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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19512937 No.19512937 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Top tier grinder edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, remember when this general was good?

Previous thread:>>19480770

>> No.19512944


>> No.19512980

had a good goff today
opened a kenyan this morning
tasted like shepherds pie and maple syrup

>> No.19512982
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>> No.19512993

I just roasted up some kenyan peaberry yesterday. Already smelling like a raspberry bomb. I'm all out of the ethiopian samples of roguewave so onto the washed guat in the morning.

>> No.19513025

hot sauce/beer faggotry 2.0

Are the coffee "experts" the worst yet?

>> No.19513027
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>> No.19513046

i stopped drinking coffee a month ago and now i feel tired all the time and i no longer shit regularly and when i do shit it is often clay colored. is this normal?

>> No.19513054

>do drug that makes you stay awake longer and more alert and makes you shit more
>stop doing drug
>no longer awake and alert as much and dont shit as often
gee i wonder...

>> No.19513064

i didnt ask what the cause is i asked if it was normal for it to be continuing for over a month dumbass

>> No.19513073

actually thats not what you asked.
maybe you should say what you mean

>> No.19513151

That's normal, but for your digestive problem better to eat vegetables and fruit anon.

>> No.19513164
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Just brew some nice japanese iced coffee with Liberica from Prau mountain.
Life is good anon.

>> No.19513275

>Top tier grinder
>good old gsr 12v-15
I mean, that's not wrong

>> No.19513591

Uses the burrs out of this.

>> No.19513603


>> No.19513632

STOP gaslighting.

>> No.19513761

>using aeropress
>full amount of water
>comes out kind of sour
>try again same dose of coffee, same grind, same time of immersion
>less amount of water, dilute after
>no sourness
what gives?

>> No.19513839

Clay stool isn’t normal, medlet here but it can indicate a gallbladder issue (coffee potentially helps stimulate it so it may have been covering), you should ask a doctor about it.

>> No.19513862
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new coff who dis?

>> No.19513875

acid extraction reduced with the lower volume of water

>> No.19513883

Every time I make coffee theres less coffee beans for next time :(

>> No.19513937

that unironically looks very crammable

>> No.19513947

that is what they asked, bozo

>> No.19513949

Are all Kenyan beans a little sweet?

>> No.19513975

>buy a batch of specialty coffee after a few months of drinking (admittedly relatively high good) grocery store coffee
Fuck bros I almost forgot how good coffee can taste.

>> No.19513976

>high good
*high quality

>> No.19513981

high good alot of goodness very nice coof

>> No.19513987

high good good

>> No.19514001
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high good goffee general

>> No.19514004

>FOUR pots
They're too powerful

>> No.19514495
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>Put a filter between the top and bottom of my Moka pot
>Still grains of coffee at the bottom of my cup, still bitter at the bottom of my cup
Wtf literally how.

>> No.19514543

no it isn't
what he wanted to ask was "is it normal to still be suffering from coffee withdrawals after a month?"
but he didnt say that.
he said some other vague bullshit which deserves a vague bullshit reply.
if you want a clear answer, ask a clear question.

>> No.19514559

Anon, what did you score on the raads-r?

>> No.19514599

Now I put 3 filters between the top and bottom of the moka pot and my coffee came out hella burnt. The moka pot is the worst coffee gadget on earth, I've watched 30 minutes of tutorials and the coffee is still garbage

>> No.19514623

i dont know what that is
you are coping
you know im right and you are coping.

>> No.19514634

>The moka pot is the worst coffee gadget on earth
bait + skill issue.
are you grinding your own beans with a quality grinder?
are you using an E&B Lab competition filter?
are you using high quality fresh roasted beans?
also you havent even said what your process is.
this is 100% a skill issue on your part, want to know why? well because i just made a great moka, very tasty.
you are calling a hammer shit because you keep missing the nail.

>> No.19514670

>t. perfect score

>> No.19514671

Your gf uses a needle to poke holes in your filters

>> No.19514679
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>> No.19514693
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Just used the coarsest grind on my grinder and grains of coffee still came into my coffee, there's a little silt at the bottom still although not much.
>are you grinding your own beans with a quality grinder?
Yes. A capresso infinity.
>are you using an E&B Lab competition filter?
I'm using the one that came with the pot https://www.amazon.com/Zulay-Stovetop-Espresso-Flavored-Delicious/dp/B07YBFWY8Y
>are you using high quality fresh roasted beans?
>you are calling a hammer shit because you keep missing the nail.
I have followed the instructions I was given to the exact word and letter multiple times. The very first thing I brewed from this was delicious and the rest have been ass, there were no different variables between brews 1 and 2 and the coffee came out tasting different.

>> No.19514704

>capresso infinity
lel. Post beens.

>> No.19514711

shitty moka pot and bad filter
>Just used the coarsest grind on my grinder and grains of coffee still came into my coffee
you are getting fines that pass through.
fines that are much much finer than the holes in your filter.
post them
>I have followed the instructions I was given to the exact word and letter multiple times.
what instructions?

>> No.19514731

so im getting bad coffee cuz its a bat moka pot? gotcha, thats all I need to know, thanks anon.

