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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 583 KB, 1080x1080, weebsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19503927 No.19503927 [Reply] [Original]

Would you?

>> No.19503947
File: 25 KB, 509x411, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n-no i don't drink anymore

>> No.19503949

>not marketing as anime girl piss

>> No.19503954

would i what?? please finish your question thank you.

>> No.19504024
File: 97 KB, 256x256, 1663377326078821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Companies using anime girls in every random product they create in order to create associations with pre-existing parasocial relationships is weirdly dystopian in nature, like a scientifically calculated apex of capitalism.
They know that weebs are obsessed with 2D women and their waifus, so they exploit that pre-existing parasocial bond by attaching cute/sexy anime girls onto everything even if it has no real relevance.
But companies sometimes put furrybait stuff on their products and furries buy that shit up like hot cakes. It's just funny how a good percentage of "sex sells" products will feature a 2D anime girl or a furry. Just thought that was a funny observation.

>> No.19504121

>distilled in 2008
Mmmaaaaaybe a sip.

>> No.19504157

Are they just slapping AI generated anime girls on bottles or were those images commissioned?

>> No.19504913

But do you drink any less?

>> No.19504917

>would i what??
Would you any of those bottles?

>> No.19504938


>> No.19504949

>non chilled filtered
>cask strength
>natural color
Holy kino

>> No.19504959
File: 1.58 MB, 600x326, 1678833011291254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want me to drink your Scotch based on the label put a drunken whore on there that looks like she has a good time with that piss, not some random elf or catgirl

>> No.19505009

If it tastes good, yes
If it doesn't, no
Simple as

>> No.19505017

Fuck yeah

>> No.19505244
File: 1.23 MB, 1024x1280, 1675722494593807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hand checks out on the 1 grill, but the other is suspicious. Eyes look ok if AI, but not great? Either someone put in the work to normalize the AI images or mid artist.

>Actual AI image for reference.

>> No.19505257


>> No.19505290

It is strange and can come off sinister, you're right. Anime girl advertising makes me avoid the product because I assume it's chinkshit.

>> No.19505302

No because appealing to weeaboos via their cocks is a sure sign that a product is shit. That's how it is with video games and anime so why would it be any different for booze?

>> No.19505345

I'm a sucker for "fancy" (i.e. marketed) booze and also a sucker for anime girls, I'm probably the core target audience of this. So yes, yes I would.

>> No.19505870

it's alcoholic so yes i would drink it

>> No.19505950

i buy products with cute anime girls stamped on it to reinforce this behaviour

>> No.19505958

AI doesn't automatically mean messed up hands, even without post editing

>> No.19505962


What do anime girls have to do with whisky, it's like they're saying "hey dumb coomer, here's porn so you'll buy our product, dumb fag"

>> No.19506277

>"hey dumb coomer, here's porn so you'll buy our product, dumb fag"
Yes, I'll take a few for the novelty, thanks.

>> No.19506283

>like a scientifically calculated apex of capitalism
Reminds me of Raytheon representation at gay parades. Like fucking hell dude these people make the bombs that are dropped on middle eastern children.

>> No.19506358

Shut the fuck up nerd

>> No.19506393

The concept of novelty is why 4chan exists, and you can browse this place for free.

There's even a board for anime, for free. Anime porn too, which they can't even show on whiskey bottles.

>> No.19506416

Right, but I want a cute anime girl on a whisky bottle. That is a product I desire to consume.

>> No.19506432

I am sorry but this doesn't make any sense, please reformulate your question and try again.

>> No.19506457

>weirdly dystopian in nature, like a scientifically calculated apex of capitalism.
Yeah we need the heckin' socialism to save the artistic integrity of the waifus. Shut up before I stuff you in a locker, nerd.

>> No.19506463

No because it probably tastes like shit
Id drink a neko twink whiskey though

>> No.19506470

is this legit? I was literally touring their distillery 2 weeks ago and didn’t see this shit. would have picked up a bottle.

