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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19503125 No.19503125 [Reply] [Original]

So our generation got cucked by big Agra who convinced our parents that eating 6 to 11 servings of subsidised grains a day was vital for a growing child despite the fact that this is diet only made sense for labourers . And we got fat because of this flawed nutritional belief. Now my 6 yr old nephews are being taught that carbs are to be enjoyed moderately and that vegetables are the staple of a healthy diet. Basically low carb med diet. How did we get so cucked by private interests?

>> No.19503168

You'd have to be a moron to think frosted flakes were healthy. Lack of information is not an excuse, its obvious that shit was terrible for you.

>> No.19503173

But I was told sugary cereals were part of a balanced breakfast

>> No.19503175
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The food pyramid was known to be garbage from the moment it was first made, and everything they made afterwards is just increasingly useless colorized abstraction.
Harvard's Healthy Eating Pyramid is the only halfway decent teacher's-poster style infographic.

>> No.19503193

>red meat le bad
the problem with meat is that people overcook it, grills in particular make the meat cancerous

>> No.19503211

no one actually followed it. people think something that's half fat by calories is all carbs. you can't go out for a meal that isn't coated in oil. you can't get obese on carbs alone because de novo lipogenesis is expensive.

>> No.19503234
File: 305 KB, 600x358, trust-the-experts-c7d864dd1b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(((whole grains)))
>seed oil
>GMO'd antinutrient broccoli
>barely any meat, le spooky red meat and butter at the top
>fucking TOFU
Fuck Harvard

>> No.19503244

>grills in particular make the meat cancerous
source: dude, trust me

>> No.19503271
File: 92 KB, 578x578, food-groups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they didn't use a food pyramid in the 70's. I know because I was there. that is from the 90's

this was the proper ratio of the 4 basic food groups. when they switched to a pyramid is when people got fat.

you're cancer

>> No.19503309

>And we got fat because of this flawed nutritional belief.
Bro that's 6 slices of bread. That's not what made people fat. It's the huge amount of highly processed junk food that everyone is consuming that's making us fat.

The food pyramid tells you to limit added oil and sugar. Doing that alone would limit your junk food consumption but everyone kept eating more and more of it anyway.

Why are so many people suddenly blaming the food pyramid for everything? I never knew a single person who actually used it for anything. Highly processed junk food is addictive, low in nutrition, but high in calories, and if it's anything more than an occasional treat it's going to cause weight gain.

>> No.19503328

the food pyramid was created in the 90's. it's was a perfect diet for fattening hogs.

it doesn't matter as I have ignored whatever nutrition information the government or any other institution dishes out.

I definitely ignore any nutrition advice from here.

>> No.19503335

I just go by the four basic food groups:
luke warm

>> No.19503387

Step 1: someone on the hill, usually a rich wife or the first lady, decides to push a health or nutrition initiative for kids
Step 2: smelling easy political capital politicians rush to endorse it
Step 3: food and beverage companies offer to heavily fund it, so long as they get a say in content
Step 4: "eat less and eat better" gets warped or dropped entirely and schools teach you that if you're fat it's because you're lazy and need to run more

>> No.19503439

This is my what my "food pyramid" looks like:
1/3 carbs
1/3 proteins
1/3 fats

I'm sick of all the nutrition gaslighting...

>> No.19503503

tofu is actually really good when used properly as part of rice or meat dishes
I have no fucking idea how vegetaritards americans got a hold of it and decided it's somehow going to be a meat substitute and a core part of a dish

>> No.19503508

Goddam 11 servings of avocado sign me up

>> No.19503513

This one is just fucking confusing

>> No.19503525

Sir you are dumb

>> No.19503526

>I have no fucking idea how vegetaritards americans got a hold of it and decided it's somehow going to be a meat substitute and a core part of a dish
Aren't tofu blocks sorta like a tasteless filler loaded with protein?
I can certainly think of worse things to stuff into your food when you are stretching dollars (presuming that the tofu blocks are actually cheap). I used to add oats to some of my meats to stretch them out.

>> No.19503592
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Here's a proper food pyramid

>> No.19503608

7th day adventists have infiltrated or founded almost every single entity related to nutrition. All because a crazy lady in their church told them that she spoke with God and God told her the ultimate human diet 150 years ago. I am not even joking. They have never been able to back their claims with proper science, but that does not stop them steering the consensus through pure influence.

>> No.19503622

It still is. If you need a chart to know what to eat, to understand what you yourself as an individual needs in terms of nutrition, you have failed life.

>> No.19503624

>How did we get so cucked by private interests?
Are you serious? Our entire government is run by special interests. There is nothing that gets done without their rubber stamp, and they often times craft the legislation themselves. Part of it is natural where a politician has no fucking clue about nutrition so he searches for "experts" that can potentially profit off it, but the vast majority of it is corrupt.