>> No.19514740

well i dont know what fucking instructions you are following either.

>> No.19514745

nearly boiling water in bottom. Coffee goes in the tube filter thingy. Screw on lid. Place on stove at half way to high.

>> No.19514756

You're getting silt in your cup because you have a shitty grinder thats producing a fuckton of fines on the coarsest setting.

>> No.19514766

could that be a byproduct of not cleaning it? I never clean my grinder since all the grains are supposed to come out of the bottom anyways

>> No.19514774

>nearly boiling
i dont know why you would do that.
boiling water straight from the kettle is what i do.
>half way to high.
just do high and then when coffee starts coming out and fills the bottom so you cant see the metal at the bottom anymore turn to low until it gets half way to the bottom of the spout, then turn the heat off until the coffee reaches the bottom of the spout and then take off the stove and run the base under cold water(or have some kind of tub or bowl filled with cold water you can put the base into)
if your moka is sputtering or spurting or hissing you have fucked up.
if you moka stalls you have fucked up
ideal brew time around 3ish minutes, ideal yield for a 6 cup moka is around 150-160 ml in the cup.
yes you have a cheap shitty moka
yes you have a shit filter
yes sadly you probably have a shit grinder that is producing a ton of fines fucking everything up.
but you get points for not using a blade "grinder"

>> No.19514779

thats not what makes fines
fines come from having a shit burr set.
its a physical limitation of the burrs.

>> No.19514795

No its a byproduct of the (likely poorly aligned) $40 handgrinder tier burrs in it spinning at 500+rpm and blitzing the fuck out of your beans. Capresso infinity is the grinder your buy when you don't want someone else in your house fucking with your nice grinder because they found starbucks decaf beans on sale.

>> No.19514813

what tamp/distributor/wdt should i buy for my joepresso? tamp/dist must be 51mm

>> No.19514818
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>> No.19514824

Fines come from civil infractions

>> No.19514827

The absolute cheapest one you can fine. Don't buy a $45 normcore for a $30 joepresso.

>> No.19515205

is niche zero still up there? the eureka single dose has a shit knob so im counting that one out

>> No.19515234

its fallen off a bit.
the market is just so much larger today for what the niche got popular for.

>> No.19515286

It has a better workflow than grinders that cost 5x as much, its just cucked a bit by the burr set. Its a blendy, high rpm conical meant for med-dark italian espresso. All depends on the coffees you're drinking regularly if its the right choice.

>> No.19515305

it's the only conical grinder in its class. retired boomers who need a second grinder for chocolate bombs/the wife's latte still like em.

>> No.19515376
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Coffeefags who like acidic “fruity” notes are usually the pretentious hipster homos
Coffee enjoyers who embrace the strong, well roasted, tastefully bitter flavors are the based ones

>> No.19515384
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>strong, well roasted, tastefully bitter flavors
Just say you like shitty coffee and move on.

>> No.19515385

>i LIKE eating shit, the flavor is just so STRONG
fuck off retard.

>> No.19515396

I made my non-coffee-drinking girlfriend drink an Ethiopian blueberry bomb and she said that it was the most acidic thing she had ever put in her body

>> No.19515408

who cares what who likes dude

>> No.19515413

Time to dial in your water bud.

>> No.19515420
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>tfw no gf to torture with my shitty coffee

>> No.19515429

Based blueberry terrorist

>> No.19515432

>i forced my gf to drink my shit coffee and my fucked palate convinced me it tastes like "blueberries"
also blueberries are not supposed to be sour you brain dead retard.

>> No.19515463
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>fruits aren't acidic

>> No.19515469

Not all fruits are acidic, bananas for example aren't. But blueberries are.
Also as a bit of trivia, lemons are acidic until digested, at which point they become alkaline.

>> No.19515486

these fuckers advertised a light roast but they're med-dark

>> No.19515487

>The pH of bananas generally falls between 4.5 and 5.2, making them low in acid.
>A pH of less than 7 indicates that the subject is acidic. The closer to 0, the more acidic.

>> No.19515499

>But blueberries are.
not always true.
from my experience if blueberries are sour or acidic they are bad or not ripe enough yet.

>> No.19515503

They're always acidic, they might not taste sour. Coffee is the same. Well it's not always acidic, but it can be pleasantly acidic or it can be sour, if that makes sense.

>> No.19515507

Looked into it, apparently it can vary by type
>The ones bought from the store often have a pH of 4.50 – 5.20, which is slightly acidic. The pH of burro bananas, on the other hand, is 7.6, making them alkaline
Still my bad

>> No.19515510

>They're always acidic
i dont care about "well actually scientifically they are always acidic" i care about taste.
and a good blueberry will never TASTE sour.
at least in my personal experience in my part of the world
there are a fuck ton of different blueberries.

>> No.19515513

It won't taste sour, but it will taste acidic. Acidity isn't just what we'd call sourness.

>> No.19515523

i mistyped i meant acidic.

>> No.19515527

Only tastelets with blown out palates from oily roasts confuse a pleasant sparkling acidity with sourness.

>> No.19515533

It wasn't even an actual Ethiopian blueberry bomb I just said that because it's funny

>> No.19515539

Keep eating your toy batteries, fucking toddler.

