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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19489804 No.19489804 [Reply] [Original]

Food Atlas have declared the top 50 cuisines in the world

>> No.19489813

>England anywhere on the list
this makes me skeptical

>> No.19489816

>gayreeks 2nd

>> No.19489818

>actually using the retarded "Turkiyjiyeie" shit

>> No.19489825

the the fuck is american cuisine? that's not a thing, america just has versions of other nations cuisines and sometimes congealed bodyhorror of their own

>> No.19489826

50 countries is a lot

>> No.19489829

BBQ, cajun food, creole food, Boston baked beans, horseshoe sandwiches, fried tenderloin sandwiches, loose meat sandwiches, Tex-Mex.

>> No.19489833

>Japan: 4
stopped reading here

>> No.19489840

This is a European tourist gimmick

Everyone knows the best food comes from Uruguay

>> No.19489860

This. It should be at least 2.

>> No.19489864 [DELETED] 

> US ranking higher than France, China, Thailand and Korea
> England bring on the list

>> No.19489930
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every year, taste shatlas publishes their bot-spammed top 50's, not because they believe it, but rather because they have long realised that the inevitable controversies and raging will ensure maximum exposure for the website for the following weeks.
Get ready to see this image spammed here and on every other website, and news sites jumping at the chance to make " France ranked below US in food survey sparks outrage online" for the 8th consecutive time.

>> No.19489941
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>> No.19489949

exactly...hence why Algeria is even on this list...but of course no mention of Morocco, which arguably has the most famous and best cuisine of the African continent. Given that there is a famous internet feud going on between Algerians and Moroccans (literal retards who prefer infighting and accuse each other of ''cultural thieving'' when these fags used to be the same people 2-3 centuries ago...). Anyways, what you're saying is 100% in line with putting Algeria in but not Morocco when discussing cuisine. They do it to rage bait and create engagement.

>> No.19489958

It shouldn't even be on the chart, weeb. Unseasoned fish and rice is literally babby food
>USA above china
>Spain above china
>japan above china

>> No.19489962

Yes. Europeans think the USA has better food than France. That's why we go on holiday to New York and Disneyland. For the food. Take your meds.

>> No.19489976

My top 5 matches this list, how fun

>> No.19490429


>> No.19490527

>India no.5
What a load of shit...

>> No.19490558

this list is hilarious

>> No.19490573

I love it when people who've never actually been here get offended and confused when they find out americans don't actually eat big macs and cotton candy three meals a day every day

>> No.19490602

how is brazil so high

>> No.19490631

>It shouldn't even be on the chart, weeb. Unseasoned fish and rice is literally babby food
Exactly doofus, that's what I was complaining about

>> No.19490638

american cuisine is everything and it should be number 1. USA has more top resturaunts than the rest of the list combined and you can get cheap quality versions of everything else.

>> No.19490642

Let me fix it with the objective top 10.

>1. France
>2. China
>3. Italy
>4. India
>5. Mexico
>6. Thailand
>7. Spain
>8. Malaysia
>9. Greece
>10. Turkey

Do not bother replying.

>> No.19490739
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You mean this isn't accurate?

>> No.19490747

We don't care about your bullshit propaganda go raise money for Ukraine somewhere else

>> No.19490782

Damn, foreigners really can't stop thinking about America..

>> No.19490792

Those don't count. Nothing from America counts. Only foods from [my country] count. Meat, beans, and so forth exist in other countries, ergo they aren't allowed to be used in American cooking. Cincinnati Chili doesn't count because it was developed by guys who immigrated from Greece, ergo it isn't American except for when I want to hate on it, in which case it temporarily becomes American because "American" and "bad" are inseparable terms in my mind. Also, I only hold America to these standards. I accept ramen as a Japanese dish, for instance.

>> No.19490795

Mexico can objectively never place above the US when TexMec basically mogs anything they've ever produced.

Prove me wrong. The best "Mexican" food in the world isn't even from their own country.

>> No.19490810

What even is Spanish food?