>> No.19503639

>Are you serious? Our entire government is run by special interests. There is nothing that gets done without their rubber stamp, and they often times craft the legislation themselves. Part of it is natural where a politician has no fucking clue about nutrition so he searches for "experts" that can potentially profit off it, but the vast majority of it is corrupt.
I'm waiting for parts of our government to be literally operated by Gatorade. It's just a matter of time before Brawndo, I mean Gatorade, buys out the FDA.
To be fair, I currently use Gatorade to water my plants, because it has electrolytes, and plants crave electrolytes.

>> No.19503724
File: 82 KB, 600x912, JhFh7z1zJ2QdeVJC7q2qQ5pC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend reading the great plant based con. It contains some very informative chapters about where all this misinformation comes from.

>> No.19503916

yea, like 30 grams of them at beast which every retard who have attention span longer than 10 seconds and is able to check nutri score on package can check

>> No.19503950


just copy what people who lives longer eats

>> No.19504015

Is it informative or does it read like a female wrote it? Last few of these "science" books i've read written by women were just bad

>> No.19504726

>just copy what people who lives longer eats
So basically you can eat a Japanese diet, a nordic diet, a Canadian diet, a Korean diet, an aussie diet or a mediteranean diet, and live to about the same age.

>> No.19504743

>Margarine at the bottom
>butter at the top

>> No.19504946

what the fuck is a gram that some drug shit

>> No.19504952

>every country which eats whole grains has a shorter lifespan than the countries which eat those evil rEfInEd GrAiNs LiKe RiCe AnD pAsTa

>> No.19504976

I remember her. Isn't she the bitch who literally writes fiction for a living yet suddenly thinks because she did diet and climate research for a week and spoke to a few biased cherry-picked "experts" that people should give two shits and a fuck what she has to say?

>> No.19504991
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They came out with this one when I was in elementary school and even at that age I knew something was off about it. The guy running up the side to represent exercise is pretty kek though

>> No.19505000

I was going to give you a serious reply before reading through the OP post and realizing you're not American. Fuck off. Nobody cares about your opinion. You didn't "choose" the culture you live in any more than we did. The difference is that two thirds of Americans hate the same shit that other countries think is insane about the US.

>> No.19506685

>a nordic diet
It's actually based on results of Ancel Keys and Pekka Puska, modeled after Mediterranean diet to fit local food culture and presentation aped from US food pyramid with explicit purpose to get people to eat more plants and less saturated fat. Tremendous success. Cut our heart disease rates to fifth of what they were in only two decades and is the reason why we now have high life expectancy. Used to be worst in eastern-Europe, even worse than the fucking soviets

>> No.19506714

Yeah that's basically what they are. The dish Mapo Tofu uses tofu to stretch out the flavor of the meat - it's pretty good. But alone it's usually bland as hell unless it's deep fried. And pretty much anything is good deep fried.

>> No.19506777

Without a stable foundation your food structure will soon be
1/3 carbs 1/3 proteins 1/3 fats

>> No.19507696

Hello lunch lady man I'll take 1 chees, 1 grass and one orange dildo plz

>> No.19507824

The people who follow their diet are the longest living group of people in America.
Isn't that evidence enough?

>> No.19507834

I had a giggle.

>> No.19507883

>The food pyramid was known to be garbage from the moment it was first made
maybe by people who cared to do their own research but the food pyramid as taught in schools and shit and most people understandably assume what they learn in school is true

>> No.19507895

>but the food pyramid as taught in schools and shit
No kid ever cared about the food pyramid.

Are junk food companies pushing blame on the food pyramid as a distraction? It's really bizarre how common this argument has become. I've even seen people in other countries blaming the US food pyramid for the obesity problem in their country.

>> No.19508956
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>> No.19509555

Not what he said

>> No.19509557

>buy my book to learn why not to eat vegetables
Nobody can be this dumb

>> No.19509559

>red meat is bad for you

you faggots can eat shit. meanwhile i will eat ground beef, pork, steak and sausage no matter how much you raise the price. fuck you.

>> No.19509563

We saw it coming in 1969

>> No.19509571

I'm reluctant to trust anything going through the liberal controlled school systems

>> No.19509573

perhaps not a big issue in the 70s in the west but today that's a fucked chart since so many can't have dairy geneticlly

>> No.19509720

the only problem with the 1970's food pyramid is the reccomendation to eat refined starches.
If you have the option, always eat unrefined starches. They have more vitamins and minerals and fiber. They are also less calorie dense. Refined starches are basically sugar. They are still better than eating fat and meats, however.