>> No.19515542
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>> No.19515546

well that is light compared to the coffee most people drink.

>> No.19515548

What’s the difference between acidity and sourness? Actually, sourness sounds more pleasant than “ACIDIC”

>> No.19515553

None of those posts after the initial one were made by me kek

>> No.19515556

yes we know.

>> No.19515560
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>> No.19515564

This complete fool fell for the oldest trick in the book, the fucking Ethiopian blueberry bomb

>> No.19515566
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>> No.19515577
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>> No.19515650
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If your cup is "sour", you're probably underextracting the fuck out of it and could stand to dial in further. The fruit acids that create that "sour" taste extract first, then your sugars and oils, balancing out the cup. If you start with a medium-dark roast low(er) elevation brazilian/sumatran/nicaraguan, they're just lower in acid by nature, giving you a "smoother, nuttier" taste. The darker the roast, the less acidic + they're easier to extract. High altitude coffees take longer to grow, are denser, and have more time to develop (harder to extract) complex flavors.

>> No.19515770

I have a super-automatic espresso machine (DeLonghi Magnifica XS). It’s pretty mid but it was free
I want to buy an expensive espresso setup but I know that spending 1-2k on coffee would be a bad use of money

>> No.19515810

Yeah a 2k espresso setup would also be “mid”

>> No.19515817

$300-$600 of hand grinder and manual espresso/bambino will shit all over that setup.
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.19515832


>> No.19515841


>> No.19515848

Fruity fags will never understand.

>> No.19515877

no matter what the subject every 4chan thread in existence devolves into shit flinging for replies, purge this garbage

>> No.19515892

maybe just... fuck off then?
clearly you dont want to be here so leave.

>> No.19515899
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My advice comes from experience. My coffee>your coffee. Always has been and always will be.
Here's your (you). Now move along.

>> No.19515915

I'm gonna put an ethiopian blueberry bomb in your mailbox

>> No.19515983

>My coffee>your coffee.
hmmm, yes but my goffee>your coffee

>> No.19516034

All the burundis suck btw. They're not bad, just not as interesting as my kenyans and eths.

>> No.19516044

>All the burundis suck btw.
what about the natural processed ones?
made in an E&B Lab 6 cup moka pot with an E&B Lab competition filter
and ground using a rok vertically cranked bench mounted conical burr manual grinder?

>> No.19516050

I don't use italian meme appliances. Couldn't tell you.

>> No.19516074


>> No.19516173

you mean like espresso?
anyway, sounds like a skill issue.

>> No.19516239

That's a beverage pal. Try again.

>> No.19516284

What manual grinder is that?

>> No.19516292

and it isnt manual.

>> No.19516318

*Wugs your blueberry bomb*

>> No.19516488

There's a kinu m47 phoenix out of frame. That $220 grinder + a $349 bambino will shit all over any superautomatic.

>> No.19517237

this Kenyan peaberry is gross
i hope it improves next time.
going to try a couple clicks coarser.
not a fun experience after a long day
and still no delivery
fuck amazon
fucking mother fuckers
>says delivering today 5 days in a row
>still not delivered
suck my farts amazon you worthless bitch ass losers.

>> No.19517244

correction it isn't peaberry

>> No.19517444

What’s a good drip machine? I will probably never get one but I’m just curious because I like how they looks and the whole pot thing you pour out of. Feels very American. Shitty but iconic.

>> No.19517539

Moccamaster, Breville Precision Brewer or the Ratio 6 or 8 are probably the top end of what you'd want. There's also the new Balmuda but it looks pretty memey.

>> No.19517704

Are there any goffees that can soothe my tummy? I'm going through a bout of alcohol-induced diarrhea

>> No.19517708

Tried v60 with Ethiopian beans at the roaster's. I like it, a big cup of hoffee with volume and strength is what I like best. I like that there's no grounds that get stuck in my teeth like it happens with Turkish

>> No.19517709

i burro'd my banana in your mom last night

>> No.19517952

>gee i sure wish i were dead right now
that feeling came when i read your post. not cool

>> No.19517961

Use two, it's what I do

>> No.19517965
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Ciao boys

>> No.19517983

Daily reminder


>> No.19518260

I don't speak academic. What does this mean?

>> No.19518658

>450 mg of caffeine a day is bad for you
coffeebros... it's over...

>> No.19518823

fuck hoffags and FUCK thirdwavers.
now if you don't mind i'm going to go pour hot water over a cup of ashes and drink it

>> No.19519051

nice, another comment to filter.

>> No.19519064

>remember when this general was good?
stop gaslighting. it was never good.

>> No.19519249
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I went to Starbucks for the first time since the pandemic started, it looked so fucking sad it's half empty with a faggot flag hanging on the window

>> No.19519324

People realized they have wifi at home

>> No.19519686
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I found this (unopened) bag of whole coffee beans that me mum brought me back from my parents’ vacation to Hawaii.
I do not remember how old it is, somewhere between 1 and 3 years old.
Does this stuff go bad unopened? It still smells like coffee

>> No.19519832

>me mum
hello fellow bong

>> No.19519847
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Maybe not the best but at least it was on topic before

>> No.19519868

I almost never drink espresso. Is it normal for it to have some coffee silt at the bottom, or is that a failure of the cafe?