>> No.19490816


>> No.19490827

>Spain and Greece anywhere in top 5
At that point it can't be anything but bait

>> No.19490963

Sorry I meant to reply to the guy that replied to you

>> No.19490976
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>> No.19490991

The fact that France, Japan, and the US aren't the top three confirms you're a faggot

>> No.19491004 [DELETED] 
File: 2.95 MB, 206x360, China dog show.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. China
reminder Chinese torture then boil dogs alive in "gutter oil" made out of human waste
i stand to get banned for posting a Chinese food festival because its so horrific (despite being shown on the BBC as a family friendly travel documentary)

>> No.19491012

China should
Not be anywhere that close to the top but generally the list is correct yes. Remove China and put the US as number 10

>> No.19491013

I just spent two weeks in china and went to fucksville places in the middle of nowhere. You have to go out of your way to find places like you posted. You're just racist

>> No.19491019

China has the second richest culinary history in the world (first is the fertile crescent). During my time in china I couldn't find any places where the food wasn't delicious. It should be close to the top

>> No.19491036

>You're just racist
Fuck off chink

>> No.19491039 [DELETED] 
File: 251 KB, 415x311, Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 15-43-02 mexicans are nothing more the loincloth wearing tribal bush people - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. The best "Mexican" food in the world isn't even from their own country.
Mexico the territory and Mexicans the people are two different things. Native "mexicans" are noting more the loin cloth wearing tribal bush people, the Mexicans that built the country were just Spaniards. And any dish that came out of that region really is a mix of Spanish/French/Portuguese and British explorers and settlers who made the best of what they had out of local ingredients
Non of that came from mexican natives so non of that is "Mexican food"

>> No.19491042

Your moms fertile crescent has a rich history. Redditor

>> No.19491048

I'm white

>> No.19491056

This is true, but its easier to say mexican food.

>> No.19491064

The Real List should be Tiered
Creme de la Creme:
U.S.A, Italy, France, Spain, Greece
A List: Turkey, China with Sichuan, India, Iran, Indochina
B List: Anything East of the Rhine and West of the Urals, Japan, Latin America, Non-Christian Mediterranean, Jewish, Non-American Anglosphere
C List: Indonesian, Ethiopian, Jamaican,
D List: China excluding Sichuan
F List: Icelandic, Peruvian

>> No.19491071

>japan over china
weeb list

>> No.19491081 [DELETED] 
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>You have to go out of your way to find places like you posted
yea Mainland China is out of the way because there is no reason to leave Beijing or Taiwan

>> No.19491179

The pic you posted is in chongqing. I went there. It was the only place where I couldn't handle how spicy the food was. The hot pot was so red it was almost glowing. Shit looked like magma

>> No.19491230

You’re a fucking faggot dude

>> No.19491296

Alex Atala is a hunk with a story. He makes Cosmopolitan readers worldwide tremble and queef.
Anybody know who they think are the USA's top chefs apart from Keller?

>> No.19491300

You're a picky eater who can't eat chinese food. Stick to your tater tot casserole

>> No.19491572

Mommy gutter oil

>> No.19491575

Anon, I…

>> No.19491591

obviously inaccurate, we wouldn't call it 1 meter, just XL

>> No.19491655 [DELETED] 
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>Stick to your tater tot casserole
you say that like a insult but tot casserole is good it made right.
Chinese food is nigger tier, they don't even clean their shrimp.
have a nice hotpot full of shrimp heads, fish bones and scales
and you retards are all "uwu so exotic and cultured"

>> No.19491749

New Orleans here, black people don’t actually cook like that here. It’s all very good but this crazy bullshit this dude is doing is clearly for clout.

>> No.19491831
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>you say that like a insult but tot casserole is good it made right.
>and this webm to boot
>uwu so exotic and cultured
It's not exotic. It's just normal food. You only think it's exotic because you're a racist flyover nigger
Pic related is chicken dry pot I had in guangzhou

>> No.19491965 [DELETED] 

>It's not exotic.
you're right its chicken feet so my point stands that its nigger tier
the rest of the world considers that trash not food

>> No.19491992

FYI Top 50 is more than half of the list
Norwegian is at the bottom at Num. 95(3.58)

>> No.19492166

>the rest of the world
You mean midwesterners, lol. You fags can't handle anything other than chicken breast, burgers, and pork loin

>> No.19492226

Indian food is all poor people slop with the same ingredients in different ratios. Butter chicken yeah its good. But as a whole Indian food fucking sucks.

>> No.19492236

>Greece #2
What makes their cuisine that good. The only Greek food that is good and popular is gyros.

>> No.19492279

Greek food is trash. Who made this list?

>> No.19492399


>> No.19492476 [DELETED] 
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You mean humans given the option to eat anything other then what the slave masters considered less then trash and humiliating to eat

>> No.19492624

i'd love north african cuisine if they stopped adding dried fruit fucking everywhere

>> No.19492628

french food is unironically so underrated

>> No.19492634

This. And Mexico.

