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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19509207 No.19509207 [Reply] [Original]

This fucking sucks, bros. How do people do this every day?

>> No.19509211


>> No.19509212

consider a career change and only cook as a hobby

>> No.19509214

Working a fast food wagie will make you suicidal quicker than anything else

>> No.19509217
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>> No.19509219


>> No.19509226
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To make it to the end of the day you simply need to make it to the end of the shift.
I hear the military is always hiring, has good benefits, and makes jokes about the "service industry" if you can't deal.

>> No.19509227

Sounds like a better job.

>> No.19509228

don't drink, smoke, or other recreational drugs habitually. you can do it on your days off
but while working, you don't need addiction on top of the stress. my best cook at this store will go smoke his weed vape pen halfway through our shift and that's it. any of the others are outside the moment they finish cooking, sipping from flasks, wasting cigarettes because another car pulls up.

>> No.19509233

I was a dishie at 15-17 and the only way I didn't kill myself after coming home smelling like shitty pizzeria grease was by polishing off customer's drinks when I went to bus their tables.

>> No.19509236

>Western cooks and chefs dream about one day retiring from the industry completely
>Japanese dream about retiring from their office jobs and living the rest of their 'retirement' working in a kitchen
Why is this?

>> No.19509255

>any of the others are outside the moment they finish cooking, sipping from flasks, wasting cigarettes because another car pulls up.

Why aren't they cooking all the time?

>> No.19509257
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It's all tiresome, it's about the illusion of choice or control over the situation.
Are you your job, or is it just what you do to make money? Who are you if not your job and what permits your continued existence? The question has destroyed many before and will continue to do so.

>> No.19509264
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Pretty sure everyone feels this way about their job

>> No.19509266

by not working in a shitty field

>> No.19509279

Japs can charge 650000 yen for a little piece of raw tuna on a stick of plain rice

>> No.19509304

anon what kind of question is this?

>> No.19509376

self loathing, not being qualified for anything else and stuck in the industry, might as well climb up the ladder while you're here if you're not a shit cook and/or a retard

>> No.19509438

I swear a lot of these mother fuckers just don't know any better. They work their way up for 5+ years just to get 35 dollars an hour and think they're doing iron man numbers. A lot of the chefs I know have only ever been in a chef and I don't think they know that working doesn't have to be so painful.

>> No.19509487

wagie wagie cry and ragie

>> No.19509499

I keep an earbud in one ear and listen to podcasts whenever the job doesn't need my full attention. Actual line cooking I find enjoyable and passes the time fairly quickly.

>> No.19509569

Fuck you. If I were running that kitchen I’d tear that earbud out your ear and throw it in the fryer. Fucking bums.

>> No.19509574

I was running a kitchen and did exactly this. Now I'm a mathematician. weird

>> No.19509905

Going from a kitchen job to a regular job you realize that most people don't really work. Yes, they go to a place they don't want to be for ~8 hours a day and have to do things they don't want to do, but it's not really work. It's more like high school, where most of the day is just hanging out and occasionally having to do some assignment or other.

>> No.19509912

Is being a mathematician any better?
How do you deal with publish or perish?

>> No.19509914

If I saw my employee wearing an earbud I would walk up behind him and slam his face into the hot grill and beat the shit out of him

>> No.19509922

nta, but I wear one ear bud all day, and I run expo and saute in a high volume kitchen with 3 people on the line during peak hours.

Sounds like a skill issue, honestly. I will concede the average restaurant wage I barely able to perform his job under ideal conditions and would probably be distracted.

>> No.19509925

Average restaurant wagie is barely able*

>> No.19509956

I was the sous at a similar sized kitchen for 5 years at my last job and also did expo/cooked, and while my general policy is that if you show up, get the job done, and don't make too many waves with other employees I don't care what you do, but I don't think I could ever get on board with wearing earbuds on the line, especially during the rush.

>> No.19509972

If I'm being honest I will often take it out and set it near the ticket printer so I can more effectively shout at and dehumanize my crew during a rush.

>> No.19509997

be friends with the bartender so he can sneak you drinks

>> No.19510002

>not doing coke with the night manager so you can just steal a bottle from the liquor closet

>> No.19510006

>more effectively shout at and dehumanize my crew during a rush
I'm actually really softspoken and non-confrontational most of the time, and then found myself shouting at/to people for 3-4 hours every night. Trying to effectively expedite from the line during a weekend rush is already an uphill battle. The idea of someone having an ear bud in and not being fully there just seems bizarre to me.

>> No.19510370

I found this to be true too but it made me horribly anxious in an office job. I was good in school work but terribly anxious and ADHD habits formed when there was no school work and I had to politely socialize for real.