>> No.19519967

Its normal. Decent promotes it as a "feature" of their baskets.
>If you get the hole size just right, you get a gorgeous, full mouthfeel. You'll also see a kind of chocolate-powder top to your shot, from the right amount of smaller particles, called "fines", making their way into your drink.

>> No.19520047

I have a french press and a hand grinder, but I'm tired of the bits of silt or whathaveyou. Should I just deal with it, or buy some big machine that does it all for me?

>> No.19520150

do you do the hoffmann method?

>> No.19520155

I don't know what that is, so maybe

>> No.19520189


>> No.19520222

run it through a filter

>> No.19520229

you could also buy a v60 plastic cup and paper filters, that's pretty similar to french press in terms of taste and no silt in ur cup

>> No.19520235

don't pour everything and just dump the last little bit

>> No.19520280

Yeah, I've seen that video before and I do it like that. Maybe I'm grinding it too fine or pouring badly or something

>> No.19520444

Just had a great cup of some colombian. Nice comforting chocolatey flavor. Shame I made about 200 ml in my v60 and I put half of it in 100 ml of milk because i expected it to have gone stale. I would have gladly drank it all black.

Anyone else sometimes brew enough coffee for a single black coffee and then enough to prepare a milk coffee "dessert"?

>> No.19521259

I'm too old and fat to enjoy nice milk coffee desserts

>> No.19521277

any worthwhile super-automatic machines? i have a delongui ec685 that has served me well so far, but i am ready to upgrade, i am incapable of dedicating 5 minutes making coffee after waking up, i am not a mornings person

>> No.19521284

wake up later or go to bed earlier. sleep is important.

>> No.19521286

i sleep 8 hours, i just need another 2 to wake up. look, this isn't so uncommon, i am asking for coffee advice, not for sleep advice

>> No.19521635
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Good morning anons, I made a potted flower today. The goffee was delicious. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.19521744
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>ordered an Aeropress along with some coffee from a local roaster
>they still had the old version with funnel and filter holder in stock

>> No.19522139

>call themselves manhattan coffee roasters
>not located in manhattan


>> No.19522235

Some places here still have the gold writing ones.

>> No.19522294

Are there any good cheap coffee siphons to buy and try?

>> No.19522361

i mean, they arent that expensive really.
like what a little over $100 for a cheap one?

>> No.19522381

i don't even really like coffee that much anymore. It's mainly an inconvenience that i have to drink it. Maybe I should change my method

>> No.19522444

Moka-frà you all good? Shit went down in Milan.

>> No.19522537

He posted on reddit that his family was raped and killed when they tried to flee via the Metropolitana di Milano. I think there's a gofundeme or something.

>> No.19522691
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What stovetop kettle do you use for your coffee

>> No.19522700

I've got an electric hario kettle, but not one of the more expensive temp control ones. I'm guessing it's fairly similar to the stovetop model and just has a heating element strapped to the bottom, and if that is the case I wouldn't really recommend it. It's not terrible or anything, it just feels cheaper than it should for the price.

>> No.19522770

>stovetop kettle

>> No.19522773
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vibes, cheap, and so on

>> No.19522795
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You can get vibes without a stovetop kettle anon

>> No.19522812
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In improv class we were doing this game where we give each other gifts. He gave me a magic wand. I assumed he meant like a prop or something you'd use in a Halloween costume, so I went with that and he didn't say anything to the contrary. A week later I realized he probably meant the sex toy, and he didn't correct me when it went over my head.

Anyway, I'm open to electric. Mostly I want the gooseneck and the whistling.

>> No.19522821
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left this out: he was a gay guy, and often used STDs and sex toys in scenes

>> No.19522838

Gooseneck kettles don't whistle, you get one or the other

>> No.19522858

changed grind settings 2 clicks coarser, Kenyan is now drinkable
still dont like the taste but its now at least drinkable.

>> No.19522996
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I saw a Coffee Gator Gooseneck Kettle on Amazon that is listed as whistling, is that a lie?

>> No.19523021

i really gotta use my magic wand more frequently.

>> No.19523687

I have a Breville Precision Brewer, Breville grinder, an Aeropress, A variable temp kettle, and I buy only fresh roasted beans from my local coffee shop.
Have I reached endgame?

>> No.19523719
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It's just the start, dude.

>> No.19524245
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can anyone recommend an electric gooseneck kettle without any plastic or silicone gaskets or elements inside it? temp control doesn't matter

>> No.19524266
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no, i use a plastic kettle i bought for $10 9 years ago from target.

>> No.19524348

>same grind size
>same amount, 18g
>same bean
>same prep
1st shot came out with a yield of 40 ml at around 33s, pretty perfect
2nd shot came out with a yield of 80 ml at 30s. actually watery.
fairly new to coffee. i assume this inconsistency is the result of my cheapo old espresso machine? if i finally pull the trigger and get the bambino would this sort of stuff stop happening to me

>> No.19524349

Post it. Goosenecks usually have the start of the spout at the bottom, so it's submerged in water and steam can't pass through it to make it whistle. Although it is possible they installed a whistle hole somewhere else.