>> No.19493660

Moussaka is nice, I like it. Not 2nd best food in the world tier, but nice sloppa.
Tzatsiki is a pleasant dip, again won't rock your world but easy to make and fairly versatile in application.
Can't think of much else, it's a Mediterranean culture so they have lots of identical dishes to other meds that they try to claim for themselves like stuffed vine leafs and such, but every other med country claims their specific variation came first and others copied, so in reality no one knows.

>> No.19493689

>france sneaks into the top 10
coasting on "reputation" which is an irl forced meme, french food is complete dogshit. biggest grift in history

>> No.19493867

more like tasteass awards 2022

>> No.19493882

>country based and not culture based
these should only be done by people who actually eat food

>> No.19493899
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>England made it on the list but Scotland didn’t

What a load of shite. We have some of the best seafood in the world.

>> No.19493923

Scotland is part of England though

>> No.19493925

It isn’t. Scotland is part of the United Kingdom. It is a separate country.

>> No.19493926

england is the meme standard of shitty cuisine but it's really not that bad, they have some good stuff

>> No.19493933

best because of locality or with how you prepare them specifically?

>> No.19493958

no it isn't, it's a region of the same country. you must be one of those scottish national socialists

>> No.19493964

>Greece #2
>India #5

>> No.19494615

way too many thirdy countries on that list

>> No.19494640

fucking breakfast, motherfucker!

>> No.19494641
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>> No.19494653

>spend two weeks somewhere
>simp for it the rest of your life
china’s tourism board doing some heavy lifting for their awful (and deserved) reputation

>> No.19494656

Authentic Chinese food is so terrible they had to resort to numbing their mouths to eat it. American Chinese mogs authentic, just like the American version of any country’s cuisine. We just do it better.

>> No.19494769

What do the native Mexicans eat, then?

>> No.19494916

This list is anti-semitic as fuck

>> No.19495340

>Authentic Chinese food is so terrible they had to resort to numbing their mouths to eat it.
lol but no. the mouth numbing spices with other spicyness and other flavors tastes pretty good. I dont think those are terrible. the way it is made isnt giving me third world rotten meat vibes.

>> No.19495405
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>we made it in the top 50
>as a last place

>> No.19495605 [DELETED] 

corn, beans, fish, each other

>> No.19495784

i heard they eat their own daughters lol

>> No.19495850

>being proud of being a picky eater

>> No.19495939

>mostly apples and dairy, so incredibly healthy
not the insult you think it is bud

>> No.19496332 [DELETED] 
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>being proud of being a trash scavenger

>> No.19496347

tater tot casserole sounds like a real treat
t. chinkanadian

>> No.19496444

Where is Israel?

>> No.19496589

>fresh feet from a freshly slaughtered chicken is the same as shit taken from the literal dumpster
You eat meat that was raised and slaughtered hundreds of miles from your home, then preserved using laboratory techniques that were not possible even 100 years ago. The produce you eat has been kept in a state of artificially suspended unripeness for months before it arrived in your grocery store. Meanwhile the average chinese person eats produced picked the same day the bought it and freshly butchered pig and chicken. They eat every part of the animal to get the maximum nutrition out of it. You only eat chicken breast and pork loin because you masters don't want you properly nourished
Your diet and aversion to the diets of chinese people is a result of jewish propaganda and brainwashing. You are a product of that propaganda. There are no jews in china

>> No.19496600

I want to kick the living shit out of anyone involved with making this. Why is fucking indonesia or syria on here but Canada isn't?

>> No.19496611

Sadly it's in all of those countries

>> No.19496648 [DELETED] 
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>fresh feet from a freshly slaughtered chicken
bro they "clean" those chicken feet with their mouths
at least they wore gloves

>> No.19496664

how is any 3rd world country on the list? isn't this referring to fine dining?

>> No.19496668

are you me?

>> No.19496699
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>England over Thailand

>> No.19496751

I don’t think the spanish invented tortillas, which is the staple food in mexico.
And you can also apply that logic to americans.

>> No.19496761

You've moved the goalposts
Also you're a good goyim

>> No.19496773 [DELETED] 

>I don’t think the spanish invented tortillas
no their half bred rape babies did but any intelligence they inherited came from the Spanish

>> No.19496781

I'm white. Enjoy your GMO factory-preserved ectobroccoli and chicken breast

>> No.19496790 [DELETED] 

>Also you're a good goyim
for eating kosher?