For some reason I kinda prefer the hell of the restaurant industry than the hell of boring monotonous office analyst bullshit work because in the restaurant my time is kept too occupied to think about how I wanna die.

>> No.19510375

the correct answer. Kitchen work is fucking miserable.

>> No.19510376

You have chronic staffing issues dontcha

>> No.19510378

People need to take the bone conduction pill

>> No.19510380

You mean children? Because it feels good.

>> No.19510385

I am a wolf girl. That isn't designed to work with me... Yet.

>> No.19510408

Did it for 10 years, just moved to a wfh job. This is soul crushing, fuck answering phones all day, I'd almost rather go back to cooking

>> No.19510410
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The military has shit pay and awful benefits. OP would unironically make more at McDonalds than in the military these days.

>> No.19510420 [DELETED] 

I got more preteen in military

>> No.19510462

>highschool drama with a bunch of boomers and hustle culture bros
It's so fucking awful, I don't know how anyone who's actually conscious does it for more than a year without going postal.

>> No.19510469

Get gud scrub.
And also quit and move to a different restaurant every year or so.
Also bang waitresses.
Also be a dirty fuck and enjoy saying and doing all the shit that would get you fired anywhere else.

>> No.19510486

>rush hits
>you’re out of 3 kinds of sauce
>you have a backup of one on line
>another in the walk-in
>you need the third to sell but you’re clean out
>it’s a simple aioli
>you start whipping it up
>you need lemon juice
>sprint back to walk in
>sprint to dish
>juicing a half dozen lemons in under 30 seconds
>another order comes in
>sprint to fryer and throw it down
>oven timer
>no mitts
>whip it out with a towel and send it to expo
>grill’s on fire
>move burgers and pull buns from the flat top
>what were you doing?
>”anon I need that sauce to sell!”
>sprint back and finish
>clear fryer
>sauce up
>plate burgers
>more orders coming in
>crank up music

The rush is the most addictive and satisfying part of this job. Finishing a / hour rush and slouching outside to smoke with the boys is the best feeling in the world

>> No.19510516

sex is the ultimate drive of the human male. if you're doing something, it is in the course of achieving sex. you will do things you dislike in order to achieve sex ultimately.

>> No.19510551

>health insurance
>free tuition
Say what you will about being a toy soldier for big oil but it does open many doors

>> No.19510557
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>> No.19510674


>Prior to getting back to academia, he worked for several years as an accountant and a delivery worker for a New York City restaurant. He also worked in a motel in Kentucky and in a Subway sandwich shop.[2] A profile published in the Quanta Magazine reports that Zhang used to live in his car during the initial job-hunting days.[9] He served as lecturer at UNH from 1999[15] until around January 2014, when UNH appointed him to a full professorship as a result of his breakthrough on prime numbers.[16]

>> No.19510703

My only two jobs have been fast food. One in the summer before college, one in the summer between second and third semesters. They were both miserable. The first one they shoved me in front of the fry machine for 3 months straight before my will broke and I quit during a manic episode. The second one I got put up front or doing the drive through all the time and my social stuntedness made it miserable for me. One day a guy started screaming at me because I kept asking him to repeat his order because the drive through mic is 5000 years old and I can barely hear anything through it, I quit the day after.

I'm trying to find a way to pay for college but all the jobs near me are fast food or retail. It's all so tiresome. I want a meaningful way to make money, not this slavery.

>> No.19510733

Publish or Perish is just called Do Your Job or Get Fired in other industries

>> No.19510734

For unskilled manual labor it's not bad. You get to work with QTs, you get free food, you get to live a life almost completely detached from society, and it's generally seen as one of the more respectable deadbeat career paths, I know my parents are a lot happier to tell people I'm a chef than they ever were to tell people I worked in a fucking warehouse.
>But it's stressful
No it's not, you make food, this shit doesn't matter at all.
>It's hard work
Try spending 10 hours a day building pallets of energy drinks or doing trenching work in the Mojave desert as a 6'2" pasty white motherfucker.

The biggest problem with the industry is that it mostly attracts thirdies and retards but at least the thirdies aren't retarded junkies.

>> No.19510751

>hour rush
>he doesn't get a rush from 5 to 9
When you mostly are just rushing it kind of just sucks.

>> No.19510756

misread this as "this board fucking sucks"
Which it does

>> No.19510895

What is thirdies?