>> No.19506598

I feel like they got the images mixed up.

>> No.19506641

Better anime girls than trannies or niggers, I'd buy that whiskey.

>> No.19506646

They could have at least made the catgirl a Scottish fold or Scottish wildcat. I'd assume the elf/maybe-dragon girl is supposed to be either a beithir or the Loch Ness monster as a monstergirl?

>> No.19506647

Does it taste like their piss?

>> No.19506649

dont all the trannies have anime girl profile pictures though

>> No.19506656

cuteeeee of course i want all that

>> No.19506944

Haven't they been doing this in Japan for literal decades?

>> No.19506966

that's just because they want to ruin anime for the rest of us

>> No.19507450
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Gonna need more examples

>> No.19507459


drinking for novelty reasons like this is how you become an alcoholic

>> No.19507508

Yeah, only children, otaku and weeb foreigners eat that shit up.

>> No.19507528

I don't want trannies having anything to do with my whisky, if you give me this whisky for free even, even if you pay me, I'd pour it down the sewer

>> No.19507578
File: 916 KB, 1080x2434, 1672731180949058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ck/ was pretty amusing after the whole Arby's thing.

>> No.19508381

Yes. Where can I purchase this?

>> No.19508731
File: 165 KB, 675x1200, D11F77CF-2B56-4657-8E23-8F89537A4DF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scottish are of the real souls of the world

>> No.19508738

Shouldn't they be pro-roastie?

>> No.19508992

>slap anime girl on trash whisky
>goes from $50 a bottle to $80 a bottle

>Companies using anime girls in every random product they create in order to create associations with pre-existing parasocial relationships is weird
hate to burst your bubble, but its been a thing in asia for like 30 years now

>> No.19509004

yeah, whiskey is the only thing I look forward to anymore

>> No.19509055

time for bed grandpa

>> No.19509136

>"hey dumb coomer, here's porn so you'll buy our product, dumb fag"
there's a massive amount of vidya on steam with that exact premise, and they eat it up
if i ever saw OP's image in someone's house i would do a 360 and walk away, and let everyone we know they might be a pedophile.

>> No.19509451

No for 2 reasons, firstly i'm not really into whisky and secondly I fear that may be vtuber shit, I know there was one sake made by one of the vtubers so this might be the same, I don't want to financially support that shit, unless it was crunchy hime.

>> No.19509454

I feel like you're going to risk falling afoul of various advertising standards in different nations doing that.

>> No.19509459

Actually looking it up now they are looking at new alcohol advertising restrictions in scotland, although not anything that would strictly affect those bottles I think

>> No.19509465

only terminally online people use this word

>> No.19509471

Lamy's sake, maybe. Not scotch.

>> No.19509503

Kinda mid anime girls desu

>> No.19509577

Probably not. I hate decorative bottles of booze.

>> No.19510295

Yes. Whisky is good. Cask strength is better. Waifus are best.

>> No.19510314

seething weebshits replying to you confirm you correct

>> No.19510413

Bros... BRAND is just like me... brb gonna pick up some Arby's and FEAST nocap

>> No.19510437

Japan has been doing it for 50 years and you pissed and cummed over how "amazing" it was.

>> No.19510537

If it was japanese whiskey, even if a lot of cheap japanese whiskey is actually just scotch, it would at least make sense, but scottish whiskey from scotland with anime girls is just tacky.

>> No.19510837

your idea of "capitalism" is a vague undefined boogeyman. marketing and propaganda have forever been entwined like siamese twins, and it's states who have built all the real estate of that brand of mass psychological manipuation. capital investment is of no direct relevance to the colossal monster you're struggling to describe.

>> No.19510847

anime girl games are hit-or-miss, it's the stronk lesbian waman games that are universally shit.

