends

>> No.19523838

the argument is more that cooking meat like a steak is just a bad idea. you take a nice (read: overpriced) cut of meat and then cook it in the worst, least flavorful, most vanilla way possible.

>> No.19523841

Rare is even worse for prime rib if that's what you're trying to say

>> No.19523844
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>there are people here who don't know the difference between dry heat and moist heat cooking

>> No.19523863

I'd much rather have a cut of meat as tacos, quesadillas, philly, stir fry, dumplings, soup, stew, steak sandwich, pot roast, barbecue, etc. I don't really pay much attention to the doneness, just go by feel.

I used to eat steak a lot as a kid and teenager, but now I'm fucking judging you if you just literally eat a steak whole. It's just very juvenile.

>> No.19523871
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Of course medium rare isn't the best. Rare is the best.

>> No.19523887
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>> No.19523895

cooking meat like a steak is one of the best cooking methods... for steak cuts.
There are like a hundred of meat cuts inside a cow, and everyone of them has different characteristics and, as a result of that, ideal and less ideal ways of cooking it.
The point of a good steak is finding a nice balance between a juicy pink interior and a flavorful seared exterior. I really don't get how people can take a look at a perfectly cooked medium rare steak and think "I could really improve it by cooking it more". You can actually do something like that with some fatter and tougher cuts of meats, but it would be a totally different recipe.

>> No.19523910

For me, it's black and blue

>> No.19523913

To me the absolutely perfect steak is something between rare and medium rare.
regardless, anything from blue rare to medium rare is great. Medium is still ok. Anything past medium is a waste.

>> No.19523916


Why the fuck are there even any responses after this? Is OP fucking bumping their own shit with shitty controversial takes for the past 5 hours?

>> No.19524058

Personally I love them all
From legendary to extraordinary
They are all good in their own way

>> No.19524072

Nothing you said was true

>> No.19524252

I’ve been going the other way.
I like my roasts to disintegrate, but if I’m eating a steak nowadays it’s seared on the outside, raw on the inside. Delicious for tuna, delicious for cow.

>> No.19524256

>Here's the facts:
>Proceeds to list a bunch of opinions.
What did OP mean by this?

>> No.19524260

Went to a decent steakhouse this year and ordered rare because I was used to shittier places that can't actually into steak.
Was pretty gud but I'll go with medium rare next time.

>> No.19524263

OP is visiting from tumblr and thinks this is his blog

>> No.19524347

>shittier places that can't actually into steak.
I hate how common this is.

>> No.19524418

how cooked i'm ordering steak depends what cut i feel like out of what's on offer
as with any matter of taste though, you might have strong convictions, but that doesn't mean that everyone else is only pretending to like what you like, you're just a mentally defective retard

you aren't the kid who points out that the emperor has no clothes, you're an autistic faggot with the emotional intelligence of a preschooler pissing your thomas the tank engine boxer shorts in terror over the idea of subjectivity

>> No.19524462

most people actually prefer medium or higher, they've just convinced themselves they prefer medium rare or rare.

Try a whole tenderloin or a prime rib or a leg of lamb or a chuck pot roast with a blind taste test, you would prefer 135°+ every time. That's just how it is, even for any steak besides maybe tenderloin filet, that still remains true. This whole idea of medium rare being the defacto cook on beef is the result of a few hoity-toity chefs and has been regurgitated by the masses.

All the best ways to cook beef, like tacos, smash burgers, slow-cooked brisket, shepherd's pie, kebabs, spaghetti, chili, quesadillas, philly cheese, gyros, stir fry, dumplings, soup, stew, steak sandwich, pot roast, barbecue literally all are cooked from medium to past well-done.

>> No.19524463
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You either properly cook meat well or you TAKE A HIKE

>> No.19524478

>they've just convinced themselves
like I wrote, autism
crippling debilitating autism
school starters have more emotional intelligence than you lot

>> No.19524484

perform a blind taste test you mental midget. this isn't some unique concept that a person's stated convictions are different from their actual true preferences.

>> No.19524492

maybe literally everyone that likes things you don't is only pretending, maybe there's a global conspiracy of "hoity-toity chefs" convincing people to pretend that down is up and wrong is right
or maybe you have a disability, that, amongst other defects, leaves you with a well-documented inability to understand the subjectivity of taste
who is to say which is more likely?

>> No.19524493

Do a blind taste test retard. You've probably never even had a fine dining experience but take random out of context tidbits from chefs as gospel.

>> No.19524505

Steaktards really crack me up. Blindly act like they prefer medium-rare even though they know deep down they'd really like their overpriced steak to not taste like unrendered slippery mush. They're too stupid to actually make a cohesive dish so they just barely cook a hunk of meat and then do the laziest sides possible and think that's the peak of cuisine.

>> No.19524510
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>> No.19524513

don't need to
i arrived at my personal opinions on which cut I like how well done by trial and error
some diaper wearing sperglord is not going to convince me, through telling me flamboyantly retarded conspiracy theories, to revisit what i already know i dislike
if you came up with a compelling argument, maybe, but I'm probably not going to set up a double blind experiment at home
just telling me i'm pretending to like what i do simply because the existence of subjective taste terrifies you emotionally retarded defectives, no

>> No.19524531

I don't care what you eat at all, just telling you how it is for vast majority of people, likely including yourself. Every other way beef is prepared is universally cooked medium to well-done with the exception of a grilled steak, where it's apparently sacrilegious to ever cook it above medium-rare! Curious isn't it?

There's a lot of food myths that just catch on and perpetuate, whether it's the cyanide content of apple seeds, "searing in the juices", salting scrambled eggs, only flip once, chicken can't be done unless it's at 165°, etc.

>> No.19524570

>just telling you how it is for vast majority of people, likely including yourself
been over this, you're autistic

>> No.19524576

>That doesn't apply to me because I'm a special boy!!!

>> No.19524590

I don't think I'm special, it's just you're too autistic, insecure, and scared of the world to understand how real people think

>> No.19524955

I never go below medium. It's called medium for a reason, so you have a balance in texture.

>> No.19525186
File: 195 KB, 869x1280, 100percentwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19525192

>even at high end restaurants, asking for medium rare will result in a cold rare band in the center
never ever had this happen ever at any restaurant.