>> No.19496791

>stuffed vine leaves?! Are you trying to take me for a ride? What am I a peasant or a busy executive.
I’d rather have an honest British kebab.

>> No.19496793

Get some reading comprehension, nigger

>> No.19496802

But Spain is so underrated, people only know paella and it's not even the original (guiris eat arroz con cosas), it should be #1.

>> No.19496816

Thinking about it you are right, american food is just other countries food with a little twist since it wasn’t invented by native americans.

>> No.19496877 [DELETED] 

i'm going to need you to explain yourself because you're calling me a goyim(jew cattle) for eating Kosher(jew chosen food reserved for the chosen people)

>> No.19497128

Real Chinese food is like tendons and shit. I fear the person with the palette that would rate that #2

>> No.19497203
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>India #5
>Mexico #6
This list was made by a brown American

>> No.19497214


>> No.19497252

Yeah, I know burgers have cuisine but is it really fair to rate it higher than France?

>> No.19497807

I don't understand how Taiwan is multiple tiers below China,Japan,Korea when they share the exact same shit

>> No.19497996

>raw food

>> No.19498001

spain should be on top of mexico since we civilized those fuckers

>> No.19498004

Taiwan is far superior to Jpan or Korean food

>> No.19498007

Argentina should be above brazil and germany... the best asado is from argentina which brasileiros learnt from. What's even german food? sausages? Argentina has them as well but at least they put chimichurri on them unlike germans who eat them with nothing

>> No.19498140

most educated latino

>> No.19498425

They put curry on them chuds

>> No.19498669

>India at 5th place even though their cuisine consists of rotten meat with random spices shoved in there to hide how disgusting it is
>China 11th, chinese cuisine being random friend dough stuff and rice

>> No.19499012

Japanese food is either 80% rice, involves stock cubes, or both. Fucking lmao

>> No.19499030

>26. Georgia
This bullshit is being overlooked, Georgian and Caucasian food as a whole is amazing.

>> No.19499181

>NOOOO why isn't my capitalist paradise country in the top spots
>WTF why are hindus/mexicans with their masterful use of spices so far up
>WTF why are the meds with their temperate climates aptly using simple concepts with superior produce so far up
>WTF why are the japs/chinese with their minimalistic multiple layered courses, diverse use of oils and fermented foods so far up

>> No.19499187

>diverse use of oils
Are you a CEO?

>> No.19499190

China is 11th

America is 8th

>> No.19499285

I fucking look like this and I fucking talk like this, motherfucker.

>> No.19499427


I don't even know what is our cuisine.

>> No.19499451

>13 lines until a white country is mentioned
wow, embarrassing

>> No.19499454

>1: Italy

Shit list

>> No.19500272

The UK has amazing dishes and world famous chefs. Hell roast chicken and beef Wellington are staples of british culture.
Custard is British, we have rhubarb pie, treacle tart, Chelsea buns and so forth.

>> No.19500282

potatoes, bear, and gypsy stews

>> No.19500293

Wow italy carbs carbs and salty meat yum WOW 20 dollar pasta amazeballs and the sauce is not that good because it has a low taste ceiling its just poor people food great WOW TOMATO italians eere not considered whites in america for good reason they are dumb bad and eat cheese salty meat loyd of carbs and have one vegetable: salad

>> No.19500349

americans will verbally lynch you if you call italians non-white. t. italian american

>> No.19500485

>India #5
>China #11, Taiwan #45
>USA #8
>Canada not even on the list

>> No.19500837

Wrong and racist desu

>> No.19501015

>France at 9
I hate frogs, but anyone who knows shit about cooking would know that french cuisine is objectively at least in the top 3, for importance, complexity, variety, etc.

>> No.19501031

>Peru, Brazil, and Poland over Germany, Indonesia, Korea, and Vietnam

>> No.19501157
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>Straya not on the list
>England is

>> No.19501162

Get better taste

>> No.19501177

If this was real France and Japan would tie for number 1 and the US would get second and third place because you can't fit all of the US into one spot
It's not real

>> No.19501411

>italy 1st
>Spain 3rd
>somehow Argentina is in 18th
Can someone explain, Argentina is basically just Spain and italy combined so how is it 18th? We have literally their best foods on top of our own stuff+having some of the best in the world

>> No.19501414

Best (beef) in the world

>> No.19502028

America should have been by state, not the entire nation, no way South Dakota cooking up better shit than France.

>> No.19502123

>Lebanon that low
>Romania that high