>> No.19510943

so giving yourself even less reasons to take a break will make it more bearable got it

>> No.19510968


>>be me
>>work as line cook for over 10 years
>>no money, no health insurance or benefits
>>but have alot of fun banging waitresses and partying
>>covid hits
>>take 2 years away from the industry
>>start to miss it
>>get a sous chef position in corporate dining
>>make 90k a year
>>paid vacation, health insurance
>>easier work

Corporate isnt fun and its kind of soul crushing, but cooking for these rich assholes is so easy and they pay so well.

>> No.19510995

Fuck working in kitchens. Everyone in there is addicted to something and thinks it's normal to be stressed out and angry for hours every single day. That's total fuckin nonsense, it literally just makes everything worse when people start sprinting around screaming at each other, throwing plates and spatulas all over the place. People just make more mistakes in those conditions because they can't concentrate over all the failed actors, Gordon wannabes, shouting random demands and curse words. It's fucking retarded.

>inb4 that's just kitchen culture bro
Yeah and it's still fuckin stupid. It's like boomers on construction sites whose job culture is to just bitch and moan, shit on each other, and never use any hearing protection or make any attempt to lift weights with good form, then get mad at the world when they're deaf and mostly crippled by 40. It's absurd.

So you get stressed easily and take it out on others. Nobody is going to die if a meal takes an extra 5 minutes to come out, or even 20 minutes. It literally doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.19511006

You don't. I make $18,000 a year working full time. Parents keep asking for hundreds of dollars they're never going to pay back, just got cut off health insurance and meds cost $2,000 a month out of pocket, can't even afford a car after years of this shit. Considering kmsing but I have things in life I actually enjoy. The only way to cope is $1/gallon cheap homemade swill. Adult life is grim.

>> No.19511015
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I know someone in the kitchen industry and he talks to me about how stressful and rough the work is on him, because he has anxiety issues. constantly tells me of the horrible setbacks and accidents that happen, and can't go a week without a terrible day. I want to tell him to quit, but it feels impolite and inconsiderate to tell someone to drop their job.

>> No.19511028

Where the fuck do you work to make $18k a year, Jesus, get your CDL and bounce

>> No.19511038

They don't lol, the average kitchen employee lasts like 5-10 months before they're replaced.

>> No.19511052 [DELETED] 

Can't, already attempted suicide as a 14 year old so that's on my permanent record as mental illness (whoops) so most jobs like the post office or trucking are off limits.

>> No.19511056

>have mental illness
>get your life even more fucked up forever by expensive meds and warnings to all future employers
do americans really? how can you live like this?

>> No.19511074

>Implying I'm going to live

>> No.19511080

Fuuuuuck that sucks dude. I know that's a thing for adult institutionalizations but I didn't know shit as a minor would carry over.

>> No.19511081

It is a known phenomenon in the US that police, military, pilots, and truckers don't seek therapy and often just eventually kill themselves because seeking help will cost them their livelihood

>> No.19511101

Even a cashier is better than a dishwasher

>> No.19511103

Oh stop. Yeah that might disqualify you for some government jobs. Normal jobs don't do fuckin mental health background checks. If you don't like what you're doing then do something else. Whether it's employment, giving money to beggars, whatever you need meds for, etc.

Be an active participant in your life, don't just bitch about whichever way the wind blows.

>> No.19511107

> You get to work with QTs
I worked in a kitchen once and it was 50 and 60 year old women, they were nice though

>> No.19511108

hahahahahah welcome to the thunderdome
only the strong survive

>> No.19511112

Not one thing you do as a minor affects your life you stupid faggot. You can't even legally be petitioned before you're 18 AND employers can't access your medical history. Next year when you graduate maybe you'll get over the angst

>> No.19512739

I stopped reading at "no oven mitts; whip it out with a towel".

>> No.19512751

slavemaster cunt

>> No.19512753

Your larp game is garbage. You practically started quoting Bill Burr at one point. I honestly don't understand this thing about trying to argue that working in a kitchen is easy; it just makes you sound like a clueless child who's never worked any job.

>> No.19512755

>90k sous chef position
That's not a thing.

>> No.19512764

probably is in like australia or something

>> No.19512775

>nobody is going to die if a meal takes an extra 5 minutes
>it literally doesn't fucking matter
You know a profession where people move really slowly and literally don't care whether a person lives or dies? Doctors. Doctors sleep soundly every night of the year, because nothing they do really matters to them. In a kitchen if you make one mistake you're fucking over multiple people. Literal lives generate less stress than overcooking a steak.

>> No.19512783

I can't tell whether or not this is supposed to be ironic. The use of "cunt" makes it really ambiguous.