>> No.19509734

>since so many can't have dairy geneticlly
Do you mean lactose? Cheese has most of the lactose removed. And stuff like yogurt contains bacteria that helps digest lactose too. There's also A2/goat/sheep milk which some people can tolerate better after thinking they were lactose intolerant. Not everyone can drink tons of fresh milk but most people can tolerate dairy in some form.

>> No.19509736

This is horrible.

>> No.19509753

Ah yeah I suppose so

>> No.19509783

Lmao. If you think that many animal products are healthy you are a fucking retard getting scammed by the Industry. Enjoy your cancer and Heart disease.

>> No.19509799

enjoy it? i'm counting on it. have fun living to 80 and suffering the gay technocalypse with your body falling apart. i'll be in hell cooking steaks with mephistopheles.

>> No.19509803

>with your body falling apart.
Lifestyles that cause you to die earlier don't have you go from healthy and having fun to suddenly dead. You're more likely to suffer for a while from some kind of health problem and have a reduced quality of life even before then.

>> No.19509807

sorry friendoid, my pappy dropped dead of a heart attack. one and done. im not am alcy like him and i dont smoke and i exercise but if it hits it'll be the big one. fuck if i'm gonna stop eating meat loaf because i might miss how fake and gay this all gets.

>> No.19509816

Meat > starches > v*getables

>> No.19509829

I'm not saying you have to stop eating meat. Meat is healthy in a balanced diet and it sounds like you're taking care of yourself. Just don't want people thinking they can shorten their life in some unhealthy way without affecting their quality of life before it ends.

>> No.19509834

lets say i want to prime my heart and tubes for a killer attack without the obvious bodily degradation. diets for this?

>> No.19509840 [DELETED] 

You're going to have issues from it slowly being blocked. But lots of hydrated vegetable oil I guess, the artificial trans fat from it still kills so many people every year from heart disease.

>> No.19509842

You're going to have issues from it slowly being blocked. But lots of hydrogenated vegetable oil I guess, the artificial trans fat from it still kills so many people every year from heart disease.

>> No.19509846

Yes. Read Grapes of Wrath. It's all there. Rape without passion, the machine must eat.

>> No.19509847
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>> No.19509868

You dumb fucks got fucked by your braindead parents. If you count the servings and kcal, and don't mistake starches (pyramid base) for sugars (kids breakfast cereals) or sugars mixed with oils (sweets) you'll see it provides for a proper amount of kcal and protein for both ends of activity spectrum, from sedentary tards to athletes.

>> No.19509872

since the Biden admin claimed eggs fried in butter is the most unhealthy food in existence, I've been making a concerted effort to eat them as much as possible.

>> No.19509913

Blumpf pyramid

>> No.19510097

They literally stopped using the food pyramid in like 2011.

>> No.19510373

Do you think the average guy 1970 could afford to get his calories from meat and cheese? Hell, even today many would struggle. The grain based diet was an economic necessity.

>> No.19510699

I have a vivid memory of being upset with the food pyramid in second grade because I put ice cream in the sweets when it was supposed to be in dairy and I got a point off.

>> No.19510707

What fucking mindset wrote this? In 1970 a guy with a high school diploma could buy a house and feed a family of four in a single income household

>> No.19510712


>> No.19510719

It wasn't just the meat culture in the currently post-soviet countries, but the garbage they put in it to fulfil quotas, if you had the same diet as people in the 80s in lets say poland, you would be better off due to higher food quality

>> No.19510736
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>> No.19511551

Because houses were cheap and standards lower. Like, people didn't eat expensive packaged food all the time. Or massive amounts of animal products.

>> No.19511575

Wages have not kept up with inflation. You shouldn't blame people for everything when they literally don't have as much spending power anymore.

>> No.19511588

stop trying to excuse your own personal failure chud

>> No.19511599
File: 53 KB, 1168x450, Real_Median_Personal_Income_in_the_United_States-2023-01-06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today you feel like you can't feed a family if you can't get a car for each adult and a room and a smartphone for each person.

>> No.19511617

>feeding a family involves cars and rooms

>posting a graph without explanation or context

>> No.19511647

Dumb nigger.
>you feel like you can't feed
That's the fucking point. You can still feed the family. You feel like you can't, because you can't give them a modern lifestyle.
>a graph without explanation
Which part of "Real Median personal income in 2021 adjusted dollars" do you not understand?

>> No.19511668

Took me a second

>> No.19511711
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But did you also eat five grapefruit and a dozen bran muffins?

>> No.19511723

An 80s lifestyle is a lot cheaper than a 2020s one
It's just that you now demand more
Tell me how often did your parents speak to strangers halfway across the world on the Internet?
Or fly to Europe and backpack?
Or eat artisanal imported organic royalty-free foods?
How often do people do these things now?
The cost of these things is not just found on the price tag, but also in the reduced wages