>> No.19510851

if it's cheap and doesn't taste like complete as, sure

>> No.19510898

Probably wouldn't pay a premium for it but I'd get a bottle for shits and giggles if it's decent.

>> No.19510907

You'd think this would be common knowledge and everyone would be privy to corps doing this predatory shit(ie priDE MONth), but no, they are literal consumers who will develop alcoholism cause their waifu is on a bottle.

>> No.19510962
File: 173 KB, 1019x786, lamys-sake-won-a-bronze-medal-at-iwc2022-the-international-v0-yplpruwzrf091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtuber flavored sake won bronze in a blind sake competition out of 1400 entries

>> No.19510970

>telling a fucking brand to credit the artist
Twittards have zero brains whatsoever. Just empty skulls

>> No.19511033
File: 17 KB, 366x286, i wan fog dat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw this would work on me but they never ever use the anime bitches I like
Checkmate capitalists.

>> No.19511254

You are capitalist

>> No.19511378

Damn, imagine if vtubers could do something fucking useful for society instead of make alcohol and steal wealth.

>> No.19511473

I fucking hate whiskey, so no.

Once threw out a bottle of stupidly expensive Jap whiskey (600€ retail) because whiskey is shit.

>> No.19511857

no because I am not a pedohpile and therefore couldn't care less about drawings of children

>> No.19511864

i would never drink jap whisky. whiskey is a british or american thing.

>> No.19511871

based post

>> No.19512183

There's no way I wouldn't drink an indie CS bottling just because it has an anime label.
I'm more concerned at the lack of distillery on the label (the highland park one is fine I guess).

Anyway yea, have drank animu whiskies at conventions.

>> No.19512196

I think that only matters if they're trying to shill an inferior product. These aren't that.
Even the Diageo distilleries are fairly honest with their marketing bottles. GoT Clynleish was tops.

>> No.19512206

If the whiskey was good and the girls didn't look like they were the first two things an AI generator shat out

>> No.19512207

You're not allowed to know.
My last purchased indie CS bottlings were 60-85 USD (90-125 AUD).
Do you buy blind?

>> No.19512234

It's an independent bottling. Yes it's legit, the spirit was purchased from the distillery. But then it was aged and bottled elsewhere.
You're basically better off buying independent bottlings exclusively if you're in that price bracket.
This thread has too many anime fans and not enough whisky fans.

>> No.19513728

One managed to get $10,000 out of me, that's good because I would have spent it on drugs.

>> No.19513960
File: 27 KB, 253x368, weeb booze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this?

>> No.19514026

They provide a necessary outlet for sad worthless people. These people don’t start being productive members of society when you remove their vices. They become angry sociopaths.

>> No.19514030

Make it cumin cider and I’ll buy it

>> No.19514034

I can see where people are getting the idea they look a bit AI like but surely nobody would do that right, if you're gonna go to the effort of doing that you would have to be using a real artist surely

>> No.19514044

AI proved how anime is peak artslop

>> No.19514063

Slap some anime tiddies on a bottle of piss colored poison, see... now it's good!

>> No.19514112

would I drink great award winning scotch? yes

>> No.19514116

Reeeee! Don't invalidate my favorite type of art!!11

>> No.19514136
File: 1020 KB, 5844x3896, a31165617510e376345d4e7bd2404e45-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weirdly enough almost all youtube/twitch merch is just relabeled cheap product, like kitchen knives or shirts or whatever, they just buy bulk and put a print on it, BUT vtuber alcohol is unironically the exception, it's made from the bottom up in direct association with the vtuber with input from them, and the one I looked into a while back won some serious sake(or was it whiskey?) competitions and did extremely well in blind tests. so it might be one of the only products appealing to fans as primary marketing that isn't pure exploitation that I've ever seen.

>> No.19514963
File: 64 KB, 460x432, 1689806586088104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would pretend it was the best whiskey in the world.

>> No.19515014

4chan users discover generationally relevant advertising - more at 11