>> No.19512797

wagepoors really are something. it's like going to a zoo to look at the monkeys listening to you

>> No.19512814

I've worked as a line cook for 8 years and currently work as a cook at small casino cafe. It's not "easy" like an office job but I've been making the same 14 menu items for 2 years, it's not difficult.

>> No.19512825

third worlder

>> No.19512829

yup that's why mal-cooking insurance costs 5 figures per cook and medical malpractice insurance doesn't exist

>> No.19512840

I take back what I said here >>19512783
I REALLY can't tell if this post is meant to be ironic. Your post so completely missed the point it can't possibly be serious, but I also don't understand what the joke is supposed to be.

>> No.19513082


>> No.19513118

If I saw my employee wearing an earbud I would shoot him with a fucking gun and then serve his guts as the night's sausage special

>> No.19513125

You wouldn't do shit homo

>> No.19513132

Yes I would. I'd kill them and cut them up into little pieces for disrespecting me like that. If they don't have their full attention on ME every second they're on MY PROPERTY getting paid out of MY MONEY they should be murdered on the spot. Maybe if I'm feeling nice that day I'll only dunk their stupid fucking face into the deep fryer until their eyeballs melt.

>> No.19513135

Keep gambling with your life, little bitch. As soon as I sense a line cook is wearing an ear bud when making my order, I instantly run into the kitchen and grab the back of his head and press his face into the hot grill. Still think you're safe, kiddo?

>> No.19513153

I wear an earbud every day and listen to repeats of matt and shane. shoutouts to my dawg line cooks.

>> No.19513288

How's life being a worthless leech?

>> No.19513289

Feels bad man

>> No.19513294

it's great. i don't do shit and leech off everyone around me

>> No.19513304

Thanks for the input, fucktard

>> No.19513308

>socially stunted NEET can't into basic work

>> No.19513313

what you are

>> No.19513319

WHERES MY LIVER AND ONION BITCH?! *Gets the number of the waitress you’ve been crushing on*

>> No.19513680

So those working such jobs need to cope. And the best cope is NDEs and realizing that life is like a simulation or a video game. So who cares if you work in a kitchen for a few decades when paradise literally awaits?

And NDEs are more real than this world, in every way. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

>> No.19513699
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I've worked a month as a prep in Hard Rock and I'm seriously considering this. The bad thing is that I'll have to start over from scratch and I'm in my 30's. Should I start over? Or should I just keep pushing aiming to become a chef/owning my own restaurant? I just dont know what to do.

>> No.19513700

shut up fat faggot

>> No.19513710

Creat coworkers.
I enjoy working most of the time, rush hour sucks but is easily manageable.

>> No.19513929

If I saw my employee wearing an earbud i'd drive a truck full of lead ingot into his car as he's taking his kids to school.

>> No.19513982
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>recruiters are so desperate they're even on /ck/ now

>> No.19514059

Why do you think it's a job for people who don't have other options? Nearly every single dishie has been a pr or student worker. Most of the back of house workers are foreign nationals. Front of house is white or the status quo.

>> No.19514689

Based, they deserve no less, but for me it's uranium.

>> No.19514855

The grass is always greener on the other side

>> No.19514864

>in other industries
Research should not be an industry, you dumb faggot. It's one of the main reasons why the "I fucking love science" crowd is so annoying, because shitting out papers just to be shitting out papers makes people publish all kind of dumb bullshit just to get more grants.

>> No.19514865

>work really hard for decades in the city
>save up and buy a 40 acre farm
>work even harder to make it a great place to raise your kids where they won't be beholden to landlords or city councils
>they grow into fine young adults
>you die and they inherit your land
>they sell it to buy a 2 bedroom townhouse in the city

>> No.19514873

I thought what actually happened was that he let a piece of bread get moldy, he ate it, and then kept the culture around because it nuked a bunch of his venereal diseases.

>> No.19514898

lol why would someone willingly stand in front of a grill all day. i would only do that if I had some sort of ownership in the business or created the menu. working as a cook in chili's or olive garden sounds dreadful.

>> No.19514904

that would be based and a better story but no, he had bacterial cultures going, they got moldy by accident, and he noticed that the bacteria all died anywhere close to the mold

>> No.19514978

Find a temp agency

>> No.19515389

I had a friend who worked at McDonald's and he worked with women who were mostly in their 40s.

>> No.19515709

It's so over

>> No.19515930

I do manual labor in temps that get into the hundreds and it's rare we get any shade. Still love my job and am excited to go in every morning.

