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File: 1.34 MB, 900x598, Rosemary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19508526 No.19508526 [Reply] [Original]

>try my hand at pan-searing lamb
>most recipes say add rosemary
>go to store
>it's fucking pine needles
>try it anyways
>it's one of the best things I've ever tasted
Holy shit I did not expect these things to be so delicious. I feel like I'm cheating adding this to dishes.

>> No.19508528

Try it with potatoes

>> No.19508696

protip: it grows like a weed you can just shove some in the ground and get a huge bush for free

>> No.19508703

most common herbs are like this actually

>> No.19508707

do pine needles even look like that

>> No.19508712

I've never had any luck with cilantro personally

>> No.19508766

It's very easy to find this out on your own

>> No.19508779

2nd that, the cilantro plant in my garden just died for some reason.
The rosemary is growing like crazy though. I haven’t even used it in any recipes yet this year

>> No.19508787

you do it

>> No.19508795

>goes more than 1 week without using rosemary
Turbo cooklet identified

>> No.19508808

They're very delicate. Too much water, they die, too little water, they die, too much sun, they die, bugs nibble their roots, they die.

It's better to just sew a bunch of cilantro seed in a multiple spots so you've always got some despite the heavy attrition the plants will take.

>> No.19508820

that's fucked up

>> No.19508855

I already did

>> No.19509018 [DELETED] 

I've watered mine on purpose maybe twice since getting it 6 months ago and it's like 3 feet high.

>> No.19510125

Anyone have any other secret herbs and spices that look weird as fuck but taste delicious? I'm a total cooklet and mostly just get buy on salt, pepper, oil, and garlic.

>> No.19510127


>> No.19510145

What do I put it in aside from pickles?

>> No.19510148


>> No.19510149
File: 1.84 MB, 300x262, WOAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuckin sweet

>> No.19510151

cream cheese
fish with cream cheese

>> No.19510158

spring onion

>> No.19510159

would it be against the rules to just pop the 3 ingredients in a blender?

>> No.19510165

it will release mustard gas

>> No.19510199

pan searing lamb is fucking stupid, lamb needs to be slow roasted. For all your history growing sheep, you Anglos know jack shit about cooking lamb.

>> No.19510204

What's wrong with pan-searing it? It's a leg steak and it comes out juicy and delicious. Why would I bother spending a ton of time slow-roasting it?

>> No.19510212

it's much better, simple as. Notice how pan seared lamb exists only in the anglo (and anglo-influenced) cuisines. And then look at the fucking lamb consumption per capita of those countries.

>> No.19510217

>spring onion
this is another plant that you can literally cut the leaves off of and shove the base into the ground for free produce at zero effort. Mine even flowered, made seeds, and grew children in the pile of dirt I threw it in over the course of a year

>> No.19510226

It's such a good plant
>easy to grow
>can eat it raw
>cook the whites in sauces and starches for extra flavor
>can cut it up the greens and garnish it with almost any dish

>> No.19510238

only downside is it can get colonized by little black aphids if you're unlucky. upside is they don't seem to harm it, just icky to look at.

>> No.19511491
File: 880 KB, 1112x1061, 1662830382826837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger tier culinary knowledge

>> No.19511519

Chervil and tarragon if you are interested in traditional haute cuisine. Tarragon has a very potent licorice flavour so use it carefully. Chervil is much milder.
Tarragon also grows like crazy. For some reason my chervil always dies for no reason. It doesn't seem to survive winter anyways.

>> No.19511528

Grow a rosemary plant if you can. It's a pretty cool bush too. I have two on my property.

>> No.19511538

same, my gf tried to grow 2 batches for me but they both died :(

>> No.19511543

Mizeria salad!

>> No.19511598

agreed, just put a bunch around your lawn and yard watch them grow into cute little bushes :)

>> No.19512003

i thought chervil was a pokemon

>> No.19512016

That's just green leafy plants for you
Dill is disgusting in almost everything.

>> No.19512022

>bay leaf actually does something
Imagine my shock

>> No.19512033

The fuck? Lamb on the grill or hotplate is fucking God tier you retarded yank fuck. Reverse sear for best results.