>> No.19524351

Are they any good for men?

>> No.19524353

what grinder.

>> No.19524362

1zpresso q2

>> No.19524366

do you wdt?(weiss distribution technique)

>> No.19524377
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well i use a little watchmaker's screwdriver to do it but yes

>> No.19524409

well im all out of ideas.

>> No.19524413

you're positive it's not the old machine that's the problem? i figured it didn't always build up the same heat/pressure between brewings.

>> No.19524577

You haven't even told us what the machine is. If its a fucking $85 delonghi, yeah thats probably the issue.

>> No.19524584

saeco poemia, about 12 years old probably. idk how much it cost, i got it for free.

>> No.19524615

That's a machine for preground anon. Are you running coffee ground through a q2 in a pressurized basket?

>> No.19524642

time for a new machine anon.

>> No.19524645

yessir. i've never heard such machines were thing. you mean they were made specifically for ground coffee you get at the supermarket?
i haven't been getting bad results with it, beyond them being inconsistent. my best shots were no worse than what i get when i order an espresso at the roaster i get my specialty coffee from.
was i fucking up the machine or the coffee by doing what i've been doing?
the bambino good for my purposes? like i said i'm fairly new to coffee so i'm not ready to pay 2000 dorrar for machine and grinder

>> No.19524702

>you mean they were made specifically for ground coffee you get at the supermarket?
>the bambino good for my purposes?
i have no idea.
others might know more than me.
but dont worry about spending 2k, your grinder is "fine" but you could probably drop idk $500 and be in a nice position.
as always, in hoffmann we trust.

>> No.19524707

Yes. You're probably putting a bunch of stress on the pump and its fucking up on back to back shots since you're exceeding the duty cycle. Bambino is a good entry point.
>Authentic Italian Espresso every day
>With pressurized crema filter
>Suitable for ground coffee and pads

>> No.19524748

Grinder is your weakest piece, but you’re already better than most people yeah. Assuming you mean sgp, that thing is inconsistent on coarser grind I hear.

>> No.19525200

If it wasn’t for Kenya I would have gotten bored of coffee by now

>> No.19525206

Can anyone recommend a good electric grinder for around $100? Or a quality grinder in general?

>> No.19525213

the eternal struggle

>> No.19525219
File: 1.02 MB, 6021x464, handgrinders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a good electric grinder for around $100?
Maybe a wilfa svart or baratza encore
>or a quality grinder in general
Pic related

>> No.19525296

yes, the first time i use one i was like "holy shit" after i came and ive had some insane orgasms (ive literally blacked out in the past). least painful way to get a really intense orgasm and pairs strongly with prostate stimulation but is still good on its own.

>> No.19525357
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I should make some

>> No.19525551

Should I buy a Niche Zero?
>good for espresso
>good for pour over
>good for french press
It isn't exceptional in anything but it does everything good enough

>> No.19525564

porn addicted retard think avoiding plastics gonna fix what's wrong with you?

>> No.19525612


>> No.19525722


>> No.19525785

About to throat an oily Burundian cherry-melon bomb. What will I think of it?

>> No.19525797

who cares man. just post when you have something, anything, to say

>> No.19525805


>> No.19525815

You'll find it shallow and pedantic.

>> No.19525873

Hi anons.
I would like to know if you can make coffee with the 4:6 method without having the v60 equipment? Simply using a normal metal mesh strainer with a normal paper filter.

>> No.19525915

It insists upon itself.

>> No.19525939

lust provoking image to get replies and hopefully an answer

>> No.19525984

probably not. i've heard metal strainers affect the flavor of goffee. but even if not, it's a totally different geometry so the flow is bound to be different. maybe a plastic funnel and filter would work?
idk why you'd want to bother though, the v60 cup and filter are pretty cheap, aren't they? the expensive part is the jug which is hot garbage so you don't need it. worst nozzle i've ever seen in a jug. nowadays i just use my french press jug with my v60 cup

>> No.19526015


>> No.19526826

hmmm something's missing...

>> No.19526830

get a niche duo

>> No.19526835

You're right. I need to add the k1 sale price and make it yellow. I should do a resweep of the prices tonight since the kinu phoenix is up to $220 now.

>> No.19526962

33g dose
this is an interesting brew.

4 minute brew.
this shit was like molasses coming out.

>> No.19527030

Are moleasses good for you?

>> No.19527072


>> No.19527500

I think I forgot how to Flair correctly. Coffee keeps coming out way too intense. I still drink it, but it makes me go ech and ack every time...

>> No.19527574

Sipping on some flaired burundi right now. Whats your recipe/profile?

>> No.19527612

Is burundi good for you? I'm drinking medium roasted kenyan. I grind 19grams for asspresso, and i do that thing where you wait 10-15 seconds on low pressure for it to preinfuse and then I press it all out steadily cranking to 6-9 bar
I think I want to get into v60 or hario switch, but I like that espresso is actually kinda low caffeine compared to those methods. I'm just tired of coffee that overwhelms

>> No.19527661
File: 2.94 MB, 720x480, exdosflair.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which flair do you have? 19g is high. I'd drop that dose and try some lower pressure turbos/exdos shots.