>> No.19515953
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>Working on a burrito stand
>Actually suck at wrapping a burrito
>People keep pestering me about putting way more than what we should be putting in despite this
>Horrible smell of the beans always on you and your clothes
>Shit like guac always find a way of dirtying your pants and shoes no matter how careful you work
I hate it. I know it's not a real cook position or anything so maybe I shouldn't vent here but I need to bros. Standing on your feet for 8 hours right next to very hot crap in summer is very tiring
The cooks who prepare other stuff and never actually deal with the customers are also always very rude, condescending and unhelpful when their help could matter like when it's rush hour.
Honestly all these would be less insulting if I didn't get out of the stand at like 10 pm and reach home around 10 40

>> No.19515969

>Standing on your feet for 8 hours right next to very hot crap in summer is very tiring

It's even worse because you're not really moving around much. I feel like it would be less tiring to walk for 8 hours than it is to stand in the same spot.

>> No.19516063

Ah yeah I agree. At worst you're reaching something at knee high or reaching towards an ingredient on the far end of a shelf. Being tall and somewhat overweight doesn't help either, my back always starts hurting around the end of the shift. A regular 9 to 5 job or even a proper restaurant waiter job sounds like heaven at this point. Sorry for making you guys go through my negativity btw.

>> No.19516069

I'm the one who made this thread, brother. Air out your grievances. I know how much it sucks.

>> No.19516106

>but it does open many doors
>chance to ship off to some warzone in the stans
>chance you get called into action and have to fight to survive
>chance to get wounded, or killed
>chance you come home to find out your wife cheated on you, or left you because she was "lonely" and "depressed"
All of this for what?
>leftist ideology
>your jewish masters
>barely any money
>"your country"
>so your dumb whore wife can have an excuse to cheat on you with your neighbor and "best friend" steve, also taking all of the money you were earning risking your life for with them

>> No.19516122

I would beat the shit out of you for being an annoying retard

>> No.19516135

This is why I'm a NEET. I can't work labour because at this point I'd beat someone's face in or worse if they mouthed me off. I'd rather start my own business, then nobody could mouth me off in my workplace. If they do, I can have them dragged out by security (assuming it's an office).

If you can't commit to a similar plan to emancipate yourself, then cry harder. Your skill issue doesn't deserve respect. If you want to be a doormat, accept your role, wagie.

>> No.19516143

going by society's roles or idealized timetables is sad and pathetic. You should do what works for you within legal bounds. I'll be 40 next year and I might be 45 until I make a business breakthrough but I won't let that get me down.

>> No.19516154

anyone not stupid parlays the military into $300k/year thumb up your ass work tier stuff. I'm not a fed cocksucker so I couldn't do it out of principle but you have to be a monumental .oron to not parlay the military into a money printer

>> No.19516186

Issue is that you also have to be a monumental moron to join the military in the first place

>> No.19516190

>This is why I'm a NEET. I can't work labour because at this point I'd beat someone's face in or worse if they mouthed me off. I'd rather start my own business, then nobody could mouth me off in my workplace. If they do, I can have them dragged out by security (assuming it's an office).
>If you can't commit to a similar plan to emancipate yourself, then cry harder. Your skill issue doesn't deserve respect. If you want to be a doormat, accept your role, wagie.
That's a lot of shit talking for someone who hasn't actually done anything they say they would do.

>> No.19516260
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>Yeah and it's still fuckin stupid. It's like boomers on construction sites whose job culture is to just bitch and moan, shit on each other, and never use any hearing protection or make any attempt to lift weights with good form, then get mad at the world when they're deaf and mostly crippled by 40. It's absurd.

I work in a mine repair machine shop and ear and eyepro is for queers. I got hit in an inch below the eye with a piece of slag while torching a bearing off a gear without wearing glasses.

>> No.19516302
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I still hear the fryolator beeps in my sleep, bros.

>> No.19516345

the ticket machine sounds are worse

>> No.19516358

Working between a burger job and part time news editor until i get full time, been with the burger job for 6 years and that was also between that place and another restaurant. It sucks absolute ass especially if majority of your staff is minors and especially High school girls that will ignore everything.

Its absolute pain but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Im gonna make it bros

>> No.19516364

This. I actually wake up in the middle of the night hearing that fucking thing.

>> No.19516371
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You're all pussies. Internet tough guys. You're real intimidating hitting those keys on the keyboard while you seethe IRL.

If I catch someone wearing earbuds, I would RAPE them. IMMEDIATELY. Even if they aren't working. I have a pocketful of Sidefanil for this very purpose. If they even THINK about listening to music I'm pulling their pants down and telling them to brace for impact. You will never be as hardcore as me.

>> No.19516380

Lol it is funny because it is kind of fucked how much dread is instilled in you by your job for these things that are ultimately inconsequential.

