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19510540 No.19510540 [Reply] [Original]

just got my wisdom teeth removed. anyone have any recommendations for things to eat or make? right now I’ve been eating pudding and mash potatoes

>> No.19510545

why would you remove your only source of wisdom

>> No.19510547

Eat simple. Everything is going to taste like rank ass blood for the next few days anyway.

>> No.19510577

Was that expensive and how old are you? Obviously eat soup and mushy beans.

>> No.19510584

Thick milkshake through a straw. Soup through a straw.

>> No.19510614

Cigarettes will also curb hunger cravings so smoke some of those.

>> No.19510619

Gelatin, and its cold so it'll sooth pain a bit

>> No.19510625

A fistful of vicodin, percocet or whatever painkiller they gave you.

>> No.19510631
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I had to get brain surgery because of these fuckers. I suggest yogurts and what you've been eating so far. Mashed fish/veggies is good too. I'd suggest other things, but ice cream can be TOO cold and dry socket is fucking miserable.
Be careful with these recommendations, you do not want dry socket while already dealing with surgery pain.

>> No.19510684

I used to call my ex dry socket

>> No.19510701

Make sure the would heels first.
After wards it was soup, yogurt, custard, porridge and some probiotics after the antibiotics course.

>> No.19510713

*wound heals

>> No.19510717

Cold water extract all the apap from your hydros and get lit my nigger

>> No.19510738

I had soup and a bunch microwaved to be extra soft when my wisdom teeth were pulled, the first night. Next few days were eggs and Mac and cheese

>> No.19510742

And a bun*, not bunch microwaved

>> No.19510759


>> No.19510778

>not smoothies
shit opinion

>> No.19510788


Milkshakes are nice. I got mine pulled a long time ago. Looked like a chipmunk afterward.

>> No.19510820

Cum. So in other words, no changes to your current diet.

>> No.19510913

easiest and most nutritious would be baby sloppa with added salt and other spices because that shit is bland as fuck.

anyways, eggs, sunny side up. a lot of m

>> No.19510914

he heard it was a good idea

>> No.19510924


>> No.19510955

Pureed vegetable soup is both nutritious and delicious

>> No.19511043

egg drop soup, yogurt

>> No.19511077

Lukewarm chicken soup will get you by for a few days until you will be good to eat solids again. Sherbert shakes are also solid those got me through my tonsillectomy.

>> No.19511146

For a day off of work.

>> No.19511195

we might have the same ex.

>> No.19511199

smoothies with protein powder. your body needs protein to heal wounds quickly. also don't make the mistake of assuming you're home free after like 4 days because the pain starts to subside. don't eat anything crispy or crunchy for at least 2 or 3 weeks. it'll rip open the wound and the bits will get stuck inside as well.

I had to have my wisdom teeth removed in sets, 10 years apart, and the bottom ones are also 100 times worse in terms of pain than the top.

>> No.19511216

p.s. forgot to add: be very mindful when brushing your teeth. don't shut off your brain and just start brushing from muscle memory because you'll go straight for your molars. and annihilate the wound in half a second.

>> No.19511308

This is a trick to get OP to have a dry socket. Very painful.

>> No.19511324

That looks like some kind of yammering chattering thing and its not even halloween yet.

>> No.19511348

>I had to get brain surgery because of these fuckers

>> No.19511351

OP, answer these questions:
Did your dentist or the wisdom teeth surgeons not give you ANY instructions on what you should eat? Why the fuck are you asking us?

But anyway,
eggs, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, grits/polenta, soggy cereal (add any cereal to warmed milk instead of cold milk), melted cheese, oatmeal.

Your only source of protein shall be milk, eggs, and cheese during your recovery period.

>> No.19511939

Congee made with chicken broth. High in calories and good for the soul.

>> No.19511984

the milkshake would keep the socket moist

>> No.19512004

I just had jaw surgery, I survived on:

>Low fat Greek yogurt
>Ripe bananas (mushed with my fingers like a baby chimpanzee)
>Tom kha soup with tofu

Honestly it wasn't bad and I lost a decent amount of weight because eating was such a struggle

>> No.19512279

Low-fat soups
Nothing too starchy or in small pieces like rice
Ice-creams and smoothies with no milk

Sucking too hard can dislodge the cloths and start bleeding

>> No.19512332

I'm getting jaw surgery next year, how much weight did you lose? How tough was your recovery? I'm getting braces on in September.

>> No.19512498

When I had my wisdom teeth out I only ate pancakes, scrambled eggs, and tomato soup for the next 2 or 3 days, after that I just ate like normal. Wisdom tooth extractions are a nothingburger, they don't even hurt, I threw the painkillers they prescribed me into a local park.