>> No.19512041

This may be completely unrelated but if you go to Safeway or Walmart I think you can get Rosemary in a jar that you can either grind up or take out the needles

>> No.19512044


>> No.19512063

rosemary bread was popular in the 90s and I loved it as a kid but my dad is a faggot that hates flavor and so mom never bought it. can't find it in stores anymore and it makes me sad.

>> No.19512078

I bought two of those rosemary plants from walmart and they all died after I planted them.

>> No.19512707

you planted them inside in a pot because you're a yardlet

>> No.19512713

make some rosemary butter and have it with some bread?

>> No.19512727

Tomato soup with goat cheese

>> No.19512908

ok Mr bookay garney

>> No.19513326

Anything creamy or savory. I like it in soup.

>> No.19513405

Basil always fucking died on me after a few weeks

>> No.19513628

I've had basil do really well for a while then suddenly inexplicably die. shit sucks.

>> No.19513833

It is said in Spain
>Quien va al monte y no coge romero,no tiene amor verdadero. Quien ve romero y no lo coge, del mal que le venga que no se enoje.
>Who goes to the mountain and does not take rosemary, does not have true love. Whoever sees rosemary and doesn't take it, no matter how bad it comes to them, don't get angry.
Which basically means that if you don't have rosemary you're retarded

>> No.19514509

Cilantro famously does not transplant well

>> No.19514579

White pepper

>> No.19514580

Last year my company had a little community garden. We planted cilantro.
Within a week, the local urban folks came and dug it up for their own use. We've had rabbits in the area, but you can tell when they get at the plants, because they'll eat it down to a stump. No, there was a hole where our cilantro was.
I still don't understand why. Cilantro isn't particularly expensive at the store, it wasn't like a well-established plant yet, and it was only enough to flavor maybe a single burrito. But someone outright stole the cilantro.

>> No.19514642

Yes. Be sure to plant some mint in your garden

>> No.19514695

I can't get it to grow, either. I grow plenty of other things but cilantro just doesn't want to grow for me. If I try to grow it from seed outside it sprouts and dies. If I bring home a young plant it immediately bolts. If I try growing it in my AeroGarden it won't even fucking germinate.

>> No.19514895

well, you must be a stupid nigger. promptly kill yourself

>> No.19514966

ive used those herbs while cooking steak and honestly I couldn't tell the difference.

>> No.19515150

Every time I hear about someone stealing plants it's always a sun-blasted 40-something soccermom

>> No.19515233

cilantro grew pretty easily for me, it went to shit either when I moved it where it got too much sun, or the season shifted and was then in more sun anyway. you dont want it in a lot of direct sunlight

>> No.19515270

the house we used to rent had a grapefruit tree in the backyard. once this woman I didn't know randomly came in our yard from someone else's yard to come and steal some of the fruit and she acted like it was totally normal.

>> No.19515291

Mustard seed
Sweet mallow
Sumac seed

>> No.19515297

I keep mine in cheesecloth.

>> No.19515306

Sumac is S tier. Excellent for drinks and for barbecue. Only find it as a blend in stores, end up foraging for it.
Also, flowers - wisteria, violets, dandelions, roses, orange blossom...

>> No.19515315

Sounds like a case of inpatient moron. I only ever take cuttings from wells established plants, especially neglected ones in need of serious pruning. Same goes for overcrowded bulbs and vines.

>> No.19516273

I rarely use it but sometimes if I make a cheese sauce for chicken, adding taragon can give it a really mellow wonderful flavor.

>> No.19516467

Mint. Absolute fucking slut of a plant. That shit will spread everywhere

>> No.19516797

Like hell it does.
I can grow more sage and basil and parsley and thyme than I know what to do with, but fucking rosemary is a bitch of a plant that never fucking takes off, ever.

>> No.19516806

Tarragon is great, but basically only good with chicken and very classic French contexts.

>> No.19516967

Tarragon works with all white meats. Try it with veal or pork. Not a fan of the combination with vegetabkes though although often suggested.