>> No.19516382

hahaha even the after life guy starts his video with "let's get into it"

>> No.19516391

I love jadu

>> No.19516395

You try being buried in tickets to the point where you're using the ones from the expo station while you refill the paper and deal with a fucking GM threatening to fire you for fucking up a rich person's steak for the 6th time because he's showing off to his friends by treating the staff like slaves. Dumbfuck has no idea what medium-rare is and I'm too busy to deal with his ass if the printer has never stopped printing for the last 2 hours.

>> No.19516412

Yeah, ultimately it's inconsequential. But when you have an asshole boss who screams at you whenever tickets get backed up and you learn to fear the noise.

He literally controls whether or not you get to keep your job and pay next month's rent. So yeah, it matters to me.

>> No.19516417

God online ordering made that shit even worse. Especially sundays where its the fat fuck church crowd coming in the evenings 20minutes before close then online orders from a different fat fuck church crowd coming in piling on.

>> No.19516424

doordash has been a goddamn disaster for the restaurant industry. I guess it's good for the owners, but for the workers? Hell no.

You can have a full house and then 5 tickets in a row will come in from some 9 person family ordering their entire dinner from you.

>> No.19516451
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The biggest nightmare ive experienced was a full drive thru, a full restaurant because it was lent and everyone wanted fish, then all the sudden 5 orders coming in all 100 dollars or more with a skeleton crew kitchen when we were all telling the GM to shut down online cause we couldnt keep up.

One 400 pound big-guy-for-you got upset at the hour long wait that came from all this.

I just remember that was the night i got near blackout drunk when i came home

>> No.19516455

>I just remember that was the night i got near blackout drunk when i came home
Imagine a life where this stands out as a singular event lmao

>> No.19516469

Well when your life is occupied by full time college, 2 jobs, taking care of your mother who was fighting breast cancer, and COVID lockdowns when all of this was happening your life zips by then yes

>> No.19516475

It's not that comparable maybe but we have a local event every year that doesn't count as a holiday and everybody fucking takes a sick day out despite it being fucking busy as hell. I didn't know how bad this shit was or even what it was till I started working that day but holy shit I'm still angry they weren't handing out fat bonus checks or proper holiday pay for that day with how busy it was.
We straight up ran out of most ingredients that we prepared or had in double quantities when we always stock up more than we need normally anyways

>> No.19516483

Man, how do you actually handle both studying and working full time at the same time
I feel like two steps away from breaking down in a corner by myself with this bullshit coupled with like a minimum of one hour and half transit minimum, upto two hours of transit per day

>> No.19516491

Normally with alcoholism which is why it's confusing how that guy thinks his shitty life means that he wouldn't be drinking

>> No.19516498

And who pays for your bills? Mommy? LOL

>> No.19516830

The way feedback works in this industry is also astounding
>Fifty different people come out and say X is great in a day
>Get a pat in the back, at best your boss will be lenient once about some minor problem happening the same week
>Like two or three people complain about X in a week
>Practically on the verge of being fired

>> No.19516873 [DELETED] 
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He's in holy shit

>> No.19516898

mommy makes me tendiez, wagie

>> No.19517125

By powering through it and telling yourself everything is gonna be alright, copium is a helluva drug. The whole COVID lockdown however about made me break down due to my mother still fighting breast cancer and being incredibly high risk while she just got procedures done. Being around so many people put me on edge. Eventually she won that however just around the end of the worst of it.

>> No.19517146

>be introverted autist
>get customer service job
>take mdma every day before work
it's as simple as that

>> No.19517164

School is motivating because you know that it will help you gtfo out of the industry, I was most depressed during the summer when I was only working the job even though I had more free time. It's a lot of time optimization studying whenever possible because you need to have free time everyday to smoke/drink and play videogames or whatever gives you happiness.

>> No.19517375

The government, dipshit.

>> No.19517378

>take mdma every day
carry on anon

>> No.19517686

Thread theme

>> No.19518127

>paid $2000 for flipping burgers
>spend $1500 on rent
>spend $300 on amphetamines to do your job
>spend $100 on fuel to commute
>cool $100 profit
Sigma lifestyle

>> No.19518143

the chad workplace food thief

>> No.19518383

Shrek 1

>> No.19518405

what was your phd ?

>> No.19518428

Ive always read how bad working in kitchens is. But my experience working in a small tea cafe was pretty good. Got to cook what I wanted, making orders wasnt too bad. And it was fun to brew the tea, etc. But that was a small and not so busy cafe.

How bad does it really get at a busy place? Is it really so bad people just crush drugs and alc? What could be done to alleviate those bad aspects?