>> No.19512501

you're probably not here but just don't smoke and don't use a straw and you'll be fine

>> No.19512507

OP did you really make this fucking thread only to abandon it? Answer >>19511351

>> No.19512511

LOL weed dude

>> No.19512522
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Lick that pud pud

>> No.19512548

>smoothies with protein powder
This. Grab a bag of frozen fruit and a bunch of plain yoghurt and the protein powder and throw them in the blender. Drink rather than sucking through a straw or you'll pull the scab off.

I remember loving won ton soup from a local takeout place too.

>> No.19512740

stovetop stuffing with extra liquid to make it softer.

>> No.19512970

When I got mine out, I had mashed potatoes and ice cream that day, and went with completely normal whatever the next day, with no problems.

>> No.19512979

Boil cauliflower, carrots, spinach, and potatoes in chicken stock, and blend on high.

>> No.19512999

You should actually avoid anything that requires a straw to consume. Suction will potentially dislodge the blood clot filling the socket. Have this happen too often, and you can end up with dry socket.

>> No.19513018

They keep growing, you see those roots. They will dig into your brain

Everytime I took a bite I heard glowies in my ear tell me things, dark things until I had all of my teeth removed.
Now I'm woken up, now I have the wisdom.

>> No.19513039

When I had mine pulled I ate nothing but tootsie rolls and hazelnuts

>> No.19513076

I had a double whopper combo because I'm not a pussy. By the time you can eat again after not before surgery and being knocked out you are fucking starving.

>> No.19513079

Congee, tapioca pudding, various forms of icecream and popsicles and sherbet, milkshakes, bastardized yukhoe (like tartar) leave out the fucking nut/onions and just make it dressing eggs and meat, etc.

Eat soft shit, it's not rocket science.

>> No.19513431

Cheese, ice cream, salami, cum.

>> No.19513658

I developed an infection from one of them, from which an abscess formed inside my brain. It was the worst experience of my life.
I wish, that sounds so much cooler.

>> No.19514006

Go to a thai curry restaurant
Take it home
Blend it
Cool it
Spoon it
No straws

>> No.19514294

Is it true that they keep your wisdom teeth and sell them to companies that make use of stem cells? Kind of disturbing.

>> No.19514709

Just got mine removed this morning. I was expecting much worse. Anyway, I've been eating greek yogurt mixed with chocolate pudding for the protein. Got some oatmeal and chicken noodle soup ready for when I can eat stuff more solid tomorrow.

>> No.19515461


>> No.19515615

I don't get it, they only got rid of 4 teeth, can't you chew with the other 30

>> No.19515619

He's not very wise

>> No.19515655

I had surgery on my fractured jaw three weeks ago and I've found that as long as it is moist enough and/or you add liquid to it you can blend the fuck out of it and spoon feed it just fine.

break up some roast chicken + gravy
cut up slice of pizza + Bolognese or marinara sauce
any kind of Chinese/Thai/Indian food that's in sauce
chili con carne
roast vegetables + chicken/beef stock
rice pudding + milk makes a nice thickshake
any kind of cake + milk + custard or ice cream

wanting to try a cheeseburger/hamburger shake but not sure what liquid would compliment it

>> No.19515754

Stop replying to this pointless thread. Fucking idiot OP abandoned this thread shortly after making it.


>> No.19515874

I would like to answer this, but my wisdom teeth were removed as well. Thus, I am unable to.

>> No.19515922
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there's other people on this board that might benefit from the information in this thread

>> No.19516089

I now want mine gone as soon as possible, I don't care about the temporary pain afterwards. I'm sorry you had to go through that, were your wisdoms ever painful beforehand or did you not even know what was happening before it was too late?

>> No.19516283

Not one of you spastics (including OPs dentist) mentioned the fact that healthy fats are essential for bone healing.
You need to eat greek yoghurt, cottage cheese, hell, drink some olive oil as well, get those fats in you.

>> No.19516307

this guy said greek yogurt >>19514709

>> No.19516316

OP, you should be eating wagyu ribeyes cooked well done. They are so good.

>> No.19516327

>for the protein
My point still stands. Nobody mentioned the importance of fat.

>> No.19518202


I am the guy >>19516307 mentioned. Didn't know about the fats, but I I have been eating Greek yogurt and cottage cheese. Also oatmeal mixed with peanut butter. Olive oil seems like a good idea if the fats are important. Might dip some bread in it once I can start chewing soft things.

>> No.19518269

>3/4 wisdom teeth out naturally
>not having the power of cavemen jaw to gnaw and crush any food i chew with ease
>falling for the dental jew


>> No.19518904

When you feel comfortable, switch to tough foods like steak to help strengthen your jaw. Make sure you cut the pieces small and gradually you should be able to open your mouth wider.

>> No.19519594

When I had mine removed it was canned peach slices, could swallow em whole.