>> No.19527669

flair pro 2. I'll see about using less grams. I thought 19 was minimum I need for it to resist and go up in pressure.
I'll try it later

>> No.19528003

>started grinding finer for my v60
>pour for bloom
>see bubbles
>start swirling
>30s later
>still bubbles
>still bubbles
How do I get rid of the bubbles

>> No.19528009

How recently was your beans roasted? If they're real fresh the carbon dioxide is gonna just keep happening.

>> No.19528203

roast date looks like mid July. I thought giving it a week would be enough but I guess not

>> No.19528215

are the bubbles a problem?

>> No.19528329

my brothers. i enjoy coffee and wish i was drinking it at this very moment.

>> No.19528336

It does feel a bit underextracted, but I was planning on doing more tests this week to see if it's just my mind playing tricks on me

>> No.19528671
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for me its Budda Beans Coffe Co® BURUNDI ARTISAN ROAST COFFEE with cbd

>> No.19528718

Do any of these meme premium roasters actually make good blends? Or is it all single origin all the time and only garbage gets blended?

>> No.19528735

What's the best cheap grinder that uses ceramic? Are there any half-decent ones under 100 bucks, or should I just spend 8 bucks on an aliexpress special? I don't want steel.

>> No.19528782


>> No.19528785

Onyx does good blends.
Probably any of the harios.

>> No.19528788

>What's the best cheap grinder that uses ceramic
Probably some hario
>Are there any half-decent ones under 100 bucks
There aren't any decent ceramic grinders period
>I don't want steel

>> No.19528793

blends require actual technical expertise, which most new meme roasters lack

>> No.19528817

My last online order was from S&W Roasting which was fantastic. Where should my next one come from?

>> No.19528877

Why haven't chinese copypasters gone into the gooseneck market?

>> No.19528881

duck-rabbit coffee

>> No.19528893

Chinesium keeps melting when they boil water in it.

>> No.19528906

Id buy a chinesium gooseneck that "just works" and didnt have any horrendous side effects

>> No.19528931
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Café Du Monde, NOLA. Probably the best coffee produced in america.

>> No.19528944

late night "goffee" anon?
why the flash?

>> No.19528964
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i use it to complement the ambient light and to create a mood or effect. it adds emphasis to image elements, and creates special effects in my photographs.

>> No.19528993

sure it does champ
its the thought that counts i suppose.

>> No.19529071

You don’t need copy paste, several brands have their own designs. I used a Chinese designed one for years, it worked just fine. I switched to fellows for meme iconic look and for variable temp but then realized my old kettle poured better and is idiot-proof. I don’t really enjoy fellows, in fact it pours kinda shit and I accidentally burned myself when not playing attention. If I was a poorfag, I would’ve went for timemore maybe since it’s a fraction of the cost, and I bought scales from them before. While I went overboard with memes and even bought a wooden handle, I don’t regret changing though, waiting for a dummy kettle to drop in temp with a thermometer is fucking hell

>> No.19529099

Gonna try 12 with that method now. but my scale isn't ideal so I don't weigh out a desired weight. Gonna go by how much I feel I sqoze out of it

>> No.19529340

Hm. Can't really ramp up to 5bar for 6 seconds without most of the water going through the puck by that point. It also sprays everywhere.
The taste, fine actually, less ACK inducing today. A bit smooth maybe a little too bitter. Maybe a fluke dunno not feeling like making another goff

>> No.19529795

Anon who reccd you SW. Try hydrangea. Dank processes and he's got cheap blind samples.

>> No.19530340

Here's the detailed breakdown of what that extractamundo dos is trying to do. Tweak it, play around with it a little. That guy is using 64mm ssp mp so you might have to dose a few grams higher. Its basically just a quick slam to hydrate the puck, a short bloom while you release the lever, then pulling to maintain whatever even flow the puck wants to output. They're already onto extres but I'm not really sure of the exact differences.

>> No.19530525

Niche Zero or Niche Duo (espresso burrs only)?
It’s a ~$100 price increase from Zero to Duo

>> No.19530699

Duo so you can put in lab sweets later down the road. I looked into those mazzer 83 flats for my grinder and passed them up.

>> No.19530963

only $100 more? thats a steal.

>> No.19531372

>drink coffee
>shit pants
>filter diarrhea through my V60
>drink shitwater
still better than mudwtr

>> No.19531676

Thanks dude. I'll keep trying at it when I can

>> No.19531687

Y'all niggers trying to hard. I grind my coffee in a spice grinder and steep it in a french press. French press don't give a fuck about grind uniformity. French press don't need no bloom.

>> No.19531694

trying too hard.

>> No.19532146
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>Buy grocery store preground
>Grounds are so thick I can regrind them like if they where whole beans

>> No.19532266

could be worse.

>> No.19532327

I need a recipe for dark roast Aeropress™. I brew 130ml

>> No.19532415

worse how?

>> No.19532439

could be too fine
you can grind finer
you can't make it coarser

>> No.19532475

I went and got barista training MANY years ago and what I learned was that there is a correct way to make coffee.

Basically you run enough hot water through the ground beans to extract the coffee part of the coffee with as little not coffee as possible. The more not coffee you add to it the more bitter it becomes

>> No.19532496

What's not coffee?