>> No.19518553

i've thought about working with food but decided against traditional industry
i want to learn scratch cooking and then travel around as a missionary and cook with whatever is on hand in remote villages or whatever place I'm in

>> No.19518707

Because japs will own their fucking company.
Cooking for a restaurant to make millions while you make 3k a month? fucking kek.

>> No.19518763

Hurt or disrespect me and I would take my time to cripple you and splash acid consistently on you for years on end until you eventually commit suicide.
Your final thoughts as you die will be why didn't I let my good working employee hear music in hiss earbuds? as you cry from the pain of the burns and smashed toes and fingers you had from 'accidents' and your lost eye lost from the pika dn acids.

>> No.19518865
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Line cooks are drug addicts or suicidal what do you mean anon?

>> No.19518882

I'm 31, I ditched hospitality and now I'm a freelance software engineer/frontend dev. If you can find the time to invest into learning a skill and getting certified in some way, you should definitely consider it.

>> No.19519015

it could be worse
>t. closing dishwasher

>> No.19519026

I do my shit in an order that makes it a pain in the ass for me simply so the dishwasher has an easier time when I'm closing, closing in general sucks

>> No.19519054

>closing in general sucks
yep. the cooks and servers at my restaurant doesn't respect the dishwashers so they just throw everything back here at the same time as everyone else. it's so fucking annoying.
at least you're considerate to the dishwashers. i respect it.

>> No.19519063
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My boss broke my arms and legs and all of my fingers and toes when he caught me with an ear bud in. My lawyer says I have no legal recourse because I signed the contract. What do

>> No.19519080

Have you considered an effective revolution against industrial society?

>> No.19519402

Yeah but mom said I'm not allowed to

>> No.19519417

how did you type this?

>> No.19519430

I don't know.
If you have a small station and there isn't much work it's easy and comfy as fuck.
>worked a week at hotel restaurant at a higher floor and spend hours outside on the balcony looking at the sky and guests

>> No.19519483

>bawww cooking is so haaaaaard such a bad job look at this wojak that's how I feel
It's the easiest shit in the world. Even a janitor has a harder job cleaning up the messes you fags make.
How is cooking supposed to be hard?

>> No.19519487

Why does money matter when all they want to do is make ramen or yakitori?

>> No.19519547

With my nose

>> No.19519558

i don't think this is a western vs. japanese thing. there are lots of people in the US toiling away in offices who dream of opening a restaurant, and some do. similarly, there are cooks and chefs in japan with greater aspirations.

>> No.19519557

good bait but too obvious. respond to this post indignant and talk about how you totally worked as a cook for years and it was way easier than what you do now (billionaire computer guy) and you might get some bites

>> No.19519921
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>first day back in kitchen for over half a year
>first time hearing the ticket machine in some time and i immediately get this fearful/anxious pavlovian response to the sound

>> No.19519970
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Yeah well if I catch someone listening to music in any form I would snap them into a pocket dimension and show them unknowable suffering with no meaning. They would fall up the stairs. They would fall down the stairs. They would be the stairs. The stairs would fall up them. The stairs would fall down them. Forever. Before there was time. There was stair.

>> No.19520014

How did ou get certified and where did you start? I've been using some of the free resources online like ODIN Project but wondering if I should try something else.

Also how d you even get a job with 0 experience?

>> No.19520017

He's larping. He's either a NEET or still working in the service industry.

>> No.19520097

Cooking is so easy a child can do it. A "computer guy" has to use his brain.

>> No.19520110

this is what i'm talking about. obviously computer guy is not only more valuable but also harder working, because he gets paid more. you can tell working in a kitchen is easy because cooks are all on drugs, you can't do any serious work when you're stoned all the time.

>> No.19520154

i like it, currently doing 12 hours shifts with no specified breaks serving richfags burgers fries and nachos

>> No.19520163

>no specified breaks
So every line cook job?

>> No.19520169

every other place ive worked actually provided lunch breaks and tens or fifteens where a sous or manager would fill your spot, this is the first one where i could actually go 9 to 9 without having anything more than iced tea

>> No.19520672

my station is small but the restaurant is busy as fuck.
i will agree that it would be comfier if there was less work to do. i could play music while washing dishes or something.

>> No.19520742

Who are you quoting

>> No.19520746

I'm tempted to get a job as a cook at my local fast food place. $18 an hour doesn't sound too bad.
Pays more than my real job that I had to go to college to do.

>> No.19520751

>Talk about hating closing
>The only day I wasn't on closing duty has been changed to closing hours the same day I make the post
I'm so fucking close to saying screw this and just giving my 2 week notice, I wish I could actually line up another job because I can't afford unemployment

>> No.19520758

But I have to clean my own messes though

>> No.19520768

>But I have to clean my own messes though
Welcome to the club.

>> No.19520795

with my fellow line cooks of course. If you haven't became bros with them, you're gonna hate it a lot if you don't got drugs to cope with. When I used to work as a line cook for a few years, I always at least looked forward to chatting with my fellow cooks and laughing at dumb jokes while we blaze through lunch and dinner hour

>> No.19520814

Any Australians here?
How do I get a cooking job? Do I need a food handling certificate?
I mostly want to cut things and prepare things and get experience but I'm happy to wash dishes + prepare/cut

>> No.19520823

Is saying that you're passionate about cooking and cutting going to have your application binned btw

>> No.19520828

you don't need to be passionate about anything, they don't care, if you have experience working in restaurants they care, otherwise you just need to seem as desperate as possible. also no matter what the reality is just put your availability on as 24/7 on the application and let them find out you lied after they hire you

>> No.19520830

What does 24/7 availability mean?
I have no life and no obligations, is this 24/7 availability?

>> No.19520832

Are you okay? Most people work with one earbud in at the kitchens in my store, dropping batches through the day. It's a better cope than drugs.

>> No.19520833

>If I were running that kitchen I’d tear that earbud out your ear and throw it in the fryer.
I'm a top 1% employee who works hard, never fucks up, and gets on with everyone. When employers have asked me not to wear an earbud I tell them I will quit and they never mention it again.

>> No.19520834

>also no matter what the reality is just put your availability on as 24/7 on the application and let them find out you lied after they hire you
Sounds like an easy way to get kicked out early on
Not like I have any experience in that specific situation but still

>> No.19520835

it means when you apply there will either be a paper application where you tell them what times and days you're available to work, or they will ask you. the right answer if you want to get hired is "every day, all the time, and i'm happy to come in on my days off if called" even if thats not actually true

>> No.19520837

Yeah but what the hell do you say when your availability is really limited after getting hired then

>> No.19520838

Btw is fast casual/fast food worth looking into?
Only reason why I don't want to do it is because I doubt I'd be cutting much of anything and I don't see how you could learn anything
Oh right, I didn't think about days off
I've never had a job before
Is this going to be a regular thing or just like a few times a month because another guy didn't show up?

>> No.19520845

Do you guys have any suggestions for appearing as desperate as possible?
Are they more receptive to people appearing desperate because they need the money and they don't care how they get it or desperate as in they desperately want a kitchen job

>> No.19520846

Just tell them you can't come in those days. Once you're hired most employers will be reluctant to just instantly fire you and will attempt to make it work after you've been there at least a few weeks. If it comes to it make up some shit about family obligations that you didn't know about when you applied, you thought you told the truth but Life happened.
Depends where you work but getting called on your days off because somebody else fucked off, or they didn't schedule enough people in the first place, or whatever is going to be like weekly or more if they think you'll do it. You don't have to though, just tell them you will up front and then maybe do it for the first few weeks or months and then just never come in on your days off anymore. Bait and switch 'em.

>> No.19520851

I only make 15k a year and I'm trying to fund a PhD.

>> No.19520856
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Ok thanks for the help

>> No.19520861

Do I need to buy my own apron?
Will it be ok if I take my fibrox cook's knife and paring knife in or will they make me use their knives?

>> No.19520869

depends where you work and don't ask them autistic shit like this until you're already hired, then you can ask if you need to bring anything for your first day

>> No.19520870

Sorry I'm pretty sure I'm undiagnosed autistic

>> No.19521023

Not if you're a white male

>> No.19521165

What is with this boomer-ass attitude towards earbuds.

>> No.19521177

Do zoomers really think it's okay to listen to music in earbuds at work? Why are they so dumb and antisocial?

>> No.19521181

Depends on the kind of work
Music can help people get into a trance which will improve morale and lead to more efficient work

>> No.19521209

>hundred degree heat
this is just R.C.I. Ruling Class Ideology. This line of thinking doesn't benefit me.

>> No.19521297

>blasts the radio at every manual job site

>> No.19521427

you just have to do a tafe course but if you're already in a kitchen it basically doesn't matter. you can even start as a dishwasher and if you can do you job while staying entirely composed they'll basically beg you to do an apprenticeship which takes 4 years. the pay gets progressively better by the year but needless to say it sucks at the start. if you're 25+ (i think) you'll get a higher pay as an apprentice and it's honestly not that bad.

>> No.19521435

>I make $18,000 a year working full time

How the fuck do you live on that wage?

>> No.19521437

Thanks for the info