>> No.19532504

What does it taste like?

>> No.19532518


>> No.19532566

It probably tastes like shit. I guess they culd use cbd isolate and then it wouldn't taste like much but if they use a "full spectrum" or "broad spectrum" hemp extract is going to have that pot brownies kinda weed flavor.

>> No.19532594

Great use of your time and money. You should start up a tiktok.

>> No.19532849

First time making espresso with specialty beans, fuck it's good. Even managed to guess a pretty decent grind size on my first go. It's got a bit of a bitter finish so I drank it with some steamed milk (really just warmed milk, I can't into steaming), but that still resulted in a better cup than I think anything I've ever drank from a cafe.

>> No.19532861

too much goffee...

>> No.19533196


>> No.19533220


>> No.19533926

People like you have killed this thread. Go ask your mommy for attention, get a life

>> No.19534693

Worka sakaro gr1 1:4 in 36s pulled over a frozen ball. 6 bar peak. Its like drinking nectar.

>> No.19534756

Refurbished GCP is $330, that's more than $100 off of new. Is it worth the discount?

>> No.19534812

'Sup fags. I think I've been making my coffee with too much coffee?

I bought a 3-cup cafetiere (or a French Press, to the savages) and followed the ratio with about three tablespoons of ground coffee to about 300ml of water. I was doing this for months. Then I actually read the instructions on the back of the bag of coffee grounds and it recommended one tablespoon per cup?

Taking this at face value, does this mean that my average cup of coffee basically contained three shots of espresso?

Secondarily, I recently knocked my cafetiere off the counter and shattered it to pieces, was thinking of replacing it with a moka pot. But a 1-cup pot seems to small, so it circles back to whether a 3-cup pot is a suitable level of coffee for one person to consume in a single sitting.

>> No.19534853

>People like you have killed this thread.
skill issue
make ctg the place you want it to be instead of blaming others you spineless rat.

>> No.19534857

Out of the box, I think you'll be happier with a breville bambino(nonplus) for $350. Temp surfing sucks. If you're planning on doing gagguino mods its a different story. You're locked into 54mm shit, but its not as big of a deal as it was a few years ago. The accessory market has opened up way more for other basket sizes. The sentiment I've seen around gcps is that people who have gaggias love them, people who have upgraded from gaggias recognize just how much bullshit they were dealing with.

>> No.19534858

The instructions on the bag of coffee mean 1 cup as in the cup marks on the glass caraffee on a coffee maker. Not 1 cup as in one mug of coffee.
Any way if anything you weren't using enough you definitely were not using to much

>> No.19534869

You should be using ~15 grams of coffee in a 300ml french press

>> No.19534879

1:20 ratio is pretty weak for french press. Most recipes rec 1:10-14.

>> No.19535309
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I don't think so, if they're really fine I could try making turkish coffee but most likely they'd be fine enough for a moka and that's my daily drive anyway.

>> No.19535396

Different anon chiming in: I also do about a 1:20 ratio in a french press and it turns out pretty good.
Paradoxically, in my experience, using a 1:15 ratio or lower results in poorer extraction even with an extended brew time, which I have to assume has to do with the osmotic pressure dropping as the dissolved solids increases.
On the other hand, 1:20 results in a fast and good extraction (~2-3 minutes in my experience).
Pour-over does better with a 1:15 ratio since you're replenishing the filter with fresh water (thus keeping the osmotic pressure high).

A 3-cup moka pot is perfect for one person.
I have a 6-cup moka pot and drinking it all by myself is just too much caffeine for me, so if I don't have anyone to share it with I typically turn half of it into a milk drink and stick it in the fridge for the next morning.
I'll warn you though: Moka pots are fickle. One day I'll get a god-teir gush of goodness, and the next I wind up with what tastes like straight lemon juice.
Because of that, the Moka pot has mostly been relegated to my weekends, where I have the time to slow down and pay attention to the fine details.
My daily driver is a French press.

>> No.19535483

Just got a gaggia classic, do I need a more espresso focused grinder than my baratza encore?

>> No.19535569

do you want a cookie?

>> No.19535661

If you want better coffee, yes. If you're fine with what you're drinking, then no.

>> No.19536552

goffee #2

>> No.19536608

I had some compound chilled burundi spro earlier. It was k. The sakaros were better.

>> No.19536700

>compound chilled burundi
explain NOW!
uhhh anyway im almost finished with my kenya and tomorrow i will start on my (sadly) washed burundi.
its been ages since its been in stock.
hope the natty comes in stock soon
and then i have a bag of ethiopia, yirgacheffe aricha.
had a great dinner
how about you?

>> No.19536743
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You're already well aware of it. Just a slightly better term for it than
>chilled extraction
A chilled extraction would be like pulling shots with ice water(which I've also done). I've got some Nyeri Kiaguthu peaberry resting now and I'll probably get some of this roasted up in the morning. Or actually I've really been wanting to try the sandoval.

>> No.19536776

Any good espresso focused electric grinders under 200 buckaroonis?

>> No.19536782

yes i remember now.
my brain processed it literally, exactly like you typed it "A chilled extraction would be like pulling shots with ice water"

>> No.19537253

ai wouldoh lickeh sam moah gawffee

>> No.19537470
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The French press just wasn't doing it for my autism. Time to kick it up a notch.

>> No.19537480

Niche Duo
Gaggia Classic Pro + Gaggiuino


>> No.19537764
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Anon from several months ago who was encouraged by this thread to stop drinking instant coffee. I've been grinding my own beans from home right as I drink them for a while now. My favorite bag of beans is the big old bag of french roast from costco.

Thanks for introducing me to coffee.

>> No.19537887
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>ordered beans from my favorite specialty store mid last week
>bummed out it didn't ship by friday
>monday comes around
>notice my tracking info hasn't updated at all
>email shop in case they forgot about my order
>seems like they did honest mistake but kind of disappointing desu
>they get my order out by end of day though and express ship it
>arrives on my door step today
>originally was a 2 lb bag of their in house espresso blend, but they included a 2nd 2lb bag gratis as a down low apology

Very nice service right there. Will buy from them again for sure.

>> No.19537949
File: 42 KB, 887x383, SS1030_NPR_Breville_BaristaTouchImpress_Article_HeroDesktop_887x383.jpg.optimal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it time to surrender to full automation?

>> No.19537975

thanks doc

>> No.19538498


>> No.19538501

some anons here will hate you for the French toast, but I'm glad you're enjoying your goffee bro.

any of you mongs have opinions on Tanzanian peaberry? there's a local roaster that's middle quality but they roast fresh. should I cop?

>> No.19538523

Peaberry isn't anything special, its just all the tiny beans that fell through the last grade of screens when it was being sorted. They're harder to roast because they take on heat so quickly. Try it and report back.

>> No.19538734

bedankt doc

>> No.19538744

over my dead body

>> No.19538759

New cup kino. Quan is finally on the neat elite train kek. I'm really liking the torch glass but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss my neat:(

>> No.19538805

Oh he's actually got the handblown ones there. For anyone needing a nice espresso/liquor glass, just snag a single elite off of amazon to try. They're like $18 shipped. Well worth the money.

>> No.19538806

Coffee is not a hobby.

>> No.19538810

>Coffee is not a hobby.
skill issue

>> No.19538989
File: 263 KB, 460x436, 1688968263684222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee is a surrogate hobby

>> No.19539088

>A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements.
cope and seethe loser.

>> No.19539106

“A surrogate activity is an activity that is directed toward an artificial goal that the individual pursues for the sake of the “fulfillment” that he gets from pursuing the goal, not because he needs to attain the goal itself. For instance, there is no practical motive for building enormous muscles, hitting a little ball into a hole or acquiring a complete series of postage stamps. Yet many people in our society devote themselves with passion to bodybuilding, golf or stamp-collecting. Some people are more “other-directed” than others, and therefore will more readily attach importance to a surrogate activity simply because the people around them treat it as important or because society tells them it is important. That is why some people get very serious about essentially trivial activities such as sports, or bridge, or chess, or arcane scholarly pursuits, whereas others who are more clear-sighted never see these things as anything but the surrogate activities that they are, and consequently never attach enough importance to them to satisfy their need for the power process in that way.”

>> No.19539114

What is the best burrset for a Wug2

>> No.19539121

sounds like something someone who has no hobbies would say.

>> No.19539159

Boyt superlattice.

>> No.19539168
File: 658 KB, 271x223, Ryan-Gosling-Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“A surrogate activity
>Quote by Theodore J. Kaczynski
imagine giving a fuck what this schizo incel virgin loser thinks.
fucking pathetic.
is this your idol anon? did you cry when he died in his cell?
how many times have you read his manifesto, 3? 6?

>> No.19539359

Leave your room, get a real hobby

>> No.19539389

>get a real hobby
and there it is.
>your hobbies are not real hobbies, only my hobby is real. all other hobbies are surrogate hobbies
actually sad that this is your life.

>> No.19539418

There are many hobbies in life, pushing buttons on lifestyle machines to make coffee is not one. Maybe if you actually tried to be a barist you might find a real hobby.
Sad is larping in a coffee thread about "goffee", go ask your mom for some attention

>> No.19539428

>pushing buttons on lifestyle machines
who said anything about buttons?
oh anon... you have literally no clue what coffee is do you?
feels like bullying a baby.

>> No.19539439
File: 170 KB, 1011x940, 274835166_802341620724356_530584268436826063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek. Please tell us more.
I could make a new thread but I want to see where this goes.

>> No.19539531

Get a hobby

>> No.19539539
File: 141 KB, 850x936, VCND-02B-EX-LS2_850x936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you tell me where the buttons are on this first?

>> No.19539573

Surely you use an analog scale...... oh

>> No.19539582

>Pour mug full of water into kettle
>Pour water out of kettle into mug
Your hobby must be moving goalposts.

>> No.19539600

You dont weigh your coffee?

>> No.19539616

My scoop doesn't change size from day to day. Where are the buttons on a v60?

>> No.19539965

burundi :)

>> No.19539980

New thread:)

>> No.19540241

unfathomably based

>> No.19540981

that thing has had a TBI